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Story for SWC (no title lol)

“One salad, two Kids' Meals, one 20- piece box of onion rings, and five slushies.” I said to the register at the Munchy Burger drive- thru. The salad was for my mom. The Kids' meals were for my twin brothers Marco and Daniel, and the onion rings I had to share with my older sister Marina. We were making the long drive all the way to our new home in Seattle. Our mom had gotten relocated from her job so we needed to move.

I stared at my IPad and sighed. All my friends and memories back in Maine seemed to be in there. I scrolled through the pictures of us partying at the breach, skating at the roller rink and eating gooey pizza. I almost didn't seem to notice my sister was devouring the entire box of onion rings. Just looking at my tablet brought me all the way back to my roots.

“Are you okay, Sam?” my mom said. “I'm fine..” I lied. My mom seemed to know what I was worrying about. “Don't worry, Sam.” my mom answered, trying to comfort me. “You're going to love Washington. Your grandparents used to live there.”

I shook my head. “It won't be the same.”

My mother frowned and looked back out of the window for a second. “Tell you what?” she replied. “Tomorrow, we'll take a break from driving and go to the carnival. That should get your hopes up.”

My brothers cheered. My sister pumped her fist up. “Yes!” she exclaimed happily. My mom smiled. I was the only one who didn't react at all.

“Are we there yet?” Marco asked impatiently the next day. “Not yet, Marco.” Marina said. “We should be there by 11:00.”

“But that's too long!” Marco whined. I put on my headphones and groaned. Only half an hour left of this nonsense until we made it to the carnival. A break from being trapped in this car for a while.

Finally, we made it to Dragon Mane Park (the carnival) It looked nothing like the carnivals that you see in Maine. My brothers ran through the entrance and towards the bumper cars as my mom checked us out. I put my bag down and sat down. My sister tugged at my hand. “Come on,” she said. “Let's go on the rollercoasters first.” I nodded and followed her. I was always up for a challenge.

By the time lunchtime had finally come, I had rode on three coasters, a carousel, and on the bumper cars. We all met at the food truck so we could grab something to eat. But I noticed that something was missing.

“Where's my IPad?”

The twins didn't know where it was. Neither did my sister or my mom. “Retrace your steps, Sam.” she said to me. ‘Where did you last see your tablet.“

I was too loopy from all the rides to even think or remember. ”You left it at the big pole near the clock, remember?“ my sister said to me, rolling her eyes. The clock! I ran all the way to the people but my tablet and bag were no longer there. ”it must have been stolen..“ I muttered to myself. I just sat there for a few minutes, quietly and sadly. That was it. All my memories were gone.

I felt a tap in my shoulder. ”Is this yours?“ a girl said. She was holding my tablet. I nodded. ”Did you find it?“ ”Yep!“ she said. ”I knew it was for somebody, so I was about to bring it to the lost and found. Then I saw you.“ I smiled. ”Thanks! This tablet is pretty special to me. We’re moving to Seattle.“ ”Hey, so am I!“ the girl exclaimed. ”Do you want to exchange phone numbers?"

And that is how I met Miley, my new best friend.

~ “Smile your heart out!” ~

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