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《 Railway Designs » Quick and on time designs! 》《 Grand opening » Now Hiring 》

dynamicsofscratch wrote:


faeriie-- wrote:

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

oh great thats cute text left aligned
Oh, sorry!


Here you go! I apologise again for getting your order wrong in the first place.
could u also make a bump, announcement and activity check banner?
Alright, here you go. Let me know if you would like any changes to the design.

16 posts

《 Railway Designs » Quick and on time designs! 》《 Grand opening » Now Hiring 》

Username* » (simpified) contest-gamer9
Product you want: Signature Banner
Staff you'd like to take your order » any
Dimensions in pixels (width x height)* » as big as your shop banner
Description* » make it city themed
Fonts » anything modern
Images »my oc: look at my favourite things project
Deadline (please use a long date format, ex 12th July. The deadline must be at least 1 week away)* » 14th july
Are you following the forum? (Delete as appropriate)* » Yes
Where would you like to be notified?* » the oc project and profile
Other »make the siggy banner greenish and a oc redesign if thats k

Last edited by Xx-Contest_gamer9-xX (July 3, 2022 02:47:46)

Hello! use the siggy scrolling hotkey to go down
forum status: uhhh-
i brought it some armor from this shop!
battle <::control>(0_0/::control)<::control> armor!::looks hat // this is jim. my sig protector!
when green flag clicked
set [yay v] to [my excitment]
if <[my excitment] = [yay]> then
play sound [dance party v]

1000+ posts

《 Railway Designs » Quick and on time designs! 》《 Grand opening » Now Hiring 》


Last edited by dynamicsofscratch (July 3, 2022 04:19:24)

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

《 Railway Designs » Quick and on time designs! 》《 Grand opening » Now Hiring 》

Review Form 2.0 «
Username* » dynamicsofscratch
Staff who took your order* » faeriie–
Rating out of 5 Stars* » 5
Comments* » sad that it got messed up the first time thankfully she got it right!
Are you happy for this to be displayed on our front page?* » YES PLEASE!

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

《 Railway Designs » Quick and on time designs! 》《 Grand opening » Now Hiring 》

Xx-Contest_gamer9-xX wrote:

Username* » (simpified) contest-gamer9
Product you want: Signature Banner
Staff you'd like to take your order » any
Dimensions in pixels (width x height)* » as big as your shop banner
Description* » make it city themed
Fonts » anything modern
Images »my oc: look at my favourite things project
Deadline (please use a long date format, ex 12th July. The deadline must be at least 1 week away)* » 14th july
Are you following the forum? (Delete as appropriate)* » Yes
Where would you like to be notified?* » the oc project and profile
Other »make the siggy banner greenish and a oc redesign if thats k

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
15 posts

《 Railway Designs » Quick and on time designs! 》《 Grand opening » Now Hiring 》

Job Application Form:

Username: pistachio-o1
Nickname: pistachio
Pronouns: she/her
Previous experience in graphic design: I am the former owner of “pistachio’s art café” . I am also a member of Border Collie Banners, by @faeriie—.
3-10 Work Examples: look at he backdrops in this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/700570899/
Of the services we offer, which ones are you willing to provide?: Profile Banners || Profile Pictures || Studio Thumbnails || Project Thumbnails
How active are you?: 7/10
If you use an image hosting program, what is it?: I do not offer image hosting.
Are you following the forum?: yes
Other: Please try to respond to this application as soon a possible.

• ριѕтα¢нισ-σ1 •
100+ posts

《 Railway Designs » Quick and on time designs! 》《 Grand opening » Now Hiring 》

Username* » -MeowTheCat-
Product you want: Forum Banner
Staff you'd like to take your order » Any!
Dimensions in pixels (width x height)* » Any!
Description* » I want a banner for my shop. The shop's name is Jupiter Voice Acting and its services include voice acting. I'd also like a BUMP banner.
Fonts » Any!
Images » -
Deadline (please use a long date format, ex 12th July. The deadline must be at least 1 week away)* » August 7, 2022
Are you following the forum? Nope
Where would you like to be notified?* » Profile
Other » - Could you do a purple/red color scheme?

Last edited by -MeowTheCat- (July 31, 2022 22:45:13)

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