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2 posts

Snap! user discussion

ChristianMercat wrote:

Is there a way to get things online easily? Did I miss something?

Ok, yes, I did miss the save as and share option that adds some properties to the URL leading directly to the program. Ok, sorry for the noise and congrats once again.

the snap program

So now I'd better explain the trick to you: you let the user goof around and flip red squares into blue until s/he had enough and clicks on the green button. Then the program flips just a single box (that's the only information that is added to the random message by the user), then the user flips a single box and the mathemagician, which was not looking all the time, can say at once, “this is the one you last clicked”. How does it work? Snap! flips the box so that the first 3 rows have the same parity and the same three columns have the same parity. When the user flips a box, s/he changes the parity of a row if it's in the 3 first, else it's the fourth row, likewise for the columns. Neat, isn't it?

Ok, back to work, see you. Christian Mercat
1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

ChristianMercat wrote:

getting it to work on my phone is not like feeding it a URL[…] Is there a way to get things online easily?
Thank you for the compliments about Snap!!

In order to use a project without logging in, you have to share it. (This is true in Scratch also.) In Snap! on your computer, go to the file menu (the document icon in Snap!'s nav bar) and choose Open. Click on your saved project in the project list, and then click Share, then Open. At that point, the sharing URL for your project will be in the browser's URL bar, where you can copy it. That's the URL you should use on your phone. It will open in presentation (fullscreen) mode.

BTW, as a grumpy adult, I find this only thread a bit crowded and unmanageable, I found no useful search in it, isn't there a way to organize the snap community somehow?
We're currently working on a forum site of our own. Meanwhile you might prefer the Github issue tracker at https://github.com/jmoenig/Snap–Build-Your-Own-Blocks/issues.

I'm afraid the three-ring-circus spirit of this thread is my fault; I'm grumpy about being an adult and revel in surrounding myself with unruly 12-year-old geniuses. Periodically I try to get them to be unruly on the Snap!-team thread instead of here, but as you've seen it doesn't always work.

1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

ChristianMercat wrote:

Snap! flips the box so that the first 3 rows have the same parity and the same three columns have the same parity. When the user flips a box, s/he changes the parity of a row if it's in the 3 first, else it's the fourth row, likewise for the columns. Neat, isn't it?
At first I thought this was trivial, but now that I think more about it, it's not obvious how you can achieve all that parity stuff in one flip. I'll have to think further about it. Thanks!

(It reminds me of the 100-people-being-executed-lined-up-on-a-hill problem. )

1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

bharvey wrote:

I'm afraid the three-ring-circus spirit of this thread is my fault; I'm grumpy about being an adult and revel in surrounding myself with unruly 12-year-old geniuses.
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure we were all unruly 12 year-old geniuses last year; now we're unruly 13 year-olds

EDIT: Time flies!

Last edited by liam48D (Aug. 30, 2016 18:38:39)

202e-202e-202e-202e-202e UNI-CODE~~~~~
500+ posts

Snap! user discussion

Add cloud data!

when I receive [Scratch joined v]
wait ((pick random (0) to (4)) * ((((60) * (60)) * (12)) * (365.25))) secs
wait ((pick random (0) to (4)) * ((((60) * (60)) * (12)) * (365.25))) secs
broadcast [Scratch joined v]
1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

liam48D wrote:

now we're unruly 13 year-olds
Yes, I've noticed how much more mature you are now! But just wait, more 12 year olds will materialize.

1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

edward789121 wrote:

Add cloud data!
Indeed. We definitely want better ways for projects to collaborate. You might look at NetsBlox, which adds cross-net messaging to Snap!.

100+ posts

Snap! user discussion

@C. Mercat
In the meantime throw an eye to my : http://www.xleroy.net/ByobTuto/Thumbnails.html

Last edited by xly (Sept. 2, 2016 07:28:34)

New to Scratch
2 posts

Snap! user discussion


I would like to know if I could use snap to make games on the web.

what I mean is : is it possible to run a snap made game without the editor, only the game ?
… with a link to snap site of course !


1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

ericgarcia-net wrote:

is it possible to run a snap made game without the editor, only the game?
There are two things you can do:

1. If you use the URL
then the project will start in presentation mode and won't have the button to switch out. The editor is still there, but inaccessible.

2. You can make a standalone (not web) app of a project without the editor for computers (not phones/tablets) using Snapp!.

New to Scratch
2 posts

Snap! user discussion

Well, it doesn't work !

I saved a “bat” project in the cloud with“ericgarcia-net” as login and :


doesn't work !!!

N.B. When it'll work, I'll try an iframe to see if one could have it in a webpage !
1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

ericgarcia-net wrote:

Well, it doesn't work!
Oh, sorry, I left out a step. You have to share your project: Go to File>Open, select your project from the list, and instead of hitting the Open button, hit Share. Then that URL will work.

100+ posts

Snap! user discussion

I propose an exercize for your talented under-teen followers..
Create a maze like the following one
Write an application to make the blue sprite getting out of the maze (exit is at the top).
I've a solution but heavy..
There is probably a clever one
ps - “It's more fun to compete” (this was the motto of Gottlieb's flippers in the early 50' rock'n roll years )

Last edited by xly (Sept. 9, 2016 10:00:39)

1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

xly wrote:

I propose an exercize for your talented under-teen followers..
Go ahead and post it! (On the other thread.)

P.S. But I didn't post the permutations one just to keep them from being bored; it's something we have to have in the curriculum and I needed to see how they'd solve it. (Work, not play, in other words!)

Last edited by bharvey (Sept. 8, 2016 18:35:17)

4 posts

Snap! user discussion

Is there a social aspect of Snap? If I wanted to share my project or look at others' (besides the examples) how would I do so?
1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

AdorableKitty wrote:

Is there a social aspect of Snap? If I wanted to share my project or look at others' (besides the examples) how would I do so?
In the Open or Save As dialog you can choose a project and push the Share button to make it public. The URL at the top of your browser window then changes to the one other people can use to open your project. You can send the URL to your friends (or put a shortcut to it on your phone's desktop).

We're working on a Scratch-like front page that will have all the capabilities you want, but it's not quite ready yet.

1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

bharvey wrote:

Chibi-Matoran wrote:

Instead of changing variable shapes to fit the block, which messes up the dynamic typing, I think the custom block feature should be changed so that they look like variables, except that they are constant.
Ah, no, you started out saying you wanted calling lambda-created functions to be as convenient as calling custom (or primitive!) blocks, which I think is a great idea in principle, and now you are saying we should make calling custom blocks as inconvenient as calling lambda-created functions! Are you now running for Handicapper General?
For school, I have to read Harrison Bergeron, and I suddenly realized that I had read its plot on Wikipedia because of your post. I didn't recognize the name, so I didn't know until I started reading.

(The post link is https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/4455/?page=79#post-1898918)
1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

Chibi-Matoran wrote:

For school, I have to read Harrison Bergeron, and I suddenly realized that I had read its plot on Wikipedia because of your post.
See how programming improves your performance in other subjects, even English?

20 posts

Snap! user discussion

Question: Am I allowed to publish a Snap! program I made to another website and sell said program for money?

to4oo4: Your friendly neighborhood grammar Nazi and your friendly neighborhood jerkface. I also lurk. Mwuahahahah.
if <[grammar] = [not perfect]> then 
say [insertgrammarcorrectionhere] for (2) secs

think [No!! I can't get upset about grammar! Oh well. Onto the next topic.] for (2) secs
1000+ posts

Snap! user discussion

to4oo4 wrote:

Question: Am I allowed to publish a Snap! program I made to another website and sell said program for money?
Yes, certainly. Anything you wrote is yours.

If you bundle Snap! itself with your program (whether as a standalone executable or as a web service on the other web site) then you must make it clear to your customers that Snap! is freely available at http://snap.berkeley.edu (in both senses of free). And any changes you make to Snap! itself to support your project (e.g., new primitives) must be made available to the community. (This might be most easily done in the form of a pull request on Github, but that's not a requirement. Email will be fine.)

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