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This is my book!

hiya, this is meh book called in the middle of the night (working title)
In The Middle Of The Night

Chapter one

Ivy’s hands shook as she read the paper in her hands. ‘Impossible! No, please, no!’ These thoughts were eoching in Ivy’s head as her barely movable fingers folded the paper for her to read the article printed on the other side.

Reported Dead, In A Car Crash

13 year old Amanda Huggins was reported dead in a car crash yesterday, fatality number 28-843-4455-53343 at 10:00 AM. She was walking when a car hit her, and when the police arrived it was too late. We are sorry for your loss. Funeral in two weeks, 5/19. Anyone is welcome to come.

Amanda Huggins

Ivy was frozen, unable to move. Amanda Huggins is her friend. Amanda Huggins WAS her best friend. Ivy’s eyes were locked onto the page. She kept staring at the inevitable face that was identical to her best friend’s. The best friend that was dead. Tears were sliding down her face, tickling her cheeks. She balled up the paper and threw it across the room, now swallowed in her tears. She had to gulp for breath as she sobbed uncontrollably. She heard footsteps walking down the hall, echoing towards her room. She pulled her blanket around her like a cloak, sniffing from all the crying. Her door creaked open and her dad stuck his head in.
“Hi, Ivy.” He said solemnly. “I was just watching the news. You want to talk?” he asked softly.
“No,” Ivy responded through sniffles. “I would like to be alone.”
“Aright.” Her dad responded solemnly. He left the room, and shut her door with a loud creak.
Ivy was alone, swallowed in her sorrow. She didn’t eat dinner that night, causing her to feel even more sick than she already felt. Her eyes were so red and blurry she had trouble sleeping. That night, Ivy cried herself to sleep.

Chapter Two

Annie thought she was different, because she really didn’t have a family. She had a father, who was always at work. Her mother had passed when Annie was only three years old. Her real family was her cousin, Amanda. That was why she didn’t go to school for a week after hearing the news. Not that anyone cared, considering she only had one friend. One dead friend. Her father barely realized she was at home all day. She only had lunch, when her father was at work. He didn’t know she wasn’t eating much. Not that he would have cared. He never cared. There was only one person in this world who cared about her, and she was gone. Her father didn’t even know she was gay. There was only one person in this world who new she was gay. And that person was gone. Gone gone gone. Dead. Annie was good at coping with her feelings. When she was at home, she didn’t cry. She just stared. She stared at a wall for who knows how long. She ignored every sound that she heard. She was side tracked, and maybe… gone. She felt dead inside. There really wasn’t a purpose for her. Annie realised she was shaking. She shivered as she reached for her desk, where she had left the article. The funeral was this friday, two days from now. She would go, and figure out what to do next. Annie knew it wouldn’t be hard to find a suitable black dress. Her closet was full of them.

Annie huffed as she sped down the road on her bike. She wasn't ready to tell her dad that Amanda was gone. But, again, there was no way he would care. He sees through people. He doesn’t understand people. He spent his good years already, as if he had so much fun his energy got drained. Annie thought he had lost his sanity when her mother died. It was possible. Annie had gotten used to doing things herself, which is why she was bicking to the funeral in her dress. She had chosen a straight black dress with a loose black jacket. Her dress was tight around her legs as she biked, and it flowed in the wind. Her brown hair was loose, and it was getting knotted. Bye the time she pulled up to the funeral, she was grateful for the extra ten minutes she had, and the comb she had stuck in her back pocket for emergencies like this. She ran to the bathroom to fix her hair as best as she could. She was working on a knot that seemed to never end when the bathroom door was pushed open and a girl ran in crying. She stopped when she saw Annie, eyes shaking. Annie recognized her. She knew they had met, but she was having trouble remembering her name. The girl wiped her tears and looked down at her feet, sniffing. There was an awkward silence between me and the girl. She had a short black dress and tights. Annie blushed at the way her neck length hair fell over her eyes. Annie set down the comb on the edge of the sink and walked over to the girl.
“Are you ok?” Annie asked, realising how stupid the question was only after she said it. Of course the girl wasn’t okay! She wouldn’t be okay if she was crying! Annie bit her my lip and winced at the stupidity of the comment. The girl didn’t seem to realise.
“No, not really,” She responded. She looked Annie in the eyes. “Annie, right?” The girl looked Annie in the eyes.
“Y-yeah. I think we've met? I’m Amanda’s cousin.” Annie shook the mystery girl’s hand
“I’m Ivy.” The girl said, a small smile formed on her face as she shook Annie’s hand. “I was Amanda’s best friend” The smile faded from Ivy’s face as she said that, grabbing her slightly shaking arms. Ivy looked down, and started to sniff a bit
“I miss her, to.” Annie said, touching Ivy's arm softley. Annie could feel goosebumps run down Ivy’s skin. Annie quickly pulled her hand away.
“Sorry!” said Annie quickly. Ivy looked up and smiled a little.
“It’s okay.” Those two simple words made Annie blush. The church bells rang suddenly.
“Lets go,” Ivy said, grabbing Annies arm and pulling her towards the hall. Annie followed, slightly nervous. Annie made sure not to trip or do anything embarrassing. They ran until they reached their seats, which were evidently next to each other, in the second row. Services began.

Chapter Three
A Funeral

One thing about Ivy that not many people knew was that she’s observant. She takes on the world from her own perspective. She chooses to watch, and observe rather than talk and strategize. She does that part in her head. That was why she stayed quiet during the funeral. And why she was able to figure out what she did. She at first was too Solomon to think. The priest said a few prayers and read a poem that touched Ivy’s heart. Once the poem was over, Ivy looked at Annie. Annie wasn’t showing much facial expression. She had her legs up on the small seat and she was staring into space.
“You okay?” Ivy whispered, looking concerned. Annie was snapped out of her gaze, whipping her head to look at Ivy.
“I-i’m ok…” Annie seemed to be lying. Ivy could always tell. And though Annie was good at hiding her emotions, Ivy could tell. When The chorus came up to the stage and the priest sat down, Ivy pulled Annie up, and out of the room. Annie followed, wondering where they we’re headed.
“My family comes here a lot to servesess.” Ivy explained as she led Annie up a staircase.
“I always felt out of place with the adults, so I explored.” Ivy continued to talk as they neared the top of the stairs.
“And I found this” Ivy pushed open a door to a wide indoor balkany. It had a wide window and a sofa facing towards it. The room was slightly musty, with an old bookshelf with leather books that were falling apart. The books looked so old that Annie felt if she touched one, it would disintegrate in her hand. Ivy plopped on the couch, beconing for Annie to join her. Annie sat down gingerly as Ivy continued her story
“I come here a lot. I think the view is really nice.” Ivy smiled and leaned against the couch, looking out at the clouds, which were beginning to turn an ugly gray. Ivy sighed
“So, what were you thinking about down there?” Ivy asked Annie with a questioning look in her eyes. Annie hesitated before she spoke.
“Well, I’m claustrophobic… and i was thinking. Amanda was the only one who cared about me. My father barely knows I existed and my mother’s dead. I can’t bear to see the last person in this world who really knew me… gone. They all leave at some point. Either willingly or not, I can never keep a friend. And now I don’t know what to do with myself.” Annie’s voice cracked and she started to cry
“Th-they all leave me. I-…I can’t deal with losing someone else. By now, no one cares for me” Annie started to sob. Ivy didn’t think about what she was doing. She pulled Annie into a tight hug.
“You are loved and you are valid. Anyone who sees through you is a brat” Ivy whispered into Annie’s ears. Annie’s sobs reduced to sniffles.
“How do you know? My whole life has been people leaving me. I have enough black clothes to last a lifetime. I don’t even want to count the amount of funerals I have been to. I’m cursed, Ivy.” Annie said through sniffs. Ivy rested her head on Annie’s shoulder.
“So far, I've just met you, and you are caring and compassionate. Let no one, I repeat, no one bring you down. Ever. Ok?” Ivy asked.
“Okay.” Annie said, whipping her tears. “Thanks”
“Oh! I forgot the coolest thing about this room!” Ivy exclaimed as she jumped off the couch. She pulled back the book shelf and pushed it in front of the window, revealing a stained glass opening that revealed the church hall.
“Help me move the couch so it’s facing the hall,” Ivy said. Annie got up and helped her push.
“Can’t they see us?” Annie asked as they sat back on the couch. Ivy shook her head
“It’s like a one way mirror. We can see them and they can’t see us.” Ivy smiled.
“How did you tell… that I ‘wasn’t ok’,” Annie asked.
“I guess I just knew… I’m not good at people. I rather watch and observe than talk. I’ve gotten good at it. I’m the middle child of seven kids, and two are in coludge. My parents let me do pretty much whatever I want. But since i was used to being left behind, I don’t have any friends left.” Ivy sniffed, causing a few tears to fall down her cheek. Annie wiped the tears from Ivy's face, causing them to both blush. Annie looked away, and started thinking again. She knew what Ivy said about being loved was nice, but Ivy didn’t know her. Ivy didn’t know how worthless Annie really felt. Annie wasn’t straight, she wasn’t loved, and she wasn’t good enough. At least Annie thought she wasn’t.
“Annie, look at me.” Ivy said seriously. “You are amazing. Any girl who doesn’t see that is low.”
“How did you-” Annie stuttered.
“I did say i am observant, didn’t I?” Ivy said, locking onto Annie’s jade green eyes. Those pretty eyes… Ivy thought. They both looked at each other for a while, until they heard the priest again. The chorus was done. They turned their direction to the funeral as Ivy rested her head on Annie’s shoulder. They looked down at the coffin that the priest had revealed. Ivy saw it had the numbers of the death printed on top. Annie started to cry a little, but Ivy’s observant mind kicked in.
“Annie, look!” Ivy said, nudging her friend. “The date on the coffin is from… two years ago!”

Chapter Four

“Maybe… it was just a mistake?” Annie said as they left their small room, heading down the stairs to join the funeral progresion.
“No, people don’t make mistakes like that.” Ivy said in deep thought as she jetted down the staircase.
“Maybe it was the wrong coffin?” Annie asked.
“I know it’s weird, but there really isn’t any logical explanation, Annie. There’s something deeper going on here, and I want to find out what.” Ivy said seriously as they reached the bottom of the stairs and joined the crowd.
“Well, do you want to come over? My place is Kinda small, but…” Annie said
“Sure. My parents didn’t come today, because they both had ‘meetings they couldn’t miss’. I took a taxi here” Said Ivy.
“I biked, but we can walk,” answered Annie. “Let’s go.” It was raining when they walked outside, and Annie sighed. She had forgotten to bring an umbrella. She took her bike, and started walking.
“Sorry, it’s a long walk.” Annie proclaimed, sighing.
“That's ok. I don’t mind the walk.” Ivy said, following Annie. They started to walk in sync. Their feet fell in puddles, getting their shoes wet. They didn’t mind, though. They were both lost in thought. Ivy was wondering about Amanda’s coffin. What could have happened? Was Annie right? Maybe they got the date wrong… but two years ago? Ivy knew something was up. Annie, on the other hand, was thinking about life in general. She wanted to know more about Ivy, but she knew she couldn’t stand another heart break. Annie wrapped her hands on her arms, shivering from the cold. Life had so many ups and downs. Annie couldn’t keep track of them anymore. But there were joys in life too. Like Ivy. Making new friends. Annie was used to being rejected, though. Maybe this time it would be easier. Annie knew it shouldn’t have to be, though. She pulled her jacket over her shoulders, balancing her bike with one hand. Her hand brushed Ivy’s, and she blushed. Ivy slid her hand into Annie’s. Things like that were what made Annie feel alive. And those things were worth living for. Annie smiled and squeezed Ivy’s hand. The rest of the walk went by faster when they held hands. Soon they arrived at Annie’s house.


Annie slid her key into the lock of an old medium sized house. The walls were brick and slightly chipped. The door slid open to reveal a cozy yet tight living room. Annie opened a closet where she put her bike, and took out towels for them to dry off with. Annie handed her friend a towel, and she wrapped it around herself while ivy put water in a kettle for tea. Ivy wandered around the house a bit. When you entered, there was a living room with a couch, TV, and a huge bookshelf. Ivy ran her fingers over the books, looking for ones she had read. Little woman, The War I Finally Won, School of Good And Evil.
“Wow, you have some really good books.” Ivy said as she tapped dust off some old books she didn’t recognize.
“Thanks. Books are one of my two hobys.” Annie answered as she dug for tea packets in the depths of her cabinet, making her voice muffled. Ivy continued to explore as Annie retrieved a box of chai tea from her shelf.
“What’s your second favorite hobby?” Ivy asked with a curious ring in her voice.
“Oh… um, singing, I guess. And I play Ukulele.” Annie answered as she proceeded to search for honey, cheeks blushing crimson. Annie knew what was coming next.
“Oh! Could you sing something for me?” Ivy inquired, turning her gaze to Annie with a smile that made Annie’s cheeks shine bright like a light show. Annie kept digging for her ingredients so her guest wouldn't see her blush.
“Sure, but I kinda stink on the ukulele,” Annie said, starting up a staircase.
“It’s upstairs in my room. I’ll be right back.” Ivy watched as Annie disappeared behind the wall, Leaving her alone with her thoughts. Ivy saw Annie blush. Maybe it was because she was embarrassed to sing. Ivy knew the real reason, though. And she was having trouble believing it. No one had ever had a crush on her, and she had never liked anyone back. She never thought about sexuality, and she wasn’t sure what to think of it. But she knew one thing for sure. She liked Annie. Admitting it to herself made it easier to believe. Ivy slid onto the couch, head pulsing. It had been a long day. While Ivy was in a state of relisaision, Annie was searching for her instrument
“I know I left it somewhere…” She murmured to herself, sending her room into a disaster state. Annie wasn’t sure why she was so frantic. She sighed, and attempted to sit on her bed. She crushed her ukelele.
“Ow! Dang it!” Annie picked up her instrument, making sure it wasn’t broken. She slid onto the floor and settled her ukelele in her arms. She sighed, her head was pounding.
“I work at the mall food court.. And when i get home… I fix something to eat, settle into my seat, and turn on the country radio…” Annie started to vocalize, singing to ignore her thoughts.
“I know every word… to every song… And they make these lonely nights a little less long.. Cause then I'm under the stars, reagulure at the bar, gotta perfect girl i gotta a worn in truck…” Annie started to become lost in her song. She sang louder as her keys became more precise.
“We go down to the river, where the moonlight is silver… and best of all I get to be in love…” Annie didn’t hear Ivy creep up the stairs, drawn by the song. Ivy leaned against the doorway. The Indigo girls were her favorite. She walked in and hummed to the song, harmonizing with Annie.
“I want to be that girl… I wanna be that boy… I wanna know what it’s like, to fall in love like the rest of the world…” Ivy sat next to Annie, and they both smiled at each other.
“But as far as these songs will take me….” Annie sang, gesturing for Ivy to continue
“Is as far as I'll go…”
“I’m just a gay kid in a small town… who loves country radio….” They both smiled wide at each other. Their voices echoed louder.
“I feel it in old time! I feel it brand new! The lights on refrain, the secrets in vain! Like only a song can know you… but then I close my eyes.” There smiles were brod as they lightened their voices
“It's like I click my heels…. That's me in the story and the story is real.” They looked at each other as Annie quietly strummed her uke. Ivy kept humming, suddenly aware of the tension between them.
“It works like a charm. I’ve got her in my arms…” Annie whispered softly. Ivy was aware that those weren’t the words. She smiled, knowing she changed him to her.

and, thats all i have so far. plz help with what i should write next
1000+ posts

This is my book!

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For whatever reason mister Jon Arbuckle got removed ;-; I'll find a replacement GIF later

Anyways hi, I'm SK

I've been on this site since I was 10 years old. I am currently 15

I have a major addiction to sweet tea and draw a crap ton of stuff in my free time (not all of which is scratch appropriate). I post whatever I want to on the main site and mostly manage the collaborations directory and answer questions in QaS on the forums

I have over 2000 posts lol, a huge chunk of them being from when I was 11-12 during the height of COVID

If by any chance the post you''re reading is from early 2021 or before, please forget that post exists since it is cringey

This is Kimikat.
She protecc my siggy, and has been since 2020

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