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65 posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 88.0.4324.146, No Flash version detected
My Stuff won't load, it is stuck in a forever loop of the blue loading icon, even if I refresh, leave it for 10 minutes, turn my computer off and on again, and why did the operating system just appear on the top of this topic?
If you have a way to fix this, PLEASE let me know. 1-2 years of unshared work is in there, plus a new OC that I created only yesterday!

Last edited by purpleowl13 (Feb. 6, 2021 11:50:21)

The scientist map please join if you do I will follow you. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/460172692/
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''The best place to keep your socks is on your feet.''
purpleowl13, scratcher
1000+ posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

I had the same issue. This might be related with the forums being down, since the forums and my stuff is back up.

Also, the OS and browser popped up because this is the Bugs and Glitches topic. These info may be useful for solving these problems.

socialix - why is there a penguin breaking my window? - signatures are overrated
65 posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

Socialix wrote:

I had the same issue. This might be related with the forums being down, since the forums and my stuff is back up.

Also, the OS and browser popped up because this is the Bugs and Glitches topic. These info may be useful for solving these problems.
Thanks, I guess it might be fixed if I try again later

Last edited by purpleowl13 (Feb. 6, 2021 13:43:23)

The scientist map please join if you do I will follow you. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/460172692/
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''The best place to keep your socks is on your feet.''
purpleowl13, scratcher
5 posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

When that ever happened to me I would just reload and sometimes restarting your computer/iPad/phone can help.
2 posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

Uncool! iv'e been waiting the next 2 days like google told me to, and it STILL wont load! scratch needs to fix this now because iv'e got some projects to delete. and ive tried reloading MULTIPLE TIMES, yet still not loading. SO PLEASE SCRATCH FIX THIS D:
7 posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

I pulled up “my stuff” and everything shows up except for my projects. It just leaves the area where they're supposed to be blank, so I can't make or delete any projects.
51 posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

The loading circle doesn't even show up for me.

Howdy, hidy. I'm GoldenPig64. I make both trash AND garbage!
1 post

'My Stuff' not loading.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my stuff ‘s not loading!! I restarted my computer and refreshed the page a million times and it still doesn’t work. aaaaaaa
1000+ posts

'My Stuff' not loading.

This bug has become more prominent recently -
See More info about it Here.

Discuss it Here

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Hi! I'm Cosmic-

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