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Alex's Writing - to be updated often

Hey! so I'm Alex and I'm gonna be trying this out and like seeing if I can post stuff I write such as stories, poems, essays? I dunno, just stuff. Hope if anyone sees this they'll enjoy!
I Walk Alone
I never like to walk with someone else
The thud of their footsteps, uneven with my own
Their shadow crossing over to mine
Their arms, gently swaying beside my own.

I never like to talk while walking.
I listen to the cars drive past,
And the trees sigh.
the birds chirp.
The calm predictable nature.
Not their voice asking questions,
nor giving answers.

They seem to ruin what should be mindful.
I should be taking each step,
each breath,
thanking whoever let me walk on this earth,

Instead my mind wanders to and fro as
their voice penetrates the crisp morning air.

I never like to walk with someone else.
I walk alone.


lol i just came up with that poem now, is it okay or worth reading at all?
New to Scratch
2 posts

Alex's Writing - to be updated often

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to be a writer, so she set a goal to publish a book before she turned 16. Never the less she didn't. She found out life was difficult and stressful. Soon she wasn't able to write for weeks on end. She realized that she should start to focus and stop procrastinating and write again. But she was doubting herself. Regretting every decision she had ever made. But she tried to write. And I have been writing for the past week and I have never felt better. it really helps me to not be as stressed as I was before.

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