Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

When closing comments due to database work, link to the topic explaining why

There were a lot of topics in Bugs and Glitches reporting this as a glitch, even though this was intentional, and I don't think many users checked the announcements.
1000+ posts

When closing comments due to database work, link to the topic explaining why

Ikr? PS, I have first replied to that announcement topic


(1000 Posts. (✔::operators)(❌::variables)(❌)(❌)(❌) 5000 Posts! 

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51 posts

When closing comments due to database work, link to the topic explaining why

Support, this will prevent unnecessary stress.

{,,,}oUo{,,,} Kilroy was here
1000+ posts

When closing comments due to database work, link to the topic explaining why

Support. This will clear up the confusion surrounding it and prevent unnecessary topics from being posted in Bugs and Glitches.

Last edited by Quantum-Cat (Sept. 11, 2021 05:27:19)

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I aplogise if I seem a bit too serious on the forums, but I am always open to feedback on my profile.
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