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- » Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
- OhOkSir12345
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
and scratch could add a button for you to click which is the block studio invites button which would be VERY useful to those who do not like studio invites.there is this thing called hello everyone! I know many people agree with having the invite followers button back. and so do I, Recently I got back onto scratch hoping to spread positivity to those who need it, or just to make some ones day. and so I made a studio for said reason and saw the updated version. to myself I thought “oh cool, they must of updated”. then I was not able to find the followers button, so I asked one of my followers. Then they told me that scratch had removed it, I was very upset that I couldn't share my studio to those who need something to lift a smile, especially during these dark times. It would be wonderful if scratch had added it back. honestly I didn't mind getting studio invites because I like getting mail and having the suspense on what it is. And most of the time the studio invites were ones that were useful. I have an idea if you add the add followers button back, if there are people out there spamming the studios to followers, you can make them only send it once to said follower and also have a page full of projects that share your interests.
Thank you for reading - @Dino-mite_Girl
“support + (reason)”
and geez the post doesnt have to be so long
- Rzedgames
4 posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
and scratch could add a button for you to click which is the block studio invites button which would be VERY useful to those who do not like studio invites.hello everyone! I know many people agree with having the invite followers button back. and so do I, Recently I got back onto scratch hoping to spread positivity to those who need it, or just to make some ones day. and so I made a studio for said reason and saw the updated version. to myself I thought “oh cool, they must of updated”. then I was not able to find the followers button, so I asked one of my followers. Then they told me that scratch had removed it, I was very upset that I couldn't share my studio to those who need something to lift a smile, especially during these dark times. It would be wonderful if scratch had added it back. honestly I didn't mind getting studio invites because I like getting mail and having the suspense on what it is. And most of the time the studio invites were ones that were useful. I have an idea if you add the add followers button back, if there are people out there spamming the studios to followers, you can make them only send it once to said follower and also have a page full of projects that share your interests.
Thank you for reading - @Dino-mite_Girl
Me too, it was way easy to add your followers but now u have to copy then paste their name and it takes so much time so i really hope scratch would put the invite follower button again <3
Last edited by Rzedgames (Dec. 11, 2021 06:19:04)
- OhOkSir12345
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
and scratch could add a button for you to click which is the block studio invites button which would be VERY useful to those who do not like studio invites.hello everyone! I know many people agree with having the invite followers button back. and so do I, Recently I got back onto scratch hoping to spread positivity to those who need it, or just to make some ones day. and so I made a studio for said reason and saw the updated version. to myself I thought “oh cool, they must of updated”. then I was not able to find the followers button, so I asked one of my followers. Then they told me that scratch had removed it, I was very upset that I couldn't share my studio to those who need something to lift a smile, especially during these dark times. It would be wonderful if scratch had added it back. honestly I didn't mind getting studio invites because I like getting mail and having the suspense on what it is. And most of the time the studio invites were ones that were useful. I have an idea if you add the add followers button back, if there are people out there spamming the studios to followers, you can make them only send it once to said follower and also have a page full of projects that share your interests.
Thank you for reading - @Dino-mite_Girl
Me too, it was way easy to add your followers but now u have to copy then paste their name and it takes so much time so i really hope scratch would put the invite follower button again <3
If your post is not a bump, it will be counted towards spam
- aelaarg
5 posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
Listen, if you don't want to get spammed with those invites when you follow someone, then unfollow.
Yeah, sure, I'll just stop showing my support for a Scratcher because I, like any normal person, don't like getting spammed with studio messages.If you don't want to, then turn off studio related messages
That isn't a thing.but then you don't have a right reason to not support
Correct–Scratchers aren't allowed to have opinions opposite to yours, even if they have legitimate and constructive reasoning.we can find workarounds for no supporters.
What workarounds?
- aelaarg
5 posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
Hiiiiiiiii!and scratch could add a button for you to click which is the block studio invites button which would be VERY useful to those who do not like studio invites.hello everyone! I know many people agree with having the invite followers button back. and so do I, Recently I got back onto scratch hoping to spread positivity to those who need it, or just to make some ones day. and so I made a studio for said reason and saw the updated version. to myself I thought “oh cool, they must of updated”. then I was not able to find the followers button, so I asked one of my followers. Then they told me that scratch had removed it, I was very upset that I couldn't share my studio to those who need something to lift a smile, especially during these dark times. It would be wonderful if scratch had added it back. honestly I didn't mind getting studio invites because I like getting mail and having the suspense on what it is. And most of the time the studio invites were ones that were useful. I have an idea if you add the add followers button back, if there are people out there spamming the studios to followers, you can make them only send it once to said follower and also have a page full of projects that share your interests.
Thank you for reading - @Dino-mite_Girl
Me too, it was way easy to add your followers but now u have to copy then paste their name and it takes so much time so i really hope scratch would put the invite follower button again <3
If your post is not a bump, it will be counted towards spam
- OhOkSir12345
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
Hiiiiiiiii!and scratch could add a button for you to click which is the block studio invites button which would be VERY useful to those who do not like studio invites.hello everyone! I know many people agree with having the invite followers button back. and so do I, Recently I got back onto scratch hoping to spread positivity to those who need it, or just to make some ones day. and so I made a studio for said reason and saw the updated version. to myself I thought “oh cool, they must of updated”. then I was not able to find the followers button, so I asked one of my followers. Then they told me that scratch had removed it, I was very upset that I couldn't share my studio to those who need something to lift a smile, especially during these dark times. It would be wonderful if scratch had added it back. honestly I didn't mind getting studio invites because I like getting mail and having the suspense on what it is. And most of the time the studio invites were ones that were useful. I have an idea if you add the add followers button back, if there are people out there spamming the studios to followers, you can make them only send it once to said follower and also have a page full of projects that share your interests.
Thank you for reading - @Dino-mite_Girl
Me too, it was way easy to add your followers but now u have to copy then paste their name and it takes so much time so i really hope scratch would put the invite follower button again <3
If your post is not a bump, it will be counted towards spam
Please dont spam
- Platinum_Platformers
1 post
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
i know they did this was because of spam but one thing that could be easier is the availability to be able to block studio request for one or multiple people that way you can still have the “add follower” button
- OhOkSir12345
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
i know they did this was because of spam but one thing that could be easier is the availability to be able to block studio request for one or multiple people that way you can still have the “add follower” button
please make a topic to discuss that
oh wait your new
Last edited by OhOkSir12345 (Dec. 22, 2021 16:15:08)
- Reddinger
3 posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
and scratch could add a button for you to click which is the block studio invites button which would be VERY useful to those who do not like studio invites.hello everyone! I know many people agree with having the invite followers button back. and so do I, Recently I got back onto scratch hoping to spread positivity to those who need it, or just to make someone's day. and so I made a studio for said reason and saw the updated version. to myself, I thought “oh cool, they must have updated”. then I was not able to find the followers button, so I asked one of my followers. Then they told me that scratch had removed it, I was very upset that I couldn't share my studio with those who need something to lift a smile, especially during these dark times. It would be wonderful if scratch had added it back. honestly, I didn't mind getting studio invites because I like getting mail and having the suspense on what it is. And most of the time the studio invites were ones that were useful. I have an idea if you add the add followers button back, if there are people out there spamming the studios to followers, you can make them only send it once to said followers and also have a page full of projects that share your interests.
Thank you for reading - @Dino-mite_Girl
Me too, it was way easy to add your followers but now u have to copy then paste their name and it takes so much time so I really hope scratch would put the invite follower button again <3
- tobi_life
1 post
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
i personally agree with the invite followers button being added back with a button that blocks unwanted studios invite.This reason is because i have created a studio were everyone can join and rp or talk about naruto , and other anime, and i cant get it started bc i have to c&p everyone's names. Its a little to much work and time i dont have bc of school, and home life. It just makes everything easier, as many would agree.

Last edited by tobi_life (Jan. 6, 2022 13:30:23)
- Myst--
100+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
I'm pretty sure that this has been removed for a reason. The ST doesn't want to let people spam studio invites to all their followers. No support.
- dave-alt-4
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
there are actually ways to do it though x) I'm pretty sure that this has been removed for a reason. The ST doesn't want to let people spam studio invites to all their followers. No support.
- DinoMaster20
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
I have an add-on, so it's not a problem for me
I semi-support. This can be used to spam. But it can also be helpful.
I semi-support. This can be used to spam. But it can also be helpful.
- PlatoHero_
500+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
A studio isn't the best choice for discussions, due to the reply limit in forums. i have created a studio were everyone can join and rp or talk about naruto , and other anime
- scratchering_coder
500+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
Support, the invite followers button is useful because now we need to copy and paste usernames and it's annoying.
If the scratch team don't wants, then the scratch team should make another method to invite people, because copy and pasting usernames, hell no.
If the scratch team don't wants, then the scratch team should make another method to invite people, because copy and pasting usernames, hell no.
Last edited by scratchering_coder (Jan. 22, 2022 06:25:47)
- Jerkybrick
10 posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
Hello scratchers / ST. There was recently an update to the studio system and it looks amazing, but there is one problem. I can only invite curators by username now. I used to be able to click the “Invite followers” button and easily invite my followers to a studio, but now have to invite them one by one by username, which takes forever! (Especially considering I have over 4,800+ followers) Again the new studio update was great, but please consider adding the “Invite followers” button back to studios. Thanks and stay cool! -Coolbe22
EDIT: I agree with not having an “Invite ALL followers button”, but having the “Invite followers button” is very useful. It makes inviting people WAY easier. I use it to invite followers to my fanclub, notify followers of new projects, and lots of other small things. If someone is following you, they should want to see your content. There is a “What's happening” in the front page, but it is VERY small and if your following lots of people it doesn't really help.
Yeah, i really agree. I really hope the ST will see this, because it would help a lot for me and other Scratchers. A similar thing happened to me too, I wanted to invite some of my followers to my studio and then realised I couldn't do it anymore.
- Scratchfangs
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
Hey, please leave them alone, this user took time to make this post, and it's very constructive. I say that it's a good addition to this suggestion. there is this thing called
“support + (reason)”
and geez the post doesnt have to be so long
- sqrtofPI
100+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
(#43)Those aren't what studios are meant for.No support. You invite a Scratcher to a studio because you think they make projects that fit the theme of the studio, not because they are following you.And fan clubs? Add everythings? Lets get 500 managers before August? impossible
- bobcat0701
1000+ posts
Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!
no support being able to easily invite your followers again could make it much easier to spam studio invites
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» Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!