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(first post in TIMAC) I made a programming language in Python (the non-conventional way)

So this is my first post here, so please be nice

I made a new programming language in Python. It isn't a full-fledged one yet, because there are no lambdas, try-catch statements, or even an elif. But I'm really proud of what I managed to do with only a lexer and the exec function to run Python scripts from strings. It has curly brace syntax.

Basically, most people make a programming language like this.
1. Lexer (tokenize based on operations, keywords, identifiers)
2. Parser (generate a parse tree for order of execution)
3. AST (Turn the parse tree into something more meaningful to the computer)
4. Run (Interpret AST)

Of course for compiled languages there's the additional step of generating machine code.
But I made it like this.
1. Lexer
2. Convert (turn list of tokens into Python script)
3. Run (using exec and catch all errors that appear)

So far, it supports:
=> Variables
You must use var even when changing the variable value.
var x = 1
=> “arrays” (basically Python lists)
array x // x becomes empty array
All Python array functions work with arrays.
=> Conditionals, else conditionals, type-dependent conditionals
cond x==1 {
write(“Hello”) // built-in function for print
else {
=> Loops with the “loop” keyword
You can loop like the repeat keyword.
loop 10 {
write(“loop”) // this will happen 10 times
// You can use “break” and “continue” whenever you want.
You can also define custom tracker names with the “iden” keyword.
loop 10 iden n {
write(n) // this loop is similar in nature to for n in range(10).
=> While loops
A regular while loop works like an if statement, except “cond” is replaced with “while”.
while x==1 {
var x = x+1
=> Dowhile, dowhile x
Dowhile is like while but it runs the content at least once.
whlie x<=10 do {
var x = x+1
Dowhile x is a variant and repeats the content at least x times.
while x<=10 do 5 {
var x = x+1
=> Functions
function square(num) {
I did not have to code up return.
=> Classes, subclasses
class Computer {
function class constructor(brand,os,inches) { // defines a constructor automatically called
this brand = brand
this os = os
this inches = inches
To declare a new instance use the declare keyword
declare acerSwiftThree Computer('acer','windows',14)
To extend a class. use extends.
class windowsComputer extends Computer {
No need for a super constructor.
=> Switch, case
switch x {
case 1 {
write(“x is 1”)
case 2 {
write(“x is 2”)
case default {
write(“x is not 1 or 2”)
Default is replaced with case default. No need for break or brackets either.
=> Coerce
coerce('number', ‘5.8’) => 5.8
coerce('boolean', ‘') => false
coerce(’string', true) => ‘true’
=> foreach
Takes three parameters. Loops through an array
foreach current index array in myArray {
“current” is the element
“index” is the current iteration.
“array” is the array itself.
=> Inline cond-else
var x = cond true 25 else 40 // like ternary operator

Here's the Python code.
print('Stripes early alpha release, Aug 9 2020')
print('(c) All rights reserved')
print('Type --syntax, --docs or --errors for info.')
lines = []
finalProgram = []
indent = 0
tokens = [
boolOps = [
otherBoolOps = [
keywords = ['loop', 'cond', 'function', 'constructor', 'while', 'this', 'class', 'extends', 'integrate', 'var', 'array', 'foreach', 'switch', 'case', 'return', 'else', 'declare', 'run']
undefined = ['import', 'if', 'True', 'False', 'None', 'elif', 'lambda', 'except', 'finally']
operations = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%']
inString = False
types = ['number', 'string', 'boolean']
blockSep = ['{', '}']
true = True
false = False
none = None
switchVar = None
toOpen = ''
import random, sys, time
runFromFiles = bool(int(input('Type commands dynamically in the Python Shell or run from file? 0 or 1 ')))
if runFromFiles:
    toOpen = open(input('Enter file name ')).read()
def createError(error, text):
    print('---------- Error auto-generated by Stripes programming language ----------')
    print('Uncaught '+error+':')
def integrate(module):
    exec(module + ' = ' + module[0].upper() + module[1:] + '()')
    isIntegrated[modules.index(module)] = True
class time:
    def wait(seconds):
class rand:
    def integ(left, right):
            return random.randint(left, right)
            if type(left) is not int or type(right) is not int:
                createError('ValueError', 'Must be ints. You did not specify ints.')
            elif not isIntegrated[6]:
                createError('ModuleError', 'Did not import module "main"')
                createError('IncompleteArgumentsError', 'rand.integ takes two arguments \'left\' and \'right\'. You did not specify two arguments')
class main:
class scanner:
    def scan(message):
        return input(message)
def var(name, value):
    if [name, value] in variables:
        variables[variables.index([name, value])][1] = value
        variables.append([name, value])
def write(message):
def lexer(string):
    global sofar
    global n
    # boolean operators => add regardless of spaces
    # keywords => add and move on
    # operations => add regardless of spaces
    # brackets => add separately
    # curly braces => add separately
    # other tokens => add regardless of spaces
    # everything else => add and move on as identifier
    lexed = [] # return
    sofar = '' # current token
    digits = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
    inString = False
    for n in range(len(string)):
        # bool => (== > < != >= <=)
        if string[n] == '"' or string[n] == '\'':
            sofar += string[n]
            if inString:
                inString = False
                inString = True
        elif ((len(string) >= n+2 and string[n]+string[n+1] in boolOps)):
            sofar += string[n]+string[n+1]
        elif string[n] == '>' or string[n] == '<':
            sofar += string[n]
        elif string[n] in operations:
            sofar += string[n]
        elif string[n] in blockSep:
            sofar = ''
            lexed.append(['<separator>', string[n]])
        elif string[n] == '(' or string[n] == ')':
            if sofar == '\n':
                lexed.append(['<newline>', 'newline'])
                if sofar in tokens or sofar in boolOps:
                    lexed.append(['<token>', sofar])
                    lexed.append(['<identifier>', sofar])
            sofar = ''
            lexed.append(['<token>', string[n]])
        elif sofar in keywords:
            lexed.append(['<keyword>', sofar])
            sofar = ''
        elif string[n] == '=' and not string[n]+string[n+1] == '==' and not string[n]+string[n-1] == '==':
            lexed.append(['<token>', '='])
            sofar = ''
        elif string[n] in tokens and not string[n]+string[n-1] in boolOps:
            sofar += string[n]
        elif string[n] in digits:
            sofar += string[n]
        elif string[n] == ' ' and (len(sofar) > 2 and not sofar[-2]+sofar[-1] in boolOps or len(sofar) < 3) and not inString:
            if sofar == '\n':
                lexed.append(['<newline>', 'newline'])
                if sofar in tokens or sofar in boolOps:
                    lexed.append(['<token>', sofar])
                    lexed.append(['<identifier>', sofar])
            sofar = ''
        elif string[n] == ' ' and inString:
            sofar += string[n]
        elif n == len(string)-1:
            if not string[n]+string[n-1] in boolOps:
                sofar += string[n]
    if True:
        if True:
            if sofar == '\n':
                lexed.append(['<newline>', 'newline'])
                if sofar in tokens or sofar in boolOps:
                    lexed.append(['<token>', sofar])
                    lexed.append(['<identifier>', sofar])
    for array in lexed:
        if array[1] == '':
            del array[1]
            del array[0]
    for n in range(lexed.count([])):
    if runFromFiles:
        index = 0
        for array in lexed:
            if array[1][0] == '\n':
                array[1] = array[1][1:]
                if array[1] in keywords:
                    array[0] = '<keyword>'
                lexed.insert(index, ['<newline>', 'newline'])
                for a in range(len(array[1])-1):
                    if array[1][a] == '\n':
                        lexed.insert(index+1, ['<newline>', 'newline'])
                        stringBefore = array[1][0:a]
                        stringAfter = array[1][a+1:]
                        array[1] = stringBefore
                        if array[1] in keywords:
                            array[0] = '<keyword>'
                        if stringAfter in keywords:
                            lexed.insert(index+2, ['<keyword>', stringAfter])
                            lexed.insert(index+2, ['<identifier>', stringAfter])
            index += 1
    return lexed
def strNum(string):
    if len(string) == 0 or string is None:
        return False
    dots = 0
    minus = 0
    digits = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
    for i in range(len(string)):
        if string[i] == '.':
            if dots == 0:
                dots += 1
                return False
        elif string[i] == '-':
            if minus == 0:
                minus += 1
                return False
        elif not string[i] in digits:
            return False
    return True
def coerce(newType, obj):
    if not newType in types:
        createError('ValueError', 'Attempting to coerce into non-existant type')
        if newType == 'number':
            if obj == false or obj == none:
                return 0
            elif obj == none:
                return 1
                    return int(obj)
                    createError('ValueError', 'Coercion into type "number" failed.')
        elif newType == 'string':
            if type(obj) == str:
                return obj
            elif type(obj) == bool:
                if obj == true:
                    return "true"
                    return "false"
                    return str(obj)
                    createError('ValueError', 'Coercion into type "string" failed.')
        elif newType == 'boolean':
            if obj == 0 or obj == "" or obj == "false" or obj == "none":
                return false
                return true
def generateProgram(finalArr):
    global program
    global l
    global indent
    global switchVar
    global toRun
    program = ''
    toRun = True
    for array in finalArr:
        l = 0
        while l < len(array):
            comp = array[l]
            if comp[1] == '//':
                program += indent*' '+'# '
            elif comp[0] == '<identifier>':
                program += indent*' '+comp[1]
            elif comp[1] == '}':
                indent -= 4
            elif comp[0] == '<token>':
                if comp[1] in operations or comp[1] == '(' or comp[1] == ')' or comp[1] == '"' or comp[1] == '=':
                    program += indent*' '+comp[1]
            elif comp[1] == 'var':
                # (var) (name) (=) (value)
                if not array[l+1][1] in keywords:
                    if not array[l+2][1] == '=':
                        createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Variable expression is var name = value')
                        toRun = False
                        if array[l+3][1] != 'cond':
                            if array[l+4][1] != '(':
                                program += indent*' '+array[l+1][1] + ' = ' + array[l+3][1] + '\n'
                                # iden
                                # iden
                                # var
                                # name
                                # =
                                # value
                                # l = 3 => delete l => l = 2.
                                # [var, x, =, 1]
                                if l == 0:
                                    del array[l+3] # [var, x, =] => l = 0
                                    del array[l+2]
                                    del array[l+1]
                                    del array[l]
                                elif l == 1: # needs to delete item 2, 3, 4, 5
                                    del array[l+3]
                                    del array[l+2]
                                    del array[l+1]
                                    del array[l]
                                elif l == 2:
                                    del array[l+3] # [var, x, =] => l = 0
                                    del array[l+2]
                                    del array[l+1]
                                    del array[l]
                                elif l == 3: # needs to delete item 2, 3, 4, 5
                                    del array[l+3]
                                    del array[l+2]
                                    del array[l+1]
                                    del array[l]
                                    del array[l+3]
                                    del array[l+2]
                                    del array[l+1]
                                    del array[l]
                                program += indent*' '+array[l+1][1]+'='+array[l+3][1]+array[l+4][1]+array[l+5][1]+array[l+6][1]+'\n'
                                del array[l+6]
                                del array[l+5]
                                del array[l+4]
                                del array[l+3]
                                del array[l+2]
                                del array[l+1]
                                del array[l]
                            # var l
                            # name l+1
                            # = l+2
                            # cond l+3
                            # condition l+4
                            # val1 l+5
                            # else l+6
                            # val2 l+7
                                testing = array[l+7]
                                toCont = True
                            except IndexError:
                                toCont = False
                                toRun = False
                                createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Inline cond-else variable expression is var name = cond condition val1 else val2')
                            if toCont:
                                program += indent*' '+'if '+array[l+4][1]+':\n'+indent*' '+'    '+array[l+1][1]+' = '+array[l+5][1]+'\n'+indent*' '+'else:\n'+indent*' '+'    '+array[l+1][1]+' = '+array[l+7][1]+'\n'
                                del array[l+7]
                                del array[l+6]
                                del array[l+5]
                                del array[l+4]
                                del array[l+3]
                                del array[l+2]
                                del array[l+1]
                                del array[l]
                    createError('BuiltInOverwriteError', 'Cannot assign variable name as keyword')
                    toRun = False
            elif comp[1] == 'array':
                if not array[l+1][0] in keywords:
                    program += indent*' '+array[l+1][1] + ' = []\n'
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
                    createError('BuiltInOverwriteError', 'Cannot assign array name as keyword')
                    toRun = False
            elif comp[1] == 'function':
                # function l
                # name l+1
                # ( l+2
                # parameter (if no parameter => none) l+3
                # ) l+4
                # { l+5
                # Class functions
                # function (l) class (l+1) name (l+2) ( (l+3) params (l+4) ) (l+5) { (l+6)
                if array[l+1][1] != 'class':
                    if array[l+5][1] != '{':
                        createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Function expression is function name ( param ) {')
                        toRun = False
                        if array[l+4][1] != ')':
                            createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Function expression is function name ( param ) {')
                            toRun = False
                        elif array[l+2][1] != '(':
                            createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Function expression is function name ( param ) {')
                            toRun = False
                            if array[l+3][1] == "none":
                                param = ''
                                param = array[l+3][1]
                            program += indent*' '+'def '+array[l+1][1]+'('+param+'):\n'+indent*' '
                            del array[l+5]
                            del array[l+4]
                            del array[l+3]
                            del array[l+2]
                            del array[l+1]
                            del array[l]
                            indent += 4
                    if array[l+6][1] != '{' or array[l+5][1] != ')' or array[l+3][1] != '(':
                        createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Class function expression is function class name ( param ) {')
                        toRun = False
                        if array[l+4][1] == "none":
                            param = 'self'
                            param = 'self, '+array[l+4][1]
                        if array[l+2][1] == "constructor":
                            funcname = '__init__'
                            funcname = array[l+2][1]
                        program += indent*' '+'def '+funcname+'('+param+'):\n'
                        indent += 4
                        del array[l+6]
                        del array[l+5]
                        del array[l+4]
                        del array[l+3]
                        del array[l+2]
                        del array[l+1]
                        del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'loop':
                if array[l+2][1] == 'iden':
                    program += indent*' '+'for '+array[l+3][1]+' in range('+array[l+1][1]+'):\n'
                    indent += 4
                    del array[l+4]
                    del array[l+3]
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
                elif array[l+2][1] == '{':
                    program += indent*' '+'for _ in range('+array[l+1][1]+'):\n'
                    indent += 4
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
                    toRun = False
                    createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Could not identify loop type "repeat". Use either loop iter iden name { or loop iter {.')
            elif comp[1] == 'while':
                if array[l+2][1] == '{':
                    program += indent*' '+'while '+array[l+1][1]+':\n'
                    indent += 4
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
                elif array[l+2][1] == 'do':
                    if array[l+3][1] == '{':
                        program += indent*' '+'reservedForDoWhile = 0\n'
                        program += indent*' '+'while True:\n'
                        indent += 4
                        program += indent*' '+'reservedForDoWhile += 1\n'
                        program += indent*' '+'if reservedForDoWhile > 1 and not '+array[l+1][1]+':\n'
                        program += indent*' '+'    break\n'
                        del array[l+3]
                        del array[l+2]
                        del array[l+1]
                        del array[l]
                    elif strNum(array[l+3][1]):
                        program += indent*' '+'reservedForDoWhile = 0\n'
                        program += indent*' '+'while True:\n'
                        indent += 4
                        program += indent*' '+'reservedForDoWhile += 1\n'
                        program += indent*' '+'if reservedForDoWhile > '+array[l+3][1]+' and not '+array[l+1][1]+':\n'
                        program += indent*' '+'    break\n'
                        del array[l+4]
                        del array[l+3]
                        del array[l+2]
                        del array[l+1]
                        del array[l]
                        toRun = False
                        createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Could not identify loop type "dowhile". Use while cond do { or while cond do x{.')
                    toRun = False
                    createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Could not identify loop type "while". Use while cond {, while cond do {, or while cond do x {.')
            elif comp[1] == 'cond':
                if array[l+2][1] == '{':
                    program += indent*' '+'if '+array[l+1][1]+':\n'
                    indent += 4
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l] 
                    # l l+1 l+2
                    if array[l+2][1] != '(' and array[l+2][1] != '[':
                        toRun = False
                        createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Expression "cond" is cond condition {')
                        if True:
                            program += indent*' '+'if '+array[l+1][1]+array[l+2][1]+array[l+3][1]+array[l+4][1]+':\n'
                            indent += 4
                            del array[l+4]
                            del array[l+3]
                            del array[l+2]
                            del array[l+1]
                            del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'else':
                if array[l+1][1] == '{':
                    program += indent*' '+'else:\n'
                    indent += 4
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
                    toRun = False
                    createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Expression "else" is else {')
            elif comp[1] == 'foreach':
                # foreach l
                # current l+1
                # index l+2
                # array l+3
                # in l+4
                # list l+5
                # { l+6
                    testing = array[l+6]
                    toCont = True
                except IndexError:
                    toRun = False
                    toCont = False
                    createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Expression "foreach" is foreach current index array in list {')
                if toCont:
                    program += indent*' '+'for '+array[l+1][1]+' in '+array[l+5][1]+':\n'
                    indent += 4
                    program += indent*' '+array[l+2][1]+' = '+array[l+5][1]+'.index('+array[l+1][1]+')\n'
                    program += indent*' '+array[l+3][1]+' = '+array[l+5][1]+'\n'
                    del array[l+6]
                    del array[l+5]
                    del array[l+4]
                    del array[l+3]
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'switch':
                    testing = array[l+2]
                    toCont = True
                except IndexError:
                    toRun = False
                    toCont = False
                    createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Expression "switch" is switch var {')
                if toCont:
                    switchVar = array[l+1][1]
                    program += indent*' '+'switchVar = '+array[l+1][1]+'\n'
                    program += indent*' '+'if True:\n'
                    indent += 4
                    program += indent*' '+'if False:\n'+indent*' '+'    pass\n'
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'case':
                    testing = array[l+2]
                    toCont = True
                except IndexError:
                    toRun = False
                    toCont = False
                    createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Expression "case" is case exp {')
                if toCont:
                    if switchVar is None:
                        toRun = False
                        createError('InvalidPositionError', '"case" must be inside a switch statement')
                        if array[l+1][1] == 'default':
                            program += indent*' '+'else:\n'
                            program += indent*' '+'elif switchVar == '+array[l+1][1]+':\n'
                        indent += 4
                        del array[l+2]
                        del array[l+1]
                        del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'class':
                if array[l+2][1] != '{':
                    # class name extends parent
                    if array[l+4][1] != '{':
                        toRun = False
                        createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Expression "class" is class name { or class name extends parent {')
                    elif array[l+2][1] == 'extends':
                        program += indent*' '+'class '+array[l+1][1]+'('+array[l+3][1]+'):\n'
                        indent += 4
                        del array[l+4]
                        del array[l+3]
                        del array[l+2]
                        del array[l+1]
                        del array[l]
                        toRun = False
                        createError('InvalidExpressionError', 'Expression "class" is class name { or class name extends parent {')
                    program += indent*' '+'class '+array[l+1][1]+':\n'
                    indent += 4
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'this':
                if len(array) > l+3 and array[l+2][1] != '=':
                    program += indent*' '+'self.'+array[l+1][1]+'\n'
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
                    program += indent*' '+'self.'+array[l+1][1]+' = '+array[l+3][1]+'\n'
                    del array[l+3]
                    del array[l+2]
                    del array[l+1]
                    del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'declare':
                # declare instance class
                program += indent*' '+array[l+1][1]+' = '+array[l+2][1]+'\n'
                del array[l+2]
                del array[l+1]
                del array[l]
            elif comp[1] == 'run':
                program += indent*' '+'file = open('+array[l+1][1]+')\n'
                program += indent*' '+'generateProgram(parseStepTwo(parseStepOne(file.read())))\n'
                del array[l+1]
                del array[l]
            elif comp[0] == '<keyword>':
                program += indent*' '+comp[1]
            elif comp[0] == '<newline>':
                program += indent*' '+'\n'
            l += 1
        if toRun:
            print('------- Your program in Python -------')
            print('------- Result of program run: -------')
            print("Program finished successfully")
    except AttributeError as e:
        createError('ValueError', str(e))
    except TypeError as e:
        if str(e).startswith('unsupported operand') and str(e).endswith("'int' and 'str'"):
            createError('ValueError', 'Cannot perform \'operation\' on types \'number\' and \'string\'')
        elif str(e).startswith('unsupported operand') and str(e).endswith("'float' and 'str'"):
            createError('ValueError', 'Cannot perform \'operation\' on types \'number\' and \'string\'')
        elif str(e).endswith('given') or str(e).endswith('given)'):
            createError('IncompleteArgumentsError', 'Number of arguments specified does not match with function definition')
        elif str(e).startswith('object') and str(e).endswith('parameters'):
            createError('IncompleteArgumentsError', 'Number of arguments specified does not match with class constructor definition ( or there is no constructor )')
    except NameError as e:
        extract = ''
        pastQuote = False
        add = False
        firstQuote = False
        for n in range(len(str(e))):
            if add:
                extract += str(e)[n]
            if not pastQuote and str(e)[n] == "'" and not firstQuote:
                add = True
                firstQuote = True
            elif str(e)[n] == "'" and firstQuote:
                pastQuote = True
                add = False
        extract = extract[:-1]
        createError('ReferenceError', 'Undefined name - '+extract)
    except SyntaxError:
        createError('ParsingError', 'Invalid syntax')
    except IndexError:
        createError('ParsingError', 'Make sure to put spaces between identifiers in expressions like loop, while, var and function.')
indentation = 0
if not runFromFiles:
    while True:
        line = input(indentation * ' ')
        if line == '':
            run = True
            if line.endswith('{'):
                indentation += 4
            elif line.endswith('}'):
                indentation -= 4
            line += ' \n '
    x = 0 
    for item in lines:
        x += 1
    if run:
Give your feedback by testing it out yourself!

Last edited by scratch978654 (Aug. 20, 2020 06:51:23)

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
100+ posts

(first post in TIMAC) I made a programming language in Python (the non-conventional way)


I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
100+ posts

(first post in TIMAC) I made a programming language in Python (the non-conventional way)

Bump why is no one responding

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again

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