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12 posts

@fluffysheepwool's Scratch Writing Camp stuff (july 2022)

This is actually @Starthorn setting up this first post because @fluffysheepwool doesn't know how to yet!
Anyway, this is her first time in Scratch Writing Camp and it's gonna be awesome. She's in the Dystopian cabin.

(Also, since she's allowing me to make this I'm gonna plug my and our other sister's SWC pages just for fun lol, that way they all lead back to each other.
Starthorn's: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/614660/
savebats': https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/614334/

Oh and here's a sheep photo just to set the mood (via Wikipedia):

All posts after this one will be made solely by Fluffy!
12 posts

@fluffysheepwool's Scratch Writing Camp stuff (july 2022)

Words: 427

Main cabin daily number one

Do they go to space?
(not accurate to real sheep but it’s accurate to the books)


Wills didn't think it was a good idea, that was the first sign something was going to go bad. Wills was the smart one, he was raised in the farmhouse and could read, so if he said something it was probably true.
Jacy had been painting her hooves with sheep dip, Oxo had been eating a cabbage, Links had been composing a rap, and Wills had been fidgeting with his hooves,when Sal remembered the next verse of the prophecy.
She jumped up, well more like stood up slightly faster than normal because she is old, and gathered all the sheep together. “Silence!” she said when all of them began to ask questions, ”We must stop the metal rock that roars fire!” stated Sal
“but …why?” asked Wills “and what is the prophecy?”

“a bird dives skyward
Fire shots earthward
The rock in the sky
Is way up high
Feathers of metal
Sheep of a nettle
And with silver hue
Leads sheep into the blue”

Said Sal ominously.
“Oh my grass!” cried Jacy “blue is a terrible color for my wool, it just clashes with my hooves!”
“Not the time'' said Links, rolling his eyes.
“We must go now!” said Sal, already walking towards the newly repaired fence.
“Oxo?” said Jacy, “Can you break the fence? I don’t want to ruin my wool” Oxo didn’t want to break the fence because he had been listening to Wills when he quietly said that this was a terrible idea, but he didn’t like looking weak, especially in front of links, so he broke the fence.
(time skip)
They had been walking and sneaking rides in trucks for a while when Sal finally said they were there.
“Why are we at NASA?” asked Wills
“ne saw?” asked Oxo confused,
“nAw saw, it’s nAw saw” said Jacy rolling her eyes.
“actually it's- nevermind” said Wills.
“GUYS!” said Links “Sal’s leaving!” pointing his head towards Sal who was, in fact, leaving.
“Sal, where are we going?” asked Wills,
Sal looked at him like he wasn't the smartest one there “to stop the flying rock that roars fire!” she said, stepping into a weird metal suit on the wall, all of the rest of them did the same. Then they all screamed as the floor shook violently. And suddenly a man wearing a suit walked in and screamed cufused “WHY ARE THERE SHEEP ON THE SPACESHIP?!?!”

At the farmhouse, Tod and gran were watching the rocket take off when suddenly Tod looked at gran and asked “are those… our sheep on the spaceship?”

12 posts

@fluffysheepwool's Scratch Writing Camp stuff (july 2022)

Main cabin daily. (Horoscopes)

Result: “Today is a terrific day for you, Aries. You’ll find that you can get quite a bit done using your quick mind and sharp wit. Information is flying fast and furious. Grab hold of what resonates with you and discard what doesn’t. The more informed you are, the better equipped you’ll be to handle the decisions of the day. Make sure you have all the facts before you proceed.”

Words: 524

Wills was having a good day. He and the other sheep had just been brought back to the farm which was sad but he got to remind them on the way back that if they had listened to him they wouldn't be going back to the farm. Well that wasn’t really fair, they had listened to him at many points, just not the right points. Like, at the sign! If they listened to him, Tod and Gran would have never caught up to them! He was the smart one, he had a “quick mind and sharp wit” according to Tod. He didn't like leading the others but he would if he had to. But now they knew to listen to him and that made him happy.
Links was having an ok ish day. Like, sure they got caught but they were practically asking for it with the way they were tromping around, and it was cold! He didn't mind the cold but Wills was small and even though Wills would never admit it, he got sick a lot, and it made all the sheep sad when he was sick. So on the way back, Links and Oxo sat down next to Wills because he was shivering. (Oxo had the most wool and Links had the longest wool.) Also “information is flying fast and furious” like what kind of line is that?! It's a good line but not for a prophecy, like no offense but, Aries, be more creative!
Jaycy was having a not so great day. First, her wool got messed up when they left, and she didn’t even get to paint her hooves before they left! She was extra annoyed because they just had to wake her up during her beauty sleep, like couldn't saving the world wait until two? Grass!
Sal was having a not so perfect day. She liked having information, “More information = better decisions” is what he mama sheep always told her. And she thought she had enough information, more than enough even! How was she supposed to know there was more to the prophecy?! Like really! Just because she was the only one who paid attention when the older sheep used to recite the prophecy each morning, didn’t mean she always had the whole prophecy memorized! She was just one sheep! And she was old, even though she didn’t like to acknowledge it. And even though it was a failure, she was happy to be home.
Oxo was having a day. He didn’t know what to think of the day, it was something he just didn't have the words to describe it, maybe he should ask Wills, Wills always seemed to have the answer. They escaped to follow the prophecy, again, then they got scared of a dog, again, then they got confused, again (maybe he should stop saying again? eh links says it alot so it's fine), then they got caught, as usual. Maybe knowing things would be useful, “Have facts before you proceed” is what Wills or what Links translated from Wills speak to Oxo speak “ knowing stuff is good”. All in all it was a day.
12 posts

@fluffysheepwool's Scratch Writing Camp stuff (july 2022)

Main cabin daily (fake cabin)
Words: 197

the looking glass house

You walk into a store and there it is, a looking glass, the looking glass. You buy it, you don't know why but it feels… special, magic even. You put it on the wall, above the fireplace. You forget about it for a while, then one day you are expecting guests, and you realize the looking glass seems misty and fogged up, which is strange because none of the windows seem misty. You just shrug and go to clean it, when suddenly your hand falls through the looking glass! You pull your hand back quickly, but it seems unharmed, so you carefully step through the looking glass, falling off the ledge when you do. You sit there for a minute confused and covered in soot, when suddenly a hand taps your shoulder, and you turn around quickly. There stands a girl smiling brightly and saying you're in the looking glass house. You shakily stand and ask for her name, she turns back, smiles, and says her name is Alice and you should follow her for tea, then turns to walk away. You follow her with one look at the looking glass that got you into this mess.

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