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  • » ✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! | [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Banner by xxHam_Sandwichxx from Buzzy Bee Banners!
Hello! Welcome to the Oreo Shop!

About our services
We can offer: Pretty much anything!
Most will be uploaded from cubeupload.com
About Us
A small shop, founded by @bananaandchoc1 at roughly 16:00 BST, Thursday 14th May 2020. We currrently offer most things lol xD
Navigating this shop
1. This post
2. Forms
3. Staff
4. Activity
5. Employees
6. Partnerships and Federations
7. UOC (Unclaimed Orders Centre)
8. Studios
9. Rules
10. News
11. Currrencies and Federations information
12. Extras
13. Me congratulating myself because I did BBCode xD
14. Me bumping the topic haha

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 26, 2020 20:10:51)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Staff Application
1. Username:
2. How active are you? (1-10):
3. What services can you offer? (E.g. BBCode, Debugging, Reviews):
4. Any other shops you work at? (You don’t have to be working at another shop, we just want to see how experienced you are):
5. Are you following this topic? (Yes or no):
6. Codeword:
7. Have you read the rules? (They are found at the end of this post):
8. Your time zone:
9. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them):
10. Time on Scratch (I will be checking your profile):
1. Username
2. What you want done
3. {optional} Timeframe (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
4. {optional} Who you want to do it
5. Are you following this topic?
6. Your time zone
7. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them)
8. Codeword:
Order Review {optional}
1. Who did your order?
2. Was it completed within the timeframe you gave?
3. Was it satisfactory?
4. Would you place an order with us again?
5. Quote
1. Username
2. Shop name
3. Shop link
4. Shop banner (if any)
5. Why do you want to partner with us?
Absence Form
1. Username:
2. Start of inactivity:
3. End of inactivity:
4. Why you need to be on leave (if you don’t want to say just leave it out):

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 6, 2020 08:42:42)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Owner: has total control over everything - bananaandchoc1
Co-owner: stands in for owner when they are away - VACANT
Chairperson: Second in command - VACANT
Manager: third in command - VACANT
Secretaries (there can be 2): Organises orders at the orders centre, which can be found here. - VACANT
Public Relations Officer (there can be 2): In charge of federations and partnerships alongside the owner and co-owner (here is the studio) - anishram
Human Resources Manager: Settles disputes between employees/customers - DancingNekoGirl
Class A
Head Dept. Manager: Manages all departments - VACANT
Head Depts: Manages whatever dept. they manage (E.g. Head Scripter, Head Reviewer etc.) - ALL VACANT
Class B
Depts: Someone who does debugging, music, banners etc - @bananaandchoc1 (Reviews, banners, logos, ideas)
@Oscile (writing, profile pics, art, reviews)
@loveBuglet (reviews)
@PewDiePython (reviews, scripting, advertising, voice acting, drawing.)
@elevenmike011 (reviews, drawing)
@FirecubeT (Debugging, BBCode (he can teach it and do it) Reviews, Questions about code answered, voice acting, and advertising)
@Dagankinnie (Drawing, good at talking to people?!)
@DancingNekoGirl (Voice acting, coding and banners)
@anishram (reviews, banners)
@Milkysplash (Screenwriting, thumbnails, banners, profile banners)
@ZeldaEevee (Voice Acting, Script Writing, Art, but not banners, and reviews.)
@blu3coder (art,coding,mouse trails and reviews)
@DefeattheHuns (BBCode, Reviews, thumbnails, shop formatting, and advertising)
@-LostJourney- (Banners, Logos, Thumbnails, Profile Pictures and Reviews.)
@Chocolate-Cupcake19 - (Reviews and sometimes profile pictures)


Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 8, 2020 13:50:28)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Activity Checks
Activity checks happen every few months in the Official Oreo Shop Studio.
You get strikes by not responding to activity checks in time. BoD members get 2 strikes before they are demoted to Class A if there is a vacant spot. If there is no vacant spot, they will be a waitee. Class A members get 3 strikes before they are demoted to Class B. There are always vacant spots in Class B. Class B members get 5 strikes before they are removed. You can be added back if you respond to 3 activity checks in a row. If you have been removed due to strikes, you will be a Member. If you are a member, you cannot complete orders.
Member list
Waitee list
AC Points
AC Points are used to remove strikes. If you get 15 AC Points, you are eligible to have 1 strike removed. If you are the first to respond to an activity check, you get 10 AC Points. If you are the second to respond to an activity check, you will receive 5 AC Points.

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 19, 2020 17:48:16)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

* = A strike
‘ = waitee
“ = Member
List of Employees
@bananaandchoc1 - Owner, Reviewer, Logo maker, banner maker, ideas provider (that sounds weird) {BST/GMT}
@Oscile - Depts, Artist, Profile pic maker, Reviewer, writer. {ETZ}
@loveBuglet - Depts, Reviewer. {EASTERN TIME}
@PewDiePython - Depts, Advertiser, Reviewer, Scripter, Voice Actor, artist. {CDT CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME}
@elevenmike011* - Depts, Artist and reviewer. {PDT}
@FirecubeT* - Depts, Debugger, BBCoder (that also sound weird) Reviewer, Question answerer (code), voice actor and advertiser. {EST} - 5 AC Points
@Dangankinnie - Depts, Artist, Can talk to people. {EASTERN}
@DancingNekoGirl -HR Manager, Depts, Voice Actor, Coder, Banner maker {CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME}
@anishram -PR Officer, Depts, Reviewer, banner maker {BST/GMT (yay another British person!)}
@Milkysplash - Depts, Screenwriter, Banner maker, Thumbnail maker, profile banner maker {BST/GMT} - 10 AC Points
@ZeldaEevee - Depts, Voice Actor, Script Writer, Artist, Reveiwer. (CENTRAL TIME) on leave 4th June-7th June
@blu3coder - Depts, artist, coder, mouse trail maker and reviewer
@DefeattheHuns - Depts, BBCoder, Reviewer, thumbnail maker, shop formatter, and advertiser.
@-LostJourney- Depts, Banner maker, Logo maker, Thumbnail maker, Profile Picture maker, and Reviewer. {UTC -9 (South Korea)}
@Chocolate-Cupcake19 - Depts, reviewer, part time profile picture maker. {UTC-10, Australia}

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 8, 2020 16:15:38)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Willow Tree Shop

Link’s Shop
<no banner>
Warrior Cats Shop!

Hedgehog Corner 3.0

Scratch Shopping Centre

Spritesmasher Shop

Lightning Studios

Milky’s BBCode Formatting Service
<no banner>
Lucky Clover Shop
<no banner>
Oreo Shop Camp! (build confidence and be taught by mentors on how to start your own shop!
Opals ~ A Federation || Orders as Shiny as Opals ||

Gobo’s Choice

GOC 4.0 (Global Orders Centre)

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 8, 2020 13:10:33)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Unclaimed Orders

Username: DC382
Sprite: Anything like the older Pokemon games (as in the player) (i.e. Diamond, Black, White)
Timeframe: Don't Sweat it.
Zone: Central USA, (Aka Chicago)
Pronoun: Him/He
Yes, I am following. I know I will love it!
Thanks in advance!


1. Username WarriorsRoleplayer
2. What you want done: Advertising (link above)
3. {optional} Timeframe (DAY/MONTH/YEAR): 8-5-20
4. {optional} Who you want to do it: Anyone
5. Are you following this topic? No
6. Your time zone GMT-4
7. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them) She

1. Username: buchino123
2. What you want done: a realistic profile photo of my OC
3. {optional}
4. {optional} who do you want to do it: Someone with good artwork that can work fast
5. Are you following this topic: yes this is great
6. Your time zone: Eastern Daylight Time
7. Pronouns: he him his
Claimed Orders

1. Username: DefeattheHuns
2. What you want done: Review (here's the shop)
3. {optional} Timeframe: by 5/27/20
5. Are you following this topic: Yes
6. Your time zone: EST
7. Pronouns: He/Him
Claimed by PewDiePython

ZeldaEevee’s Order - Finished by Milkysplash
Forum banner- Galaxy Background with blue/pink letters saying the quote that is currently my signature: It’s kind of fun to do the impossible - Walt

1. AmberdroptheWarrior’s order - finished by bananaandchoc1
2. A backdrop of a wide shot of Clousdale (place in My Little Pony) from the outside

Finished by DancingNekoGirl
1. authoritarianchaos
2. Icon
Claimed by DancingNekoGirl

Finished by - bananaandchoc1
1. Username Dragonlord767
2. What you want done Two vector images of scrolls.

They need to be kind of small, so that it can go on part of a signature banner. I need them to have no background, so that they can go over other art. One needs to have the text “Check out this project” on one line in bigger text, and “Add by Dragonlord767's Advertisement Shop” in smaller text on the lower line. I shared a project to show the text I want and what size I want it. For the other one, I'd like it to have the same text as the first, but to have the word “Shop” not “Project”.
Claimed by bananaandchoc1

Finished by anishram
This is my order
1. Username: lightningspark6545
2. What you want done: Banner for my shop with Lightning Studios written on it. Maybe a black-whitish background and if you can try and make it look a little glitchy like in a game.
Claimed by anishram

Claimed by Chocolate_Cupcake19
1. Username - Moonlight0619
2. What you want done - Cat sprite
3. {optional} Timeframe (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) - 14/June/ 2020
4. {optional} Who you want to do it - don’t care
5. Are you following this topic? - yes
6. Your time zone - USA Pacific Cost
7. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them) Her she

BTW this is for a contest for more info go here https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/409790/?page=1#post-4077569

1. Username @FirecubeT
2. What you want done Banner that says ‘Happy Pride Month’ with a gay flag in the background
3. {optional} Timeframe (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) 5/6/2020
4. {optional} Who you want to do it doesn’t matter
5. Are you following this topic? yes
6. Your time zone EST
7. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them) he/him
Claimed by Milkysplash

1. Username: MWASE30
2. A pfp for me with my OC, my OC is in one of my projects
3. {optional} Timeframe (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) 1 week from now, June 1, 2020 - June 7, 2020
4. {optional} Who you want to do it Does not matter
5. Are you following this topic? Yes
6. Your time zone Central Daylight Time
7. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them) What do you mean by this? I can redo the form if you want.
Claimed by Oscile

Finished by DancingNekoGirl
1. Username starpro89
2. What you want done voice acting
lines: Recording one: Hello and welcome to scratch news!!! first up we got a huge problem going on in scratch and it is the mass reporting issue!!
it is very annoying. recording two: another problem is that the scratch team is getting too much message1. Username
Claimed by DancingNekoGirl

1. Username zobandzeff
2. What you want done review of this shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/410594/
3. {optional} Timeframe (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) 10th of June
4. {optional} Who you want to do it anybody
5. Are you following this topic? yes
6. Your time zone GMT+1
7. Pronouns they/them
8. Codeword:biscuit.
Claimed by ZeldaEevee
“The Oreo Shop has produced a result that has satisfied me 199%. It is one of the quickest and best shops - in my opinion.”
-lightningspark6545, reviewing anishram

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 8, 2020 20:00:06)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

BoD Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26653218/
Official Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26653197/
Orders Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26653224/
Partnerships Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26661065/

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 16, 2020 11:22:27)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

For Employees
1. You MUST be following this topic
2. Do not be rude or unkind
3. Try to do orders to the best of your ability
4. Try to do orders within the timeframe given by the customer
5. You MUST‘ve been on scratch for a week and a half or over.
6. Do not accept any orders/applications if the word ‘biscuit’ is in the form.
7. Do not accept any applications if the activity rating is 5 or below.
8. If you’ve been on scratch for a week and a half or over, you can join, however you can’t be a BoD member until you become a ‘Scratcher’.
9. You MUST check all applicant’s profiles to see if they’ve lied about they’re time on scratch. If they’ve lied about anything, do not accept.
10. If you’re not on the BoD, you may not accept staff applications.
11. If anyone has missed out a question on the form, do not accept.
12. If you wrongly accept (or try to accept an application when you are not on BoD) then you will receive a strike.
For Customers
1. Do not disrespect staff
2. Do not be too strict with your timeframes, (E.g. I want a banner with this and this and this on and it has to be done by tomorrow)
3. If/when reviewing, be honest, just don’t be rude about it.
4. Codeword for orders and applications is biscuit.
For Everyone
1. Do not spam/post the same thing twice, unless you have permission to.
2. When quoting, if the quote is longer than 7 lines, then please snip it.
3. When snipping, say something like ‘snip snip’, so whoever is reading it knows that you’ve snipped it.
4. I am not a robot so I might not accept your form the same day you submitted it.
IF YOU DO NOT ABIDE BY THE RULES YOU ALSO GET STRIKES. THESE ALSO ADD UP WITH YOUR ACTIVITY STRIKES. (E.g. if you have 1 strike and you then break 2 rules, you will then have 2 strikes. Every 2 rules broken, you will receive 1 strike.

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 6, 2020 08:43:29)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

14/5/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY) We’re open!
15/5/2020 Our first worker joins! (@Oscile)
18/5/20 Our first partnership! (Willow Tree Shop)
22/5/20 Bump Banner!
When bumping, please use the bump banner. Thanks!
24/5/20 Opals ~ A Federation! I’ve made a federation! You and your shop can join now! More info here.
I don’t know when we got ten pages, but here’s a celebration:

By Milkysplash from Flowering Banners Shoppe ^^

Please can all employees accept the curator invites for the Oreo Shop Studio. Thank You.
Don’t take any orders from a scratcher called EVIL_GUY1 because according to Milkysplash they were being rude around the forums.
What is the Announcements section?
It is for things like activity checks. Respond to them in the studio.

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 4, 2020 08:10:23)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

We do NOT join any currencies, so please don’t ask.
Federations - we are only joining 3 federations, so sorry, we won’t be joining your federation :(

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (June 4, 2020 20:07:16)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Please write dates (e.g. 3/5/2020) with the DAY first, the MONTH second, and the YEAR last. Thank you.
Please try not to ‘bump’ this topic too much, because I want other shops to have a chance. Please don’t ‘bump’ the topic when it is still on page 1 of the requests forum. Is it on the front page?
Also, please use our bump banner:
TITLES LIKE THIS means that the post is quite important.
TITLES LIKE THIS means that the post is very important.
Titles Like This are regular posts.
My Time Zone
I am in the BST/GMT time zone, which is the time zone for England, so I will probably not be on after 5pm EST (which is 10pm for me.) So do not expect me to be on at what seems like a reasonable time for you.

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 22, 2020 17:03:30)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

I am so proud of all this BBCode xD

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 15, 2020 06:43:57)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Please ignore the bumps!

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 15, 2020 07:52:13)

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |


1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |


1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |


500+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

1. Username Oscile
2. How active are you? (1-10) 9
3. What services can you offer? (E.g. BBCode, Debugging, Reviews) art, stories/poems, reviews, profile pics
4. Any other shops you work at? (You don’t have to be working at another shop, we just want to see how experienced you are) Spritesmsher., Warrior, Emerald
5. Are you following this topic? (Yes or no) yes
6. Codeword I would love a biscuit right now
7. Have you read the rules? (They are found at the end of this post) yes
8. Your time zone. ETZ
9. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them) she/her

1000+ posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

Oscile wrote:

Snip snip
Accepted! Welcome to the Oreo Shop!

17 posts

✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! |

1. Username @loveBuglet
2. How active are you? (1-10) 10 - I check Scratch at least once a day. Usually at 11:30.
3. What services can you offer? (E.g. BBCode, Debugging, Reviews) Reviews and Simple Poems.
4. Any other shops you work at? (You don’t have to be working at another shop, we just want to see how experienced you are) No.
5. Are you following this topic? (Yes or no) Yes.
6. Codeword: BISCUIT
7. Have you read the rules? (They are found at the end of this post) Yep.
8. Your time zone. Eastern.
9. Pronouns (e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them) She/her

A happy human. :P
when green flag clicked
think [happy thoughts]
set [doing] to [working at the Oreo Shop]
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  • » ✔️ OREO SHOP! ✔️ -MOVED, Look at the last post of page 26 to get the link for our 2.0 forum- | WE HAVE MOVED, SORRY! | [RSS Feed]

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