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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

kkidslogin wrote:


Actually, I don't know how to work Bootstrap, so I didn't use it
I use some of the navbar for AspectOS and changed it a lot

PFP finally updated
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

qloakonscratch wrote:

anthrofurever wrote:

I vote Lily

Aha the bias
bias, banned

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

~snip about their fnaf game~
nothing like mine

and eh more lore

qloakonscratch wrote:

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

One word to describe the BoD rules and the requirements is hypercritical.
It's too perfect and these are kids we are talking about, not adults who use clues. But we are wise.

Do you think a kid will see the codeword for the BoD? So! It's too hard unless you have that one extension where you can view the source of the BBCode.
I recommend making the codeword a bit easier. Yes, you have to trust the people. But you don't have to take drastic measures to the point where they are missing a codeword and they can't apply in a week.

I'm not saying to make it obvious. Just make it less hidden to the point where it is hidden in plain sight.
Exactly. The only reason a codeword is there is to make sure they read the rules. Even if you read the rules, you won't find it unless you, for some reason decide to view the source of the BBcode.

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

Dream-123-123 wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

One word to describe the BoD rules and the requirements is hypercritical.
It's too perfect and these are kids we are talking about, not adults who use clues. But we are wise.

Do you think a kid will see the codeword for the BoD? So! It's too hard unless you have that one extension where you can view the source of the BBCode.
I recommend making the codeword a bit easier. Yes, you have to trust the people. But you don't have to take drastic measures to the point where they are missing a codeword and they can't apply in a week.

I'm not saying to make it obvious. Just make it less hidden to the point where it is hidden in plain sight.

Yeah, you are right. Hidden in plain sign is a good idea
Not everybody has the knowledge of a teenager. This is a website designed for ages 8-16. I don't think an 8-year-old would do an investigation on a forum post.
can i reapply now
I would think so
idk if AI has changed the codeword yet though

Yeah I have to show the codeword and move it to a place where it is hidden in plain sight

Link add a “(and by the way, the codeword for Art applications is ‘sight’)” someplace

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

GAMS2 wrote:


Ah, screw it, both qloak and Lily win.

I can tell this is gonna start a very long argument, so I put a stop to it early.

The elections from now on is going to be only for Experienced Aspecter,
Admins will not be picked by the admins now.

Congrats to the two people who ran!
Noice, I approve

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

So close to 10k views everybody!
Let's keep this going!

wow, KOP for 3 pages in a row. Take that

GAMS2 wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

filly3000 wrote:

Is the logo supposed to be like this? (on the wiki)


we need a smaller logo….

GAMS2 wrote:

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

I suggested 3 new things, people agreed, and now people think I'm pretty cool. I might be their best contributor!
(Me who is difficult to please)

And…? SO..?


GAMS2 wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

Alright everybody
I will release the form in 15 minutes!

T-Minus 15 minutes for the signup form to be in the election!
15 people max in this election!




*Factory exploding*

We don't even have a factory… We just have kids in front of their Gaming Towers/School laptops

Dream-123-123 wrote:

Dream-123-123 wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

Username: ABC1234567890XYZ
Why you want to join (one or two sentences): I want to join because I want change to this collaboration. I want to show that we can accomplish things with enough effort and good management.
What do you think of the others: I won't say anything bad about them. I love how they are trying and I love how they are determined to make AspectOS a better place.


We also have a new banner.
But I need someone to host it with Scratch Assets if you can.

I will


Noice Banner

AlGamesDeveIoper wrote:

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

Wow guys six pages in literally 13 hours of forum time
You guys could beat the 10 pages you did yesterday

Yeah probably
But the activity level crashed like the ROBLOX stock

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

P0rpleStar wrote:

LilyAudio wrote:

I don’t get what you mean by “Pressing keys SFX”.

Anyways, I was bored so I shared random SFX, and I don’t think they are even needed for this but maybe I can use it for something else.

Yes, this is Lily-Lavender on an alt.
They mean that when you press a key, a sound plays. Kinda like a real life keyboard makes a soft click.

Also, what did I miss?

Yes exactly like that
Like how when you type on an iPad, it makes a click sfx

Edit: So we have a wiki, a new Ukraine support banner and message, and other things. New BoD role that will have Co-CEO powers
I think only mobile platforms

It's distracting on a device with a real keyboard

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

anthrofurever wrote:

Username: anthrofurever
Why you want to join (one or two sentences): Because I kind of feel like I'm not contributing enough, and want to push forward and GET SOME STUFF DONE WOO
What do you think of the others: I've known them for a while. I'm going to feel happy for whoever wins. Or else. /j

Another person
And I'm glad you will be happy for whoever wins

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

OK so because I don't want to wait for people to sign up for this new position, the deadline is Thursday.
If you don't fill out a form by then, then it will be too late and you cannot apply to be in the debate

So probably 4 people will be in this.
Cool, cool

I have a suggestion
If people have alternate accounts, they cannot use them for voting since that is cheating
You can not have a main and an alternate account in the debate at the same time as that would be cheating

That way, this debate is fair and we don't have cheaters around.
Also, the High-Tier BoD (GAMS2, Dream-123-123, and AIGamesDeveloper) cannot vote. That way, it isn't biased. Sorry if you were planning to vote, but we don't need bias in this debate. We need honesty from people who aren't in a high rank so they have the voice. They have the power to change the future, and they have the power to change how AspectOS works.

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

my computer crashed and i lost my entire speech

Dang that sucks

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

GAMS2 wrote:

Why have an election that doesn't even matter because it is on an external website, to an election that can determine the fate of the OS in someone's hands? I mean, that is kind of the worst time to do that, don't you think? I mean, it doesn't make sense

I don't see the US having 20 elections in the year, and they are crazy for elections! Like this year with the mid-terms…
Either way, I think delaying this specific election until after the main election. That way, we don't have confusion here at AspectOS. Because confusion is the last thing we need here.

Don't you agree AIGamesDeveloper? Unless you planned this. But still, you have to have time management and you need to keep a schedule of when you are going to do things and not release everything at once. That is poor scheduling. If you are even scheduling.

Just more things I can add to my essay. Let's see my opponents do something like this. Maybe they will since I seem to have some sense here in the OS on what to manage and how to manage. Looks like they like stealing stuff with credit. So “borrowing”

Hope this helps everybody who is running, just note that the play of words matters rather than just discussing the topic. You have to go deeper into the topic and make sure that it makes sense.

Instead of saying “Yeah I will provide better management and make this OS great again”, you have to say “I promise to provide better management for each position and make sure that work is provided to keep them entertained and to give managers some time to think of new ideas, making this OS productive and more active than before. Doing this will boost the activity and return AspectOS to its peak that it reached a few months ago.”

See how different that was? Incredible. Thank you.
Remember AIGamesDeveloper, time management

And to my opponents, detailed descriptions.
You are very good at speeches

mbrick2 wrote:

filly3000 wrote:


It goes to https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/581571/unread/ so instead of clogging my messages I just press that to check unread stuff
Does anyone else have this?
How did you customize the site???

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

mbrick2 wrote:

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

Well, I think there should be a change in rules here. I feel like the BoD should get a part in voting things and not just specific things. Yes, they can manage a specific section, but they should have a part in voting and not just the CEO and Co-CEO deciding without thinking of the bad things that would happen.

Like what you did with that one guy! You guys had a BoD vote. I feel like we should have more of those often and not just a high-tier BoD accepting it without any support.

I mean, I'm not saying that they are doing that, but that can happen.
We have occasinal votes but it is hidden from users

And where do we have these votes? It seems to me that these votes are hidden from basically everybody? When was the last time that this team actually had a vote?

hydrogen_bond wrote:

So elections are happening and one single person is making everyone agree??? What the heck is going on. I don't wanna mention their name but still after reading a lot of messages I understood 1 thing, let me break that into 3 message
1 okay election are going, very good but even the high tier BoD members are people, not some computer language and by law, they have a right to vote, secondly you should remove a vote from an alt account of a nominee (if they use it in case)

I know and it is me. Is this a bad thing though? I am helping people with what they need. This OS needs help, and I helped them. I showed them that some things are silly. The codeword that was hidden. People agree and it was changed. I made a new position, and I promoted someone that didn't know they had that chance. I made a good wiki speech that I didn't even participate in because the Wiki isn't really useful because everybody in this OS inactive

Also, I don't know if you have read these posts because you are always surprised by the 5 pages that we make, but GAMS2 said he wouldn't vote and AIGamesDeveloper said “ok” or something else. But it seemed like he was calm

Only AIGamesDeveloper cannot because if he were to vote, it would be biased. And people are sensitive, so it's good that AIGamesDeveloper is aware of that, right? I mean, what if he just made people sad. That wouldn't be a good leader.

hydrogen_bond wrote:

2 everyone is spam messaging and all the posts make the forum toxic. Why aren't we doing the necessary things, see the glory days were awesome but everyone's got a life, and reading a lot consumes their time, for example, even AI is in school and what if he's just constantly posting, what happens if he couldn't concentrate on studies and studies at this age is the most important of all. I'm not telling any of these blindly, i have experienced these!!

IDK it doesn't seem like a problem to him
It looks like he posts during school.
Yet he bragged that he has A+'s

And if studies are a problem, then why do they suddenly show up for activity checks. It's like they don't care about this collaboration.
Just have the people who aren't here all the time removed from this collaboration. That way, we have people who actually want to join and will actually be active here.

hydrogen_bond wrote:

3 yes we're making new things but all these things are now like a tangled mess. We are responsible for abandoning the last forum and just imagine this - you wake up to do nothing sit down open scratch starts reading 5forum pages while still having some work, studies, personal works and you are living in the opposite time zone.
See we are the ones who can change anything
1. We should organize things
2. Take care of others, nobody is superior we're equal, we're humans
3. Accept good things so that everyone can be benefitted from it

I mean, that literally happens to every thread that had 500 pages
They were responsible. Was that a bad thing? It means that we were talking and interacting with each other.
Well not me, I have been here for two days.

How can we change anything if we can't even post something? I showed that anybody could change anything and not the mid-tier and high-tier BoD (I'm not being narcissistic) but I haven't seen anybody else. You said that everybody has lives, so how could we change this OS and how it works if everybody has a life and schoolwork?

Most of these posts are off-topic
Some are on-topic because I made sure but most of these are off-topic using the <offtopic> thing.

Yeah, we are humans, but who said anything about being superior? It's just the BoD. It is more of being trusted. You can't just trust a random person to do something so bad. The BoD is literally just full of trustworthy people who can make the big decisions in AspectOS because they can be trusted and they know what to do.

And yes, the BoD has accepted good things. They may have accepted bad things. Lots of bad things actually… but aside from that, they try their best to accept the best things for the OS, not the coolest.

hydrogen_bond wrote:

And finally, i care about aspect OS and all of its employees.
Am I telling this in a state where I am I'll and going through immense depression. I'm telling this with all care and respect

To be honest, I thank you for this. You care about this OS more than most people do.
This OS really matters to you. Some people still have faith in this OS and I admire that.
I wanted to bring this OS back to work and to make sure that we actually get tasks done

That is why I want to be in the BoD. I don't want to go mad in power. I want to assign and I want to remove people that aren't helping at all and just doing things. Yes, they have lives, but some are really inactive and it seems like they have no time at all.

Now, I don't want to remove people because they are inactive and I don't want to hurt their feelings because they had schoolwork, I want to remove people to get the weight of this OS off their shoulders, so they feel a bit better.

mbrick2 wrote:

I think we should do something. That's what we are missing.

But we are missing production because we are missing inactivity.
Fewer people = Less production

hydrogen_bond wrote:

Please everyone send your views on this ASAP.
I'm not doing any of this for popularity, I'm doing this for our well-being

I personally agree with your view. This OS team has gone so far and it seems like they haven't changed. People are power-hungry
People have lives
And people aren't doing anything

This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Dream-123-123 wrote:

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

yooit_32 wrote:

Dream-123-123 wrote:


ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

And you don't care about people being inactive? Kind of suspicious. Kind of like you aren't caring about your fellow contributors.
It sounds more to me that he does care. Even if someone is inactive, they should still be allowed to work here. What if AI got a screen time limit in which he could only be online an hour a week? Would you want him fired? Even if people are a little inactive they should still have a chance. We've accepted people with 4/10 activity. Everyone should have a chance, not just those users that are blessed with the ability to get on anytime they want.
plus, you are the one who can't get on Vercel. what if they make a vercel team and mark you as inactive, fired, even, because they have a rule that says you have to be on all the teams?
everyone should have a second chance as you said.

I have never heard AIGamesDeveloper say that
He usually has teams for every site.
He doesn't force you, right?

Anyways, I'm done with this. I don't want to be blamed for a controversial topic.
No, he doesn't. Yooit_32 was saying what if AI made that rule.

A lot of wise words coming from him right now

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

Dream-123-123 wrote:

That's kind of what I meant. If you are able to do something for the OS even though you are inactive, then you should be allowed to stay. Otherwise, there's just no reason to be a part of this. I also agree we should have two activity checks per month.

Yes. That one rule where I say “contribute”

I mean that you have to contribute once in a while rather than just not doing anything

All we need is another person to agree on this activity check act


Ok so the next activity check will be on Friday then. I don't care who agrees

wow now I have to manage the Aspect Inc Activity Checks and the AspectOS Activity Checks on the same days

Also, I am terribly sorry that I have been inactive. I have been tired and Daylight Saving Time really changed my sleep schedule. I used to wake up at 6 AM but now I wake up at 7:45 which means I only have 30 minutes to talk to you
I used to wake up at 6:30 but now it's about 7:30

I hate DST

qloakonscratch wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:


First MASSIVE post (Sorry @AIGamesDeveloper)
You're very late to this.


AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:


Actually, I don't know how to work Bootstrap, so I didn't use it
I use some of the navbar for AspectOS and changed it a lot

It's simpler than CSS navs at least but the docs are on getbootstrap.com

Again sorry AI I wanted to reply to everything

EDIT: also aspectosteam.github.io doesn't exist

Last edited by kkidslogin (March 15, 2022 19:24:26)

Forum Clout: 232,655. Alright, who ate my Kumquats? Finally foruming again. Support for reasons in OP and no support for all the other reasons.

Enjoy my music.

[small]non-member post, take whatever I say with a hint of salt and remember there's no authority behind it[/small]
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

kkidslogin wrote:

It's simpler than CSS navs at least but the docs are on getbootstrap.com

Again sorry AI I wanted to reply to everything

EDIT: also aspectosteam.github.io doesn't exist

Might have to give it a try one day

No worries
Also, what do you mean? https://aspectosteam.github.io is all a lie?
Lol I don't know what you mean

PFP finally updated
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:

It's simpler than CSS navs at least but the docs are on getbootstrap.com

Again sorry AI I wanted to reply to everything

EDIT: also aspectosteam.github.io doesn't exist

Might have to give it a try one day

No worries
Also, what do you mean? https://aspectosteam.github.io is all a lie?
Lol I don't know what you mean
When I went to it via the download page it didn't work but it looks awesome

EDIT: It appears the “home” link is broken

Last edited by kkidslogin (March 15, 2022 19:29:23)

Forum Clout: 232,655. Alright, who ate my Kumquats? Finally foruming again. Support for reasons in OP and no support for all the other reasons.

Enjoy my music.

[small]non-member post, take whatever I say with a hint of salt and remember there's no authority behind it[/small]
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

kkidslogin wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:

It's simpler than CSS navs at least but the docs are on getbootstrap.com

Again sorry AI I wanted to reply to everything

EDIT: also aspectosteam.github.io doesn't exist

Might have to give it a try one day

No worries
Also, what do you mean? https://aspectosteam.github.io is all a lie?
Lol I don't know what you mean
When I went to it via the download page it didn't work but it looks awesome

EDIT: It appears the “home” link is broken
I see the problem. The proper home link is https://aspectosteam.github.io, but the broken one is https://www.aspectosteam.github.io
See the www?

Signature wip
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

Dream-123-123 wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:

It's simpler than CSS navs at least but the docs are on getbootstrap.com

Again sorry AI I wanted to reply to everything

EDIT: also aspectosteam.github.io doesn't exist

Might have to give it a try one day

No worries
Also, what do you mean? https://aspectosteam.github.io is all a lie?
Lol I don't know what you mean
When I went to it via the download page it didn't work but it looks awesome

EDIT: It appears the “home” link is broken
I see the problem. The proper home link is https://aspectosteam.github.io, but the broken one is https://www.aspectosteam.github.io
See the www?
That explains why FireFox thought the broken link was sussy

Forum Clout: 232,655. Alright, who ate my Kumquats? Finally foruming again. Support for reasons in OP and no support for all the other reasons.

Enjoy my music.

[small]non-member post, take whatever I say with a hint of salt and remember there's no authority behind it[/small]
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

kkidslogin wrote:

Dream-123-123 wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:

kkidslogin wrote:

It's simpler than CSS navs at least but the docs are on getbootstrap.com

Again sorry AI I wanted to reply to everything

EDIT: also aspectosteam.github.io doesn't exist

Might have to give it a try one day

No worries
Also, what do you mean? https://aspectosteam.github.io is all a lie?
Lol I don't know what you mean
When I went to it via the download page it didn't work but it looks awesome

EDIT: It appears the “home” link is broken
I see the problem. The proper home link is https://aspectosteam.github.io, but the broken one is https://www.aspectosteam.github.io
See the www?
That explains why FireFox thought the broken link was sussy
Chrome thinks the same

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]


If you don't have access to GitHub because your school admin blocked it, here is what it says

The release of v1.0.2 of AspectOS is here, and it brings new things to the table

Bug fixes - There were a lot of bug fixes changed in this update. Everything should now be working again

Less lag - Yes, we have finally done it. AspectOS v1.0.2 provides less lag for users. It is still recommended to run this on a fast computer (something that is more powerful than an Intel Core i5 processor)

Removal of apps - we have gotten rid of the paint app and the wallpaper app due to them being a waste of our space.

Wallpapers - We have removed all of our wallpapers to reduce lag and we have a new Ukraine Flag Wallpaper on the project if you look right now #StandWithUkraine

We hope this update helps you! This is the update before the finale the end of the AspectOS v1.x updates.
The next one will release next Tuesday with brand new bug fixes, more removal of apps, and a reduction of lag. Stay Tuned!

Last edited by AIGamesDeveloper (March 15, 2022 23:13:20)

PFP finally updated
500+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

qloakonscratch wrote:

We're right behind the TileOS forum which has around the same views as us despite being made in November.
You know I still look here, right?

Thanks, @WhatDoWeDoNow

Why not join TileOS? Here's a link if you want to join: Your friendly neighborhood link
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

What_do_we_do_now wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

We're right behind the TileOS forum which has around the same views as us despite being made in November.
You know I still look here, right?

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

ABC1234567890XYZ wrote:

And where do we have these votes? It seems to me that these votes are hidden from basically everybody? When was the last time that this team actually had a vote?
On github. A week ago. Its me, AI, GAMS, yooit and Dream

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

GAMS2 wrote:

well im not sure he might be demotivated by my awesome speech
Well. Im not.

OK. I feel like aspectOS is going away from that fun stage to a boring desk stage

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1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:


kkidslogin wrote:


Actually, I don't know how to work Bootstrap, so I didn't use it
I use some of the navbar for AspectOS and changed it a lot
Please don't. All BS (Like BOOTSTRAP) websites look the same.
Also check Da-Owners

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Banner Made By @Abcde26

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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

I'm currently on a highly experimental AspectOS Linux distro right now

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

qloakonscratch wrote:

I'm currently on a highly experimental AspectOS Linux distro right now
Nice. Is it on a gh repo?

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Banner Made By @Abcde26

Card Made By @Polygon
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

mbrick2 wrote:

qloakonscratch wrote:

I'm currently on a highly experimental AspectOS Linux distro right now
Nice. Is it on a gh repo?
Yeah but I'm not going to share it yet.

Now Showing: CCRP V

Coding on Scratch since 2013

Foruming since 2016

In the Forum Helpers since 2022
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AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

Should we do a activity check?

(to see all of my signature highlight this and press shift + down arrow)


I own a website XD Aspectllc.net!
It's blank, similar to blanc, french for ‘white’ just like this lol

Happy Holidays to all!

You're a big-time scroller.
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

kidcoder427 wrote:

Should we do a activity check?

I mean I guess


Last edited by GAMS2 (March 16, 2022 12:01:44)

My signature is too bug, select the text and use Shift + Down arrow to see more!

Have I stopped recording?

Then how do I turn this off?
Press the red button?
Okay I am pr-

Latest project:I finally feel…. appreciated….

GAMS2 wrote:

If life throws something at you, try your best to dodge it, if it hits you and you fall…. get back up and keep moving forward. Don't give up, and make it through to the end. (MY OWN QUOTE!)

Do people still read these?

Nah, probably not.

I am now a furry. Drawings of my Fursona can be found here.
lol what have I done with my life? (Added on August 13th, 2020)
500+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

GAMS2 wrote:

kidcoder427 wrote:

Should we do a activity check?

I mean I guess

If this is an activity check


Best griffpatch parodies
Got hooked on alcohol when I was a kid, now I'm drunk and nothing's changed! My day job involves drinking. In my spare time I love making games, being drunk & dancing in church.

- kat-coder
Got hooked on griffpatch when I was a kid, now I'm a griffpatch and nothing's changed! My day job involves griffpatch. In my spare time I love making griffpatch, griffpatch & griffpatch.

- unknown
Best of griffpatch
“Oh no.”
“You've just lost a lot of progress.”
griffpatch stats
Join date: Wed, Oct 24, 2012
Possible browser: Chrome 101
Possible OS: Windows 10
Follower count (as of May 23, 2022): 376,971 (live)
All stats from scratchstats.com.
Favorite griffpatch profile comments
I thought politics was a bunch of old guys yelling at each other's whether or not we should kill babies and let random people have murder machines (aka guns).
Wait… If old people yelling isn't a part of politics then why was Trump on the news so often?
i wish i joined scratch years ago but i forgot about it.
1000+ posts

AspectOS™ - The Future Starts Here [SHUTTING DOWN AT 9 PM EST]

kidcoder427 wrote:

Should we do a activity check?

Friday is when we do activity checks

mbrick2 wrote:

GAMS2 wrote:

well im not sure he might be demotivated by my awesome speech
Well. Im not.

OK. I feel like aspectOS is going away from that fun stage to a boring desk stage


I mean, it's getting kind of boring to the point where I am more interested in TFP
TFP! I am never interested in the forum-community part of Scratch!

I'm going to add more tasks today

mbrick2 wrote:

AIGamesDeveloper wrote:


kkidslogin wrote:


Actually, I don't know how to work Bootstrap, so I didn't use it
I use some of the navbar for AspectOS and changed it a lot
Please don't. All BS (Like BOOTSTRAP) websites look the same.
Also check Da-Owners

oh ok

PFP finally updated

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