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The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

VDU 23 Example
Note bitmap data exported from: 8-bit Bitmap Editor
  1. Load the user disk code below
  2. Enter LOAD “INVADER”
  3. Enter LIST to view the BASIC program
    10 MODE 2
    20 VDU 23,240,36,36,126,219,255,255,165,36
    30 VDU 23,241,36,165,255,219,255,126,36,66
    40 COLOUR 6
    50 REPEAT
    60 PRINT TAB(10,10); CHR$(240);
    70 T=TIME
    90 PRINT TAB(10,10); CHR$(241);
    100 T=TIME
    120 PRINT TAB(10,10); " ";
  4. Enter RUN

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The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

Number Guess - a number guessing game

1. Double click and copy the below code.


2. Load it into the project

3. Type in LOAD “NUMBER GAME” and then type in RUN or type in CHAIN “NUMBER GAME” to start playing!

4. Follow the instructions.

5. Play and Enjoy!


Type in LIST to see all 88 lines of BASIC code.

Last edited by Vract0 (April 21, 2021 17:54:33)

Hmm… Gibberish you see, I think not, a code it is…

If you need help… Click this. Highlight some of the text and press
(((ctrl) + (shift)) + (down)
arrow key to scroll down.

-….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- / -….- / -….- -….- -….- / -….- .-.-.- .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- .-.-.- / -….- .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- / -….- -….- -….- / -..-. / .-.-.- -….- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / -….- -….- -….- / -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- / -….- / .-.-.- .-.-.- / -….- .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- / -..-. / .-.-.- -….- / .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- / -….- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-.-.- / -….-

atleD racsO )ecaps( eeknaY racsO mrofinU )ecaps( oliK rebmevoN racsO yeksihW )ecaps( yeksihW letoH aflA ognaT )ecaps( oemoR racsO ognaT ruoF neveS )ecaps( aidnI arreiS ?

Tango Hotel India Sierra (space) India Sierra (space) November Oscar Tango (space) India Mike Papa Oscar Romeo Tango Alfa November Tango Stop

x D66 J@F 4C24<65 E96 4@56] v@@5 ;@3 J@F?8 @?6] iX r@>>6?E Q*@52Q @? >J AC@7:=6]

Have a nice day

Execute Magical Disappearance :: #000080

Me when I get 20 views on a project.

1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

The emulator has now been modified to also accept double-sided disk images. The rokcoder.com/bbcmicro website now has a useful drop-file area where you can drag ssd or dsd files to automatically insert the disk image code into the clipboard ready to be pasted into the project's load option.

Scratch dabbling for fun…

100+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

njdavison wrote:

VDU 23 Example
Note bitmap data exported from: 8-bit Bitmap Editor
  1. Load the user disk code below
  2. Enter LOAD “INVADER”
  3. Enter LIST to view the BASIC program
    10 MODE 2
    20 VDU 23,240,36,36,126,219,255,255,165,36
    30 VDU 23,241,36,165,255,219,255,126,36,66
    40 COLOUR 6
    50 REPEAT
    60 PRINT TAB(10,10); CHR$(240);
    70 T=TIME
    90 PRINT TAB(10,10); CHR$(241);
    100 T=TIME
    120 PRINT TAB(10,10); " ";
  4. Enter RUN
If you escape the program when you type the text is blue and is bigger. I'm not sure if this is intentional but I just wanted to bring that up.

Hmm… Gibberish you see, I think not, a code it is…

If you need help… Click this. Highlight some of the text and press
(((ctrl) + (shift)) + (down)
arrow key to scroll down.

-….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- / -….- / -….- -….- -….- / -….- .-.-.- .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- .-.-.- / -….- .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- / -….- -….- -….- / -..-. / .-.-.- -….- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / -….- -….- -….- / -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- / -….- / .-.-.- .-.-.- / -….- .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- / -..-. / .-.-.- -….- / .-.-.- -….- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- -….- .-.-.- / .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-.-.- -….- / -….- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .-.-.- / -….-

atleD racsO )ecaps( eeknaY racsO mrofinU )ecaps( oliK rebmevoN racsO yeksihW )ecaps( yeksihW letoH aflA ognaT )ecaps( oemoR racsO ognaT ruoF neveS )ecaps( aidnI arreiS ?

Tango Hotel India Sierra (space) India Sierra (space) November Oscar Tango (space) India Mike Papa Oscar Romeo Tango Alfa November Tango Stop

x D66 J@F 4C24<65 E96 4@56] v@@5 ;@3 J@F?8 @?6] iX r@>>6?E Q*@52Q @? >J AC@7:=6]

Have a nice day

Execute Magical Disappearance :: #000080

Me when I get 20 views on a project.

1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

Save the following to a text file, and then use the paste option to load the BASIC program into the emulator. (Or you can type it in)

1MO.2:C.134:CLS:GC.0,0:MOV.1029,250:PL.153,250,0:F.J=0TO6:F.X=1TO19:C=COS(X*PI/21):F.K=J TOJ+1:GC.0,8+(X+J*4)MOD8:H=COS(K*PI/7):U=25*C*SQR(1-H*H):V=25*H:PL.84-(X>1),990+U*9+V*4,290+V*9-U*4:N.,,:V=1
5P=-512:U=J MOD25:X=X+V:J=J+1:A=&600+X+INT(U*2.5-U*U*.1)*80:IF X<3ORX>44V=-V

Then just type RUN followed by the <ENTER> key.

Enjoy the show! This code came from the twitter account BBC Micro Bot…

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The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

Quick update -

@garbomuffin has updated the list import function for TurboWarp so you can now import files that contain commas - if it asks ‘which column’ simply press enter. Thanks to @kriblo for making that request.

It's awesome seeing the disk images and code snippets coming in. Awesome sound effects and space invader bitmaps from @njdavison, really cool games by @vract and @PizzasAreGreat and an excellent surprise from @colinmacc's snippet!

@vrect - the text looks bigger after running the space invader code because it changes graphics mode. The BBC Micro has 8 different graphic modes with different resolutions and number of colours. Well worth checking out in the BBC Micro User Guide. Also, for your project, if you use variables such as A$ you can input strings so you could ask the user for “Y” or “N” instead of “1” or “2”. Great stuff regardless!

I'm going to add some more code tips. If you guys have any suggestions or requests for hints and tips to add then send them this way!

And, finally, the BBC Micro User Guide has been added at www.rokcoder.com/bbcmicro. You can now read or download the full manual from there.

Last edited by RokCoder (April 22, 2021 11:09:33)

Scratch dabbling for fun…

1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

I found this piece of music on one of my old disks. I didn't make the program but thought it was worth sharing here -


Double click the code and press ctrl-c to copy into the clipboard. Tap the Load User-Disk from code button in the emulator and paste the code in with ctrl-v. That will load your disk into the emulator.

To see what's on the disk you can type *CAT.

GLDBRWN is the music so you can LOAD “GLDBRWN” and then LIST or RUN it. Or you can CHAIN “GLDBRWN” which does both a load and a run in one operation.

You can also boot this disc (that's what the !BOOT file is for). To see what's in the !BOOT file you can *TYPE !BOOT or *LIST !BOOT. To boot the disk you need to press and hold the shift key, click the break button and release the shift key once the boot has started.

If you want to make your own disks bootable then you need to create a !BOOT file. This is effectively a file that is automatically entered into the keyboard when you execute it. Simply type *BUILD !BOOT. Enter what you want the boot file to do - for example, CHAIN “MYPROG” followed by the enter key - and then press escape. That's the !BOOT file created. To make the disk bootable you need to type *OPT 4,3. If you now *CAT the disk you will see that it says OPTION 3 (EXEC) where it used to say OPTION 0 (OFF). Your disk is now bootable.

You can also give your disk a title. Simply type *TITLE DISKY and then *CAT - you'll see the disk now has DISKY as a title.

Last edited by RokCoder (May 10, 2021 10:13:52)

Scratch dabbling for fun…

100+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

RokCoder wrote:

It's fantastic to see someone using the emulator to create programs - thanks for making my day! What's even better is that it's a lovely program and works really well.

Barnsley's fern:
Type CHAIN “fern” to run it.

A cute puzzle game.
1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

PizzasAreGreat wrote:

Barnsley's fern:
Type CHAIN “fern” to run it.
Beautiful! You wrote that yourself?

I might add a disk of user contributions to the project (in place of the welcome disk). Would be good if people added a comment at the beginning of their programs to identify who wrote the program and another to identify who contributed it to the forum (if it's not the person who wrote it).

Scratch dabbling for fun…

100+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

RokCoder wrote:

PizzasAreGreat wrote:

Barnsley's fern:
Type CHAIN “fern” to run it.
Beautiful! You wrote that yourself?
Yeah, I wrote it myself. I took some inspiration from a python program on geeksforgeeks.

A cute puzzle game.
34 posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

Classic Elite Sound
BBC BASIC listing taken from http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Classic_Elite_sounds
The parameters for the Sounds (and envelopes) were extracted from disc A4080602 on Ian Bell's web site and is specific to the BBC tape cassette version of Classic Elite (The hyperspace sound in the Disk version may be slightly different).
  1. Load the user disk code below
  2. Enter the command: CHAIN “ELITE”
  3. HIT: A S X E T U M D H ? To enjoy a cacophony of retro sound effects.
  4. Hit Escape and enter LIST to view the code
      5 REM Sounds from (tape) BBC Elite
    6 REM Extracted from disc A4080602
    7 REM From Ian Bell's website
    8 REM 24 Oct 2010, PLB.
    9 REM -----------------------------
    10 MODE 7
    20 ENVELOPE 1,1, 0,111,-8, 4, 1, 8, 8,-2,0, -1,112, 44
    30 ENVELOPE 2,1,14,-18,-1,44,32, 50, 6, 1,0, -2,120,126
    40 ENVELOPE 3,1, 1, -1,-3,17,32,128, 1, 0,0, -1, 1, 1
    50 ENVELOPE 4,1, 4, -8,44, 4, 6, 8,22, 0,0,-127,126, 0
    60 REM Hitting ? gives list of keys
    70 P. "ELITE (tape) Sounds"
    80 P. "HIT: A S X E T U M D H ?"
    90 REPEAT
    100 K$=INKEY$(0)
    110 IF K$="A" THEN P. "A - fire A laser " : SOUND &12,1,0,&10
    120 IF K$="S" THEN P. "S - Struck by laser ": SOUND &12,2,&2C,08
    130 IF K$="X" THEN P. "X - eXplosions ": SOUND &11,3,&F0,&18 : SOUND &10,&F1,7,&1A
    140 IF K$="E" THEN P. "E - ECM activated " : SOUND &13,4,&C2,&14
    150 IF K$="T" THEN P. "T - Target missile ": SOUND &03,&F1,&BC,01
    160 IF K$="U" THEN P. "U - Unarm missile ": SOUND &13,&F4,&0C,08
    170 IF K$="M" THEN P. "M - Missile launched": SOUND &10,&F1,6,&0C
    180 IF K$="D" THEN P. "D - Death by docking": SOUND &10,&F1,7,&1A
    190 IF K$="H" THEN P. "H - Hyperspace ": SOUND &10,2,&60,&10
    200 IF K$="?" THEN P. "HIT: A S X E T U M D H ?"
  5. For details of the SOUND and ENVELOPE command see BBC Micro User Guide
  6. Or check out the BBC Micro Music Masterclass

Featured Projects
35 posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

Here is a game that I made for this emulator. To run it, put in the disc code and type load “game”. Then type run to play.

Last edited by xXName77Xx (April 26, 2021 21:56:52)

1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

xXName77Xx wrote:

Here is a game that I made for this emulator. To run it, put in the disc code and type load “game”. Then type run to play.
Please put your code in code tags like this:
Your code goes here

Last edited by samq64 (April 26, 2021 16:21:45)

1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

xXName77Xx wrote:

Here is a game that I made for this emulator. To run it, put in the disc code and type load “game”. Then type run to play.
That's a lovely little game! Well done!

Scratch dabbling for fun…

35 posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

I made a small update to my game:

Last edited by xXName77Xx (April 27, 2021 02:04:01)

1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

xXName77Xx wrote:

I made a small update to my game:
Nice improvements. I like the addition of sound and being able to play another game.

I think I'd add a check in there for misspelled answers. Maybe just reiterate “Must be ‘sword’ or ‘bow’” rather than just missing and losing hit points? Also, restarting the game could be done in other ways than chaining the program again from disk. You could use RUN or GOTO but the nicer way would be to use a REPEAT/UNTIL loop around the code so that the loop stops when the user presses ‘N’ to the ‘Play again?’ question.

Scratch dabbling for fun…

1000+ posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

I think I found a bug. A “Browse…” button and a “No file selected.” label appeared under the green flag on the website.

Last edited by samq64 (April 27, 2021 16:34:02)

47 posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

by the way i was able to get a game copied, but where do i paste all of this code?
47 posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

when i paste the code in….it says “disc loaded” but nothing happens
47 posts

The Beeb - a full BBC Microcomputer emulator

ok nevermind…………..i fergot to look up and there was the answer lol, but when i load a real game from online like “elite” it says not found

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