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Diacap - my own board game!

I made up a board game, called Diacap!
It takes place on a 4x4 grid,

1 2 3 4
A _|_|_|_
B _|_|_|_
C _|_|_|_
D | | |

It is a 2 player game, one player starts on B1, the other starts on C4. Then you decide who goes first.
The movement is simple, you can move 1 space, but not diagonally, but when the other player is 1 space diagonally away from you, you can move diagonally move to attack them, then you win!
It is very simple, and inspired a bit by chess and checkers.

define idiot :: more blocks
this is my signature if you don't know, someone got confused

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