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ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Thanks to Buzzy Bee Banners for the banner!

About l Services l Forms l Staff l Staff Info l Links l News l Partners l History l Achievements l Orders Hub

About This Shop
Welcome to Silver & Gold! This is an everything shop that is hiring and offering many services. We serve every customer with a smile and hope your order is exactly what you want. Thanks for shopping with us!

Thanks to @CoderGirly for the original Silver & Gold.

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 17:16:37)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Our Services
Current Services (8): Advertising, Banners, BBCode, Ideas, Reviews, Scripting, Thumbnails, & Writing

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 15:25:42)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Order Form
What you need done:
Colors (for art):
Important details:
Review Form
Who took your order:
Was your order complete:
Was your order on time:
Was your order correct:
Would you recommend this shop:
Overall Rating (1/10):
Application Form
Profile link:
Preferred pronouns (he/him, she/her):
Scratcher status (new scratcher, scratcher)
Services you can offer:
Shop experiance:
Work examples:
Are you following this discussion (y/n):
Excuse Form
Time on leave:
Are you on the BoD:
BoD position (if BoD):
Partnership Form
Shop name:
Shop link:
Shop banner:
Services offered:
Page count:
Benefits for you:
Benefits for us:
Federation Form
Federation name:
Federation link:
Federation banner:
Page count:
Benefits for you:
Benefits for us:

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 13:28:25)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

All Staff
BoD Listing
President (can hire, can fire, can call activity checks, can call votes, can close shop): @WarriorsRoleplayer
Vice-President (assists the president, can hire, can not fire, can call votes): Vacant
Chairman (can call votes, can hire): Vacant
Vice-Chairman (assists the chairman, can call votes, can not hire): Vacant
Secretary (bumps orders and important posts): Vacant
Vice-Secretary (assists the secretary, bumps orders and important posts): Vacant
Public Relations Officer (handles everything to do with other shops and groups): Vacant

BoD will be elected May 1st.

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 15:26:32)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Staff Info
Claiming Orders

-When claiming an order, make sure to quote it and say “Taken!” so other staff members know it's claimed.
-When you've claimed an order, be sure to tell the customer on their profile you've claimed their order and you're working on it.
-If you claim an order, make sure it's something you can do in time, and make sure you can do it to the customers' expectations.
Finishing Orders

-Double check that the order is correct and what the customer wants.
-Give the customer the whole order at once.
-Be polite, and say something like “Here's your order, and thank you for shopping at Silver & Gold!” and be sure to give the link to the order.
-If the order is late, apologize to the customer.
Accepting Workers

-Only accept workers if you are able to.
-When accepting, quote the post and say “Accepted! Welcome to Silver & Gold!”.
-If an application is incomplete, do not accept it, and tell the Scratcher that it is incomplete.
-Fixed applications may be accepted.
-Do not accept Scratchers who have not filled out a form.
Activity Checks

-Activity checks will be held once a month.
-You must respond, or you will recieve a strike.
-If you are excused, you do not need to respond to activity checks.
Strike System

-3 strikes, and I will have to fire you, unfortunatly.
-Strikes may be obtained by not responding to activity checks or votes, being impolite, or continued behavior towards customers and staff.
-Only the president may fire. The vice-president may issue strikes.
-Accedental mistakes such as forgetting to notify a customer on their profile are not punishable.

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 15:33:15)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Studio Links
None yet. I will make a chat, portfolio, and other!

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 13:42:03)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

News & Announcements
April 20, 2020 - Thread created!
April 20, 2020 - Grand opening!
April 20, 2020 - First employee!
April 20, 2020 - First partner!

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 17:10:45)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Our Partners

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 21, 2020 15:07:35)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Our History
Silver & Gold was created by @CoderGirly. It had a few employees and partners, with one order. It then closed down, and CoderGirly gave me permission to create 2.0 here. I then founded Silver & Gold 2.0 on April 20th, 2020.

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 14:00:50)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Our Achievements
None yet.

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 20, 2020 13:45:52)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Orders Hub
Username: Flawpaw
What you need done: A thumbnail
Description: A thumbnail for my Radio Play Elementals, it has a great dane in the center with a waterfall on his back looking up and then a Pappillon, Beagle, and two greyhounds doing the same, the Great Dane is Gray, The Pappillon is Red, The beagle is all Brown, and The Greyhounds are muddy Brown, At the top in cursive it says Elementals. The pappillon should have flames on the tip of his ears, the beagle should have lilies on her head in a sort off crown like form, the greyhounds should have feathers on their paws
Colors (for art): In the description, but the background should be a night sky with a full moon and no stars
Important details: Notify me on my profile please
Deadline: ASAP but by April 30th
Other: Could WarriorsRoleplayer do it possibly?

Last edited by WarriorsRoleplayer (April 21, 2020 14:55:38)

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

We're now open!

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
500+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Username: CoderGirly
Profile link: Find me here!
Preferred pronouns (he/him, she/her): she/her
Scratcher status (new scratcher, scratcher): Scratcher
Services you can offer: writing, banners, and thumbnails
Shop experience: I work at THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 and Busy Bee Banners, and used to work at USS and the Super Shop.
Work examples: Ravenpaw Banner kitty's creations A Banner for @BGMead Nintendo Tunes Shop Banner
Are you following this discussion (y/n): yes
Other: Nope! Just a big thank you for everything…

Last edited by CoderGirly (April 20, 2020 15:28:53)

Hi, there! I'm CoderGirly, but you can call me Jo or Codey. Want to learn more about me? Check out my profile here, or click on my username! ^w^

I am taking a break from BBB, any bootcamps surrounding BBB, and banner and thumbnail making. I may take a break from Scratch in the future as well, so stay tuned.

Have a great day/night!

If you found this, good job! You know the siggy scrolling trick! Now go comment “cloud burgers” on my profile!

1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

CoderGirly wrote:

Username: CoderGirly
Profile link: Find me here!
Preferred pronouns (he/him, she/her): she/her
Scratcher status (new scratcher, scratcher): Scratcher
Services you can offer: writing, banners, and thumbnails
Shop experience: I work at THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 and Busy Bee Banners, and used to work at USS and the Super Shop.
Work examples: Ravenpaw Banner kitty's creations My Siggy Banner A Banner for @BGMead Nintendo Tunes Shop Banner
Are you following this discussion (y/n): yes
Other: Nope! Just a big thank you for everything…

Accepted, of course Now we can do art things

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
500+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

WarriorsRoleplayer wrote:

CoderGirly wrote:

Username: CoderGirly
Profile link: Find me here!
Preferred pronouns (he/him, she/her): she/her
Scratcher status (new scratcher, scratcher): Scratcher
Services you can offer: writing, banners, and thumbnails
Shop experience: I work at THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 and Busy Bee Banners, and used to work at USS and the Super Shop.
Work examples: Ravenpaw Banner kitty's creations My Siggy Banner A Banner for @BGMead Nintendo Tunes Shop Banner
Are you following this discussion (y/n): yes
Other: Nope! Just a big thank you for everything…

Accepted, of course Now we can do art things

Hi, there! I'm CoderGirly, but you can call me Jo or Codey. Want to learn more about me? Check out my profile here, or click on my username! ^w^

I am taking a break from BBB, any bootcamps surrounding BBB, and banner and thumbnail making. I may take a break from Scratch in the future as well, so stay tuned.

Have a great day/night!

If you found this, good job! You know the siggy scrolling trick! Now go comment “cloud burgers” on my profile!

1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Partnership Form:
Username: Milkysplash
Shop name: The Railway Shop (The Scriptwriter's Shop 2.0)
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/396491/
Shop banner: http://u.cubeupload.com/Squirrelstar_Mercy/RailwayShop.png
Services offered: Scriptwriting, Voice Acting, Art & Animation
Page count: 1 (original shop forum was 3, when I then thought it was messy so started a clean slate)
Benefits for you: More emploees and a chance to grow
Benefits for us: More services and a chance to grow
Other: N/A

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Milkysplash wrote:

Partnership Form:
Username: Milkysplash
Shop name: The Railway Shop (The Scriptwriter's Shop 2.0)
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/396491/
Shop banner: http://u.cubeupload.com/Squirrelstar_Mercy/RailwayShop.png
Services offered: Scriptwriting, Voice Acting, Art & Animation
Page count: 1 (original shop forum was 3, when I then thought it was messy so started a clean slate)
Benefits for you: More emploees and a chance to grow
Benefits for us: More services and a chance to grow
Other: N/A


Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

WarriorsRoleplayer wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Partnership Form:
Username: Milkysplash
Shop name: The Railway Shop (The Scriptwriter's Shop 2.0)
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/396491/
Shop banner: http://u.cubeupload.com/Squirrelstar_Mercy/RailwayShop.png
Services offered: Scriptwriting, Voice Acting, Art & Animation
Page count: 1 (original shop forum was 3, when I then thought it was messy so started a clean slate)
Benefits for you: More emploees and a chance to grow
Benefits for us: More services and a chance to grow
Other: N/A

Yay! Thanks!

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Milkysplash wrote:

WarriorsRoleplayer wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Partnership Form:
Username: Milkysplash
Shop name: The Railway Shop (The Scriptwriter's Shop 2.0)
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/396491/
Shop banner: http://u.cubeupload.com/Squirrelstar_Mercy/RailwayShop.png
Services offered: Scriptwriting, Voice Acting, Art & Animation
Page count: 1 (original shop forum was 3, when I then thought it was messy so started a clean slate)
Benefits for you: More emploees and a chance to grow
Benefits for us: More services and a chance to grow
Other: N/A

Yay! Thanks!

You're welcome!

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
500+ posts

ll ☆ SILVER & GOLD ☆ l 2.0 l Grand Opening! ll

Username: Flawpaw
What you need done: A thumbnail
Description: A thumbnail for my Radio Play Elementals, it has a great dane in the center with a waterfall on his back looking up and then a Pappillon, Beagle, and two greyhounds doing the same, the Great Dane is Gray, The Pappillon is Red, The beagle is all Brown, and The Greyhounds are muddy Brown, At the top in cursive it says Elementals. The pappillon should have flames on the tip of his ears, the beagle should have lilies on her head in a sort off crown like form, the greyhounds should have feathers on their paws
Colors (for art): In the description, but the background should be a night sky with a full moon and no stars
Important details: Notify me on my profile please
Deadline: ASAP but by April 30th
Other: Could WarriorsRoleplayer do it possibly?

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