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Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

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Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Been super busy!

Myth for the win

Dailey's here:

Weekly's here:

Last edited by IHeartAnimals8989 (March 9, 2022 04:47:23)

52 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Myth ftw!

My weekly turned out sorta weird it’s in a format of an essay.

Why should you not put pressure on students? Students stress a lot when you out lots of pressure on them. Examples of this pressure is assigning too much work, too much chores at home, and making them get perfect scores of anything above a 90%. This stresses the students and it makes them work harder, though this can lead to depression and more. The student may start fighting back to the parents and might even start taking drugs or more. This pressure can even lead to a student hurting themself. Teachers should also notify the students when the assignment is due, because if teachers notify them the day before this creates stress and since this puts students in a situation where the homework is due the next day. But, if the student decides to put the work off to the last minute, this is a problem for them. Procrastination is never a good thing. This means that you put work off to the last minute and it stresses the student to get it done. This has happened multiple times to me, such as putting off a important project that was 80% of my grade. This actually made me do better because I turned out getting first place in the science fair, and getting a 95% on the overall project. I also put off a 30% of my grade writing assignment, this also caused me and my partner to do better, I happened to get a 100%. Another example is when I put off my assignment and had to draw it all because my printer wasn’t working. I also happened to get a 7 out of 7. Though, this stress may be better for the student, since it makes them work harder. The work may not be as accurate as the parents pressure them to get, but at least they still did it. (If you met my parents you would know. They make me get straight A’s, they want me to get into a prestigious college or high school)

Stressing a lot also makes the brain get a little funky. This has the brain get stressed about everything and makes you more conscious. Some kids may have it as a problem of stressing, but then getting it done and stop stressing about everything. That’s not me. I apparently get everything done and still stress about life and other problems. If you wish, there are school counselors that can help with these problems, and phsycologists. There are also numbers that you can call to talk about stress or about your personal thoughts. This number takes you as an anonymous person and the person you are calling just listens. Some people have that case. If you just need someone to talk to, you can call a number that answers and listens to you talk. They don’t give you any suggestions, it just helps to tell someone what’s going on. Talking to someone always gets pressure off your chest for not telling your parent or guardian.

So this is why you need to get your homework done, and not procrastinate. This is also a tip for grown ups to not pressure their child as much and a tip for teachers to notify students the due date, and to be careful about assigning to much work.


Last edited by ArtisticOne111 (March 8, 2022 23:48:28)




1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

hi! i have a question- the type of poetry called “cento” takes lines written by other poets to form a new poem. since it's technically not your writing, does it count for words?

cami ~ she-her
Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you. • John Laurens

1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

-MyNewAccount- wrote:

hi! i have a question- the type of poetry called “cento” takes lines written by other poets to form a new poem. since it's technically not your writing, does it count for words?
Nope, it wouldn't! Good question ^^

16 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022


Hey there! Im Saria, a 15 year old singer and contortionist that likes to draw stuff digitally! <33
52 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Do titles count as words? Thanks!

Bellevue91 wrote:

March 2022 SWC Weekly #1 - Different Types Of Writing
Greetings and welcome to the very first weekly of Scratch Writing Camp March 2022! <3

This weekly encompasses four sections, each of which involve a workshop that you must read through and an activity you must do in relation to that workshop. Thank you to our wonderful workshop innovators. We have Poetry by @Polarbear_17, Scriptwriting by @The-Book-Worm, Types of Non-Fiction by @129waterfall, and Essays by @theniqhtsfall ^^
You may begin writing towards this weekly at 12:01am on March 3rd, UTC time zone!

Part One: Poetry (written by the brilliant Zura)

For this first part, we will begin with poetry! The iconic Zai has created a phenomenal workshop here on this topic!

Once you read through the workshop, write 300 words of poetry, comprising of at least 5 different types of poems.

For this example, I have picked a Haiku, Acrostic, Limmerick, Sestina, and Free Verse as my types of poems. You don’t have to do these but have at least 5 different types (Zai's workshop will give you many ideas on which types to write for this weekly and help you write better poetry).

Poem 1: mother (haiku)

swallowing my tears
your honeysuckle breath wraps
in a warm embrace.

Poem 2: fairy (acrostic)

far away, sweeps an enchanting floral aroma
away from the melancholic countryside
inside the beating blood of the rosy-cheeked stands a line of figurines
ready to be harvested for their eternal

Poem 3: swc (limerick)

once was a gathering of fifteen
with lofty hopes and dreams
to reach the crown of sole victory
so one cabin, one by one, knocked the other teams into misery
crumbling the fourteen into a depressed state no one could have foreseen

Poem 4: tales of a pebble thanks random word generator(sestina)

over the silky stream lies a pebble
a greater magnificence than a ballroom
which gave its gym
a bright glow like lights on an ambulance
over the yonder lay a mill
which stood tall on its legs like a pillar

by the river the children would shout “wow, it's a pillar!”
when a distant traveler strolled by the pebble
at night returning to their cotton mill
hoping a chance in the ballroom
but in their dreams rushed an ambulance
and they settled on a gym instead

in the rushing crowd of 6th graders running at the gym
the golden statue stood as a pillar
as they waited for the ambulance
to heal the scar from the pebble
a young girl then shouted, “suzie! let's wait in the ballroom!”
and instead got lost in the mill

the children steadily threaded string at the mill
calmly watching the gym
waver back and forth like dancers in a ballroom
“i wish we could have this much fun,” a person shouted to a stone pillar
so they threw the supervisor a pebble
and as they escaped awaits the ambulance

of course, it's unfavorable to be the ambulance
watching the workers empty its mill
wondering how a pebble
managed to harm a 6th grader in the gym
they could only turn to its pillar
and resigned their job, residing in ballroom

and yet there was eerie silence in the ballroom
with the workers of the ambulance
departed, there would be no pillar
for the workers at the mill
and the children at the gym
all caused by a cursed pebble

the ballroom, the gym
the ambulance, the mill
all watched their pillar crumbled by a small, simple, pebble.

Poem 5: childhood (free verse)

a bubble, rapidly expanding
in a world of color
drifting faster than a wheel spinning
a warm breath
its life source stopping
and finally free
flying high above the sunlit rooftops

a tightness rings in my chest
and slowly
i count down the days
i can taste summer

maybe i never realized the pain
of growing older.

Part Two: Essays (written by the magnificent Vi)

For section 2, you get to learn about essays from the wonderful Nights! Take a look at this workshop first, where you'll learn all about how to write an intriguing argument essay and then move on to our activity.

For this activity, you'll have to write a 500 word essay about an unpolitical topic. Instead of typically writing 5 paragraphs, you only have to write 3: Introduction, 1 Body Paragraph (including at least 1 piece of evidence/reasoning), and 1 Conclusion. While writing, try to create an informational (that doesn't involve too much research) and convincing/persuasive.

Here's an example of an essay (however, this is shorter, once again, you'll have to write at least 500 words):

More than 100 billion bananas are consumed every year all over the world. 2,500 types of apples are grown in the United States. Both bananas and apples are very popular fruits but when it comes down to nutrition, which one would be considered the healthier option? Both have significant nutritional benefits, apples being higher in fiber (helps rid the body of toxins) and bananas contain more protein (building blocks for bones, muscles, etc). However, I believe that the award of ‘healthiest’ would go to the banana because of the high amounts of potassium, less amounts of fruit sugar, and higher protein levels.

Comparing nutritional values, apples contain more sodium than bananas. Bananas contain 422 mg of potassium while apples contain only 195. Potassium helps rid your body of acid and also helps keep the fluids in the body at the right amount. Apples also contain 5 more grams of sugar. Although fruit sugar is significantly more healthy than man-made sugar or table sugar, fruit sugar can still cause the body to have health conditions (such as diabetes). As stated previously, bananas also have higher protein levels (bananas have 1.3 g and apples have 0.5 g). Bananas also have twice the amount of carbohydrates, which will be incredibly useful as an energy booster. Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that encourages the production of serotonin, which makes you “happier”.

Bananas and apples both have nutritional content, both being very healthy (and popular) fruits. Though apples also have healthy contents (lots of fiber, antioxidants, lowers risk of heart disease), it seems like bananas have the upper hand for health.

Part Three: Script Writing (Written by the fabulous Sawyer!)

In this section, we'll be adapting an older piece of writing into a script after learning about script writing from the wonderful Finley! Go check out their workshop here, where you'll explore scriptwriting and how techniques in scriptwriting can differ from those used in novel writing.

Once you've done that, let's move onto the activity! Pick out an old piece of your own writing to adapt into a script. It should be about 800-1000 words long and have narration and dialogue. Then, think about how you'd adapt it into a script for a play and start writing a script based on it, at least 700 words long. As you write, keep in mind what changes would be necessary for it would be performed live on stage, as well as what you learned from Finley's workshop. Make sure to include some actions as well as dialogue - but you don't need to include everything! It's okay to leave room for the director to imagine the scene.

Note: Tabs don't show up in forum posts, but you can copy and paste this character “ ” (it shows up bigger at the beginning of a line) or use spaces.

Here's an example of what I might do (although it's not as long as yours will be):

This is the piece I'm adapting into a play. There are some parts that I don't think will transfer well to the stage medium, like the thoughts behind what she does. I'm leaving out or changing those parts in my script.
Brook pushed her blonde hair behind her ear and opened her math book. As she began working on the first homework problem, she sighed. Her dog, Nancy, was lying next to her and Brook patted her on the head. When she looked back at the page, words were appearing. She rubbed her eyes. What? she thought. She closed the book. After a few seconds, she reopened it and found that the problem had been finished for her. She stood up to get a drink of water. Maybe she just had a headache and was imagining it. As she walked down the hallway to the kitchen, she spotted herself in the mirror. Her hair was bright pink — now purple! and now orange! — and her skin appeared to be covered in rainbow glitter. She screeched in surprise.
“Brook?” her mom called from the kitchen. “Is everything okay?”
She stepped into the kitchen. “My skin is—”
“Itchy? Bumpy? Dry?” her mom interrupted, looking at her with concern.
“Uhh no,” Brook answered. “Glittery?”
Had the glitter disappeared? Brook got a glass of water and then went to look in the mirror again. Her skin was still glittery. Could her mom not see it?
She got back to her desk and found that all of her math homework had been completed.
How convenient! she decided. Glad to be done with it, she opened her computer to work on her novel. She stared at the screen. Maybe I should go look at writing memes instead, she thought. That sounds productive!
Brook leaned back in her chair and let her vision blur. In the blink of an eye, she was being sucked into a rainbow tornado that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. She took a look around her room before all she could see was rainbows.

She found herself lying on dry, hard dirt. Above her was the ceiling of a large granite cave. She sat up and examined her surroundings. A few purple and pink stones lay near the walls and water dripped from the ceiling. A drop landed next to her and she stood up.

And here's my play adaptation!
BROOK sits at her desk in her bedroom doing math homework with NANCY next to her.

If Walker's backyard is a rectangle 20 yards long and 10 yards wide…

She sighs as she trails off and leans back in her chair. While she looks away, writing begins appearing in her math book. She looks back.


She scoots her chair back and stands up.

(from off-stage)
Brook? Is everything okay?

Yeah I think so!

Alright, let me know if you need anything!

BROOK takes her math book over to her mirror to see if the words still show up. When she looks in the mirror, she sees that her skin has turned rainbow. She screeches.



MOM enters the bedroom.

Brook, what's wrong?

She can't see that BROOK's face is rainbow.

My skin is -

Itchy? Bumpy? Dry?


What? Do you have a fever?

She leaves the room to get a thermometer.

I'm fine!

BROOK looks in the mirror again. This time, her skin is covered in glitter. She sits back down at her desk and leans back.

The lights create a swirling effect around her and a rainbow tornado sweeps across the stage. The stage blacks out.

The lights turn back on to show that BROOK is lying in a cave. She stands up.

Part Four: Non-Fiction (Written by the lovely Kat)
We're onto the last part of the weekly - and it's a fun one! (well at least, i think so ;D)
First, have a read of this amazing workshop on Types of Non-Fiction by the amazing Waterfall! You'll learn all about different kinds of Non-Fiction and different ways to write them, which will get you ready to do your final task for the week:

Write two different non-fiction writing pieces of different types, written in different styles (e.g. if one writing piece is written persuasively, you could write the next one narratively!) Each piece should be at least 400 words.

I've written an example below, but first, some context:
This will be a memoir type piece, written persuasively (if it goes well :'D). Because my excerpt will be quite short, I'm not sure how persuasive I'll manage to get it - but that's okay, because this task is for experimenting! Don't be scared to try something that may or may not turn out how you hope it will <3

And here's my example!
I was having a bad morning. I'd woken up late, there was no (good) food in the house, I hadn't done all my homework from the previous night. I'd rushed around downstairs, getting distracted, before returning to my desk for another dreary day of online learning. Still smoothing my hair (there'd been no time to brush it) and pushing things off my desk as I logged into my zoom, I couldn't quite remember whether the test was this week or next. I'd studied for it, right…? I knew the vocab, I was sure I did.

The call connected as my teacher was instructing us to tilt our screens so he could see that we weren't googling things on the sly. Half the boxes on my screen were of people's hands, furiously writing at blurred tests. I had to keep it together. As I started to complete my own test, struggling to calm my mind as I stared at the page of words, it became painfully obvious in my mind that I was not going to get a good mark. I knew most of the words, kind of. But the test covered 5 chapters, and I'd only studied 4. I hadn't touched my revision word list in a week. In my head, before I submitted my test, I mentally calculated. 100 words, and I'd left 10 of them blank. An 88, I told myself. Allow space to get some wrong, and maybe I'd be pleasantly surprised.

When the mark came back, a big red 85 staring cruelly up at me as if a joke, I told myself I deserved it. “I guess that's what I get for not studying,” I told my friends. No one said anything, but I could tell what they were thinking. They had 60s, 70s in latin, and here I was complaining about an 85. But I couldn't shake the crushing shame that pushed in from all sides, that told me I had failed myself. I stashed it away with my other tests - with my collection of perfect scores, and I couldn't help think about my average. It would have been a 100, and now it wasn't. I would have topped the year level, and now what? I'd be 5th, maybe – and that was if I did perfectly for the rest of the year.

I found myself wondering, later that day, what the point of all this was. Why did it matter that I didn't know the words I was supposed to know today, when I'd know them tomorrow, and every day after that? It meant next to nothing that I submitted homework religiously, put my hand up at every question that was asked. I'd lost my place at the top, and the pride that went with it, and nothing else I could do would fix it. Why did the darned numbers matter so much, when there was one thing they represented - and a million things they didn't.

Conclusion (intro and conclusion written by the fantastic Birdi)
To finish up our weekly, here's a handy list of the minimum word counts and required proof for this weekly:

  • 300 words of poetry with 5 different types of poems
  • 500 words of an essay intro, one body paragraph, and a conclusion on a topic that is not directly political
  • 700 words of a script
  • 800 words of non-fiction (400 words each to two different types of non-fiction)
  • Proof of all parts
(In total, at least 2300 words for 4000 points!)

And that pretty much sums up our first weekly for this session. When done, remember to post links to proof of all completed parts in the main cabin along with your total word count. You will need to submit your weekly by 11:59pm on March 9th, UTC time. If you submit a weekly late we will be unable to add your points, so please make sure to submit on time <3

Remember to add the words you write for this weekly in your cabin as well!

Finally, don't stress too much about getting this done immediately - you can try and spread your work over the week, and there are still three weeklies to go ^^' Always prioritize your health (mental, physical, and social) and real life obligations over SWC; they hold more value than any number of points that you could earn.

And with that, It's time to get writing! Good luck <3

hey, i'm westy


“august slipped away into a moment in time,”
62 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Hello, whay does “unpolitical topic” mean in part 2?

Bellevue91 wrote:

March 2022 SWC Weekly #1 - Different Types Of Writing
Greetings and welcome to the very first weekly of Scratch Writing Camp March 2022! <3

This weekly encompasses four sections, each of which involve a workshop that you must read through and an activity you must do in relation to that workshop. Thank you to our wonderful workshop innovators. We have Poetry by @Polarbear_17, Scriptwriting by @The-Book-Worm, Types of Non-Fiction by @129waterfall, and Essays by @theniqhtsfall ^^
You may begin writing towards this weekly at 12:01am on March 3rd, UTC time zone!

Part One: Poetry (written by the brilliant Zura)

For this first part, we will begin with poetry! The iconic Zai has created a phenomenal workshop here on this topic!

Once you read through the workshop, write 300 words of poetry, comprising of at least 5 different types of poems.

For this example, I have picked a Haiku, Acrostic, Limmerick, Sestina, and Free Verse as my types of poems. You don’t have to do these but have at least 5 different types (Zai's workshop will give you many ideas on which types to write for this weekly and help you write better poetry).

Poem 1: mother (haiku)

swallowing my tears
your honeysuckle breath wraps
in a warm embrace.

Poem 2: fairy (acrostic)

far away, sweeps an enchanting floral aroma
away from the melancholic countryside
inside the beating blood of the rosy-cheeked stands a line of figurines
ready to be harvested for their eternal

Poem 3: swc (limerick)

once was a gathering of fifteen
with lofty hopes and dreams
to reach the crown of sole victory
so one cabin, one by one, knocked the other teams into misery
crumbling the fourteen into a depressed state no one could have foreseen

Poem 4: tales of a pebble thanks random word generator(sestina)

over the silky stream lies a pebble
a greater magnificence than a ballroom
which gave its gym
a bright glow like lights on an ambulance
over the yonder lay a mill
which stood tall on its legs like a pillar

by the river the children would shout “wow, it's a pillar!”
when a distant traveler strolled by the pebble
at night returning to their cotton mill
hoping a chance in the ballroom
but in their dreams rushed an ambulance
and they settled on a gym instead

in the rushing crowd of 6th graders running at the gym
the golden statue stood as a pillar
as they waited for the ambulance
to heal the scar from the pebble
a young girl then shouted, “suzie! let's wait in the ballroom!”
and instead got lost in the mill

the children steadily threaded string at the mill
calmly watching the gym
waver back and forth like dancers in a ballroom
“i wish we could have this much fun,” a person shouted to a stone pillar
so they threw the supervisor a pebble
and as they escaped awaits the ambulance

of course, it's unfavorable to be the ambulance
watching the workers empty its mill
wondering how a pebble
managed to harm a 6th grader in the gym
they could only turn to its pillar
and resigned their job, residing in ballroom

and yet there was eerie silence in the ballroom
with the workers of the ambulance
departed, there would be no pillar
for the workers at the mill
and the children at the gym
all caused by a cursed pebble

the ballroom, the gym
the ambulance, the mill
all watched their pillar crumbled by a small, simple, pebble.

Poem 5: childhood (free verse)

a bubble, rapidly expanding
in a world of color
drifting faster than a wheel spinning
a warm breath
its life source stopping
and finally free
flying high above the sunlit rooftops

a tightness rings in my chest
and slowly
i count down the days
i can taste summer

maybe i never realized the pain
of growing older.

Part Two: Essays (written by the magnificent Vi)

For section 2, you get to learn about essays from the wonderful Nights! Take a look at this workshop first, where you'll learn all about how to write an intriguing argument essay and then move on to our activity.

For this activity, you'll have to write a 500 word essay about an unpolitical topic. Instead of typically writing 5 paragraphs, you only have to write 3: Introduction, 1 Body Paragraph (including at least 1 piece of evidence/reasoning), and 1 Conclusion. While writing, try to create an informational (that doesn't involve too much research) and convincing/persuasive.

Here's an example of an essay (however, this is shorter, once again, you'll have to write at least 500 words):

More than 100 billion bananas are consumed every year all over the world. 2,500 types of apples are grown in the United States. Both bananas and apples are very popular fruits but when it comes down to nutrition, which one would be considered the healthier option? Both have significant nutritional benefits, apples being higher in fiber (helps rid the body of toxins) and bananas contain more protein (building blocks for bones, muscles, etc). However, I believe that the award of ‘healthiest’ would go to the banana because of the high amounts of potassium, less amounts of fruit sugar, and higher protein levels.

Comparing nutritional values, apples contain more sodium than bananas. Bananas contain 422 mg of potassium while apples contain only 195. Potassium helps rid your body of acid and also helps keep the fluids in the body at the right amount. Apples also contain 5 more grams of sugar. Although fruit sugar is significantly more healthy than man-made sugar or table sugar, fruit sugar can still cause the body to have health conditions (such as diabetes). As stated previously, bananas also have higher protein levels (bananas have 1.3 g and apples have 0.5 g). Bananas also have twice the amount of carbohydrates, which will be incredibly useful as an energy booster. Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that encourages the production of serotonin, which makes you “happier”.

Bananas and apples both have nutritional content, both being very healthy (and popular) fruits. Though apples also have healthy contents (lots of fiber, antioxidants, lowers risk of heart disease), it seems like bananas have the upper hand for health.

Part Three: Script Writing (Written by the fabulous Sawyer!)

In this section, we'll be adapting an older piece of writing into a script after learning about script writing from the wonderful Finley! Go check out their workshop here, where you'll explore scriptwriting and how techniques in scriptwriting can differ from those used in novel writing.

Once you've done that, let's move onto the activity! Pick out an old piece of your own writing to adapt into a script. It should be about 800-1000 words long and have narration and dialogue. Then, think about how you'd adapt it into a script for a play and start writing a script based on it, at least 700 words long. As you write, keep in mind what changes would be necessary for it would be performed live on stage, as well as what you learned from Finley's workshop. Make sure to include some actions as well as dialogue - but you don't need to include everything! It's okay to leave room for the director to imagine the scene.

Note: Tabs don't show up in forum posts, but you can copy and paste this character “ ” (it shows up bigger at the beginning of a line) or use spaces.

Here's an example of what I might do (although it's not as long as yours will be):

This is the piece I'm adapting into a play. There are some parts that I don't think will transfer well to the stage medium, like the thoughts behind what she does. I'm leaving out or changing those parts in my script.
Brook pushed her blonde hair behind her ear and opened her math book. As she began working on the first homework problem, she sighed. Her dog, Nancy, was lying next to her and Brook patted her on the head. When she looked back at the page, words were appearing. She rubbed her eyes. What? she thought. She closed the book. After a few seconds, she reopened it and found that the problem had been finished for her. She stood up to get a drink of water. Maybe she just had a headache and was imagining it. As she walked down the hallway to the kitchen, she spotted herself in the mirror. Her hair was bright pink — now purple! and now orange! — and her skin appeared to be covered in rainbow glitter. She screeched in surprise.
“Brook?” her mom called from the kitchen. “Is everything okay?”
She stepped into the kitchen. “My skin is—”
“Itchy? Bumpy? Dry?” her mom interrupted, looking at her with concern.
“Uhh no,” Brook answered. “Glittery?”
Had the glitter disappeared? Brook got a glass of water and then went to look in the mirror again. Her skin was still glittery. Could her mom not see it?
She got back to her desk and found that all of her math homework had been completed.
How convenient! she decided. Glad to be done with it, she opened her computer to work on her novel. She stared at the screen. Maybe I should go look at writing memes instead, she thought. That sounds productive!
Brook leaned back in her chair and let her vision blur. In the blink of an eye, she was being sucked into a rainbow tornado that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. She took a look around her room before all she could see was rainbows.

She found herself lying on dry, hard dirt. Above her was the ceiling of a large granite cave. She sat up and examined her surroundings. A few purple and pink stones lay near the walls and water dripped from the ceiling. A drop landed next to her and she stood up.

And here's my play adaptation!
BROOK sits at her desk in her bedroom doing math homework with NANCY next to her.

If Walker's backyard is a rectangle 20 yards long and 10 yards wide…

She sighs as she trails off and leans back in her chair. While she looks away, writing begins appearing in her math book. She looks back.


She scoots her chair back and stands up.

(from off-stage)
Brook? Is everything okay?

Yeah I think so!

Alright, let me know if you need anything!

BROOK takes her math book over to her mirror to see if the words still show up. When she looks in the mirror, she sees that her skin has turned rainbow. She screeches.



MOM enters the bedroom.

Brook, what's wrong?

She can't see that BROOK's face is rainbow.

My skin is -

Itchy? Bumpy? Dry?


What? Do you have a fever?

She leaves the room to get a thermometer.

I'm fine!

BROOK looks in the mirror again. This time, her skin is covered in glitter. She sits back down at her desk and leans back.

The lights create a swirling effect around her and a rainbow tornado sweeps across the stage. The stage blacks out.

The lights turn back on to show that BROOK is lying in a cave. She stands up.

Part Four: Non-Fiction (Written by the lovely Kat)
We're onto the last part of the weekly - and it's a fun one! (well at least, i think so ;D)
First, have a read of this amazing workshop on Types of Non-Fiction by the amazing Waterfall! You'll learn all about different kinds of Non-Fiction and different ways to write them, which will get you ready to do your final task for the week:

Write two different non-fiction writing pieces of different types, written in different styles (e.g. if one writing piece is written persuasively, you could write the next one narratively!) Each piece should be at least 400 words.

I've written an example below, but first, some context:
This will be a memoir type piece, written persuasively (if it goes well :'D). Because my excerpt will be quite short, I'm not sure how persuasive I'll manage to get it - but that's okay, because this task is for experimenting! Don't be scared to try something that may or may not turn out how you hope it will <3

And here's my example!
I was having a bad morning. I'd woken up late, there was no (good) food in the house, I hadn't done all my homework from the previous night. I'd rushed around downstairs, getting distracted, before returning to my desk for another dreary day of online learning. Still smoothing my hair (there'd been no time to brush it) and pushing things off my desk as I logged into my zoom, I couldn't quite remember whether the test was this week or next. I'd studied for it, right…? I knew the vocab, I was sure I did.

The call connected as my teacher was instructing us to tilt our screens so he could see that we weren't googling things on the sly. Half the boxes on my screen were of people's hands, furiously writing at blurred tests. I had to keep it together. As I started to complete my own test, struggling to calm my mind as I stared at the page of words, it became painfully obvious in my mind that I was not going to get a good mark. I knew most of the words, kind of. But the test covered 5 chapters, and I'd only studied 4. I hadn't touched my revision word list in a week. In my head, before I submitted my test, I mentally calculated. 100 words, and I'd left 10 of them blank. An 88, I told myself. Allow space to get some wrong, and maybe I'd be pleasantly surprised.

When the mark came back, a big red 85 staring cruelly up at me as if a joke, I told myself I deserved it. “I guess that's what I get for not studying,” I told my friends. No one said anything, but I could tell what they were thinking. They had 60s, 70s in latin, and here I was complaining about an 85. But I couldn't shake the crushing shame that pushed in from all sides, that told me I had failed myself. I stashed it away with my other tests - with my collection of perfect scores, and I couldn't help think about my average. It would have been a 100, and now it wasn't. I would have topped the year level, and now what? I'd be 5th, maybe – and that was if I did perfectly for the rest of the year.

I found myself wondering, later that day, what the point of all this was. Why did it matter that I didn't know the words I was supposed to know today, when I'd know them tomorrow, and every day after that? It meant next to nothing that I submitted homework religiously, put my hand up at every question that was asked. I'd lost my place at the top, and the pride that went with it, and nothing else I could do would fix it. Why did the darned numbers matter so much, when there was one thing they represented - and a million things they didn't.

Conclusion (intro and conclusion written by the fantastic Birdi)
To finish up our weekly, here's a handy list of the minimum word counts and required proof for this weekly:

  • 300 words of poetry with 5 different types of poems
  • 500 words of an essay intro, one body paragraph, and a conclusion on a topic that is not directly political
  • 700 words of a script
  • 800 words of non-fiction (400 words each to two different types of non-fiction)
  • Proof of all parts
(In total, at least 2300 words for 4000 points!)

And that pretty much sums up our first weekly for this session. When done, remember to post links to proof of all completed parts in the main cabin along with your total word count. You will need to submit your weekly by 11:59pm on March 9th, UTC time. If you submit a weekly late we will be unable to add your points, so please make sure to submit on time <3

Remember to add the words you write for this weekly in your cabin as well!

Finally, don't stress too much about getting this done immediately - you can try and spread your work over the week, and there are still three weeklies to go ^^' Always prioritize your health (mental, physical, and social) and real life obligations over SWC; they hold more value than any number of points that you could earn.

And with that, It's time to get writing! Good luck <3

Last edited by Snuggle1267 (March 3, 2022 13:24:17)

☔ snug ¦ she / her ¦ aries march 25 ¦ entj-t ¦ 3w2 ¦ indonesian ¦ #mythftw !! ¦ stan ive ɞ
⤿ if you want to know more about me, check my carrd
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Friendly reminder to snip long posts - you simply replace the content of the post with “snip” or something similar ^^

cami ~ she-her
Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you. • John Laurens

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Bellevue91 wrote:
Once you've done that, let's move onto the activity! Pick out an old piece of your own writing to adapt into a script.
So, do I have to use my own writing though? Or is that just a suggestion?
87 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

707 words


VILLAGERS are walking around the village. PEPA steps out of a door.

PEPA (sadly):
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Alma Madrigal, our abuela.
VILLAGERS drop the various items they are holding, like flowers, pots, or clothing.

PEPA (sadly):
Her funeral will be next Tuesday. She was eighty-five.

Pepa picks up the candle from a shelf.

I am the next candle-holder, in her place.

VILLAGERS look sad and bow heads, sigh, etc.
MIRABEL runs up to PEPA.

Hey, Tía. I’ve a question for you.

PEPA (sadly):
Does it concern our late Abuela? Otherwise, I’d suggest you ask someone else.

I can only ask you, candle-holder. May I try my ceremony again, now with the new and improved candle? You never know, maybe I could try for a power, I’m twenty-five in two days-

PEPA (shocked):
Mirabel! How could you say that? Everyone only gets one ceremony! I know you still may be upset over your..loss, but you cannot interrupt important grieving for our Abuela!

MIRABEL (angry, begging):


PEPA looks into MIRABEL’s eyes.

I have something to tell you. Walk with me.

PEPA and MIRABEL walk down the street. No VILLAGERS are outside anymore.

Mirabel. There is a candle-holder code. And in it, is one rule that you would hate, and also a reason to keep you from this miracle. One of the rules is.. Keep Mirabel away from the candle.

MIRABEL looks on in horror, as PEPA avoids her eyes.

‘She is a bad influence. She is forever banned. Please, we must protect the miracle.’ So says Abuela, and I will honor her last wishes. Now. I must oversee mourning rituals. Good day.

PEPA walks away, and the clouds turn dark gray and rain cascades over them.

MIRABEL (quietly, angrily singing):
Don’t be upset. Or mad at all. Don’t feel regret. Or sad at all. Hey, I'm still a part of the family Madrigal. And I’m fine. I’m totally fine. I will stand on the side as you shine. I’m not fine. I’m not fine.

VILLAGERS move faster and faster, calendar pages fall to the ground, signaling the passing of days.


VILLAGERS, and all of the MADRIGAL FAMILY are gathered around a closed coffin with glowing golden butterflies on top.

I used to hear everyone. Now, there is one less voice in this town.

I used to pick up her donkeys every day. She used to give me so many tasks, but I loved her!

LUISA sobs loudly into a handkerchief.

She adored me. She always had one of my flowers draped over her door, but now her door’s golden colors have disappeared, making room for new generations of Madrigals. Even in death my Abuela is kind.

MIRABEL steps back as heads turn to the left of ISABELA, eyes skip over her and instead look to CAMILO.


CAMILO’s voice breaks and he just passes on the microphone.

My Abuela. I have known her for fifteen years, and then she left us. But we will all meet her again someday. I loved her.

ALL bow their heads and cry. PEPA wails, and it starts raining.


DOLORES and BRUNO are in a room together. They still look sad.

Bruno. Tío. I need your help.

DOLORES touches BRUNO’s shoulder.

BRUNO (sadly):
In what? Paving cracks?

The death of Abuela has not affected BRUNO as much as the rest of the Madrigals, and DOLORES can see that.

Not that. Can you see a future for me? I know everyone overreacted about it, but that was almost fifteen years ago. I need another future.”

BRUNo stares at her.

BRUNO (firmly):
No. I’ve given up my power ever since Mirabel revived the casita. Don’t you see? It was my power that led to Mirabel’s investigations, the fall of the house, everything!

DOLORES (gently):
I understand, Tío. But Mariano and I..we’re having a baby.”

BRUNO freezes.

BRUNO (hesitating):
Still..no. I can’t…

Please? You see, we just want the best for little Robert. We need to find out if there are dangers ahead for him.

BRUNO goes still.


500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022


❝Life doesn't have to be perfect to be amazing <3❞

5 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

I don't really get what we are supposed to be doing and how Scratch discuss works please teach me…
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Wait- I'm embrarassed at my old writing- uhhhhhhh- *flips out*

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Hey! I have another question, if I use some quotes in my essay, do these count for the 500 word minimum?

cami ~ she-her
Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you. • John Laurens

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

For the poetry, am I allowed to write more than five poems if I can't reach the word count limit?

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀sophie ~ she/they ~ bookworm ~ musical nerd
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

i_like_kotlc wrote:

For the poetry, am I allowed to write more than five poems if I can't reach the word count limit?
yep! it says so in the section description ^^ /nm

Bellevue91 wrote:

write 300 words of poetry, comprising of at least 5 different types of poems.

cami ~ she-her
Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you. • John Laurens

New to Scratch
15 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

Total words: 3,814 words
Poem words: 304 words

Poem 1: sun (haikyuu)

the sun stayed sunny
plants grew more oftenly
everyone seemed glad

Poem 2: raindrops (acrostic)

raindrops slowly drop and drop
and more drops fall again and again
it has been raining for a few hours
nevertheless have i experienced this
day and night it rained
raining for hours and hours
one day has passed and it stopped
preventing major flood and bringing happiness

Poem 3: cook (limerick)

we were looking for a book
because we wanted to cook
it was hard finding a proper one
but we found a good recipe about lemon
i bought it then i gave it a look

Poem 3: dreaming (sestina)

its just the middle of the night
i just looking into the stars
day-dreaming on the sky
its a good delight
the stars were very high
i wonder the length yards

i was just imagining
thinking of what comes next
maybe i'll try read something
i felt something happening
i can feel that something
i'm gonna continue to text

i have to rest again
hoping for another day
the stars were blinking
i wonder when
i started thinking
i hope somethings happening today

i just have this feeling
that something exciting
is yet to come today
who knows what time
my eyes were sparkling
i can feel the joy in me

i slept and wake
i was still dreaming
i could never stop
hope these dreams are real
they're keeping me awake
hope the joy is yet to come

i felt happiness
joy, hope, kindness
that someone was beside me
looking after me everyday
i wonder who it is
now i'm gonna sleep

the joy, happiness
dreaming, kindness
now its time to go to bed

Poem 5: family (definite)

Family is like glue,
It sticks together no matter what,
It is stronger than rock

Essay : Water
Essay Words: 1,008 words

If we look at water as something beyond what we drink, it can be seen as something critical to the earth’s survival such as humans, animals, plants, and many more. The formula for life on a planet is water + soil + air. Take the Sun as an example. According to NASA, the Sun’s is made of a large portion of hydrogen atoms and a small portion of helium atoms. It doesn’t have soil, instead lava. Moreover, it doesn’t have any water which means that there is no life. We have water on Earth. One day, the water will run out and that brings us to the question of whether we’ll survive or not. We won’t if it does run out, humans, animals, plants rely on water to live. If the water runs out, the world will most likely not survive anymore. Trees, flowers, animals may die and especially us since we need more water. Therefore, water is important because it acts as the key of life to our and everyone else's survival.

Sustaining life on earth is one of water’s most important jobs. Water plays a critical role in the cycle of photosynthesis. It helps provide the water into the soil, which then gets absorbed by the roots and gets transported to the leaves. The leaves use the sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into sugars, which release oxygen into the air and the oxygen for us humans to breathe. Not only does it play an important role in the cycle of photosynthesis, but it also helps in the body of humans and animals. It helps in the process of transporting nutrients, digestion, removing waste, regulating body temperature, and the cleaning of eyes. Water also regulates the climate. According to Ocean Explorer, ocean currents regulate global climate by counteracting the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface through the transportation of warm and cold water to certain areas. Indeed, water is the key to life, however pollution tries to prevent it from being the key. When water evaporates, it leaves everything behind as the water vapor rises. All the pollutants are dangerous to the water habitat. People don’t have proper access to water because of pollution, trash, nuclear waste, etc. Those who don’t have proper access to water risk getting cholera, which is mainly caused by dirty infectious water. One of the worst cases being the one recorded in 1846 in Mecca, with over 15,000 deaths. However, some areas are still not able to get proper access because of their ethnicity, gender, social status, disability, and the inability to afford these high costs. That’s not the only problem, but the demand for water is also increasing. The main reason for the growing demand of water is the population growth and GDP (global domestic product). Research says that 4 babies are born every second. We’re going to need much more water because of that rate. Water pollution org suggested “Conserve water by turning off the tap when running water is not necessary. This helps prevent water shortages and reduces the amount of contaminated water that needs treatment. Be careful about what you throw down your sink or toilet. Don't throw paints, oils or other forms of litter down the drain”. Some ways to prevent this extinction is .. number 1, dispose of toxic chemicals, shop with water pollution in mind, do not pour fat and grease down the drain, check your sump pump or cellar drain, dispose of medical waste wisely, eat more organic food, report water polluters, support environmental charities, cut down on meat consumption, try to avoid plastic containers, keep your vehicles from leaking, cut down on chemicals, plant some trees, help clean the beaches and rivers, and many more. Start from the small things, then you can go up higher and higher. You don’t need to immediately go up to the highest part. (15 Proven Ways We can Reduce Pollution | Blog Arcadia)

We’ve learned that water is the equation of life and that water is very important to our world. We also learned that it can change anything from helping seeds grow into plants, helping our body process, and help regulate the climate, and so much more things water can help us do. It is very critical in life, not only towards human but to plants, and plants give us the oxygen and water is required for the plants to grow. It’s also critical to the animals for water, if they don’t get supplied or find any water, they’re most likely going to “die” and it may lead to animal extinction. However, we have a lot of trouble trying to take care of water, we often think its not used and its very easy to get. If we don’t try to, we risk the extinction of humans, animals, or even plants in the distant future. So, let’s take a course of action right now before it’s too late. We don’t need to be in big communities to help and those big places, we can start off small. It can start simply as not taking very long baths, disposing trash properly, turning off the faucet when we’re brushing our teeth, and many other things. When we’re ready to go big and go boom, we can join community clubs to help clean the beach, stop nuclear waste, protect endangered animals, and so much more. We can also lecture the world about being fair to one another and not judge each other by their ethnicity, social status, etc. Good things take time and it can’t just be there in like a second or minute you ask. Remember, every single drop counts and will affect much more in the future or even maybe today or in a few minutes, hours, weeks, months, or years! Let’s prevent anyone and anything from dragging water out of the life equation! Let’s start by doing the smallest things to prevent and slowly go up until we can join the big communities. Remember, water is our survival so we’re fighting for our survival.
Script writing words: 1,000 words (exactly 1,000 words XD)

Maia entered this mansion, while she was walking, she dropped and someone masked her and brought her to a dungeon prison alongside someone.

“Uhm, hello? Can someone hear me? Please! Anyone? I’m just a teen, I don’t want to go to jail, I did nothing wrong, please!”

“Yea, hello, welcome to the dungeon. I am your cellmate, Lea. You will be stuck here for 10 years and then you will be released haha.”

“Wait what? Excuse me! I also have school, I’m only 17 years old and I have a college final exam next week regarding if I’m going to pass or not to university, oh no!”

“Not my fault, it’s the people’s fault, I have been stuck for 4 years now and trust me, if you don’t give them pieces of information, they’re going to torture you or slow death. My previous cellmate, that was what happened to her since she did not wanted to cooperate.”

“That’s awful! I’ll think of a plan to escape this awful place.”

“No, there are over 100 cameras with 4k and there are no blind spots, no way you’re going to escape, you’re gonna need outside help but you have no way contacting, they don’t allow anyone to call so it’s generally impossible. Someone escaped, but they got uh slow death and their family was tortured, like tortured a lot-.”

“No, I’ll think of a way, trust me. I just need to know where the cameras are located and find areas and tools to escape, easy peasy lemon squeezy! What do you think?”

“Gurl, there are no cameras, the cameras are everywhere and they get monitored 24 hours a day. How are you supposed to beat it? And it isn’t easy, we don’t get provided any tools, and what’s your name? You didn’t even introduce yourself yet?”

“My name is Maia. Well, doors give out some blind spots right?”

Lea accidentally shouted too loud and exposed Maia’s plan to the guards. The guards put Maia in a harder prison than Lea.

“I was just trying to save Lea, but now she has abandoned me? Wait, what’s Lea doing over there, why is she out and with the rest of the guards?”

“I was never a prisoner, I lied. It was just a test to see if you would try escaping and you would. More punishments if you even try to escape! I’m a cop, a police officer.”

“Wait, what?”

Maia was there for over a year now, 329 days.

“I miss my parents, my family, my friends, my school, I’m probably gonna miss out university and it’s so boring here.”

“Come on Maia, you need to think of a way to escape. Think of your family. Hm, I know the camera spots and blind spots now, I just need help from the police to do the escaping.

“The only person I thought of is Lea, but I don’t think she would help me out. Unless, I know her sister, Emily, her sister is in my school and I do know something about her sister that no one knows, even her parents. Lea! Lea! Come here, I have to tell you something”

“What? Don’t waste my time.”

“I know your sister, Emily. She lives 300m away from you, she goes to the school near the mall, she makes tea every 6.30am in the morning. Heads out for breakfast at 7.00am. And goes to school at 7.30am. Now, if you help me, I won’t leak out the mini secret, remember?

“Dude, I’m not a police anymore. I got fired, I’m the cell checker and I want to get out of here and no jokes this time, I promise, deal?

“Alright. So the plan, I have a hairpin that can unlock the cell, you’re going to tell the police that we’re dropping off a new prisoner and to escort them beside my cell. I have this mask and it looks like one of the guards so you’re gonna bring that guard back to their house without letting anyone know or this is screwed. Next, you say to the manager that you’re gonna bring me, aka the “guard” back home because for some reason. Then you bring the real guard back and ta-da! Then you say you want a day off and leave the place. Boom!”

“Maia, how am I supposed to escape? Wait, I can disguise myself as the manager and say that me, Lea is fired and forced to go! Nice plan, let’s do it!”

“We have to wait till 6pm, for now, let’s get the masks done, I borrowed some tools.”

Lea almost screwed the mission because someone accidentally called her but they made an excuse and got out of the situation in no time!

“Hey, thanks for trusting me, you’re arrested again…”

“Wait… what?”

“… For being too smart to find an escape plan hahaha”

“That was not a good joke Lea.”

“Well, it was to me! Thanks again.”

“No worries, see you, maybe sometime I don’t know..”

Her parents were very happy when Maia came home. Maia’s parents informed that she got accepted to the university without having to do the exam from escaping the prison. Maia grind and was so happy, earlier, she asked for Lea’s number and they called each other.

“Hey! How are you doing?”

“Dude, it’s just been an hour… and here’s my sister!”


“Nice to meet you Emily!”

They talked for a few hours every day and started to get closer. They lived a happy life and never got caught. Maia also started a successful business alongside Lea and Emily. They became very close and good friends along the way. And they lived hApPilY eVeR aFtEr, the end of this story! (cringe ending)

NON FICTION : Covid-19 experience
non fiction words: 1,502 words

Never in a million year I thought of experiencing ‘stay at home’ period, and home-based learning, as form social and physical distancing. Things that were normal are not normal anymore. People need to make adjustments to their life. Through this essay, I will bring you the situation of Covid-19 pandemic, especially in my country, how I go through a stay at home period, and how my family stays healthy and develops some routines at the house while at the same time acquiring new skills along the road. Home based and online learning have also created platform for students and teachers to meet and interact. New way of online life and socializing are also introduced during the pandemic, more people now than ever, do their daily life through the web. In this way people can still communicate with each other while limiting physical interaction. The economy impact is inevitable from this virus, people lost their jobs and sources of income. I will give a glimpse on how my family cope with this issue.

Just when I thought things are getting better, it came to be worse. Corona pandemic due to Covid-19 virus had arrived in my country, starting first in the early March 2020 in my country, my home town. Originally it was first discovered in Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019 and surfaced to the public and the world’s attention in January 2020. Hundreds, thousands and millions of people got infected and the number of deaths increased staggeringly day by day. Hospitals, emergency units and intensive care units were exploding with the overwhelmingly huge number of Covid-19 patients. Doctors, nurses and medical workers had worked restlessly to fight and treat their patients, and some of them had died while on their duty.

I thought that the number of victims would not create such a problem in my country. That afternoon on Thursday 12th March 2020, I was still going on with my daily life at school, until our teachers told us to pack up everything and to be by the Chapel at 2 o’clock. I was concerned and nervous about the situation. When we finally got the announcement, I was stunned. Start from tomorrow, 13th March 2020, all students would have to stay at home and did the home-based learning arranged by my school. I thought to myself why all of the sudden, does everything have to be worse. Things that I have planned earlier such as birthday party, tennis competition, Mandarin course and piano lessons, were all being cancelled. My life turned upside down and I could not go anywhere. I could not meet my grandparents, cousins and friends. Few days later, I heard that a couple of my neighbors, my circle of friends, and one of my teachers were infected and admitted to the hospital for quarantine and treatment. From that moment, I knew this situation was serious and critical, and the only solution to stop the spread of the virus was to stay at home and be healthy.

During the stay home period, my family develop some routine to stay healthy. All of us have to wake up early every day around 7.30 AM, eat breakfast together, and doing exercises in the sun afterward. Some of our favorites things to do at home are sunbathing and walking around at our backyard while watering the plant, and bicycling at the front of the house with my siblings and father. I feel grateful for my family’s support during this difficult time. And the most important is I thank God for His grace toward me, I have a house that I can move around freely, and abundant food that are still available in our dining table. While I saw in the news, many people all over the world and surround us are in need and in shortage of food to survive. My family try to contribute as much as we can to help the poor and family in need near our area. In this difficult time, God teaches us that we must forgo our ego and materialism, help everyone in needs, and refocus our attention to human basic needs to survive such as food and medicines. God gives us nature such as sun for us to utilize and individual talent to shine, such as hidden cooking and baking talent, during this difficult time. My mom started to bake macaroni schotel and it was so yummy. I never thought that my mom could cook. My dad also developed new skill during this quarantine. He was able to do haircut for all his children. He learned how to cut the hair through YouTube.

Since everybody is staying home, studying and working from home, we have developed a new way of life through online. Everyone is adjusting to the new habit. my school introduced its online learning through Google meet and we are given some assigned tasks to complete on weekly basis. I meet with my teachers and classmates almost every day. I keep myself busy daily by doing assignments, quizzes, video presentations and projects. Each of us in my house has his or her own computer to do the tasks. My Mandarin course also introduced its online learning that really helps in advancing my Mandarin skills. I still can practice my Mandarin speaking with my Chinese teacher every other day. In the afternoon, during my free time, I usually video call my grandparents that I haven’t seen for the past 2 months, and invites my friends to meet at Zoom. I feel that we are getting better at online platform and have established a new of socializing between friends. We talk as usual and play together using online applications. However sometimes the internet connection in my house experiences glitch and keep disconnected. My family also buy weekly groceries, medicines, fresh produces including vegetables, fruits and meat via online and they are delivered right to our house from the supplier or supermarket. All of them are sprayed with disinfectant before entering our house. I paid myself more attention toward hygienic issue during this pandemic.

When the government introduced social and physical distancing in Jakarta on 10th April 2020, all schools, churches, malls and non-essential businesses were closed. It was a challenging time for the people and the government. Many people lost a whole lot or some of their income, including my father who owned a small business. The economy in general is heavily impacted by this pandemic. I feel sad whenever I look at my father, while thinking on how hard he had built his company from scratch. He was frustrated by the whole situation. But one thing I know for sure that God will make a way when there seems to be no way, and he has a great plan ahead of us. I keep praying to God to help my father and family to go through this difficult time, have stronger faith in God and positive attitude toward the future. Miracle will happen to all us who believe. At the moment, we are cutting unnecessary expenses for example limit the use of air conditioning (AC), and rather than buying take-away foods, we mostly cook our meals at home. I know that a lot of families go through the same as mine. Some people that I know, start to sell cookies and food to support their family during this period of income shortage.

In conclusion, today is marked the 45 days of my stay home period. Looking back the time when I first started the home based learning, in the beginning I faced some difficulties such as the unstable internet connection, and many technical issues such as slow computer system to load the data, problem with Google classroom and drive, or typing the wrong link to enter Google meet. It took time and consistent effort to learn and get used to the new way of learning and online interaction with teachers and friends. Some videos or projects that I made took a lot of time with many trials and errors. But I always remind myself that we are all in this together. It takes time and resilience from all family members to adjust with the current condition. One thing that I remember is that, although the corona pandemic is a painful experience for the whole nation all over the world, I believe that we will come back stronger. God will heal and restore us and the whole nation to a much better condition than before. Many people will turn to God and receive Jesus as His savior and strength. I cannot thankful enough to God to let me have this experience, and for me to see with my own eyes that He is good, our God is alive and He is capable to make everything possible. I try every day to stay healthy and have positive mind and attitude. I hope that this pandemic will end soon and I can go back to school and normal life as soon as possible.

1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

ButterflyWings22 wrote:

Bellevue91 wrote:
Once you've done that, let's move onto the activity! Pick out an old piece of your own writing to adapt into a script.
So, do I have to use my own writing though? Or is that just a suggestion?
yep, you have to use your own writing

-MyNewAccount- wrote:

Hey! I have another question, if I use some quotes in my essay, do these count for the 500 word minimum?

Snuggle1267 wrote:

Hello, whay does “unpolitical topic” mean in part 2?
not something about your opinions on certain laws and policies, politicians, etc

86 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Weekly #1 - March 2022

when green flag clicked
say [Camp on Scratch!?] for (2) secs
say [Really!!?] for (2) secs

Last edited by NK30092011 (March 4, 2022 07:10:35)

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