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Allow more curators in PPTBF

Hello! before you start telling me this isn't possible, please read the Whole OP.
Why should we add more curators?
I have asked for 3 projects to be added over the span of 1 month and not one has. This probably has to do with the recent incline of scratchers. Also, 70% of curators haven't been active for over a month. I believe that adding more curators with a tougher application process would have worthy scratchers join. Finally, a lot of the active scratchers in the studio have moved on to other things. Here are some points to think about:

supporters wrote:

If I were to assume statistics, I would say 10% of the proposed projects actually get into the studio

non-supporters wrote:

Some of the curators wrote:

In the studio descriptions it says the scratch team is not looking for any new curators at the moment, so I guess not. However, in my opinion it's time to let the new generation of scratchers help out. But I am not the one to decide.

Last edited by p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- (Oct. 22, 2020 13:23:26)

1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Yes support. It seems like my comments never get awnsered so this would be helpful. Also this might seem a bit off topic but how do you become a curator anyhow?

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.
100+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

what is the PPTBF ?

1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

dogwithabome wrote:

what is the PPTBF ?
Propose Projects To Be Featured

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

mtech22 wrote:

Yes support. It seems like my comments never get awnsered so this would be helpful. Also this might seem a bit off topic but how do you become a curator anyhow?
There is a application that they put in the studio.

1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

HUGE Support, in the about 10 times I've proposed something, I only got a reply for two

1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

mtech22 wrote:

Yes support. It seems like my comments never get awnsered so this would be helpful. Also this might seem a bit off topic but how do you become a curator anyhow?
There is a application that they put in the studio.
On my old account, I just asked scmb1, and they let me curate, even when it said that curation is closed. Contrary to popular belief, people like @Twin138956Scratch are active a lot in the studio, and I find them adding most of the projects.

So, I think your words “the curators aren't active” is wrong. You might just be arriving at a time when they aren't.

Anyway, I'd love to have more active people be curators, so I'd be all for this.

this is a link
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

mtech22 wrote:

Yes support. It seems like my comments never get awnsered so this would be helpful. Also this might seem a bit off topic but how do you become a curator anyhow?
There is a application that they put in the studio.
Yeah, but curation isn't open it hasn't been ever since I joined

1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Support (for obvious reasons) sometimes it feels like nobody's even there

Nothing to see here
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Ihatr wrote:

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

mtech22 wrote:

Yes support. It seems like my comments never get awnsered so this would be helpful. Also this might seem a bit off topic but how do you become a curator anyhow?
Contrary to popular belief, people like @Twin138956Scratch are active a lot in the studio, and I find them adding most of the projects.

So, I think your words “the curators aren't active” is wrong. You might just be arriving at a time when they aren't.

Anyway, I'd love to have more active people be curators, so I'd be all for this.
Yes, I'm aware of that, but are the curators spread across multiple timezones, I guess it also depends on when you propose, so it doesn't get pushed down before any of the curators see it

Last edited by JPOWERPUFFGIRLS (Oct. 11, 2020 13:55:30)

1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

mtech22 wrote:

Yes support. It seems like my comments never get awnsered so this would be helpful. Also this might seem a bit off topic but how do you become a curator anyhow?
There is a application that they put in the studio.
I don't see that…

Anyways, support since this can give a big chance for people to help around, and that activity has been slowing down there. However if they are going to allow more curators, they still need to put restrictions on it. One of the restrictions should be that Scratchers applying should be on Scratch for at least 6 months and have the Scratcher status, to make sure that more experienced Scratchers curate.

Last edited by 4096bits (Oct. 11, 2020 15:19:37)

I've moved on to Snap!. Click here to learn more. No, it's not a joke.
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Support! I remember like 2 months ago the curators were very fast in putting the projects people asked and just 1 month ago I tried to ask a project to be featured but no one ever answered my request.

Male | 10 Yrs Old | Catholic | Animator | Roleplayer | Marvel, FNaF, Undertale, Portal, Minecraft, Among Us Fan
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Bump also edited the OP :)

1 post

Allow more curators in PPTBF

what is this?
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Instagamer43 wrote:

This is a suggestion topic.

I've moved on to Snap!. Click here to learn more. No, it's not a joke.
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

If I were to assume statistics, I would say 10% of the proposed projects actually get into the studio

1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF


1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Whenever I've proposed a project there, it's gotten added. However, I've only ever proposed 2 projects. However, when my friend proposed a project, it didn't get added. So more curators would be nice, but I don't think it's necessary. Especially since people can re-submit projects if they don't get added.
1000+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF


100+ posts

Allow more curators in PPTBF

Support! Sometimes, when I ask for a project to be added, it doesn't get added, even though it fits all the requirements and I asked multiple times.

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