Discuss Scratch

63 posts

Don't underestimate me >1

<PLS READ> This story does contain some “violence,” but please don't report. Read until the end of the last part.

Sophie walked up to her friends after school on a Friday. “Hey girl! We missed ya!” Said one of her friends, Olivia. “Is your rabbit OK?” Asked another friend, Hayley. Sophie and all her friends always hung out in a group. There is Sophie, Olivia, Hayley, Dani, Kyle and Daniel. Sophie's rabbit had gotten sick so Sophie spent all weekend taking care of it. “She'll be fine.” Sophie said. Then Kyle and Daniel walked up. “Hey hey, Softie's back” Daniel aid. “I'm not a softie.” Sophie replied. “You scream when a balloon pop.” Said Daniel. “Stop messing with her.” Kyle said to Daniel. “Is the boyfriend gonna protect his girlfriend?” Daniel asked. Sophie doesn't know why everyone let's Daniel hang with them. He teases everyone, but Sophie the most.“Yes, yes I am” Kyle said, putting his arm around Sophie's shoulder. “You guys wanna hang out over the weekend?” Asked Dani. “Sure.” Everyone said. “Where should we go?” Olivia asked. “The mall?” Dani suggested. “Nah. We go there a lot.” Said Hayley. “Bowling?” Kyle said. “No, bowling's boring.” Olivia said. “ I've heard a rumor about this old school. People say it's haunted. This person died there and if anyone enters the school the ghost possess' someone and makes them murder everyone. I say we go check it out, see if the rumor's true.” said Sophie. “Please. You're gonna run out in the first 10 minutes.” said Daniel. Ignoring him, Dani said, “That sounds cool, Sophie. I'm in.” “Me too.” Said everyone else, except Daniel. “Guys, ghosts aren't real. There's no pint in going.” He said. Everyone said, “Come one, it'll be fun.” “Fine, fine. But only to prove to you that ghosts aren't real.” said Daniel. Hayley said, “Well, I should be going now, see you all tomorrow.” “Yea, I should go home now too, see ya!” said Olivia. Everyone soon left, excited for the next day.
Later that night, Sophie went onto their group chat.


Call me Hunter! It's not my real name (but I wish it was)

The first person to hear a parrot speak was probably not ok for several days.

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