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SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

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63 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

JollofRice123 wrote:

We could probably open committee applications at the same time as manager ones since both roles need a little bit of rebooting anyway — I guess it'd just be a question of how to format both application forms, as well as setting in stone the different tasks for each group before actually opening applications.

I think it would be best to open both at the same time and do them before other events, and we should definitely find the statuses of the current committee members. Given our current statuses, we need a lot more help… Should we start by formatting the forms and roles of each group? Or do we want to set up a manager rotation system first and work on our activity levels?

Unity_and_Cq wrote:

As for the voice in the community, discretely look to see those who active (ex. those replying to messages in a friendly manner, those who answer the QOTD, AOTW, etc. often, and basic activity level checks. (Some examples I can name at the top of my head are @TweetyBurd, @serpantcat, Dawn-Bellastrom. I am sure there are others but those are some users I see often ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I highlighted friendly as the committee is sort of the face of the community and I know we generally have a friendly community but making sure they are always kind is still good to check for

I agree. If the people are close to the community, that's even better, but like Poppy said, we don't want it to be a popularity contest. Perhaps we just start with looking at potential candidites? Or we could just open the applications and see who signs up, and go from there? I'm not really sure.

Unity_and_Cq wrote:

By the way, I will be going to a theater competition across my state on Thursday to Sunday (wish me luck!) so I won't be as active during those dates.

Good luck!
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I don't know how useful asking the committee would be, because (and warning, I'm about to botch these usernames) WritersPen hasn't been active in a year and Shadow quit. Now, I'm (technically? may need to be more clear on that XD) on the committee, as well as Finley (essayist, formerly owlgoing-) and Ghost (GhostsAtMidnight, formerly firestarwarriorcat1), but neither of them as very active in SWOW anymore (though Finley remains a part of the Scratch writing community through swc).
I know this is me changing my mind again (I'm so indecisive asdfjhs), but maybe we could restart the committee and THEN figure out the bigger details of their role besides ‘voice of the community’ and managers helpers? I'd love to hear ideas if anyone has any because I certainly don't XD
And to answer your question, Carmen, I think we're going to sort out manager/committee activity before leaping into another event.
And good luck on your competition!! <3

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
63 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I think now would be a good time to figure out that manager rotation we talked about earlier…
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I've been really inactive lately, but I'm trying to get my activity back up!

As for roles and such, I think letting people submit applications whenever is fine, so we can start collecting them (though we should put a due date on it, maybe a few weeks / month or so from whenever they're announced?). And host rotations, how often would we rotate? :0
53 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

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63 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

WriterDerp wrote:

As for roles and such, I think letting people submit applications whenever is fine, so we can start collecting them (though we should put a due date on it, maybe a few weeks / month or so from whenever they're announced?). And host rotations, how often would we rotate? :0
If we're going to open applications, we should probably start now or it may never happen :\
As for host roations, we really need to get more active so we can determine who would be best. Until Jori shows up and actually transfers the host role, there's not much else we can decide…
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Agreed… for now, maybe we can discuss what we're looking for from new managers? Or if we should bring back the committee?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

As for what we are looking for in managers, activity.

^-^::#ff70d2 cap

Probably analyzing a book or something.
63 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Unity_and_Cq wrote:

As for what we are looking for in managers, activity.
63 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

…Is anyone actually on here??? I've noticed there are a few users on SWOW that are practically taking care of the studio for us (User @_RCA_ has been especially helpful, we should probably thank them at some point…). I get life is busy but we've still got a studio to run and if we can't do that, we need to transfer the host position to someone who can. (if that offends anyone I'm sorry)

Thoughts? Anyone?????

Still need to talk about:
- Community/Manager applications/responsibilities
- Host transfer (I think we should also add some sort of official backup chat for when the forums shut down and stuff like that as well)
- Events
- March (or April, at this point) Rotations and magazine???

Last edited by Dawn-Bellastrom (March 13, 2024 21:38:24)

500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I am here I just have nothing to say.

^-^::#ff70d2 cap

Probably analyzing a book or something.
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply- I’m on vacation right now with limited online access
Like Dawn, I really don’t want to offend anyone, but we seriously need to change studio ownership…

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
100+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I'm also here!

While Jori being able to transfer would make everything much easier, we shouldn't wait on her, either. We can start coming up with a manager application form now, at least. And to be more specific, a manager-to-be should ideally be active, helpful, and a good collaborator, though I believe those are kind of obvious.

I think our next steps are to

1.) Host transfer
2.) Get QOTD and AOTW back up and running
3.) Attempt to plan events again

Another set of steps

1.) Create manager application form
2.) Discuss
3.) Promote

These two things are separate and can happen concurrently, I think.

How many people are we thinking we're going to promote? At a quick glance there's about 3-4 of us currently active, so no more than 3, I would assume. A manager team of 6 (or more, or less) should be sufficient to run a studio of our size.

I do have ideas for what can be on the form, but I don't have time to put them here (I'll post them later, when I do). :0
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Firstly, thanks to Dawn for giving an update to the curators on the studio- we should probably be doing better at letting them know what’s going on XD

Secondly, I think maybe for the application form, we can each create a draft and then take the most important parts (or parts that cross over between each of our different drafts) and then create one ‘master draft’ if that makes sense. Thoughts? Any other ideas?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
63 posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I like the master draft idea but we should probably set a baseline as to what all of the drafts should have (say, a required question relating to how active you are or how long you've been on the studio). I do think we should discuss our current manager situation (activity levels and such) to decide how many other managers we need, but I'd probably say only two or three.

As for our other next steps, host transfer is on top. Does anyone know anything about when/if Jori will come back, even for a short period of time? Also, are we going to create that rotation? We at least need to decide who Jori will transfer the position to when she does come back.

It would be good to have some kind of event being planned– we don't even have to do it soon, we can just have it on hold for if we need something to boost activity levels for curators or just have something fun. It might also be good to begin working on parts of the magazine so we can have one for April at least.

Last thing- I know part of the host's job is already to let curators know of announcements and the like, but we need to be more active about letting them know about possible inactivity periods, events, and the like.

That's mostly just a brain dump of my thoughts so we'll see of any of this ends up mattering
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

I think required items should include-
1- how active are you weekly, and how long do you expect to be able to maintain that activity?
2- why are you looking to manage swow?
3- how do you want to contribute?

I think we might want to also just add a list of things managers are required to do, like making QOTDS, events, etc, just so it’s clear what they need to be able to do…

As for host transfer, I think we’re all pretty much on the same level of communication with Jori. We might just be limited until she’s able to get on next…

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

What do we do? It's been a month.

^-^::#ff70d2 cap

Probably analyzing a book or something.
500+ posts

SWOW Manager Forum and Stuff

Honestly, I don't know. We really can't do anything until we contact Jori… maybe we could contact her on her profile and see if she responds there?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a girl who has a lot of books and too little bookshelf space must be in want of… more books.

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