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500+ posts

Completed Myth Storyline Days

“Hey, Mythians!” Moss calls you over.
She pulls from her bag seven fist-sized glass fragments—pieces of the Tree of the Heavens. Spreading them out on the ground, she begins to fit them together, aided by Robin and Re. However, there seems to be a large piece missing.
Moss looks expectantly between you, the rest of the cohorts, and the other eternal beings. “Who has the piece?”
You shrug.
There is a moment of silence before Moss says, “Oh, wait!” She reaches for her necklace, revealing that the pendant is another small piece of the Tree. She fits it onto the others, but there is still some missing.
Robin counts the pieces. “There are eight. That's ones for Celtic, Norse, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Native American, Egyptian, and Mexican. There must be another piece.”
“Maybe it's in the center of the maze?” Re suggests. “We've been spiraling around it, getting closer and closer, but we haven't actually looked there yet.”
You collapse to the ground, slumping against a maze wall. “Can we wait until tomorrow?”
Moss nods. “I think we all need a break.”


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
500+ posts

Completed Myth Storyline Days

You finally stand up, stretching out your tired limbs. The rest of the cohorts stand with you. Some look instantly ready to leave, while others, like Moss, look ready to get back in their sleeping bags.
“Who's ready to find the center of the maze?” Moss yawns.
You eagerly raise your hand, peeking around a corner. Perhaps, if you were lucky, today's walk would be relatively short.
Gathering your supplies, you set off. As you walk, you notice the spirals of the maze corridors getting tighter and tighter, which must mean you're getting close.
The walk is relatively uneventful—Moss, Robin, and Re talk amongst themselves, occasionally taking breaks to converse with you and the other recruits; George the Unicorn trots happily along behind you, and you feel extremely tired.
You rub your forehead, noticing that your hand has become nearly completely transparent. You've noticed that your voice, and others' as well, have begun to fade to quieter as well.
You sigh. The only people who can possibly fix this now are you and the rest of the Mythians. And sometimes it seems as if the entire multiverse is against you.
“We made it!!” Re's voice jerks you from your thoughts.
She points towards a sharp turn, and you and the rest of the recruits crowd around her. Carefully, you peek around the bend to see a wide stone platform, the final piece of the Tree of the Heavens lying atop it.
You gasp. Finally!
However, surrounding the fragment is a massive group of deities, who seem to be arguing over it. You recognize all of them as beings you have encountered before in the maze.
Athena whips her head towards you, gray eyes piercing into yours.
“Who's there?” they ask.
Bravely, Moss steps out from behind the wall. “We have come to bargain.”
She tilts her head, staring at you. “Who are you?”
“We are the Mythians,” Re and Robin step out to stand next to Moss, and you and the rest of the recruits fan out behind them.
“Impressive display…” Ratatoskr hisses. “Let's see what they think they're going to do, Quetzalcoatl.”
Quetzalcoatl nods, slithering backwards. “The fragment is yours, if you want it.”
No thought in your head besides getting home, you rush for the piece, running faster than you have run before.
“Y/N!” Moss calls behind you.
You make it to the pedestal, fingers clamping tightly around the fragment. Surprisingly, no one comes to stop you. The deities just stand there, watching.
You bring the small fragment back to your leaders.
“I don't know about this…” Moss looks warily at the deities. But she accepts the piece, placing it into the assembled tree.
“What…?” Re murmurs, taking a closer look. One small piece is missing.
At the same time, each of the deities pull out a necklace, a glittering chip attached to the string.
“Which-which is the real one?” Robin gasps, eyes flicking between the deities.
Anubis steps forward, taking a deep breath.
Several deities' eyes widen as they begin to speak.
“We cannot tell you that,” Anubis says. “All I can say is that the culprit is the Chaos-Bringer.”

Consider among yourselves who the culprit might be! The cabin as a whole has one guess today. More riddles will be provided tomorrow
Remember, the culprit is someone you've met in the maze :0


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
500+ posts

Completed Myth Storyline Days

You finally stand up, stretching out your tired limbs. The rest of the cohorts stand with you. Some look instantly ready to leave, while others, like Moss, look ready to get back in their sleeping bags.
“Who's ready to find the center of the maze?” Moss yawns.
You eagerly raise your hand, peeking around a corner. Perhaps, if you were lucky, today's walk would be relatively short.
Gathering your supplies, you set off. As you walk, you notice the spirals of the maze corridors getting tighter and tighter, which must mean you're getting close.
The walk is relatively uneventful—Moss, Robin, and Re talk amongst themselves, occasionally taking breaks to converse with you and the other recruits; George the Unicorn trots happily along behind you, and you feel extremely tired.
You rub your forehead, noticing that your hand has become nearly completely transparent. You've noticed that your voice, and others' as well, have begun to fade to quieter as well.
You sigh. The only people who can possibly fix this now are you and the rest of the Mythians. And sometimes it seems as if the entire multiverse is against you.
“We made it!!” Re's voice jerks you from your thoughts.
She points towards a sharp turn, and you and the rest of the recruits crowd around her. Carefully, you peek around the bend to see a wide stone platform, the final piece of the Tree of the Heavens lying atop it.
You gasp. Finally!
However, surrounding the fragment is a massive group of deities, who seem to be arguing over it. You recognize all of them as beings you have encountered before in the maze.
Athena whips her head towards you, gray eyes piercing into yours.
“Who's there?” they ask.
Bravely, Moss steps out from behind the wall. “We have come to bargain.”
She tilts her head, staring at you. “Who are you?”
“We are the Mythians,” Re and Robin step out to stand next to Moss, and you and the rest of the recruits fan out behind them.
“Impressive display…” Ratatoskr hisses. “Let's see what they think they're going to do, Quetzalcoatl.”
Quetzalcoatl nods, slithering backwards. “The fragment is yours, if you want it.”
No thought in your head besides getting home, you rush for the piece, running faster than you have run before.
“Y/N!” Moss calls behind you.
You make it to the pedestal, fingers clamping tightly around the fragment. Surprisingly, no one comes to stop you. The deities just stand there, watching.
You bring the small fragment back to your leaders.
“I don't know about this…” Moss looks warily at the deities. But she accepts the piece, placing it into the assembled tree.
“What…?” Re murmurs, taking a closer look. One small piece is missing.
At the same time, each of the deities pull out a necklace, a glittering chip attached to the string.
“Which-which is the real one?” Robin gasps, eyes flicking between the deities.
Anubis steps forward, taking a deep breath.
Several deities' eyes widen as they begin to speak.
“We cannot tell you that,” Anubis says. “All I can say is that the culprit is the Chaos-Bringer.”

Consider among yourselves who the culprit might be! The cabin as a whole has one guess today. More riddles will be provided tomorrow
Remember, the culprit is someone you've met in the maze :0


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
500+ posts

Completed Myth Storyline Days

You talk with your team, eventually settling on asking Apep.
“It was not me,” Apep hisses. He bends his long neck and the necklace falls. Before it can hit the ground, the fragment fades away, leaving only the black cord.
“Who is it, then?” you ask the group, a bit annoyed. You are fading more and more by the minute, only a fraction of your opacity remaining. You need to figure it out, quickly.
The remaining deities look between each other, before a couple more step forward. They wear hoods pulled down over your faces so that you cannot recognize them.
“The culprit is the Inventor,” one whispers.
“They are the Statue by the Road,” another adds.
“The Rescuer, the Caretaker,” says the third.
You look back at your team, confused.
Moss shrugs. “It's up to you all.”

Based on these new clues, who do you think the culprit might be? Decide among yourselves, you have one guess today. If you aren't sure, just go with your best guess!

Last edited by mossflower29 (July 28, 2022 22:57:11)


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
500+ posts

Completed Myth Storyline Days

You whisper among yourselves, finally urging Badowie to walk forwards.
“Hermes,” she says in a clear voice. “Did you break the Tree of the Heavens?”
Hermes looks back and forth, searching for help from the other deities, but, this time it seems, finding none.
Some gods begin to nod, smiling towards you. All of the tree fragments fade away until only one remains, the one hanging from Hermes' neck.
“I-I-” he stammers, looking for a way out.

Would you like to fight Hermes, or try to talk to him? For fighting, six people must write 200 words to use an item of choice anytime over the next two days. For talking, six people must role-play as their maze characters and attempt to find out why Hermes broke the tree.


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
500+ posts

Completed Myth Storyline Days

You whisper among yourselves, finally urging Badowie to walk forwards.
“Hermes,” she says in a clear voice. “Did you break the Tree of the Heavens?”
Hermes looks back and forth, searching for help from the other deities, but, this time it seems, finding none.
Some gods begin to nod, smiling towards you. All of the tree fragments fade away until only one remains, the one hanging from Hermes' neck.
“I-I-” he stammers, looking for a way out.

Would you like to fight Hermes, or try to talk to him? For fighting, six people must help attack anytime over the next two days. For talking, six people must role-play as their maze characters and attempt to find out why Hermes broke the tree.

We chose fighting:

Everyone is tired of being tricked, and you decide to use force against Hermes. Warriors get their weapons ready, bards take their instruments out, and mages have potions on hand and are ready to cast their spells.

“Mythians, fire at my order.” Moss commands.
“Attack with all your might.” Re says, with her sword on hand.
“Don’t let him escape.” Robin says

Hermes is ready to fight, but so are you. You’ve been working hard for this, every single area and day in the maze has come to this fight. You wait for Moss’s signal. Every second is longer than the previous. Finally, Moss takes a deep breath.

“Attack!” She commands and the fight begins.

Two people with a song for insanity or a speed spell must write 200 words to distract Hermes. (2/2)
Two people with a sword or darts are shot when note is played must write for 2 minutes to attack Hermes. (2/2)
Three people with a blade on the instrument, invisibility potion, or crossbow must write 250 words (3/3)

Last edited by mossflower29 (July 31, 2022 22:00:39)


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
500+ posts

Completed Myth Storyline Days

Amazing job on the last challenge, everyone!
Thanks Re for writing the first couple paragraphs of the conclusion

You’re gasping for air, it’s been a long fight but Hermes has finally given up. Everybody is covered in sweat. The leaders step up towards Hermes.
“The shard,” Moss says, “Or do you have anything to say?”
“Yes, but this time it’s the truth,“ Hermes answers, hovering a few feet above the ground in an attempt to get away from your relentless attacks. ”You're right, it was me.“
”We know,“ Robin says, a hint of irritation in her voice.
”But I had a reason for all of this. I didn't think it would turn out this way.“
”Of course not,“ Re says. ”But what's the reason?“
”Ever since the worlds were pulled apart,“ Hermes begins, ”we ourselves have been fading. Without our stories being passed through the world, without the people there to share them, our powers weakened.“
Your eyes widen as you listen to the messenger god.
”And so I decided that the best thing to do would be to put the worlds back together, so that our stories would be shared. But I had no idea it would turn out like this.“ He sighs, shaking his head.
”What do you mean, you didn't know?“ Moss protests. ”Aren't you, like, an all-knowing deity?“
”No,“ he laughs. ”I know some things, but, well, I didn't know that.“
”I didn't know this would happen,“ he repeats, ”but now I want to fix it.“
He carefully pulls his necklace off, holding it in his hand and staring down at it. ”Promise me that you will share our stories through your own universe.“
You nod slowly. ”Of course.“
Finally, he tosses the sparkling pendant right towards you. You fumble to catch the shard, but manage to grab on.
”Want to put it together?“ Moss asks, still eying Hermes warily.. ”After all you've done for the team, you deserve it.“
”We can do it together,“ you smile at the rest of your team.
Together, the warriors, bards, and mages make their way to the podium at the center of the clearing. You gently lay the Tree of the Heavens on the stone, gripping the final fragment in one hand.
You set it in its place, and the glass artifact begins to glow, reflecting rainbows of light throughout the Maze as if the walls were massive mirrors.
You hear an echoing whisper of ”good luck" as the Maze fades to white.

The end.


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!

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