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Nayeli's writing folder


Hello there! My name is Nayeli and my pronouns are she/her ✌︎
Hi-fi ftw!
If you are just reading this for fun or want to know more about me, then either go do something better with your time or go on my profile and come have a chat with me!
Many use this space to describe themselves, but I have a hard time summarizing myself in just a few sentences.
Procrastinating? Set a timer for 10 minutes and start the task If you do that, then please go onto my profile and comment a sentence with the words “Sweet sweet victory” in it that includes what you did while imagining a famously known cartoon character in your country, possibly SpongeBob SquarePants, singing your comment. Trust me, if you do this, you will feel like you accomplished something important and be able to recall it when you go to sleep tonight.
100+ posts

Nayeli's writing folder

After a few seconds, the lights start to flicker once more. I turn around, wondering if something is behind me. I then look across the lunch table to find a young lady looking at me with a large pair of two eyes. I dodge around my own, wondering when this awkward silence that swarms across the cafeteria ends. I then become startled as I realize the crewmate that once sat near me had disappeared. As I sat at my table receiving a quiet, scared glance from a fellow crewmate I know something was up.

205 words im a boss
While I stand on the battlefield, I can't help but feel revenge. A longing feeling to have revenge against everybody I come across, something that has been a motive for me to live for a long while.
I, being in the middle of a crowd, told everybody about my feelings of revenge. After all, it was all I could think of.
They then stared at me like I was a lunatic, one saying “What are you, a villain?”
I was shocked by these responses since I thought it was normal to want revenge, revenge against a foe or enemy is quite common after all.
Yet I found myself supposedly wrong when everybody looked at me with a cruel eye.
Now as I stand on this word war battlefield, nobody wants to play with me anymore. The tides have changed, when somebody does walk up to me saying they want to play somebody else comes across saying “Oh don't play with them! They will want revenge if you win.”
Everybody thinks I'm a psycho now it seems…
Well, don't worry. I'll get revenge on them all. Revenge on every single person in this field! Yes indeed, I am just that good at the game of revenge.
396 words in 5 minutes NANI
I sit in a dark corner as I look up at the sun standing in the midday breeze ever so calmly. I ask myself “What's this?” as I look at it with a grin. Then getting a pinch of pain in my eyes from looking at it so long, a small man walks up to me saying “come with me.”
Being the curious person I am, I follow him. He then walks me over to a small park, South of Daytona Beach asking me if I wanted to join his team of mysterious adventure seekers.
I say “YES” with a grin as he hands me a paper with all of the new mysteries going across town.
I become fascinated by the paper when I realize that it has a small thread of red paint on the top of it. Why is that here?
I then walk around investigating the nearest story, realizing that the same shade of red paint followed a specific path.
I follow the path curiously. I then look down to find a young man with blue eyes, with a large red paintbrush filled with paint staring into me.
220 words *peace*
I then realize that this all was a dream. A small little dream, nothing more. I then stand up and walk over to my kitchen counter as I was originally sleeping on my soda to grab last night's leftovers.
“What a fantastic dream that was..” I whisper into my own mind remembering how realistic it all was with a long, depressing, sigh.
I then walk around my house thinking to myself a few lyrics of the songs I'd heard there. Of the red paint guy. Of the strange event in the cafeteria. All of it clicked in my brain that it had to be a dream. How would I, a young child, have done all of that?
How would this real life world be capable to produce those things?
I then turn on my television, scrolling through the ever-so-vast and boring channels on there, wishing an interesting event would pop up in front of me.
None did.
I just became more and more tired as I reclined on my couch and flipped through the channels as if it was a book.
And then eventually, a peculiar show popped up. It was a show that seemed just as life-like as the life I had been living right now.. except it was my exact same dream replaying on the big screen.
480 words LETS GOOO
I stand in front of several statues of past hosts in S.W.C as I get a flashback of an event from the past.
I remember how one day when I was just a young child at the age of seven years old, how I stole pieces of gum from a friend of mine.
Her name was Sierra, one of the brightest students in class. She didn't notice at first, but then at one p.m when she'd usually go and take out her gum pack from her pocket and chew a piece, she didn't have any.
As shocking as it may seem, she first came to me, not upset but rather sad. She said “My gum's lost! Can you help me find it?”
Being the literal stealer of the gum and not a too close friend either, I was surprised to see that she'd come to me first since I knew she had many other better friends beside me. But looking deep into her eyes, I couldn't help but say yes, I still got to keep the gum and she was such a kind friend, after all, I didn't want to make a little search affect our relationship. So I walked around with her across all of the school to find the pieces of gum she had lost.
We searched everywhere. The trees, the classrooms, the water fountains, we even asked the principal if we could check the computer part of the main office, and she said yes with her supervision. We didn't check my pocket though.
At some point in time when two hours had passed and since we were currently in something in school called “aftercare” we didn't have any real classes at the time, we started to give up. I saw worry come across Sierra's face as I turned to her, asking why she seemed so upset. It was just gum after all.
“It was because it was a gift” she whispered.
“A gift from who?” I asked
“That gum was given to me by a person in class and I didn't want to lose it. I promised that I'd give it back to her tomorrow and it'd be terrible if I didn't. She's a nice person.”
Walking around now feeling guilty, I hid behind a tree we had already checked, placed the gum pack right next to the bark, and acted as if it was never there, saying to Sierra “LOOK! It's the gum! It was right here all along, we must've not looked hard enough!”
Sierra racing to the tree with joy jotted a sly glance at me.
“What?” I asked
“I know you've had it there all this time. I saw you plant it there”
“Are you mad?” I asked with a scared face.
“No, just happy you gave it back.” hugging me as hard as she could.
That's the day I learned to never steal.
254 words:

As I walked across my autobiographical book of life, I saw a small map that radiated explosiveness since it was literally exploding, which was perfect for this weather.
I then walked across a nine-foot-tall gramophone wondering what it was doing there as it stood on a broom ever so quietly.
It then started to play my favorite sulky song which made me smile with sadness.
I felt like a slim pepper as I watched my height grow every day.
Realizing something was wrong, I parked my car near a burglar downstairs. It was quite strange for me to do this as I usually park in the safest spots possible but today I was lurking for some adventure.
I quickly realized that today was gonna be quite a boring day when I saw a sign that said “Burgler arrested! Prepare for full peacefulness and boredom as the emotional weathercast for the rest of the week!
I then walked around a small pole nearby wondering where I could find someplace that need curiosity.
I then saw it. A tall, skinny, stone that looked like my grandmother.
It shocked me to see one still in existence.
”The grandmother stone..“ I whispered loudly.
I, then walked around a small cabin that screamed the words ”HORROR!“ both literally and emotionally that was covered with the color black and was looking rather freaky.
I then sat down in the cabin to find that this wasn't just as boring as a day as I had expected it to be after all.
409 words
As I walked around my hallway, a premonition crossed my mind that something absolutely terrible would happen with my groceries.
I quickly pranced across my room with a scared stare at it all when I realized nothing had actually happened.
”It could've just been a feeling, right?“
I then darted my eyes back at the ground. Last week, I had another different premonition that something terrible would happen with the tree in my backyard. At first, I just thought to myself I had to be losing a few of my marbles, but then just ten minutes later it fell down and crushed my neighbor's home. Now it's my groceries..
”Maybe I should throw them all away?“ I whispered into my mind as I talked to myself.
”NO!“ I yelled aloud as if I were talking to someone. ”Those cost two hundred dollars ya know! There is no way we can throw them away.“
I then sighed, wondering what I'd do.
I then had an incredible theory.
”Maybe if I move all of my kitchen supplies outside, as well as the groceries, far away from me, no effects will happen to me nor my house and everything will be okay!“ I yelled aloud with great naiveness.
I then started moving out just about everything I had outside. At first, it was my fridge. It took a while to move this one. My fridge was quite large and had lots of food in it. It included all of my ice cream, vegetables, and frozen treats. But in order to move it out, I had to take it all and grab it with its wheels and barge it through the door.
Then, it was my table.
In order to get that out, I had to barge it out as well.
My groceries were a bit of a hassle as well.
It took me three hours to get it all out of the door outside of my house and into the neighborly park but I did it. Now my groceries were safe and sound in the public park!
And then something I didn't know what would happen happened. They rotted. And got stepped on by kids running.
And as soon as I knew it all the groceries were gone or smushed.
It was quite shocking but well it happened just over the course of the day.
So I guess you could say my premonition was true. Something bad did happen with my groceries.
Hidden magic worlds.
327 words:
A tall woman walks up to me saying for me to follow her. Me being bored and having nothing to do, I follow her.
She then takes me to a rather dark and not crowded corner, giving me a map, and then, as fast as the blink of an eye, disappeared.
She left me with a small map that was about the size of a piece of tin foil.
It said ”Walk between the walls of Afghanistan“
Afghanistan was the place I was living in at the time and when I heard on the map that I had to walk between the walls of Afghanistan I already knew where I had to walk to.
A bit southwest of my current location were the walls.
I quickly pounced between the walls to find, well, nothing.
At first, I was disappointed I had come here to find nothing but then a magical portal opened up and a voice from nowhere said ”Come in! We've been waiting“
I then walked into the portal with excitement to find a magical hidden world of unicorns and mermaids and it was ever so fantastical.
I then started to ask myself ”am I dreaming?“ and I tried to pinch myself several times but nothing worked. This was all… real.
It felt real.
It looked real.
And I was happy to be in it.
So then I started looking around to find something to eat. I didn't feel hungry but I wondered what food tasted like here.
Finding nothing to eat I asked a unicorn that seemed to be pretty kind what food was here, telling her that I was a bit new to the area.
She then told me ”Ma'm, in the land of Unicornia there is no such thing as food nor time. There is just fun and happiness, with a few sprinkles of kindness.“
And that was the moment I knew I wanted to live there for the rest of my life.
314 words:
I sat down proudly on my chair sitting as straight as ever when a young woman walked up telling me to draw for the local art contest. Being the school's main drawer, I was ever so proud that someone like this young woman, a scouter of talented artists, would ask someone like me to draw for the contest. I knew my drawings were perfect as many would say but it was still shocking. I then walked over to the area and proudly excepted my role as the art competition was apparently occurring now. They gave a pretty long explanation for the contest, saying whoever won would get a long honorable prize, equivalent to the price of twenty diamond crowns, and a free invite to a college specifically reserved for art.
I was a perfect drawer so I felt no nervousness when I heard about this, knowing that I would win against these amateurs.
They gave us ten minutes to gather all of our supplies and think of what we'd draw and then four hours to actually draw it.
I already knew what I'd draw. A flamingo in the middle of a beautiful piece of land, right in front of a shining, bright blue, pond.
It'd be perfect, just right for the contest I thought.
While drawing I didn't even look at the other contestant's work until I finished.
I finished six minutes early before the deadline and was ever so proud of my piece.
I then looked at the other contestant's work, expecting a grand disaster, but instead seeing a grand masterpiece.
The drawings looked so good compared to mine, how would I ever win I thought.
When the time for judging came I did not win the prize, an artist far better than I did instead.
And that was the day that I accepted that nobody's art could be perfect, not even mine.

As I sat down on my chair I looked around asking myself the question ”where am I?“
I then realize that I was currently in a house. Who's house? I don't know. I don't remember much except the English language actually…
How'd this happen? I then walk around this house to look for my now lost memories.
”Memories.. memories.. where are you?“ I ask in my mind playfully. It seems I was a rather playful person in the past I think to myself, noticing several toys stacked upon each other all across the house. It was rather relaxing… I then went ahead and ate an apple since it was the only thing lying around.
I then started to wonder why I was here in this home. Does everybody feel like this? I then opened the door to find a large area of green and a great wide hallway.
Seeing nobody was around I then started screaming ”HELLLOOO!!!“ as loud as I could wondering if it'd bring back memories.
It didn't.
A tall tanned woman about my age then walked up to me saying ”Nayeli, are you crazy? It's still the morning, some people haven't woken up yet and you scream hello like you don't care. I needa learn your style girl.“
I then asked the woman ”Nayeli.. is that my name?“
The woman then looked at me for a few seconds and laughed. ”Oh yeah that's my Nayeli!“ she said energetically.
I laughed to, nervously.
I then walked over to the nearest tree, wondering what was going on.
A flock of birds flies across my head as I sit down on a bench outside.
”Where'd these come from…“ I think as I walk around looking across the ground suspiciously. Then, seemingly out of nowhere the birds fly down and look at me with a grin. I then start thinking of the birds for a while.
”They looked so cool!“ I think as I stare at the sky wondering when they'll come next.
I then walk around acting like a bird like some kind of bird-loving maniac ever so happily, then eating a few corndogs to just imagine them once more.
I then try to think about what they meant.
”Did they mean something about the way I felt inside?“ I wonder.
Today was a very peaceful day after all.
I then walked around once more, wondering if I'd see them again.
I then came up with a statement, not caring if it was true or not.

”Those birds were supposed to represent how no matter what in life, things would get better, no matter what“

I walk around with a small grin on my face looking for the imposter.
”I know who it is!" I think as I prance around happily not knowing I didn't
I then came to the realization that well, I didn't know who it was at all actually.
I realized that I didn't even know the name of the person who did it or anything about them.
It was quite the cliffhanger actually.
So yeah, I guess you could call this the end of this crazy story that I call this day.
Not much happened.
It wasn't boring but well it wasn't exciting
So there you go, that was the whole deal.
As I walk around I look at the trees still looking for clues.
I then come to the realization that they didn't mean much since there was nothing on them nor were they that all interesting.
I then walked over to the walls. Nothing there either!
Then the shadows wondered if there was a mysterious secret lurking there. Nope
Then the dog that was laying on the ground ever so suspisoculy. Then I sat down on my bench and looked up at the sky to see if there was something there and there wasn't
It was just the sun and me and the dogs who were looking at me ever so suspiciously.
I then wanted to shout, scream maybe even that this wasn't fair but I knew it was. I knew it was just as fair as the fact that this might've all been a dream or some stupid myth that I made up in my mind or that I was insane so that was the reason why this had all happened but I knew it wasn't true. I knew this was real. I knew that this wasn't some kind of twisted joke, I knew that i wouldn't be able to find the suspicious person or whatever, cause I knew.
So now as I stare at the wall I know that whatever fantasy I was living in wasn't true and cry.
This was the end of it all.
This was the end of the journey this was the cruel heartbreak that I didn't want and I admitted how sad it was.
I didn't like it that all too much and I felt like I had failed since it was my job to finish this all and find the people.
So I walked around in circles, talking to my cabin, telling them about all I found and they looked at me sadly as well.
So this was the end of it.
There was no more journeying about, no more.
It was all just ending now..
Thee end!
I walk around once again happily, coming back to the flock of doves knowing that whatever would happen that peace would come again.
That the group would someday hopefully be found.
So I smiled a bit and left the area and took a long walk to my grandma's home with a grin of nostalgia.


Last edited by YorkiesAreAmazing123 (July 31, 2022 00:10:30)

Hello there! My name is Nayeli and my pronouns are she/her ✌︎
Hi-fi ftw!
If you are just reading this for fun or want to know more about me, then either go do something better with your time or go on my profile and come have a chat with me!
Many use this space to describe themselves, but I have a hard time summarizing myself in just a few sentences.
Procrastinating? Set a timer for 10 minutes and start the task If you do that, then please go onto my profile and comment a sentence with the words “Sweet sweet victory” in it that includes what you did while imagining a famously known cartoon character in your country, possibly SpongeBob SquarePants, singing your comment. Trust me, if you do this, you will feel like you accomplished something important and be able to recall it when you go to sleep tonight.

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