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New Scratcher
49 posts

What should I do after Scratch?

Scratch has been great, I’ve been on the platform and I’ve liked it so far. Although, I think I’m getting a little too old for Scratch. I’m currently 13 and I think it’s time to transition to a more complex coding style. I would love to learn a coding language like Java, c++, Lua, and more. I’m also an avid Roblox player/developer (Roblox uses Lua). But, no matter how hard I try to learn a language, I just can’t do it. I’ve taken some camps in the summer, but none of those helped me create something special (like a Roblox game). I’ve tried a few websites like Repl.it, and I enjoy them but what is the best way to learn how to code? Every time I try to learn something from coding, it just becomes boring since I feel like I’m not creating anything cool. My end goal is to code a Roblox game that functions really well.
500+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

There's Snap if you want something similar to scratch but with more complex features and blocks

Legend has it that to this day, there is still no effort to patch the GoGuardian freeze bug
wacky man with 500+ forum posts
blah blah blah this is my siggy under the gray line blah blah blah kumquat ate the rest blah blah blah

set pen color to [test]
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

You can't make something cool immediately as you start, you have to build up to it. Or, you could try to create simpler games to start. Or am I misunderstanding, are you asking for another programming language to try?

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.
500+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

You should try and make simple things, don't try to make full blown projects at once.
Then you could try and work your way up, making more advanced things as time goes. But if this doesn't work, there's a chance you might not really understand the language. I'm a roblox developer myself, and these steps helped me a lot (also probably because i'm a programmer by nature)

not that active anymore


Seriously. Period. I'm not that active anymore. I've recently realised that Scratch, while good for basic programing, is just not that versatile for making games. So, I've moved on to engines like Roblox and Stencyl, which are entirely different from scratch. Farewell.
100+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

Well, Unity and C# coding is what I'm doing rn, and i think its a good step up from scratch. I do recommend Python before though.
Or, Javascript if you want to do Web stuff.

Me vibin to my ringtone:
The IRS trying to get me to pay my taxes:

100+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

Maybe text programming languages such as Python, or something similar to Scratch like Snap!

• 8 years old • Girl • Dual means “double” • Moved from GoogleInScratch

Hmmm, it looks like you are reading my signature. Please note this is not part of my post!
New Scratcher
49 posts

What should I do after Scratch?

mtech22 wrote:

You can't make something cool immediately as you start, you have to build up to it. Or, you could try to create simpler games to start. Or am I misunderstanding, are you asking for another programming language to try?
It’s just I’ve spent months trying to learn Python but all I can make is some project that only uses the print function
New Scratcher
49 posts

What should I do after Scratch?

IDontNoWatIAm wrote:

There's Snap if you want something similar to scratch but with more complex features and blocks
I want to learn a language like Lua so I can make a game (eg: survive zombie wave). I think I’m growing out of the blocky code stuff
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

FinanciaI wrote:

mtech22 wrote:

You can't make something cool immediately as you start, you have to build up to it. Or, you could try to create simpler games to start. Or am I misunderstanding, are you asking for another programming language to try?
It’s just I’ve spent months trying to learn Python but all I can make is some project that only uses the print function
Search up YouTube tutorials or something like that, python isn't easy but it isn't hard either.

this is a link
New Scratcher
49 posts

What should I do after Scratch?

Ihatr wrote:

FinanciaI wrote:

mtech22 wrote:

You can't make something cool immediately as you start, you have to build up to it. Or, you could try to create simpler games to start. Or am I misunderstanding, are you asking for another programming language to try?
It’s just I’ve spent months trying to learn Python but all I can make is some project that only uses the print function
Search up YouTube tutorials or something like that, python isn't easy but it isn't hard either.
Yeah I’ve searched up Roblox scripting tutorials and I’ve watched like every single on lol, but the info in the videos just doesn’t transfer to making a game…
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

FinanciaI wrote:

Ihatr wrote:

FinanciaI wrote:

mtech22 wrote:

You can't make something cool immediately as you start, you have to build up to it. Or, you could try to create simpler games to start. Or am I misunderstanding, are you asking for another programming language to try?
It’s just I’ve spent months trying to learn Python but all I can make is some project that only uses the print function
Search up YouTube tutorials or something like that, python isn't easy but it isn't hard either.
Yeah I’ve searched up Roblox scripting tutorials and I’ve watched like every single on lol, but the info in the videos just doesn’t transfer to making a game…
If you don't want to watch videos or the videos don't fit your style, just mess around and teach yourself. It's certainly a hard task as the things you want to make get more complex, but it's one of the few ways.

this is a link
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

“Every time I try to learn something from coding, it just becomes boring since I feel like I’m not creating anything cool.”

The biggest factor for me in learning other languages is either finding a problem that I want to solve or to create something original that would benefit others. For me, the writing of the ScratchDB API, a third party API designed to index posts and give forum information for users such as their post count was what pushed me to really learn Javascript, since I wanted to make an easy front end to make the data from ScratchDB more accessible.

bottom text
New Scratcher
49 posts

What should I do after Scratch?

CatsUnited wrote:

“Every time I try to learn something from coding, it just becomes boring since I feel like I’m not creating anything cool.”

The biggest factor for me in learning other languages is either finding a problem that I want to solve or to create something original that would benefit others. For me, the writing of the ScratchDB API, a third party API designed to index posts and give forum information for users such as their post count was what pushed me to really learn Javascript, since I wanted to make an easy front end to make the data from ScratchDB more accessible.
I try that, but the information I learn just doesn’t click.
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

I found this cool thing!

New Scratcher
49 posts

What should I do after Scratch?

Rendangbike2 wrote:

I found this cool thing!
Hmm for some odd reason the link isn’t loading (I’m using a school iPad so maybe that’s why). All my other tabs are loading. I’ll have to try it on a non school device.
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

imo C++ is a complete waste of time, especially for a beginner, try learning Python instead and developing a basic game with libraries such as PyGame and GameFrame, like a basic 2d platformer, as you seem to like making games, unlike me who finds programming fun when solving a problem with a small program or generally messing around with cool features (TERMINAL COLOURS ARE SO FUNNNNN!!).

stop fuming and start loving :p
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

CatsUnited wrote:

“Every time I try to learn something from coding, it just becomes boring since I feel like I’m not creating anything cool.”

The biggest factor for me in learning other languages is either finding a problem that I want to solve or to create something original that would benefit others. For me, the writing of the ScratchDB API, a third party API designed to index posts and give forum information for users such as their post count was what pushed me to really learn Javascript, since I wanted to make an easy front end to make the data from ScratchDB more accessible.
similarly, if you can't think of a problem just copy someone else's site. it's a great way to learn, and at the end you can compare how they did it and how you did it.

scratch team summer engineering intern
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

Try to try text based - don’t go on another block language.

The2000 wrote:

All suggestions are unnecessary. If a suggestion is necessary then it's a bug report.

dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
1000+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

What to do after Scratch?
That depends on you. To get started, I recommend Python. The syntax is simple (compared to other languages)!

This is a simple hello world program in python:
print (“Hello World!”)

But if you were to code the same in C++:
#include <iostream>

int main() {
std::cout << “Hello World!”;
return 0;

There is a lot you can do with Python, from calculating how many three letter usernames are there in Scratch to Data Analysis! You can build GUIs with the built in Tkinter module or even use other ones from PyPi (example: Kivy). There are many tutorials from various sources.

I feel like I’m not creating anything cool
That's a lack of dedication. Keep learning until you master something . I was very proud of myself when I built this.

Last edited by BarelySmooth (March 19, 2021 10:45:21)

Banner credit: @Prime689

(This text below is my forum signature)

Scratch Team never wrote:

Good suggestion. Let’s add that.
no offense to ST btw – Credit to @Fun_Cupcake_i81 for the above portion of the signature

Also, Nobody supports the support convention

404. That's an error.

The requested signature was not found under this post.
That's all we want you to know.
500+ posts

What should I do after Scratch?

If you wait a little, you may find your high school has a computer science/programming class. Check your high school catalogue for details about it. I'm currently taking a C++ class and it's very helpful. Learning in school often takes a slower pace and you may be able to understand the content better compared to a 1 or 2 week summer camp.

(You're never too old for Scratch, I'm 15, and people like Griffpatch are adults)

This is my signature, it appears below all of my posts.
Certified Tech Nerd
I make technical projects here on Scratch, but I also know C++ and Java.

I’m still here, I just don’t do much

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