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1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

Hello! I am making a Mario game like the super Mario games. I need everyone's help. Here is the link! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/363298093/ To apply just fill out a form that will be in the next post. The jobs are listed here. Owner: Has the list of jobs and does whatever he/she can. Department manager: Fills in as Owner and helps the Owner manage the jobs. Coder: Does the code. Artist: Makes the art or uploads Mario pictures. Story Developer: Will make a story for the game. There can be more than one person at each job (except Owner and Department Manager.) You can have more than one job. I may add more jobs as I go but this is it so far. I'll invite you to this studio if you apply. https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25718670/
Thank you so much if you join!

Current news: Jobs: Implement the story.
Fix a couple more physics bugs.
If you want to give yourself any other job, go ahead!

Last edited by b1048546 (Feb. 27, 2020 00:50:32)

1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

b1048546 wrote:

Application form:
What do you want us to call you:
What jobs do you want:
Anything we should know:
Why should we pick you:
How much do you Scatch out of 10:

Here is the application form.

Last edited by b1048546 (Jan. 29, 2020 02:45:28)

1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

Here are the jobs.
Owner: B1048546/call be b1 if you want.
Department Manager: Open
Artists: Open
Coders: Open
Story Developer: Open
Music people:

Last edited by b1048546 (Feb. 24, 2020 00:09:07)

1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

BUMP Please join!
1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

BUMP Please join! I need a lot of help. BTW, if you need me to specify the jobs a little more then let me know.
100+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

I want to help but I'm too busy. THE GUILT IS CONSUMING ME!

I'm TCCreator but I can't change my name.
100+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

ur first link leads to a remix of something called glory rpg

I'm TCCreator but I can't change my name.
100+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

actually realized I might be able to help! what Mario game are you basing it on?

I'm TCCreator but I can't change my name.
100+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

if it's smb1, I have lots of sprites and music to give to you!

I'm TCCreator but I can't change my name.
1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

TCO1000L wrote:

if it's smb1, I have lots of sprites and music to give to you!
It's actually New super mario bros wii. I fixed the links.

Last edited by b1048546 (Feb. 4, 2020 00:33:32)

1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

TCO1000L wrote:

actually realized I might be able to help! what Mario game are you basing it on?
See post above and please fill out the application form.
100+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

hmm I've got nothing for nsmb wii.

I've never even played it before.

I'm TCCreator but I can't change my name.
1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

TCO1000L wrote:

hmm I've got nothing for nsmb wii.

I've never even played it before.
Oh… You can still upload it from the web (if you want to join).
1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

My last post was my hundredth post! See above.
100+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

Application form: Yes
Username: TCO1000L
What do you want us to call you: TCCreator7777_5
What jobs do you want: Story Developer, Music :3 cuz important
Anything we should know: I am not a robot? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why should we pick you: cuz I can help? and I was making a platformer way back
How much do you Scatch out of 10: 7.5
Other: Mario is cool ‘w’

I'm TCCreator but I can't change my name.
100+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

also congrats on 100 posts! ;D

I'm TCCreator but I can't change my name.
1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

TCO1000L wrote:

Application form: Yes
Snips app
Accepted and remix my project and start!
1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

Bump Bump and Bump
1000+ posts

Join the Mario Crew! New Super Mario Bros Wii game. Coders needed!

Bump? If anyone wants to ask me something let me know.

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