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Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

11/25 mc daily

Today I've made art of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel and Brigadier General Francis Marion as foxes! This was an idea that has been in my head for a while, and I've really wanted to mix history and art, which wasn't something I did often. Although I had heaps of work to do today I set aside some time for me to work on the art. Finding references for Marion and the South Carolinian swamps took a while, and then when I finished the sketch on paper I uploaded it and started tracing. After I finished the lineart and started coloring I got confused about which coat Rommel was supposed to have and had to erase a good bit of my work. Drawing his metals and such took a while, too. Coloring Marion took less time, and then after I finished the lighting (and thus the piece) I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. And this was my first time that I've completed a piece of digital art of Rommel (I've had a lot of anthropomorphic fox sketches of him lying around in a notepad), which really added on to the feeling. So, in the end, it was definitely worth my time!

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Nov. 26, 2021 05:32:12)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

29 Rommel AUs
Hello! This is basically a list of 29 alternate universes for the life of Erwin Rommel, and I’m still working on it ^^ It’s pretty much self-explanatory; let’s get started!
If you want you can combine several of these.
More mundane/plausible ones

What if Rommel never existed?
What if Rommel was born of another nationality? (British, French, American, Serbian, etc., just not Swabian/German).
What if Rommel was born in the nobility?
Alternatively, what if he was born poor?
What if Rommel was orphaned?
What if Rommel was born with a special condition? It can be anything, from albinism to blindness (no offense to anyone with these conditions ^^)
What if Rommel wasn’t a small and unremarkable child? For example, what if he excelled in natural sciences?
What if Rommel didn’t care for mathematics and engineering, and/or excelled in something else?
What if Rommel was expelled from one of his schools?
What if Rommel went on to university? What would he study?
What if Rommel was able to get out of becoming an officer and went to work at a zeppelin factory instead?
What if Rommel met someone else before Lucie?
What if Rommel married Walburga instead of Lucie?
What if Rommel failed cadet academy?
What if Rommel didn’t have his trademark tactics and focused more on logistics and careful planning?
What if Rommel was killed in action in the First World War? What would become of his legacy?
What if Rommel stayed anonymous after his actions and was never sought out by a specific dictator?
What if Rommel never fought in WWII?
What if one of Rommel’s children died?
What if Rommel was captured in France?
What if Rommel was sent to the Eastern Front?
What if Rommel never had to fight against Montgomery?
What if Rommel surrendered in North Africa?
What if Rommel won against the Allies in North Africa?
What if Rommel was hated by the Germans and Allies instead of being seen as an icon?
What if Rommel never met Speidel and never got caught up with the July 20 Plot?
What if Rommel chose to escape with his family when his name came up?
What if Rommel chose to be tried before the People’s Court?
What if Rommel somehow defected to the Allied side?

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Nov. 27, 2021 02:05:34)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Heroes Fanfic (WIP)
Hello! This is the Sabaton fanfic I’ve been working on. I've gotten into the band's content less than two months ago, but I can see that they're truly awesome
Basically, the figures that the album Heroes was based on are stuffed in a conference room with no idea how they got there. If you don’t know the album like the back of your hand, be prepared to be blasted with ultimate confusion; even I get confused sometimes about who’s who xDDD
So to help everyone, I’ve included a list of songs in order and the figure(s) that represent each one; most of them should come up pretty easily if you google them:

(the ones marked “unofficial” are the people whom their respective songs do not explicitly refer to, if that makes sense)

Night Witches: Yevdokiya Bershanskaya (unofficial)
No Bullets Fly: Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler
Smoking Snakes: Arlindo Lúcio da Silva, Geraldo Baeta da Cruz, and Rodrigues de Souza
Inmate 4859: Witold Pilecki
To Hell and Back: Audie Murphy
The Ballad of Bull: Leslie Allen
Resist and Bite: Vincent Douniaux (unofficial)
Soldier of 3 Armies: Lauri Törni
Far From the Fame: Karel Janoušek
Hearts of Iron: Walther Wenck (semi-official – the song does not really refer to him specifically, but he was mentioned in the track commentary, and Joakim said that the band named one of their two prop tanks “Walther,” implying that he is indeed the “hero” of the song.)

They are seated in a circle in the order that their songs were presented ^^
I tried to present their personality as best as I can, based on the limited knowledge that I have, but there’ll certainly be shortcomings.
This was also rushed, which as usual means that it’s more full of action and/or dialogue (in this case the latter). Hehe, sorry about that!


One minute, Franz Stigler was comfortably lying in his bed. The next moment, he was sitting in a chair in a conference room, with no idea how he got there.
Franze glanced around. To his right there was a group of three whispering among themselves. Gazing more closely at the three’s uniforms, Franz could see that they were part of the Brazillian Expeditionary Force. and to his left was a familiar face.
“Charlie?” Charlie Brown looked a lot like he did on that fateful day, so long ago, on that B-17. Young and uniformed.
Evidently, Charlie wasn’t the only one who seemed that way.
“It can’t be…”
As Franz patted Charlie on the back, he noticed that most of the people seated around the table were looking at them enviously.
“Does anyone know how we got here?” A mild-mannered German general to the immediate left of Franz and Charlie asked.
“I wouldn’t have an idea,” a Polish soldier responded. Strangely, Franz was able to understand him, despite not knowing a word of Polish. He glanced around the table, and saw that everyone else was nodding in agreement. So they could understand, too. How interesting.
An awkward silence filled the room. It was broken by a middle-aged Russian woman, who stood up. “I believe we should introduce ourselves and try to determine why we are here,” she suggested.
There were general murmurs of assent, but also a few curious gazes at her uniform and medals.
“Very well. I’ll go first–I’m Major Yevdokiya Bershanskaya, commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment,” she said, not without a touch of pride. Indeed, everyone else around of the table was gazing at her in admiration. “Let’s go down clockwise. What about you two?”
Realizing that the major was talking to him and Charlie, Franz quickly straightened up. “I’m Oberleutnant Franz Stigler,” he began nervously. “I served in the Luftwaffe.”
“And I’m Second Lieutenant Charles Brown,” Charlie said. “Of the U.S. Army Air Force.”
Like they did with Major Bershanskaya, the people seated around the table gazed at them with interest.
“How did you two get together?” the Polish soldier asked curiously.
“Exactly my thoughts; what happened?” the German general prompted the two.
“Long story short, Franz saved me and escorted my crew’s damaged B-17 to British territory,” Charlie replied.
“Fascinating!” one of the Brazillian trio exclaimed. “That would be treason, and yet you still did it!”
“What I did in saving the Berliners was tantamount to treason, too,” the German general remarked. “Though the war was already lost, I still could’ve been executed.”
“I was actually executed for treason,” the Polish soldier replied bitterly. “For ‘treason.’ Right, as if saving my countrymen was called ‘treason.’
“I have to agree with you,” a stately Czech field marshal sighed. “I helped my country in exile-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I think we should go in the order that Major Bershanskaya suggested,” Franz said, glancing at the Russian ace. “Some of us haven’t spoken. Who’s next?”
The field marshal looked disgruntled, but relented.
The same BEF soldier that had just spoken a while ago raised his hand. “As a matter of fact, we are,” he said, gesturing to himself and his two companions. “ I am Geraldo Baeta da Cruz, that’s Arlindo Lúcio da Silva, and to my right is Rodrigues de Souza. In Italy we held off 100 Wehrmacht soldiers for as long as we can, and…you can probably guess what happened.”
“You were all killed,” an Australian spoke up.
Geraldo nodded. “Precisely.”
“But that’s such huge odds!” Charlie exclaimed.
“I’m starting to think that you’re all heroes,” a young American soldier whispered in awe.
“Wait, I have a question,” a Finnish soldier said, jumping up. “From what I’ve heard, I believe that some of us here are…dead, for a lack of a better way to put it.”
There were nods of confirmation from everyone in the room. “I think we are all dead,” Franz observed. “How?”
“I believe that we’ve arrived after we died,” Charlie replied thoughtfully.
“Yes, but how? And is there a reason for us, specifically, to be here?” the Finnish soldier pressed.
“I don’t know… maybe when we know each other better we could find out?” the Australian who spoke up earlier suggested.
“Alright, then, let’s get this over with,” the Polish soldier huffed. “I’m Witold Pilecki of Poland. Basically, I {removed - his story is a very fascinating one, but not quite scratch-appropriate ^^'}
Seeing everyone’s astounded expressions, Witold added hastily, “It’s no big deal, right?”
“You {removed} purposely? That’s took some nerves,” Major Bershanskaya told him.
“Ahh, well, I just wanted to help my fellow countrymen. Though they obviously didn’t return the favor.”
The Czech field marshal nodded. “I can sympathize, my friend.”
“Anyways, I think Audie’s going next.”

it stops there lol, I'm far from finished the plan is to have them all introduce themselves and then do a whole escape room thing while finding the album and such; from what I've imagined it's gonna be really cool :>

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (May 22, 2024 18:34:11)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Word war with @Trixie_PixieM, 11/29 (or 11/30 in UTC)
This was sorta based on a random impromptu speech that I came up with. Sorry for the repeated use of “unique” and using “an” instead of “a” like I was supposed to. Also, I didn't finish writing Rommel's name xDDD

The desert stretched out in all directions, as far as the eye could see. Overhead was an impossibly blue sky. All is calm.
Then, suddenly, you catch a glimpse of sand stirring in the distance.
Bringing your binoculars to your eyes, you stifle a groan of despair.
German tanks. A whole division. And they are coming for you.
This was the sight that many Allied soldiers and commanders faced in the North African campaign. Behind the movements of the armies, there was one unique field marshal in charge.
The iconic Desert Fox, a tragic figure, but above all an unique tactician in his own right.

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Nov. 30, 2021 04:06:13)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
100+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

The Battle of Britain poem (haven’t come up with a name yet TwT)
  1. Any title ideas?
    I keep calling it the “BoB” poem, which is pretty hilarious. But it would be great if I had a better title xD Suggestions are appreciated!

    I think The Battle of Britain is a perfect title! I feel poems depend a lot on titles, as they provide context. If it wasn't for the title, I may not know what the battle is even about ;P

  2. Can you tell who the narrator(s) are? If so, who? A brief explanation of their nationality and occupation would be enough
    This is pretty important to me, since I want to make sure that the reader knows what’s happening.

    Seems to me it's a British soldier *crosses fingers*

  3. Do you get the general idea of what’s going on in the story?
    Also an important question, for the same reason as the question above.

    I believe so. There's this soldier who is talking about his experience with war. At first it is all right, but then his thoughts darken I guess and war just becomes this real thing.

  4. Can you see the central theme of the story?
    It isn't really that obvious, but I hope that it's recognizable!

    I feel like it's something around “The darker the things that you do, the darker the things you see”. For example, at the beginning the narrator sees a “bright day” and near the end/the longer the narrator has been in war the description is “Ragged buildings standing
    Stripped of its former pride” just seems a bit darker to me hehe…. ya this isn't the right one but oh well

  5. Can you see opportunities to include descriptive language?
    This is arguably the most important problem I’m facing; I’m not really skilled in descriptive language, which is going to be a huge setback. It would be great if you can give some specific examples from the poem to improve on.

    Hmm, well, I think there's a right amount of descriptive language. Over doing it might make it difficult to understand. I feel I visualized it fairly well. It focused a lot more on how the narrator felt, rather than what he saw, which I think it pretty significant. Maybe the theme is soldiers have feelings, too haha. If anything, I would focus more on adding to the thoughts if that is what you are going for

  6. Do you think there is consistency in style, grammar, format, etc.?
    Pretty much self-explanatory :>

    Not my strong point, so this in an invalid answer, so yes b).

  7. Any feedback on the aesthetical format that you can give?
    I just don't want to overload it, haha.

    Again, not my strong point, so this is an invalid answer, so yes b).

  8. Finally, is there anything else you would like to add?
    You really don't have to write much for this one; most of what I need is already listed in the previous questions ^^

    I think just contributing even more to the narrator's thoughts would be sufficient. Maybe it could end with the narrator having some PTSD, some regrets and all that. Depending on what your theme actually is, what the narrator feels at the end could add on a lot of cool effect. Anyway, this was a really good poem! At least I think it is, I'm not a very talented poet - unless you count my cat poems from second grade, become those were epic. Fantastic job!

  1. Can you see what the real story is, under the guise of a Warriors fanfic?
    (please don't read the Notes and Credits prior to answering this question)

    This is probably the most important thing for this piece, even more than descriptive language. I really want to make sure that readers know what I’m hinting at without having to tell them. Maybe the most obvious clue is the naming of the “Desert Fox.” Also, pay attention to the name of Hailstar (this is a play of dark humor on my part; I apologize for that). Try saying Icyflower's and Fernwind's names out loud. The “Clans” and their actions may provide clues as well. If you can’t tell what this piece is really supposed to be about, please be honest about that. It really helps me and I could adjust my fanfic as needed

    Being completely honest, not quite? Hehe…. To be fair, I'm not that best at understanding hidden meanings really quickly - but if I searched through this piece for like an hour then I'd understand it probably a lot more.

  2. Can you identify a theme?
    I do want to see your personal interpretation!

    Same excuse for the first answer, I'd need to search through it a lot more hehe

  3. Any space for improvement in descriptive language?
    I think I might have done better in this, as opposed to the BoB poem. (I pretty much never write poems, so I’m a pretty mediocre poet.) But I would still love feedback!

    You could use some/more when describing what the characters look like. When reading through it quickly it's kind of hard to catch what their appearances are - if they matter - if it is focused on more. Also, in the last part, to describe the night sky with the moon in detail would be nice

  4. Feedback on aesthetical format?

    Uhhh- not really an aesthetic-y or format-y person so my advice is non-existen/useless but i think it looks good! xD

  5. General critique?
    Also self-explanatory

    Pretty good for a warriors fanfic xD! I may not really understand everything that is happening, but it seem really cool. Most Warrior fanfics are usally just about a kit who wants to be leader but then something bad happens and they have to do something to get to somewhere, but this is not like that at all! I kinda wish I could read it over again and spend more time getting deeper into the meanings, but I don't really have the time - sorry :/ Chances are, if you're entering this in the comp, the judges are low on time as well. They have a lot of entries to read, so they may not have the time to study every detail. If there is a way to make it easier to understand everything that's going on, that may be better. But the judges all probably have better lexiles than me and will get the jist of things, so this advice probably isn't the best hehe :P Still, my *so very valid opinion* though. So yeah, my only advice really is to make it a lot more clear what is happening. It also kind of feels like that there is a lot happening, but I didn't really remember very much of it? But I also feel that there were a lot of words for not to many events. Now, this is probably due to the word limit. More words for more description and more words to clear things up would help with the piece a lot, but that can't exactly happen. All in all, awesome job! I know I haven't been too helpful, but I feel this is very unique and sure to get a good ranking ;D

idk i wanted to change this
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

-Pika-Cat- wrote:

snip critique

The reason the BoB poem is really unclear is that I'm not done with it; the stanzas in italics were supposed to be narrated by a German pilot :> but you got the basic gist of the theme right!
And like you said, for Sandstorm the word limit made it hard to fit in both plot and character development. It's actually about the African Campaign of World War Two (it was in the A/N; that's why I didn't want critique-givers to read it ^^), but I guess I can't expect everyone to instantly take on the clues and figure it out. It'll be kinda hard to add details, to be honest, since I'm literally 3 words away from the limit xD but I can definitely try to cut down on some content.

Thank you so much for the critique!!

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
100+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Sandy-Dunes wrote:

-Pika-Cat- wrote:

snip critique

The reason the BoB poem is really unclear is that I'm not done with it; the stanzas in italics were supposed to be narrated by a German pilot :> but you got the basic gist of the theme right!
And like you said, for Sandstorm the word limit made it hard to fit in both plot and character development. It's actually about the African Campaign of World War Two (it was in the A/N; that's why I didn't want critique-givers to read it ^^), but I guess I can't expect everyone to instantly take on the clues and figure it out. It'll be kinda hard to add details, to be honest, since I'm literally 3 words away from the limit xD but I can definitely try to cut down on some content.

Thank you so much for the critique!!

ooohhhh that makes sense (for the BoB poem) Yeah I think if I had a better sense of history I would've gotten it better (for some reason in school we first learn about stuff that happenened with ancient civilization, last year all I remember was ancient china or whatever, and this year i finallly get to learn about relevant stuff lol) Good luck with the contest!!

idk i wanted to change this
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Random end-of-SWC historical figures fanfic
“Bernard” refers to British General Bernard Montgomery, who was nicknamed ‘Monty’ by his troops.
Aside from writing this when I was supposed to be doing homework, I also read a Harry Potter fanfic involving Tom Riddle helping Rommel save Captain Dumbledore in Libya. What has my life become? xDDD
I sneaked in Patton's iconic (albeit probably fictional) quote B) not the whole thing, of course…hehe

Churchill puffed on a cigar and flicked his cane around, as usual, as he strode around the Scratch Writing Camp main cabin. It seems that almost everyone was in tears at the prospect of the session ending.
“Does this happen every time?” he wondered out loud.
Roosevelt stirred next to Churchill. “It definitely seems so.”
“Well, I never thought they’ll get so attached to this writing camp. There’s always a next session, isn’t there?” he replied.
“That may be true, but I suppose the drama in a session can never be repeated.”
Churchill nodded. He then noticed someone else pushing their way towards them through the young campers.
“Greetings, General,” Roosevelt said amiably, straightening up. Churchill did likewise.
“Have you seen Rommel?” Patton asked them in an annoyed voice.
“No, we haven’t,” Churchill replied calmly. “What is it?”
“My saber’s gone. The Model 1913 that I personally own,” Patton growled, turning away. “He must have stolen it, that magnificent…”
The two watched as he headed off.
“Herr Rommel never had much of a sense of humor. Do you think it was really him?” Roosevelt asked Churchill lightly.
“It was probably Monty.”
“The goat, or Bernard?” the President fired back half-jokingly.
The Prime Minister chuckled at this. “I suppose both works. But to tell the truth, our generals have a rather interesting relationship."
They walked on silently, with several campers calling out happy birthday to Churchill as the two passed. Soon they were at the leaderboards. Poetry was still first, followed by Adventure and Science Fiction.
Chamberlain, who was also viewing the placements there, turned to Roosevelt and Churchill.
“Good day!” he greeted the two pleasantly. “I found this lying here… and there’s a note.”
It was a bunch of perfectly sliced mangoes set out on a plate.
“Here,” Chamberlain handed to note to Churchill.

Enjoy the mangoes. Maybe give some to the campers, too.
P.S. I hope Patton doesn’t take it out on Rommel that his saber’s missing…I might have thrown it to the goats.

“It must have been the Adventure cabin’s goats,” Roosevelt realized.
The three then heard a commotion behind them: a mix of angry accusations, exasperated retaliations, and the campers’ various reactions. Then, sounds of fighting.
Turning, they took in the scene before them.
Rommel, baton in hand, was bashing Patton. And it wasn’t the intricately flimsy Interimstab baton–it was the heavy field marshal one, and Patton was getting quite a beating.
“Serves Patton right for accusing him, I have to say,” Marx remarked, making his way towards them and grabbing a slice of mango. “But then he must have done something outrageous to upset Herr Rommel.”
Chamberlain scowled at him. “You provoked Patton first. Throwing his saber to the goats? I expected better from a toddler.”
“At least then Monty the goat technically did get his saber,” Churchill smiled. Then he continued in a more serious tone. “Though I dread to think about what Patton did to the Feldmarschall.”
He stood up and thumped his cane against the ground. “Mangoes, anyone?”
A wave of campers headed towards them, all craving some slices of mango. Thankfully, Marx had prepared many plates of the fruit, and there was enough for everyone.
After Rommel and Patton had reconciled and Marx had returned the saber (nearly getting cut in half with it by Patton before Roosevelt confiscated it), the six stood next to a clock as it ticked down to the last minutes of SWC.
“Today was… certainly eventful,” Chamberlain said quietly, as the others nodded in agreement.
“Let’s hold on to our hats and see how the next few months go,” Churchill commented as December arrived.

And that's the end! I hope this makes up for my lack of proper thank-you notes anyways, have a great time until next session!

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Nov. 30, 2021 23:46:31)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Post-camp war with Vi
“Hans” is Hans Speidel, the last Chief of Staff of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. “Atticus” is Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. “Manfred” is Manfred Rommel, the son of Erwin Rommel. And yeah, that's all you need to know :> Feel free to do more research if you're interested in WWII or something.
Turns out what I wrote is actually coherent, haha.

Okay okay so for this war I’m just going to write a bunch of incoherent messy works and then clean it up later, because this is a word war after all.
So first, Hansi is so much like Atticus. Like, the resemblance is shocking. Hans should’ve been a lawyer or something instead of getting a Ph.D in history and becoming a prof. Oh, speaking of that, I found something interesting. Hans was the father of a Brigadier General, while Manfred studied law. Hmm. You would’ve expected the Rommel to be the general and the Speidel to be the one who studied law and became a mayor and politician and whatnot, but nope, it’s the other way around! Very interesting.

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Dec. 10, 2021 03:35:48)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Imperial Eagle

haha you shall not see what was here–it's unfinished anyways

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Jan. 17, 2022 16:42:27)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Random old fanfic involving Laf and Rom
it's cringe just fyi


⠀⠀⠀⠀It was a typical day at the front lines for the newly promoted Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. He exchanged a few words with some DAK soldiers, briefly discussed with his staff the problem of inadequate supplies, and scanned the desert horizon for any movement by Montgomery’s army. So far, things were going smoothly enough. Until he heard someone calling for him.
⠀⠀⠀⠀“Herr Feldmarschall!”
⠀⠀⠀⠀It was Captain Aldinger, a landscape architect who also happened to be Rommel’s aide.
⠀⠀⠀⠀“What is it, captain?” Rommel asked absentmindedly, setting down his binoculars.
⠀⠀⠀⠀“I got word from headquarters. There’s a French general asking to see you.” Aldinger replied. “And he’s not from Vichy France,” he added.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Rommel was flabbergasted. “An enemy general?”
⠀⠀⠀⠀“He claims that he’s not involved with the war,” the captain scoffed. “How ridiculous. They didn’t offer me his name, but he told them that you’ll recognize him.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀“Well, we’ll see when we get back,” the field marshal finally said.
⠀⠀⠀⠀The ride back in the early afternoon was filled with a few speculations, but otherwise everyone was silent as the staff car drove over the desert roads.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Finally, they were back. Rommel immediately headed towards his office and found himself face-to-face with the general mentioned by Aldinger.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Rommel couldn’t shake his shock. This man was a general, from an enemy/occupied country, and was just given permission to enter the *Feldmarschall’s* office?
⠀⠀⠀⠀Feeling extremely aggravated, he approached the general. Not bothering to speak in French—he was rusty with the language anyways—Rommel spoke up. “Who are you, may I ask?”
⠀⠀⠀⠀The general blinked at him, but Rommel was too busy stewing in annoyance to look at him properly. He did make note of the fact that the general seemed to be the same age as him.
⠀⠀⠀⠀With a much lighter accent than Rommel had been expecting, the Frenchman responded in German. “I know it has been so long, Erwin, but I can’t believe you didn’t recognize me.”
⠀⠀⠀⠀His voice was weary, but it was astoundingly familiar to the field marshal. It couldn’t be!
⠀⠀⠀⠀And yet…
⠀⠀⠀⠀Rommel took a step back—both literally and figuratively. Yes, there was the bright red hair (not streaked with gray), the unmistakable hazel eyes, the way he towered over the German. It was in another war 25 years ago where the two said their final goodbyes, but now they were together again.
⠀⠀⠀⠀“Gilbert?” Rommel asked shakily. “But this wasn’t supposed to happen!”

Previous: N/A
Next: Chapter 1 (it'll probably never exist)

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Dec. 15, 2021 20:18:27)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

{removed 5/22/24 - holy yap of yappington was this a load of questionable history yapping :p}

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (May 22, 2024 18:36:28)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Random Description
I wrote this when I was sitting outside yesterday, and of course I failed to capture the scene. Ahh, well, I really need to improve my descriptive writing!
It was a peaceful winter afternoon. The soft, golden light from the sinking sun contrasted with the bright blue skies and feathery white clouds. Several trees, stripped of many of their leaves, stood starkly in the sky, though like everything else they were covered by the sun's warm glow and shifted gently in the breeze. The hills and trees in the distance had a similarly tranquil appearance, their green turning to a warmer, yellower shade. The horizon, though dark and cloudy, stretched serenely around.

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Dec. 29, 2021 18:09:16)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
100+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Sandy-Dunes wrote:

I wrote this when I was sitting outside yesterday, and of course I failed to capture the scene. Ahh, well, I really need to improve my descriptive writing!
I saw a bunch of regular colors like yellow and blue, so I just wanted to let you know about color variations; if you didn't already know. Enjoy my prosperity! (Maybe bookmarking this would be a good idea too)

Last edited by -DesVision- (Dec. 30, 2021 20:23:58)

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

-DesVision- wrote:

I saw a bunch of regular colors like yellow and blue, so I just wanted to let you know about color variations; if you didn't already know. Enjoy my prosperity! (Maybe bookmarking this would be a good idea too)

Thanks! This was really helpful
And yep, I bookmarked it for future reference.

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

JWC January 2022

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Writing dare from Venus (@cs5066569)
I think I did reasonably well with the prompt and in five minutes xD
Originally I wanted the secret to be something about Operation Paperclip, but then I ended up abandoning that idea (partly because I didn't know too much about Operation Paperclip).
But because of that initial idea, the main character has a (lazily-made) German name. (Adler means “eagle” in German, which I remembered from Google Translate, and Hans is just super popular.) He's a biochemist instead of a physicist, but I never got to mention that.
This prologue feels a bit incomplete for some reason, not sure why ^^'

Hans Adler climbed up the attic, gripping the ladder tightly as he did so. The ceiling was about eight feet high, and he didn’t particularly want to fall down.
He opened the light, then poked his head inside. The papers about the study he had conducted with his colleagues was probably tucked away somewhere inside one of the cabinets in the attic.
Adler climbed inside, trying not the trip over his lab equipment as he did so.
Maybe I should stop shoving everything up here.
Shrugging the thought aside, he opened the cabinet and fingered through the files.
Just then, a thick folder at the back caught his eye. He grabbed it, looking at it curiously. He had never seen it before.
He opened it eagerly, but what he saw inside gave him a shudder.

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (Dec. 31, 2021 03:49:54)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
100+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

Sandy-Dunes wrote:

-DesVision- wrote:

I saw a bunch of regular colors like yellow and blue, so I just wanted to let you know about color variations; if you didn't already know. Enjoy my prosperity! (Maybe bookmarking this would be a good idea too)

Thanks! This was really helpful
And yep, I bookmarked it for future reference.
I saw it on P!nterest once, and tried to find it again for a detailed piece on fire; trying to make it sound like it was a ballet dancer that was very colorful. I am also trying to add more detail to my writing!

To see the entire signature, press ctrl + shift + down arrow
Hi I'm -DesVision-, but you can call me Erie! I love to read, write and sleep. I am in my school's book club and love when it is SWC season! MY favorite games are Minecraft and Stardew Valley. I also love to watch Marvel, too. I am aspiring author and hope to one day get published . . . somewhere. Check out my latest, and biggest, project! Go check out Sandy and Ani!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Ani
For my Misconception photos, Touch Of Adventure did the image hosting.

500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

-DesVision- wrote:

I saw it on P!nterest once, and tried to find it again for a detailed piece on fire; trying to make it sound like it was a ballet dancer that was very colorful. I am also trying to add more detail to my writing!

Ooh, that's cool! And good luck

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)
500+ posts

Sandy's Thread (for writing, history, and other stuff)

An Introduction of Rommel (from his perspective)

{removed 5/22/24 - wow my rommel phase!!! :zany: so much yapping. not necessarily too non-scratch-appropriate, but wow wasn't this kinda cringe}

Last edited by Sandy-Dunes (May 22, 2024 18:38:49)

“i have been made to protect you. only in death will i be kept from this oath”

(matching with misty)

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