Discuss Scratch

21 posts

weird jumping glitch

so currently i'm working on a warrior cats game and one of the codes i've programmed the sprite you control with is this:
when [up arrow v] key pressed
change y by (16)
wait (0.2) secs
change y by (-16)

See any problems so far? because as far as i can tell there isn't any (i'm not 100% sure though) but sometimes, randomly, whilst i'm running through the code that script will play. when i'm not even touching the keyboard or the code the charectar will just jump a bit. there isn't even a pattern!
can anyone tell me wh this is happening or how to fix it?


Last edited by Simply_A_Bookworm (May 30, 2021 19:26:06)

☀️ Sab ☀️
Bookworm, Cat lover, Artist, Fangirl


1000+ posts

weird jumping glitch

It runs when you're scrolling up.
28 posts

weird jumping glitch

Simply_A_Bookworm wrote:

so currently i'm working on a warrior cats game and one of the codes i've programmed the sprite you control with is this:
when [up arrow v] key pressed
change y by (16)
wait (0.2) secs
change y by (-16)

See any problems so far? because as far as i can tell there isn't any (i'm not 100% sure though) but sometimes, randomly, whilst i'm running through the code that script will play. when i'm not even touching the keyboard or the code the charectar will just jump a bit. there isn't even a pattern!
can anyone tell me wh this is happening or how to fix it?

If you scroll up, scratch acts like you pressed the up arrow key. Could be because of that.

Hey, check out my website, I coded everything myself!

21 posts

weird jumping glitch

Ohhh thanks didn’t know that!

☀️ Sab ☀️
Bookworm, Cat lover, Artist, Fangirl


100+ posts

weird jumping glitch

Yes, it runs when you scroll for some reason.

By the way, for more efficient jumping, do this:
when green flag clicked
if <key [up arrow] pressed?> then
change y by (16)
wait (0.2) secs
change y by (-16)

There's an even better way to do this to make it even more smoother, which is using a variable. I like naming it velocity.
when green flag clicked
set [velocity] to [0]
if <key [up arrow] pressed?> then
set [velocity] to [16]
if <<not <touching [Terrain/ground/whatever] ?>>
change [velocity] by (-1)
change y by (velocity)

Don't tell me you never asked, because you never asked. Right? But I can't resist the urge to help people who code like this

when [up arrow] key pressed
change y by (16)
wait (0.2) secs
change y by (-16)

No offense.

Why am I so annoying?

<- See how many posts I've made? Clearly I don't know what I'm doing.

By the way, if you have time, pay a visit to Alpha Island.

I need to stop engrossing myself in geography.

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