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Broken project information collector

dude341 wrote:

Although these aren't my projects, user @BoltBait's projects seem to be affected a lot by this update. Here's a start:
Project URL(s): Forum Tower Defence: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1897019/

Error message displayed (if any): N/A

Browser version & Operating System this happens in: My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Firefox 64.0, Flash 32.0 (release 0)

What browser extensions do you have installed (if any)?: N/A, browser extensions do not affect this issue.

Description / other details of the behaviour you see: The scoreboard appears in places where it shouldn't. When it does appear in where it should, it does not show up behind the special “graphic” in order to blend it in with the game. This is due to the OpenGL Stage vs. UI variables change, I hope the developers change their mind on this.
Bump due to new page.

1000+ posts

Broken project information collector

Bro342 wrote:

Project URL - All 2.0 projects but https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/263669478/ more specifically.
Browser Agent - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36
Misc: Chrome OS 71 // Windows 10 Pro
Extensions Include: Discord Screen Sharing, TouchVPN, reStyle, Tampermonkey, Google Docs Offline
CPU: Intel i9-9900K
GPU: Zotac GeForce GTX 1070 TI AMP Edition
Simplified Useragent: Chrome 71.0.3578.98 Chromium Render Engine
You actually have to state what the issue is with the project.

2 posts

Broken project information collector

Project URL(s): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/267858401/
(It's private so I don't know if you can access it…)

Error message displayed (if any): none but no code

Browser version & Operating System this happens in: all I have tested on

What browser extensions do you have installed (if any)?: none really

Description / other details of the behavior you see: no code in the project
1 post

Broken project information collector

Hello my students have been working on these projects for weeks and for the last few days loading errors occured.

Project URL(s): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/266229372/ && https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/268873150/

Error message displayed (if any): Looks like Scratch has crashed.

Browser version & Operating System this happens in: Google Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)

What browser extensions do you have installed (if any)?: none

Description / other details of the behavior you see: the game was working for sometime then just stop loading
100+ posts

Broken project information collector

Shift issue. While the bug itself is just the hacked shift key blocks not working, this issue gives me flashbacks to a creepy backstory.

Topic: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/331735/
4 posts

Broken project information collector


Error message displayed (if any): none

Browser version & Operating System this happens in: mac os 10.13.2

What browser extensions do you have installed (if any)?: none

Description / other details of the behavior you see: i cant view the code,, but its there
im also not able to view any projects on my mac for the past week, they just appear as a blank white screen
New to Scratch
1 post

Broken project information collector

When I click ‘create’ the screen goes blue and nothing else happens at all. Please help me to get back to Scratch.
7 posts

Broken project information collector

The “if touching color” block won't let me pick a color. Also, in a project, some scrips of code, are missing, but it still runs!
100+ posts

Broken project information collector

Project URL(s): Every single one of my projects.

Error message displayed (if any): None

Browser version & Operating System this happens in: Google Chrome, Windows 7

What browser extensions do you have installed (if any)?: None

Description / other details of the behavior you see: All my projects are ruined. They used to load in seconds, now they take about a minute. The sounds are messed up. All my vector art is ruined. Everything is either fuzzy or pixelated. They have a lot more lag than they used to. I'm just gonna have to be completely done with Scratch unless all of these changes are fixed. I spent months working on several projects and they're all completely ruined. I can't even play them on the offline editor because they've been converted to .sb3 already, so they're all permanently ruined. I hate Scratch 3 so much, I'm gonna be completely done with this website unless they fix all the new glitches that ruined every single one of my projects. I'm just so furious

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

- Albert Einstein
1000+ posts

Broken project information collector

This is mostly in all projects with hacked blocks… They either, creating variables with weird names or the code in the project doesn't show up. It seems like an update from 2.0 to 3.0 problem mixed with a scratch-blocks problem.

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

1000+ posts

Broken project information collector

This project is weird… https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/108713007/editor/
It loads originally, but if you go to the sprite named “hacked” and scroll down, all blocks in the sprite disappear. Then, if you open the JavaScript console, it all reappears and won't disappear again.

I'm a programmer, ethical hacker, and space nerd!

Last edited by Neil Armstrong (July 20, 1969 20:17:00)

New to Scratch
10 posts

Broken project information collector

ceebee wrote:

Projects are working, but the code is gone – We have seen some cases where a project works, but does not display any code when viewing in the editor. If this is happening to your project, please provide us with a link to it here.

pondermake wrote:

I can’t see my blocks, even though they are running.
Some Scratchers have reported that block stacks are missing or invisible, even though the code appears to be run correctly in the project.


You said if we have aditional info that could solve our problems we are free to inform you. I've found the cause and now I've recovered all my custom blocks, scripts, variables and lists. The solution was tested and works great!!! All you have to do is to operate some modifications in project.json that eliminate non alfa numeric characters from variables, lists, custom blocks, or broadcasts. After this operation and uploading the sb3 project to Online Editor all is visible again.
Another step to do is not letting users to use non alfa numeric characters in their projects.

The difference between Scratch 2.0 and 3.0 is that 2.0 permites the use of special caracters such as “&” in the name of lists, variables, broadcast or in custom blocks.
Since Scratch 3.0 “It is a complete redesign and reimplementation of Scratch written in HTML5 and JavaScript” this means that the risk of invalid HTML apparition in case we use special characters (reserved to HTML code) is very high.
This bug have nothing to do with Browser version & Operating System or with Browser extensions.

In conclusion a high percentage of projects that have hidden scripts, variables or lists is due usage of special characters like: &,,<,>, etc.

In order to make a consistent part of them visible again it's needed the implementation of a script that verify if project.json contains any “&” and eliminate it.(it's used frequently)
With other special characters it's a little bit tricky because are frequently used in json file and we risk damage the file.
Implementation of another script that verify every newly created variable, list, custom block, or broadcast. If contains special characters must shown a warning such as “Your…contains invalid characters. Please use alfanumeric characters”. If the name contains nonalfanumeric characters the respective variable, custom block, list or brodcast should not be created until it have a valid name.
82 posts

Broken project information collector

Hi there! I really like 3.0 but have experienced one project bug.
My project ‘Scratch Pages Site Maker’ at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/272863634/ has not been acting properley. On the computer it says all pages overflow. It might have something to do with this block:
 <touching color [#111111] ?> 
On my iPad, it doesnt work at all. Please help!


when day begins:: events hat
repeat until <day is over?::sensing>
code:: motion
smile:: looks
groan at annoying comments:: #000000
Greatness starts here…
2 posts

Broken project information collector

dietbacon wrote:

Hi all!

Is one or more of your projects not loading, returning an error, or just seems to behave a lot differently than it did in Scratch 2.0? If so, please respond to this post with the following template filled out with as much detail as possible:

Project URL(s):

Error message displayed (if any):

Browser version & Operating System this happens in:

What browser extensions do you have installed (if any)?:

Description / other details of the behavior you see:

Note: This is not meant to collect reports about projects failing to load due to server issues, as these are temporary issues which are typically caused by heavy use of Scratch.
I have been noticing that most projects that pen scripts (from all browsers (Edge, Firefox and Chrome)) from sb2 Files are not loaded properly or loaded at all, Do you know why this is happening?
I would appreciate a response.
2 posts

Broken project information collector

set [ scratch version] to [0]
change [ scratch version] by (1)

4 posts

Broken project information collector

My second part of a game is broken…
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/228765765/editor/ to see inside
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/228765765/ to see the page

say (join (lpinf.signature) [meow :3])
4 posts

Broken project information collector

my project is working but the scripts are hidden

say (join (lpinf.signature) [meow :3])
5 posts

Broken project information collector

I have opened the editor through the links. However, it doesn't display all the codes, although it still runs usually (except link (1) - no credits scene) . One thing is known is that variables may still be available, but for sure, check all of the components. Link (2) has an extension of “Pen”. Right now, I am using Google Chrome version 71.0.3578.98.
I don't know for sure these browser extensions are essential, but I will display one of them:
Search extension by “Ask”
If I have another issue with the program, I will report immediately.
(1) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/275261146/
(2) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/275259938/
Thank you,
5 posts

Broken project information collector

A continuation from the recent message:
When I put a sprite from link (1) into the backpack, when I put it into the new project, its codes are back!
Would you want me to put some of the codes when fixing it?
I would reply as soon as possible.
7 posts

Broken project information collector

It arrived to me and I found why.
It’s because I created a variable with < in the variable’s name.
Now, I deleted this variable , reloaded the website and I see all the scripts.
I did another project just to show it
The glitchy variable now looks like a variable with no name


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