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A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Hello there!

Have any of you found it confusing to use the Scratchblocks plugin on the forums? Today I'll be explaining how to make them step-by-step in this easy to understand guide.

For more info, see the wiki.
If you want to test any of this out, please see here instead

Reporter blocks can be made using:

For example:

Boolean blocks are similar to reporter blocks, however they use <'s and >'s instead of ('s and )'s.


For example:
<mouse down?>
Due to technological limits, boolean blocks look like reporter blocks.

Stack Blocks
Stack blocks can be formed by the following script:


For example:
But what if it has a dropdown menu, number entry or string thread?

Well, we do this instead
choose [input v]
Which will turn out to be
choose [input v]

For number entries, do
input ( )

C block
C blocks must be closed by typing “end” after the last stack block inside it.

repeat (10)

If there is no number input, leave out the ()'s
which makes:

repeat (10)


That's great! We now know the basics of the ScratchBlocks plugin.
But how does it all piece together?

Well, just piece together the blocks like this:


when green flag clicked
if <mouse down?> then

play drum (3 v) for (0.2) beats


Which will turn out to look like this:

when green flag clicked
if <mouse down?> then

play drum (3 v) for (0.2) beats

Other BBCode (BulletinBoardCode) help

Have you ever seen Colour Text but not known how to do it? Well, enter the following code:

Have you also wanted some coding show up? Then do this:

There's some other stuff you ought to know too!

Here's a way to generate a big pile of scratchblocks if you already have the code created as a project.

* Shift-click the File menu and save project summary.
* Open the project summary and copy all the text.
* Paste it in between { scratchblocks } tags.
* Delete the parts you don't want.

(As suggested by Noumenon72)

Well, that hopefully sums it all up


Last edited by Techno-CAT (Nov. 19, 2014 03:52:08)

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Scratch Team
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Nice guide! Is there any way to make it so that the square brackets are shown so people get less confused? I think if you put code tags around your markup, you might be able to do it



Yep! It works

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Paddle2See wrote:

Nice guide! Is there any way to make it so that the square brackets are shown so people get less confused? I think if you put code tags around your markup, you might be able to do it



Yep! It works

There we go! It's all complete
I've also added some other BBcode tricks

Last edited by Techno-CAT (Oct. 3, 2014 07:38:55)

See what people have created by clicking here.
34 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Great guide techno-CAT!

when [TheFlamer v] key pressed
switch costume to [ONFIRE!!!!!!!! v]
100+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Great guide!


1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Nice guide
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Hurrah! An excellent guide! *bowing down before the mighty Techno-CAT*

I hope this gets stickied!

1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

You can aslo do this:
To show the square brackets. It looks like:


And this guide isn't really about tricks, I'd say learning how to do this:
when gf clicked :: operators hat
if :: sound cstart
this {block :: sensing stack} is a [block v] :: custom-arg cstart
these :: motion cstart
amazing {skills :: pen hat} :: extension stack
are what I call tricks :: motion cend cap
and <you should :: custom reporter> :: custom-arg celse
teach [people v] :: variables stack
how to do this :: sensing stack
because :: custom-arg celse
only these {turn cw (20) degrees :: motion hat} :: grey stack
are true tricks :: motion cend

is all that qualifies as [scratchblocks] “tricks”, the rest is self explanatory.

Last edited by theonlygusti (Oct. 4, 2014 10:38:57)

1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Techno-CAT wrote:

Have you also wanted some coding show up? Then do this:

Well, that hopefully sums it all up

Actually, doing this:

is easier to show your tags, like so:

when gf clicked

Last edited by theonlygusti (Oct. 4, 2014 10:42:49)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Thanks for making this - we added a link to it from our main index project

It might be good to add a link to the wiki article to your guide for people that want to learn more.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

theonlygusti wrote:

And this guide isn't really about tricks, I'd say learning how to do this:
when gf clicked :: operators hat
if :: sound cstart
this {block :: sensing stack} is a [block v] :: custom-arg cstart
these :: motion cstart
amazing {skills :: pen hat} :: extension stack
are what I call tricks :: motion cend cap
and <you should :: custom reporter> :: custom-arg celse
teach [people v] :: variables stack
how to do this :: sensing stack
because :: custom-arg celse
only these {turn cw (20) degrees :: motion hat} :: grey stack
are true tricks :: motion cend

is all that qualifies as [scratchblocks] the rest is self explanatory.

Yes, but what point is it teaching people how to do blocks that Scratch doesn't even support?

See what people have created by clicking here.
1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Techno-CAT wrote:

theonlygusti wrote:

And this guide isn't really about tricks, I'd say learning how to do this:
when gf clicked :: operators hat
if :: sound cstart
this {block :: sensing stack} is a [block v] :: custom-arg cstart
these :: motion cstart
amazing {skills :: pen hat} :: extension stack
are what I call tricks :: motion cend cap
and <you should :: custom reporter> :: custom-arg celse
teach [people v] :: variables stack
how to do this :: sensing stack
because :: custom-arg celse
only these {turn cw (20) degrees :: motion hat} :: grey stack
are true tricks :: motion cend

is all that qualifies as [scratchblocks] the rest is self explanatory.

Yes, but what point is it teaching people how to do blocks that Scratch doesn't even support?
For the suggestions forums?
For their signatures?

Don't title your post tricks if it doesn't contain any.

1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Sorry if I seemed a bit rude, this is a great tutorial , it's just I find the title a bit misleading.

1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

theonlygusti wrote:

Sorry if I seemed a bit rude, this is a great tutorial , it's just I find the title a bit misleading.


See what people have created by clicking here.
24 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

I'd like to point out one way to generate a big pile of scratchblocks if you already have the code created as a project.

* Shift-click the File menu and save project summary.
* Open the project summary and copy all the text.
* Paste it in between { scratchblocks } tags.
* Delete the parts you don't want.

To me it's easy!

Last edited by Noumenon72 (Nov. 18, 2014 18:01:20)

9 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

if <i misspelled hi> then

don't tell me that <i misspelled hi>

i already know i just like saying it leik dat.

Last edited by ianpoe (Jan. 5, 2015 14:26:24)

100+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Paddle2See wrote:

Thanks for making this - we added a link to it from our main index project

It might be good to add a link to the wiki article to your guide for people that want to learn more.
How are you making all these links?

I like bunnies and purple.
I also like teal/turquoise/whatever it's really called.

For my test account, go here
For my School account, go here
53 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

this is a test

i am [AWESOME v]

Last edited by SCRATCHmyitchyback (March 2, 2015 19:47:06)

New Scratcher
6 posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

Why this is not working for me? shall I change something in my settings?
Pls help me.

1000+ posts

A guide to [Scratchblocks] and other BBCode help

OlaTan wrote:

Why this is not working for me? shall I change something in my settings?
Pls help me.
It might be possible to disable BBCode but I'm not sure.

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Firefox 40.0.2, Flash 20.0 (release 0)
Last eaten by Evil Kumquat (Today 19:30:11)
when I receive [flash_player_version] :: motion
say [Windows 7, Flash 15.0 (release 0)] :: sensing
stop script :: custom
Tropical Productions

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