Discuss Scratch

28 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

justablock wrote:

how to make pfp render

Just use PILLOW to get the pixels from an image and do this: r * 65536 + g * 256 + b to convert it to a form in which
set pen color to [#b31834]
can understand

Last edited by Ryan_shamu_YT (March 19, 2024 19:50:54)

I am still alive
3 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

How can I run the python script gratis 24/7 on a server ?
say [?????]
17 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

Ryan_shamu_YT wrote:

justablock wrote:

how to make pfp render

Just use PILLOW to get the pixels from an image and do this: r * 65536 + g * 256 + b to convert it to a form in which
set pen color to [#b31834]
can understand
i already figured out but thx
28 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

justablock wrote:

Ryan_shamu_YT wrote:

justablock wrote:

how to make pfp render

Just use PILLOW to get the pixels from an image and do this: r * 65536 + g * 256 + b to convert it to a form in which
set pen color to [#b31834]
can understand
i already figured out but thx
No problem

I am still alive
53 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

i need some help to make a follower count and i cant find out how to this is what i am doing

import os

os.system(“pip install -U scratchattach”)

session = scratch3.login(“scaryghost14, ”**********“)
conn = session.connect_cloud(”988062367“)

conn.set_var(”variable", 10)

play https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/860188790/ it is fun follow scaryghost14
when I receive [I'm board v]
follow [scaryghost14]
53 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

Lurdumoloch wrote:

How can I run the python script gratis 24/7 on a server ?
say [?????]
yay i do not know that too

play https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/860188790/ it is fun follow scaryghost14
when I receive [I'm board v]
follow [scaryghost14]
100+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

scaryghost14 wrote:

Lurdumoloch wrote:

How can I run the python script gratis 24/7 on a server ?
say [?????]
yay i do not know that too
try using glitch, look up python3 on glitch then follow the tutorial

Fourm Post

i make games and other cool stuff

when @greenFlag [clicked v]:: events hat
when (when @greenFlag clicked:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked {
when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack
}:: events
when <@greenFlag:: events> clicked:: events
when ({when @greenFlag clicked:: events stack}@addInput:: events) clicked:: events stack
when @greenFlag clicked:: events cap
evil kumquats ate this sentenc-
17 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

Mr_rudy wrote:

scaryghost14 wrote:

Lurdumoloch wrote:

How can I run the python script gratis 24/7 on a server ?
say [?????]
yay i do not know that too
try using glitch, look up python3 on glitch then follow the tutorial
oh hey mr_rudy… not long time ago we met :skull:
17 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

Lurdumoloch wrote:

How can I run the python script gratis 24/7 on a server ?
say [?????]
you are Norwegian or Swedish or Danish bcs gratis is free on scandi languages
100+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

@TimMcCool, soon, could you please fix an issue in Scratchattach where it does not allow me to set a cloud variable to a completely empty value using the code: conn.set_var(“Cloud”, “”). I currently get an error like this: scratchattach.exceptions.InvalidCloudValue. I know it’s possible with regular Scratch as seen here with this test project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992175539

If anyone else can help me let me know how.

Last edited by TheMobileGames (March 31, 2024 00:38:12)

—————————— —————————— —————————— —————————— ——————————
A way to make any game easily mobile (no remixing needed): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/733837
My mobile engine (use to add buttons/controls to a game): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/778848092/
—————————— —————————— —————————— —————————— ——————————
100+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

Furthermore, @TimMcCool, I have another problem with no stated solution in Scratchattach’s documentation as far as I have seen. I need a function that takes in any scratch username and returns a True or False boolean value based on whether that scratch account is a “New Scratcher” or not. The closest thing that I can find this is: session.new_scratcher but correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t think you can get whether or not the scratch account is a “New Scratcher” or not for any user using this line of code. The best I can do right now is just check if the account is older than 2 weeks using: user.join_date which probably will work pretty well.

If anyone else can help me let me know how.

—————————— —————————— —————————— —————————— ——————————
A way to make any game easily mobile (no remixing needed): https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/733837
My mobile engine (use to add buttons/controls to a game): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/778848092/
—————————— —————————— —————————— —————————— ——————————
1000+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

TheMobileGames wrote:

I need a function that takes in any scratch username and returns a True or False boolean value based on whether that scratch account is a “New Scratcher” or not.
You could just query the Scratch API directly using the requests library. It has what you need.
Unofficial docs for the Scratch api: https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Scratch_API

Last edited by Redstone1080 (March 31, 2024 02:58:18)

Maintainer of Snazzle | User of Linux (Fedora in particular) | Fan of Rockets
500+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

scaryghost14 wrote:

i need some help to make a follower count and i cant find out how to this is what i am doing

import os

os.system(“pip install -U scratchattach”)

session = scratch3.login(“scaryghost14, ”**********“)
conn = session.connect_cloud(”988062367“)

conn.set_var(”variable", 10)
i have not tried this code so it may not work but try this:

import os
import time
os.system("pip install -U scratchattach")
session = scratch3.login("scaryghost14, "**********")
conn = session.connect_cloud("988062367")
while True:
    user = session.connect_user("griffpatch") #gets griffpatches stats
     conn.set_var("variable", user.follower_count()) #gets the follower count 
    time.sleep(10) #waits 10 seconds

Last edited by wvzack (March 31, 2024 04:17:25)

Likes: Programing (python scratch Lua c++ I am bad at c++ a) Aiviation (B787 Queen of the sky F35) Mountain Biking and Messing around with computers (not a gamer at all)
My projects I am most happy with also the few “polished games I have:
100+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

Does anyone have any ideas for good python code hosting services?

Highlight and do Shift + Down Arrow to see the rest of my signature.
Click Here To Get A Scratch 4.0 Sneak Peak!

You should probably know that I don't actually use forbidden word, I just use this bookmarklet to upload to the assets server. I wonder who else knows what forbidden word is.

13 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

I'm really interested in this topic, but I've got some questions. (Also if there is any info that can answer my questions on the documentation page, let me know as I didn't get that deep into reading it.) First, I noticed that on the cloud request examples page, there was a window that looked similar to the Scratch project window. Is that included with the package, and does it appear when testing your script? I assume it does, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, I assume there are limits to what projects you can change, right? If I were to use this and make a project with cloud variables, I really don't want random people changing the cloud variables and messing with the project.

Have a great day!
when I receive [Start New Day v]
Be Happy! :: custom
17 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

GUYS I FOUND 24/7 FREE HOSTING NOT BANNED BY SCRATCH!!! YT VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyGwGSrujV4
33 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

This is epic
100+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

I know how to send data to Scratch from my python server, but how do I do that the other way around? I need to send large amounts of data from Scratch to my python server, which I don't know how to do.

Last edited by redspacecat (April 4, 2024 02:17:47)

Highlight and do Shift + Down Arrow to see the rest of my signature.
Click Here To Get A Scratch 4.0 Sneak Peak!

You should probably know that I don't actually use forbidden word, I just use this bookmarklet to upload to the assets server. I wonder who else knows what forbidden word is.

17 posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

redspacecat wrote:

I know how to send data to Scratch from my python server, but how do I do that the other way around? I need to send large amounts of data from Scratch to my python server, which I don't know how to do.
events… to send many arguments, I think 4th block in example when importing scratch events sprite it shows how to have more then 2 arguments. If you send more then 3000 characters it wont cancel request, it will just take longer for request to proceed. Character limit is ∞.
100+ posts

scratchattach - A Scratch API wrapper (Python)

scratchattach is now working for setting and receiving turbowarp cloud variables again

Last edited by TimMcCool (April 19, 2024 21:27:56)

Developer of scratchattach, the most popular Python Scratch API wrapper

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