Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

Jeffalo wrote:

dont use jeffalo.lived, use https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.live-server
I use that too.

mybearworld wrote:

Socialix wrote:

just look at this its not bright at all!!!!! now it's dark
This is dark.

I made this just for this post and I think I'm keeping it, looks awesome

Also, what is this app for the Scratch discussion forums that I don't know about?

Forum Clout: 232,655. Alright, who ate my Kumquats? Finally foruming again. Support for reasons in OP and no support for all the other reasons.

Enjoy my music.

[small]non-member post, take whatever I say with a hint of salt and remember there's no authority behind it[/small]
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

mybearworld wrote:


Socialix wrote:

just look at this its not bright at all!!!!! now it's dark
This is dark.

I made this just for this post and I think I'm keeping it, looks awesome
that is so hot holy

i use arch linux (btw) with the linux zen kernel and enjoy writing silly things in silly languages using silly frameworks
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

kkidslogin wrote:

Also, what is this app for the Scratch discussion forums that I don't know about?
it's a browser extension that we can't mention here.

Made using Nord Theme & Inkscape
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

mybearworld wrote:

I have set Inlay Hints to offUnlessPressed:

But it doesn't do anything, neither hide them, nor does it do anything on Ctrl+Alt… is that not supported for Python or am I missing something?
Does anyone know?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

gerane.Tomorrow_Night_Blue is suuuper cool

const juniper = programmer && musician;
// my pronouns are she/her
// i am trans and bi :P
// you can call me june or juni for short but i prefer juniper
python version:
juniper = programmer and musician
# my pronouns are she/her
# i am trans and bi :P
# you can call me june or juni for short but i prefer juniper
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

Did anyone do custom languages (textmate grammars) for VSCode before? If you did, do you know how to add support for Bracket Pair Colorizing to your custom language? I couldn't really find anything online.

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

If anyone is making custom CSS for the markdown preview (I am), I made a list of CSS properties to look them up:

h1 { /* Header 1 */
h2 { /* Header 2 */
h3 { /* Header 3 */
h4 { /* Header 4 */
h5 { /* Header 5 */
h6 { /* Header 6 */
p { /* Paragraphs */
em { /* Italic */
strong { /* Bold */
s { /* Strikethrough */
blockquote { /* Quotes */
ol { /* Numbered lists */
ol > li { /* Items of numbered lists */
ul { /* Lists */
ul > li { /* Items of lists */
pre { /* Code block */
pre code { /* Code text */
:not(pre) code { /* Inline code */
img { /* Images */
a { /* Links */
table { /* Tables */
thead { /* Table headers */
tbody { /* Table bodies */
tr { /* Rows */
td { /* Columns */
td[style="text-align:left"] { /* Left aligned columns */
td[style="text-align:center"] { /* Center aligned columns */
td[style="text-align:right"] { /* Right aligned columns */

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

Just switched to Night Wolf:

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

mybearworld wrote:

Just switched to Night Wolf:

That's a really dark theme bit I'm not a fan of the purple. It just looks a bit odd to me.

Made using Nord Theme & Inkscape
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

kccuber wrote:

mybearworld wrote:

Just switched to Night Wolf:

That's a really dark theme bit I'm not a fan of the purple. It just looks a bit odd to me.
As well, is it really necessary to credit every line copied from stack overflow, i mean… its stack overflow.

1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

As well, is it really necessary to credit every line copied from stack overflow, i mean… its stack overflow.
Criticize the code of base1114112 on its topic, please.

(I switched back to Github Dark Default because Night Wolf is really inconsistent…)

Last edited by mybearworld (July 20, 2022 16:09:28)

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
100+ posts

VSCode Drip

I love Atom One Dark

CodeSkool: Beyond Scratch with ML, AI, Python, HTML5, Arduino, Games…
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

settings.json's “editor.tokenColorCustomizations” is awesome! I like Github Dark Default's color scheme, but would like some more italics - so I did this!

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
New to Scratch
11 posts

VSCode Drip

mybearworld wrote:

settings.json's “editor.tokenColorCustomizations” is awesome! I like Github Dark Default's color scheme, but would like some more italics - so I did this!
The amount of italics is so perfect that even Gordon Ramsay would make it a dish
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

I've recently been using a high contrast dark mode theme (Monokai Charcoal), and I actually like it pretty well. I like the high contrast because I have a OLED screen which makes the text stand out really well on the black.

Scratch to Pygame converter: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/600562/
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

VSCode seems to refresh for me every time I save to settings.json, which is very annoying with auto save. Is there a way to turn this off?

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

mybearworld wrote:

VSCode seems to refresh for me every time I save to settings.json, which is very annoying with auto save. Is there a way to turn this off?
I use onFocusChange, so whenever the editor pane (the code text area) loses focus, it saves. You can still press CTRL + S to manually save.

April Fools' topics:
New Buildings in Scratch's headquarters
Give every Scratcher an M1 MacBook Air
Scratch should let users edit other Scratchers' projects
Make a statue for Jeffalo
Scratch Tech Tips™
Make a Chiroyce statue emoji

<img src=“x” onerror=“alert('XSS vulnerability discovered')”>

this is a test sentence
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

Chiroyce wrote:

I use onFocusChange, so whenever the editor pane (the code text area) loses focus, it saves. You can still press CTRL + S to manually save.
That works really well - thanks!

Signatures are the only place where assets links still work.
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

very drippy

const juniper = programmer && musician;
// my pronouns are she/her
// i am trans and bi :P
// you can call me june or juni for short but i prefer juniper
python version:
juniper = programmer and musician
# my pronouns are she/her
# i am trans and bi :P
# you can call me june or juni for short but i prefer juniper
1000+ posts

VSCode Drip

Gruvbox Dark Hard

(yes this is i3 on debian btw)

Where can I find a place to show my Linux rices on scratch?

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