Discuss Scratch

7 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

this doesn't work
define reset
set [Score v] to [0]
erase all :: pen

define alphabet
1 post

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

The name propertie is not defined i think that needs to be fixed cause it says it cant convert it
100+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

May I ask for Draggable block support?

hey is this an evil kumquat? yes? no? maybe so?

when ([shift v] + [down v] :: sensing) pressed and [text v] is selected? :: hat events
scroll down :: list
can you pls bring scratch 1.4 to 64bit plss st

(*n*) // this is laze-y.
<*n* :: sensing> // this is edger
([*O*] :: variables) // kask.
-u- :: #FB9912// this is a "kumquat helper", you know why i put quotes, right... RIGHT?!?
([u v] [n v] [u v] :: control) // this is kumquat killer 2023. i did not know what to name him.

48 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Will it work with this
Embed version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/593667243/embed

kia ora!
when green flag clicked
repeat (10)
turn cw () degrees
say [hey, you lookin at me??] for (2) secs
1000+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Mario5Sonic wrote:

Will it work with this
Embed version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/593667243/embed
The whole project breaks with Leopard. If you want to have a working project (not editable with JS though) you can try the TurboWarp Packager.

Here are some of my followers!

I joined: 5 years, 9 months, 24 days ago (31/03/2018)
I have: 479 followers
In total, I have attained: 1,403 loves, 1,145 favourites, and 33,731 views.
Fun Fact: If my account continued to gain followers at a similar rate to right now, in 14,210 years I would reach the number of followers griffpatch has today! Try to imagine how many followers he would have then!
Thank you everyone!
Script created by god286.
100+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Actually i am having a problem when trying to convert using leopardjs.com
When i click the button edit js
I am getting
 {"error":"This endpoint requires the params `files` or `parameters` in order to work. See https://codesandbox.io/docs/importing#create-wizard for more details."}

I am doing social media and heavy distractions detox
My ArcheoScratchTube Channel
15 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined
my project only has the pen extension
1000+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

question: why not turbowarp packager?
edit: ahh they want to edit the js without getting a headache

Last edited by TheSmartGuy1234 (Nov. 27, 2021 19:53:57)

It's AF day in my timzone.

ST: celebrate AF day in your timezones
Me: I live in new zealand
ST: oh no nononono

you use
sudo sh -c 'echo "text" > file'
No, professionals use
echo 'text' | sudo tee file 1> /dev/null

Scroll* for more!

what are @SIMIA1358 and @TPRATTAY doing!??!?!
(2023/11/04 YEAR-MM-DD)
griffpatch appel is broken

Za_Chary wrote:

Games snippet:
10. yFzZ3MgsySzJLMv8yBzIfMqcynzJ04zLbMi8yNzJvNjM2KzYPNgsybzJLMi8yOzYzMk8yHzY3MmMyhzKrNlcytzYnMpcy6Ncy3zJLNoMyCzI7NisyQzL7Mhc2QzYrMkcyUzI7MisyBzKjNicyfzLHMrMymzJnMocygzYk
91 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

how do I convert https://turbowarp.org/607672030/fullscreen to editable javascript?
2 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Can you do that but in Lua please because I'm trying to make a Roblox game.
1000+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

festerma wrote:

Can you do that but in Lua please because I'm trying to make a Roblox game.
Maybe learn lua and make your roblox game with that? Roblox is a 3D engine, Scratch is 2D.
If you want to make a 2D roblox game then you'll probably need to learn Lua.

Here are some of my followers!

I joined: 5 years, 9 months, 24 days ago (31/03/2018)
I have: 479 followers
In total, I have attained: 1,403 loves, 1,145 favourites, and 33,731 views.
Fun Fact: If my account continued to gain followers at a similar rate to right now, in 14,210 years I would reach the number of followers griffpatch has today! Try to imagine how many followers he would have then!
Thank you everyone!
Script created by god286.
1000+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

god286 wrote:

festerma wrote:

Can you do that but in Lua please because I'm trying to make a Roblox game.
Maybe learn lua and make your roblox game with that? Roblox is a 3D engine, Scratch is 2D.
If you want to make a 2D roblox game then you'll probably need to learn Lua.
Lua above, but Lua is pain.

New Scratcher
2 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Does Leopard not support custom blocks? I've been trying to convert my project but I keep getting the “{”error“:”This endpoint requires the params `files` or `parameters` in order to work. See https://codesandbox.io/docs/importing#create-wizard for more details.“}” error.
500+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

ExpendableAnomaly wrote:

Does Leopard not support custom blocks? I've been trying to convert my project but I keep getting the “{”error“:”This endpoint requires the params `files` or `parameters` in order to work. See https://codesandbox.io/docs/importing#create-wizard for more details.“}” error.
yes, it supports custom blocks, https://leopardjs.com/manual?p=my-blocks and also, the only extension supported is pen. idk what the problem is for you.

Hi, I'm ego-lay_atman-bay. Please check out these projects.
New Scratcher
2 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

ExpendableAnomaly wrote:

Does Leopard not support custom blocks? I've been trying to convert my project but I keep getting the “{”error“:”This endpoint requires the params `files` or `parameters` in order to work. See https://codesandbox.io/docs/importing#create-wizard for more details.“}” error.


(Excuse the silly subject I used to test out my text engine)
To elaborate the post I made earlier, I'm not sure why this project gives me the abovementioned error. If anyone knows why, please let me know.
17 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

pls follox my to rush the 200 follox !!
48 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

os33car wrote:

pls follox my to rush the 200 follox !!


kia ora!
when green flag clicked
repeat (10)
turn cw () degrees
say [hey, you lookin at me??] for (2) secs
5 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Help me https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/602561235 translate pls

when green flag clicked
if <gamer> then
he be cool
1 post

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Speak not working!
36 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

What do we even do

lol ok hello people

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