Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Welcome to the Tera Foundation! We're an association that helps small shops survive. If your shop is struggling or not getting many orders, join the Tera Foundation and we can help you out! If you'd like your shop to join, use the form below!

Shop Name:
Shop Banner (if any)*:
Shop Link:
What your shop specializes in:
Position in shop:
Name of owner:
Permission from owner**:
* If you don't have a banner, a generic one will be made for you. You can always order one at one of our shops, though!
** Please link to a comment/forum post showing proof of permission. If you are the owner, though, just say something funny like “bruh”!

Last edited by SquirreIstar (April 16, 2020 16:46:52)

Moved to @Alphysse
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

We're open for business now!

Moved to @Alphysse
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

The Spotlight Shop has joined the Tera Foundation! Woohoo!

Moved to @Alphysse
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Shop Name: The Scriptwriter's Shop
Shop Banner (if any)*: None
What your shop specializes in: Scriptwriting specifically, but we also offer Voice Acting, Art and Animation
Position in shop: Owner
Name of owner: Milkysplash
Permission from owner**: IT'S ME!
Other: I would not like a generic banner, please. (I will make a banner eventually, hopefuly) Link is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/395169/

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Milkysplash wrote:

Shop Name: The Scriptwriter's Shop
Shop Banner (if any)*: None
What your shop specializes in: Scriptwriting specifically, but we also offer Voice Acting, Art and Animation
Position in shop: Owner
Name of owner: Milkysplash
Permission from owner**: IT'S ME!
Other: I would not like a generic banner, please. (I will make a banner eventually, hopefuly) Link is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/395169/
I'm sorry, but you will need a generic banner until you have your own banner. Otherwise, you're good!

Moved to @Alphysse
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

SquirreIstar wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Shop Name: The Scriptwriter's Shop
Shop Banner (if any)*: None
What your shop specializes in: Scriptwriting specifically, but we also offer Voice Acting, Art and Animation
Position in shop: Owner
Name of owner: Milkysplash
Permission from owner**: IT'S ME!
Other: I would not like a generic banner, please. (I will make a banner eventually, hopefuly) Link is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/395169/
I'm sorry, but you will need a generic banner until you have your own banner. Otherwise, you're good!
Wait, can you make a white banner with blak words ‘The Scriptwriter’s Shop' on it, for now as a generic banner? I don't care what font you use

Last edited by Milkysplash (April 15, 2020 22:46:24)

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
500+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Shop Name: Unofficial Scratch Shop (for short, USS)
Shop Banner (if any)*: http://u.cubeupload.com/vrie/UnofficialScratchsho.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/394292/?page=1#post-3914712
What your shop specializes in: everything!
Position in shop: Founder
Name of owner: b r u h, the owner is ME!!!!!
Permission from owner**: well, sometimes I do have trouble dealing with myself, but I’ll ask. LOL

Last edited by JustMeMeMe (April 15, 2020 22:58:08)

This is my signature, it appears after every post I post.
Hi, I’m Trammic Brotacular, don’t ask me why I’ve got such a strange name.
Too lazy don’t know how to make rainbows…
Other than that, signatures are USELESS…
500+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

JustMeMeMe wrote:

Shop Name: Unofficial Scratch Shop (for short, USS)
Shop Banner (if any)*: http://u.cubeupload.com/vrie/UnofficialScratchsho.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/394292/?page=1#post-3914712
What your shop specializes in: everything!
Position in shop: Founder
Name of owner: b r u h, the owner is ME!!!!!
Permission from owner**: well, sometimes I do have trouble dealing with myself, but I’ll ask. LOL
Bumping and reposting…

This is my signature, it appears after every post I post.
Hi, I’m Trammic Brotacular, don’t ask me why I’ve got such a strange name.
Too lazy don’t know how to make rainbows…
Other than that, signatures are USELESS…
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Shop Name: The Wolf Emporium
Shop Banner (if any)*:
What your shop specializes in: We do a variety of things, but what we do best is coding.
Position in shop: Owner
Name of owner: Starstriker3000
Permission from owner**: The little person inside of me gives full permission
Other: We desperately need active workers.
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

for placeholder images go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/385780283

see me here where I make nono word and other junk

Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo1k

left scratch

found me!
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Milkysplash wrote:

SquirreIstar wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Shop Name: The Scriptwriter's Shop
Shop Banner (if any)*: None
What your shop specializes in: Scriptwriting specifically, but we also offer Voice Acting, Art and Animation
Position in shop: Owner
Name of owner: Milkysplash
Permission from owner**: IT'S ME!
Other: I would not like a generic banner, please. (I will make a banner eventually, hopefuly) Link is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/395169/
I'm sorry, but you will need a generic banner until you have your own banner. Otherwise, you're good!
Wait, can you make a white banner with blak words ‘The Scriptwriter’s Shop' on it, for now as a generic banner? I don't care what font you use
[img=https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/via.placeholder.com%5C/..%5C700x150?text=The Scriptwriter's Shop]

see me here where I make nono word and other junk

Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo1k

left scratch

found me!
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

uopdeatid uwu

Moved to @Alphysse
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

RedGuy7 wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

SquirreIstar wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Shop Name: The Scriptwriter's Shop
Shop Banner (if any)*: None
What your shop specializes in: Scriptwriting specifically, but we also offer Voice Acting, Art and Animation
Position in shop: Owner
Name of owner: Milkysplash
Permission from owner**: IT'S ME!
Other: I would not like a generic banner, please. (I will make a banner eventually, hopefuly) Link is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/395169/
I'm sorry, but you will need a generic banner until you have your own banner. Otherwise, you're good!
Wait, can you make a white banner with blak words ‘The Scriptwriter’s Shop' on it, for now as a generic banner? I don't care what font you use
[img=https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/via.placeholder.com%5C/..%5C700x150?text=The Scriptwriter's Shop]
Can't veiw it on my computer. They've blocked pretty muc h every computer! Thanks for the temopary banner though, I'm rebranding theh shop (doing a complete overhall) at the weekend, becase I need to change the name!

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Hi! This is Milkysplash from the SCriptwriter's Shop: We are doing a rebranding (bc I need to improve the layout), here is the new forum: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/396491/, and here is the new banner link (I will convert it at the weekend) https://www.canva.com/design/DAD5mDz2zxk/eNkHGBJW-6QhyHl0KEVy1g/view?utm_content=DAD5mDz2zxk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
100+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

SquirreIstar wrote:

Banner by T.I.P.S.

Welcome to the Tera Foundation! We're an association that helps small shops survive. If your shop is struggling or not getting many orders, join the Tera Foundation and we can help you out! If you'd like your shop to join, use the form below!

Shop Name: Writer for the World
Shop Banner (if any)*:
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/366149/?page=1
What your shop specializes in: Writing Scripts and Stories
Position in shop: Founder
Name of owner: Maple-Lace
Permission from owner**: ItS SpAGgEttI TiME ThO
* If you don't have a banner, a generic one will be made for you. You can always order one at one of our shops, though!
** Please link to a comment/forum post showing proof of permission. If you are the owner, though, just say something funny like “bruh”!

Get Down MAP (Not released)
Ghoststar's Silence Chapter 4 and Prolouge
A * ton of MAP parts

Our favorite quote:
If a baby is doing a backflip, we have bigger issues to worry about. ~Maple
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

Maple-Lace wrote:

SquirreIstar wrote:

Banner by T.I.P.S.

Welcome to the Tera Foundation! We're an association that helps small shops survive. If your shop is struggling or not getting many orders, join the Tera Foundation and we can help you out! If you'd like your shop to join, use the form below!

Shop Name: Writer for the World
Shop Banner (if any)*:
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/366149/?page=1
What your shop specializes in: Writing Scripts and Stories
Position in shop: Founder
Name of owner: Maple-Lace
Permission from owner**: ItS SpAGgEttI TiME ThO
* If you don't have a banner, a generic one will be made for you. You can always order one at one of our shops, though!
** Please link to a comment/forum post showing proof of permission. If you are the owner, though, just say something funny like “bruh”!

Moved to @Alphysse
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

BTW i made that banner entirely in the SVE

see me here where I make nono word and other junk

Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo1k

left scratch

found me!
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!

RedGuy7 wrote:

BTW i made that banner entirely in the SVE
(I'm eventually going to change it, this is just a placeholder for until I can make a really detailed one)

Moved to @Alphysse
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE TERA FOUNDATION ✅✔ ||| Serving Small Shops with a Smile ||| 6 shops!


Moved to @Alphysse

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