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100+ posts

i dont think my useless idea is added

so i dont think this will add?, i know right

so first one

next sound 

similar to next costume

random costume

similar to go to random position

random sound 

similar to go to random position again

so this is my useless idea from my brain so let me know if this support

click me for lao gan ma
1000+ posts

i dont think my useless idea is added

Nah. There is a pick random operator for it.

(pick random (1) to (10))

And for the sounds just do this

play sound [ v]
wait () secs
play sound [ v]


(1000 Posts. (✔::operators)(❌::variables)(❌)(❌)(❌) 5000 Posts! 

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1000+ posts

i dont think my useless idea is added

I'm not really sure what the purpose will be can you explain why you need them?

Ask yourself, if you were hacked and lost hours, upon hours of work, would you regret not having a strong password that only takes 5 minutes to make?

Is it time to update your password? Here are some tips to make a strong password:

Length: The longer the password, the stronger it is. A password that is at least 12 characters long.
Complexity: Combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to make it harder to crack.
Uniqueness: Don't use easily guessable information like your name, address, or date of birth. Also, avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.
Passphrases: A phrase made up of random words, numbers, and symbols, as these can be easier to remember but still secure.
Randomness: Use a random password generator to create a unique and unpredictable password.
Regular updates: Regularly change your passwords to stay ahead of potential security threats.

Remember, the goal is to create a password that is strong, unique, and difficult for others to guess.

I would estimate more than 40% of scratchers have passwords that are hard to guess by a human, but easy to guess by a computer. You never know if today would be the day you lose everything.

Even if just one person was saved from losing hours and hours of work, my mission is accomplished.
1000+ posts

i dont think my useless idea is added

shradibop wrote:

next sound ::sound
can be done with this:
when gf clicked
play sound (sound#) until done

change [sound# v] by (1)

previous sound ::sound
can be done with this:
when gf clicked
play sound (sound#) until done

change [sound# v] by (-1)
Random sound can be done with this
play sound (pick random (1) to (10))

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