Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

CheataOfDoom78 wrote:

Ello , i'm CheataofDoom78 :3 i have an animation and a few pictures, do you know how to get them a little better known? No one besides my friend from school and some one who i remixed something of know that i am on scratch Any hints on getting better known?
Yes! First of all though, welcome to Scratch! Likely the best way of getting noticed on the website is by being as active as possible. That includes making quality projects and commenting to others. If you are kind and thoughtful to other Scratchers, they often go to your profile page and check out your projects. If they like what you've created, than anyone following them will be told in the “What's Happening” box at the homepage when you are signed in. Another way of getting yourself noticed is by adding your projects to well-known studios. Some studios allow anyone to add projects, while others do not. If one of your projects has a specific theme, such as science fiction, platform games, etc., find a studio that incorporates that and ask the owner to add your project. If you are active on the forums, change your signature (which can be done at the bottom of the “Discuss” page) to have a link to your best project. There are many other ways of advertising, but these are a few of the most widely used methods. Please let me know if that helped!

Trust me, I'm The Doctor!
New Scratcher
1 post

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Hello! I just learned about Scratch a couple of days ago. I am very new.
41 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Hello and welcome to scratch

Would you like any help?

41 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Hi, if you want to be famous follow these steps:
1: Learn stuff about scratch
2: make TONS of friends
3: When you think you are ready make an experienced project.
4: Tell all you followers
5: Have them tell their friends
6: once you have 5000 views it will most likely be front paged
Outcome: people view it then look at all your projects and you are famous

500+ posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Fellow Scratchers, not popular enough? The way for followers isn't spamming. Nope. If you don't do anything, the followers don't come fast enough. Well, what do ya do? The best way to get followers is let us get to know you! By giving some information about yourself (do not give out personal information), people will think “this guy seems pretty interesting…” and check out your projects! Now, here's a base:

Types Of Projects I Make:
Why I Scratch:
Random Facts About Me:
(put any other information here, for example, if you have a 3DS, your friend code)

Thank you for collaborating with Let Us Get To Know You! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Last edited by mariobros406 (Dec. 18, 2013 20:50:32)

I only check in to Scratch from time to time to see what others have been up to. I don't really post anything anymore. I'll occasionally post a question in the AT forum if I can't find an answer anywhere else.
24 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Username: henrybros
Interests: games
Types Of Projects I Make: mostly games
Why I Scratch: Because it'z interestinge!
Random Facts About Me: Owns a joystick
36 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

im new to scratch in a way, and i need help. i need help on making projects……………………. right now lets just say i completely SUCK
18 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Merlrem wrote:

Umm … im kind of new to scratch ( in a way ) AND I NEED HELP

On what? Do you have any projects? Me and a few other people could make a few projects for new scratcher like you,and someone in my language & arts class and i just said;"do, When green flag clicked,move 10 steps,say word meow'',and then she has been making a lot of projects that are OK! (her username is vivbone just so you know).!
New Scratcher
1 post

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Hi, I am new to Scratch. Since this computer has become an extension of my body, I decided to see how it works. This seems like a cool project oriented community. I am learning some other programing languages right now (ex. ruby), but I would also like to learn mySQL.
New Scratcher
2 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Hi welcome to scratch. I'm new here too. So welcome and i hope you enjoy!
New Scratcher
2 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

HAHA you watch PEWDIEPIE . So do i sometimes anyway's BROFIST !
New Scratcher
1 post

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Hellur! ^_^
New Scratcher
1 post

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Nice scratch by belajar bisnis internet
44 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!



My browser / operating system: Windows XP, Chrome 32.0.1700.76, Flash 12.0 (release 0)
24 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

welcome to all starting scratchers
ask [] and wait   

and we will gladly give you (answer)

Last edited by ThEStAr- (Nov. 26, 2013 22:48:07)

24 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

Just ASK us and we will give you an

Last edited by ThEStAr- (Nov. 26, 2013 22:54:02)

56 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

I made a project for new scratchers: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10880985/ . enjoy!
18 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

say [ please! ]
we will    add [ skills! ] to [ your scratch brain! ]

Last edited by epiclyepicepic (Nov. 27, 2013 18:20:24)

56 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

How do you make those red blocks?
New Scratcher
4 posts

Welcome to Scratch! Get started here!

I really like how friendly and helpful the scratch community is.

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