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NOW OPEN! ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ Grand Opening ✿ Looking for staff!


I've created a new shop. Would you like to partner?

Username: @dgarcias_2010
Shop: The Piano Shop
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/607671/
Shop banner link:
Are you the owner: Yes, I am
If not, give proof the owner allows this partnership: I'm the owner
Why do you want to partner with us: To have more orders and customers, and to help with musical orders

Edit: Just made the banner not pop out by putting it inside code.

Last edited by dgarcias_2010 (May 28, 2022 08:24:07)

100+ posts

NOW OPEN! ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ Grand Opening ✿ Looking for staff!

dgarcias_2010 wrote:


I've created a new shop. Would you like to partner?

Username: @dgarcias_2010
Shop: The Piano Shop
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/607671/
Shop banner link:
Are you the owner: Yes, I am
If not, give proof the owner allows this partnership: I'm the owner
Why do you want to partner with us: To have more orders and customers, and to help with musical orders

Edit: Just made the banner not pop out by putting it inside code.
Sure, accepted!

1000+ posts

NOW OPEN! ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ Grand Opening ✿ Looking for staff!

Username: Me
Product/package you would like: Image Hosting
Description of order: https://postimg.cc/ct76GM4V
Should be done by: The image expires after one day, I can put it back up if you need me to
Where should we contact you: Here
Have you read the ToS: Yes

100+ posts

NOW OPEN! ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ Grand Opening ✿ Looking for staff!

TheAnimalKingdom42 wrote:

Username: Me
Product/package you would like: Image Hosting
Description of order: https://postimg.cc/ct76GM4V
Should be done by: The image expires after one day, I can put it back up if you need me to
Where should we contact you: Here
Have you read the ToS: Yes

100+ posts

NOW OPEN! ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ Grand Opening ✿ Looking for staff!

TheAnimalKingdom42 wrote:

Username: Me
Product/package you would like: Image Hosting
Description of order: https://postimg.cc/ct76GM4V
Should be done by: The image expires after one day, I can put it back up if you need me to
Where should we contact you: Here
Have you read the ToS: Yes
Hi, here is the uploaded image!
Thank you for ordering!

1000+ posts

NOW OPEN! ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ Grand Opening ✿ Looking for staff!

faeriie-- wrote:

TheAnimalKingdom42 wrote:

Username: Me
Product/package you would like: Image Hosting
Description of order: https://postimg.cc/ct76GM4V
Should be done by: The image expires after one day, I can put it back up if you need me to
Where should we contact you: Here
Have you read the ToS: Yes
Hi, here is the uploaded image!
Thank you for ordering!
Thank you!

100+ posts

NOW OPEN! ✿ Bee's Boutique ✿ Grand Opening ✿ Looking for staff!

Hi, I'm going to close this shop, and make a 2.0. It should be open in the next 1-2 weeks.

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