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1000+ posts

The rating shop

Welcome to the rating shop v.1.00!!! We rate your shop and tell you how to improve it! And it is ALL FREE!!! If it does well anothe we will add a link to it in the forum thanks -ScratchcatandGobo
define This is my signuture! 

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

The rating shop

Type the link to your project to get it rated!

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

1000+ posts

The rating shop

pls review my shop https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/454707/

see me here where I make nono word and other junk

Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo1k

left scratch

found me!
1000+ posts

The rating shop

RedGuy7 wrote:

pls review my shop https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/454707/

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

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