Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

k0d3rrr wrote:

Guys…? Why is the topic filling up with fog? I can't see anything.
I know why…

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

I want everyone to have an equal chance of making the banner, I don't want to be the only one.

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

I want everyone to have an equal chance of making the banner, I don't want to be the only one.
knowing that i'll end up procrastinating on doing it by myself… k0d3rrr?

(blinkie and stamp by max dimo)
highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)
hi i like dave and bambi
certifed recurser fan(atic) since 2023 (specifically march-april)
i also play xanje!

full user, abbreviated, potassium/kalium/kal and rand(u) are my preferred nicknames. full user and abbreviated refer to my actual user. they aren't separate.

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, that's the part i'm mainly replying too.

as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

I want everyone to have an equal chance of making the banner, I don't want to be the only one.
knowing that i'll end up procrastinating on doing it by myself… k0d3rrr?
We should not be forcing him though. Let him take his time.

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
500+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

k0d3rrr wrote:

Subtopic that is unofficial, the 20th: Do your OCs have any quotes they would like to say? (The quotes can be silly, inspirational, or random, but they must follow the Community Guidelines.)
*rises from inactivity* oh boy oh boy!!!!! lets see if I remmeber any of my critters

G: “I’m a living scribble!”
Spirambi: *rabid noises*
Bambaloney: “You gotta do what pays the rent.”

Crye: “OOPS! Ha-ha-ha-haaaaaa- (glitched laughing) your FILES have been ENCRYPTED!
Lynn: “You are AWESOME! You should live a good life, and be happy, and do good things, and feel good about yourself, and… and… YOU’RE AWESOME!”
Disco: “wanna get clocked on the head with a giant ultrasonic hammer”
Mono Alert: “Hello! How may I be of assistance?”
Anti: “You have been labeled as a threat and need to be terminated. We apologize for the inconvenience!”
Circuit: “it’s too early for this. someone get me coffee.”
Volt: “I promise I’m not gonna zap you with 400 kilovolts of electricity! The other times I did it were accidents!”

Theo: “Welcome to the Domegemegrottebyte Hotel, the biggest digital hotel on the digital realm. Please enjoy your stay.”
Text: *the word “HI” in big bold text is on their ‘face’*
Atilla: “I love planes!”

Akaros: “I’m a certified Seer, Potions Master, Healer, in combat I specialize in offensive concoctions against opponents, and I also like playing the electric guitar!”
Boragos: “If you want to keep your head, start talking and everything will go smoothly. Understand?”
Sunados: “Bora is WAY to serious sometimes… like bro some dude snuck up behind him and tried to steal his stuff and Bora literally grabbed him by the face and slammed him to the ground (the ground literally SHOOK) and started interrogating him- like okay yeah that dude was gonna rob him but he did NOT need to break all of his bones like that!!! Chill bro!!!”
The Caretaker: “Do not worry, child! I will watch over you and ensure your safety- you shall not be harmed!”
Name TBD: “Howzabout I commit a little tomfoolery on you pitiful mortals?”
Maker Father: “Surely you wouldn’t mind if I stole your limbs for myself, yes?”

McDonald’s Guy: “i hate my job”
Uber Guy: “I’ll get you there in 2 seconds flat. Extra cost for instant.”
Multidimensional Bartender Guy: “You show your customers that you’ve been cleaning one mug the entire day and they assume all of the mugs are clean! Ha!”

Bam-bit: “wanna see my top score on pac-man”
Tina: “Wait, so the sky isn’t on the ground? Huh! I mean, I HAVE been living upside down my entire life…”
Bitzen-Pieceze: “hi my-y-y-y- (garbled noise) bitzen-pieceze and i-i-i just wanted to say that *turns into windows 1.0 BSOD, complete with noise!*”
Spoingle: “im silly! im silly! im silly! im *runs into wall*”
E-22: *stares at you*
(garbled gibberish): (garbled gibberish)
Acro: “I like Halloween! The stereotype with spiders is a little bit hurtful, though…”
that guy: “hi my names that guy and im cool”
Sussyamongusphobia: *insert extratone spamtrack here*
Cotyn: “Hey- need a hug?”
Talia: *raptor screech*
Unnamed Traffic Guy: “HEY! NO SPEEDING!”
Unnamed Car Lizard: “keh-heh-heh-heh… shazoom”
Unnamed diseased guy: “OUUURRAGGGGGHHH HELP”
Boingus Floingus: *waves*

Bandan: “Are you surprised by the state of this room? Of the people living here? Don’t be. She’s made it like this for a reason. Made US like this for a reason. What did you think she did with the rejects- simply forget them?”
Pyreflame: “m-m-mmmeeeeellllllTIIIIIINNNNGGGGG..…….helphelphelphelphelphelpHELPHELPHELPHELP”
Snowflake: “ im so cold. . . . . . . .

Last edited by skekanatat (May 20, 2024 22:02:09)

1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

Lark_TheCarneline wrote:

No. Expunged’s true form is their TRUE FORM. A true form doesn’t change.
Can someone hit me on the head with a DnB bible, I've grown old.
I don't have that book, unfortunately. However, I do have The Encyclopedia of All Things Related to Dave and Bambi, written and signed by the famous duo.

Subtopic that is unofficial, the 20th: Do your OCs have any quotes they would like to say? (The quotes can be silly, inspirational, or random, but they must follow the Community Guidelines.)
Let's check from my children, shall we?

Shila : “If you're reading this…Can you tell me where Euclid is?”
Lila : “Ugh…I need more lemon bread!”
Daksh: “Admittedly, you'll find toxic people everywhere. Don't let them bring you down to their level”
Tanya: *Confused ladki*
Rachael : “Never give up on your dreams! Reach for the stars! You are the one! You are the star to my moon and I love you!”
Adilet : “Excuse my sister, but yeah! Don't give up on yourself!”
Curie : “I wonder why my name is even ‘Curium’ to begin with when I'm just a silly singer and the grasshopper of the spring”
San-The : “Where did my chrysanthemum flower bouquet go?”
Kris : “Does everyone know I'm not actually evil unless you trigger my anger issues?”
Erudite : “Knowledge is very important. As Nelson Mandela once said ‘Education is the key to unlock the golden doors of freedom’”
RJ : “Bleh! Who needs only book smarts when you can have street smarts as well?”
I forgot Recreator! He has something to say.
“No matter what happens, I will be there for you. We can go through this together… You're valid and loved”

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

Dave's voice was so well done in this that I felt entranced and fell in love with it..
This was exactly what I wanted…Now I'm getting flashbacks to 2022 when the popularity was increasing.

I wish I could relive those times.

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

Bambi rickrolls you EXCEPT IT'S GOODDDD??

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
100+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic


Expunged Fictionkin
ur local silly autistic chaos creature
Dave and Bambi fanatic
‘ ‘ You press 7? Never come back again.’ ’ -Expunged
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

Lark_TheCarneline wrote:

previous page

(highlight then shift + down for bio)

haiii! i'm tanner/monika :3
bi femboy
in a lot of game fandoms
i draw and sing
i am a bit silly :3
38 posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

random lazy thing for banner: every character is recurser and binary, including clones, and everything is black and white

(._. ::motion)
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

Alright fine!
I'm gonna make the banner. Looks like I'm the official artist to make the banners

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

-Sodium_Test- wrote:

random lazy thing for banner: every character is recurser and binary, including clones, and everything is black and white
Adding on to this post: Include everyone's Recursersonas, not just Binary.

Last edited by k0d3rrr (May 22, 2024 07:12:58)

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

k0d3rrr wrote:

-Sodium_Test- wrote:

random lazy thing for banner: every character is recurser and binary, including clones, and everything is black and white
Adding on to this post: Include everyone's Recursersonas, not just Binary.
*Looks at Recreator, who is busy hugging Dave plushies*
Wait do I have to DRAW the banner or use images like the previous one? I thought this was supposed to be Recurser only..

Last edited by -RobinJasmine- (May 22, 2024 07:14:42)

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

k0d3rrr wrote:

-Sodium_Test- wrote:

random lazy thing for banner: every character is recurser and binary, including clones, and everything is black and white
Adding on to this post: Include everyone's Recursersonas, not just Binary.
*Looks at Recreator, who is busy hugging Dave plushies*
Wait do I have to DRAW the banner or use images like the previous one? I thought this was supposed to be Recurser only..
could just be images, but i would like binary and recurser to be drawn for the banner atleast

petition to call a group of recursersonas a recursion

(blinkie and stamp by max dimo)
highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)
hi i like dave and bambi
certifed recurser fan(atic) since 2023 (specifically march-april)
i also play xanje!

full user, abbreviated, potassium/kalium/kal and rand(u) are my preferred nicknames. full user and abbreviated refer to my actual user. they aren't separate.

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, that's the part i'm mainly replying too.

as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

petition to call a group of recursersonas a recursion

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

k0d3rrr wrote:

Scratchbeginner5669 wrote:

petition to call a group of recursersonas a recursion

Recreator officially approves this petition

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

Dave and Muko have some fun with chemicals. Looks like they had too much fun.
Video by JOEhuh02

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

My Muko headcanons!!
1. He is almost 40 years old
2. Drinks beer on special occasions
3. Last name is Kawasaki
4. Japanese descent
5. Dave's colleague and a senior scientist
6. Treats Dave like a younger brother and tries to increase his confidence

Blinkie by MAX DIMO!

Rachel || She/her || Teenager || Indian || Fiction-hearted/Synpath

I love to draw cartoons and stuff like that. I also like to write stories, that I have to work on. My mascot is Kris, a self-aware AI chatbot that's kinda an Expunged rip-off /hj
I'm totally not a crazy Dave Algebra Class fangirl, please
I also like being on forums posting on whatever topics I have interest in. I'm mainly found fooling around here.
Also, feel free to check out my stuff. It's not the best, sure, but I'm trying! I make drawings, comics and even memes!
I love stories and fandoms! My favorites are Dave and Bambi, Archie Comics, The Mandala Purana series, Balan Wonderworld, Nights into Dreams and I also love KatiE18729's OCs!!
Say, why not stick around? Don't worry! I won't hurt ya
OK…I gots to goes!! See ya soon!
1000+ posts

The Dave and Bambi Topic

-RobinJasmine- wrote:

My Muko headcanons!!
3. Last name is Kawasaki
is he good at making food

(highlight then shift + down for bio)

haiii! i'm tanner/monika :3
bi femboy
in a lot of game fandoms
i draw and sing
i am a bit silly :3

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