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500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

Nothing. As far as the eye can see— nothing. This is the Great Void. The expanse between the universes, and what separates the various worlds of the Metaverse. It would seem that this realm would be devoid of life…

But there is one. Cast from their home dimension for their attempts to study what lay beyond, they have long since descended into a deep slumber…

He has been awoken.

Welcome to the Chaotic Crossover roleplay, currently in its second phase: Instigator Hunt. In it, multiple characters have been taken from their home universes, as the very ground they were standing on was ripped from its foundations and lifted into a hole in the sky, added to an ever-growing landmass of similar floating islands known as the Combined Worlds.

Because of this, it is highly advised you sign up with both a character and location, unless there is already another roleplayer using a character from that universe.

Please use the following form for when you first join the roleplay, while any characters you wish to add afterwards can omit the first two fields.

Sign up:
Username: Self explanatory, just put your username.
Activity: How active you plan on being in the roleplay.
Name: The name of your character.
Home 'verse: What media your character comes from. If they are from a 'verse that you have come up with on your own, just say “original”.
Appearance: How your character looks. Skin/hair color, clothing, gender and the like all go here.
Personality: How your character generally acts. Feel free to deviate from time to time, not many people act exactly the same their whole lives.
Mannerisms: Any sort of quirks in how they act that aren't strictly related to their personality.
Items: Anything that came with them from their home 'verse, such as weapons, macguffins, and the like.
Attributes: Any abilities or quirks that would differentiate your character from a standard human. These would be things such as powers, physical weaknesses, et cetera.
Backstory: Any significant events that occurred that involved them leading up to the roleplay.
Other: Any information not covered by the above.
Blurb: A sentence or two used to describe them in the list of characters.

If you want to add characters that can be used by anyone, then please use this seperate form.
Alternate sign up:
Name: The name of your character.
Home 'verse: What media your character comes from. If they are from a 'verse that you have come up with on your own, just say “original”.
Appearance: How your character looks. Skin/hair color, clothing, gender and the like all go here.
Personality: How your character generally acts. These usually don't change much, so that they're easy to pick up and play with.
Mannerisms: Any sort of quirks in how they act that aren't strictly related to their personality.
Items: Anything that came with them from their home 'verse, such as weapons, macguffins, and the like.
Attributes: Any abilities or quirks that would differentiate your character from a standard human. These would be things such as powers, physical weaknesses, et cetera.
Other: Any information not covered by the above.
Blurb: A sentence or two used to describe them in the list of characters.

It is highly recommended that you include a location with your character, both for plot convenience and for a more diverse pool of locations.
You may suggest more than one location, but the chances of any further ones is a bit less likely.

Location form:
Name: The name of the location.
Description: A general overview of the terrain. Describe what the location looks like overall.
Landmarks: Places and buildings of importance, such as a castle or a tower.
Home 'verse: What game/movie/show/comic/series the location is originally from.
Reason for adding: Why you think this location would make sense for the roleplay.

Last edited by epicRedHot (Jan. 15, 2019 15:32:29)

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

Rules: (feel free to suggest changes to this list)
  1. You must follow the Community Guidelines, even if it contradicts with another rule on this list.
  2. You must use correct grammar. This isn't enforced that much, it's mostly reffering to a lack/overwhelming amount of capitalization, extremely long run-on sentences, and similar things. This isn't an English assignment.
  3. Try to keep your posts longer than a single sentence, and not keeping to just dialogue. Sprinkle in some of your characters actions during conversations.
  4. No killing off characters other people are using. This also applies for the “free to use” characters, but your random Joe isn't covered by this.
  5. No controlling other people's characters. The only characters that can be used by more than one person are “free to use” and NPC characters.
  6. No giving powers to your characters that aren't on their bio, unless there's a reasonable in-story reason for them to suddenly have the new power (such as always having it, but only just now learning about it).

List of Characters claimed by a Scratcher:
  • RedHot: A super-powered stick figure teenager who likes to crack jokes and kick tail, but can get serious if needed to.

  • “Blippy”: A small, unassuming robot. Secretly the big bad.

  • The Snatcher: The contract-obsessed ruler of Subcon Forest.

  • Sebastian Debeste: Cinnamon roll prosecutor from Japanifornia. Don't ask why his hair suddenly sticks up when he's surprised, it's a mystery.

  • Falka Cameon, “Breaker of Walls”: Just your average fourth-wall breaking, teleporting, shapeshifting wanderer.

  • Aett Bilstyggr: Bilstyggr heir. Baffled as to why “the energetic isle” suddenly isn't moving.

  • Tiresias Silver: A soul-searching Graviern from the Tribe of the Shadow River.

  • Ben “Fighter” Rheon: A soldier who is always on the edge.

  • Alpha-1, a.k.a “Helios”: Protector of everyone.

  • Arsenius Ùisdean: Mysterious figure with a sense of humor.

  • Graham Grittloft: A post-apocalyptic hitman from the distant world of 2002. He has the appearance of an anthropomorphic gecko and likes pop-culture.

  • Scratch Cat: An often quiet cat who can put up a fight.

List of free-use characters:
Kirby series:
  • Kirby: The pink puffball that everyone knows and loves! Make sure to keep him fed.

  • Meta Knight: The mysterious knight from Dream Land.

  • Bandana Waddle Dee: King Dedede's loyal guard, and Kirby's best friend.

  • King Dedede: The self-proclaimed king of Dreamland.
Misc. species:
  • Graviei: Sentient gas beings bonded to rock formations. (singular form of “graviei” is “graviern”)

List of locations:
Japanifornia: An alternate version of the state of California, with heavy Japanese influence.

Winter Island: A formerly inhabited island nation, now deserted and caught in a perpetual winter.

Flymore City: (NOT YET ADDED) Large amounts of dust, garbage, smoke, broken houses, etc., with large towers pointing skyward.

Dream Land: Rolling hills and green grass, Dream Land remains relatively peaceful despite the constant invasions.

the Halberd: Meta Knight's signature airship, armed to the teeth yet still manages to be defeated constantly.

Bilstyggr Isle: A formerly-moving island with a town, a giant tower and the remains of old villages.

Subcon Forest: A dark forest haunted by its past residents.

The WasteWorld: A nearly deserted version of Central Europe, infested with many different creatures.

The Land of the Tribe of the Shadow River: A dark and cloudy place, named after the titular Shadow River that flows through the area.
(locations ordered by date of original posting)

Last edited by epicRedHot (Feb. 13, 2019 18:19:10)

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

Here is the sign up for my first character.
Username: epicRedHot

Activity: as active as possible

Name: RedHot

Home 'verse: original

Appearance: Somewhat resembling a living stick figure, he has impossibly thin limbs and an ever-present black outline surrounding him. He has solid yellow skin, black dots for eyes, and brown spiky hair that goes in 5 directions. His usual attire consists of a red t-shirt bearing his personal emblem (itself being a white circle with a black outline, with the letters “RH” on the inside), and blue denim shorts.

Personality: Generally upbeat and with attitude, he can get extremely serious when the situation calls for it. He likes to make references and jokes, but his main audience for them seems to be himself. (Anyone else who laughs is just a bonus.) He also has a severe distain for water, for reasons detailed under “attributes.”

Items: N/A (no items)

Attributes: He has the ability to control fire, usually manifested by creating fireballs from his hands, or manipulating already-existing flames. On the other hand, he is severely hampered by water, being unable to use his pyrokinesis when wet, and can even be killed from being submerged for a long amount of time. RedHot also has highly increased speed, rivaling characters such as the Flash or Sonic the Hedgehog. However, he is easily blindsided, and his reactions do not match the speeds he is able to obtain. This is easily abused by his adversaries.

Backstory: Originally a “human” named Zack (read: stick figure without special abilities) from his universe's version of Earth, he was mysteriously transported to the planet Ixelorait, where he gained his powers and new name. However, he got amnesia from his travel across space, and as such has no memory of anything prior to landing on the planet.

Other: He has two super-powered siblings, but they have not been revealed yet when the events of this roleplay take place. As such, RedHot has no knowledge of them, and they are not relevant to the plot.
And for location:
Name: Winter Island

Description: An island the size of a small country, recently froze over. Having been wiped out by the sudden cold snap, almost all the vegetation on the island was destroyed. Any of its former residents have long since fled to the mainland, leaving an island-wide ghost town.

Landmarks: Home to numerous small towns and a city capital, all coated in the snow from its eternal winter.

Home 'verse: original

Reason for adding: It's one of the largest regions I have developed for my stories' mythos, and one of the most unique.

Last edited by epicRedHot (Nov. 15, 2018 20:06:48)

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

Username: CrimsonCrusade
Activity: Very, hopefully.
Name: . Sebastian Debeste
Home 'verse: Ace Attorney
Appearance: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4ugHyDUEAAHfmD.jpg , originally, but i wanna use a slightly aged up fanversion, if it's alright. https://66.media.tumblr.com/4b60d36ad8cf007968e5e567327ed0fd/tumblr_p328l0QdgN1rnsjdao1_500.png (the girl there's kay faraday, she's another aa character)
Personality: Sensitive, prone to crying out of nowhere. Cinnamon roll, if you ask me.
Items: His baton, of course!
Attributes: He's just a human prosecutor.
Backstory: Spoilers for AAI2, fused with a bit of headcanon. Highlight between the parenthesis. (Was abused for most of his life, canonically, verbally and emotionally, headcanonically, also physically. Recently got out of a really incompetent state because of this abuse. I'd give you more details but I don't wanna spoil more.)
Other: Messes up words rather often. Also, he's got an ahoge that sticks up when he's surprised.

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

Name: Japanifornia
Description: Is a heavily Japanese-influenced Californian city. Often called just California.
Landmarks: There's the Prosecutor's Office and the Wright Anything Agency and also a courthouse. (And a burger/ramen place.)
Home ‘verse: Ace Attorney
Reason for adding: The setting for Ace Attorney. It’s well known in the AA fandom.

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

Username: CrimsonCrusade
Activity: Very, hopefully.
Name: . Sebastian Debeste
Home 'verse: Ace Attorney
Appearance: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4ugHyDUEAAHfmD.jpg , originally, but i wanna use a slightly aged up fanversion, if it's alright. https://66.media.tumblr.com/4b60d36ad8cf007968e5e567327ed0fd/tumblr_p328l0QdgN1rnsjdao1_500.png (the girl there's kay faraday, she's another aa character)
Personality: Sensitive, prone to crying out of nowhere. Cinnamon roll, if you ask me.
Items: His baton, of course!
Attributes: He's just a human prosecutor.
Backstory: Spoilers for AAI2, fused with a bit of headcanon. Highlight between the parenthesis. (Was abused for most of his life, canonically, verbally and emotionally, headcanonically, also physically. Recently got out of a really incompetent state because of this abuse. I'd give you more details but I don't wanna spoil more.)
Other: Messes up words rather often. Also, he's got an ahoge that sticks up when he's surprised.
Name: Japanifornia
Description: Is a heavily Japanese-influenced Californian city. Often called just California.
Landmarks: There's the Prosecutor's Office and the Wright Anything Agency and also a courthouse. (And a burger/ramen place.)
Home ‘verse: Ace Attorney
Reason for adding: The setting for Ace Attorney. It’s well known in the AA fandom.
Sounds like a good addition! I need to decide which location from my character's mythos to use, and then we can get started with the introductory plot while we wait for more people to join. (I'll add your character and location to the list in a little bit, I paused what I was doing to quickly respond.)

Last edited by epicRedHot (Nov. 15, 2018 14:05:18)

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

epicRedHot wrote:

Sounds like a good addition! I need to decide which location from my character's mythos to use, and then we can get started with the introductory plot while we wait for more people to join.

Woot! I'm excited!

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

darn it i messed up my quotes.

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

Username: CrimsonCrusade
Activity: Very, hopefully.
Name: . Sebastian Debeste
Home 'verse: Ace Attorney
Appearance: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4ugHyDUEAAHfmD.jpg , originally, but i wanna use a slightly aged up fanversion, if it's alright. https://66.media.tumblr.com/4b60d36ad8cf007968e5e567327ed0fd/tumblr_p328l0QdgN1rnsjdao1_500.png (the girl there's kay faraday, she's another aa character)
Personality: Sensitive, prone to crying out of nowhere. Cinnamon roll, if you ask me.
Items: His baton, of course!
Attributes: He's just a human prosecutor.
Backstory: Spoilers for AAI2, fused with a bit of headcanon. Highlight between the parenthesis. (Was abused for most of his life, canonically, verbally and emotionally, headcanonically, also physically. Recently got out of a really incompetent state because of this abuse. I'd give you more details but I don't wanna spoil more.)
Other: Messes up words rather often. Also, he's got an ahoge that sticks up when he's surprised.
What would you like his blurb to be in the character list? (I'll add it to the sign-up sheet so people don't have to worry about it in the future.)

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

Username: CrimsonCrusade
Activity: Very, hopefully.
Name: . Sebastian Debeste
Home 'verse: Ace Attorney
Appearance: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4ugHyDUEAAHfmD.jpg , originally, but i wanna use a slightly aged up fanversion, if it's alright. https://66.media.tumblr.com/4b60d36ad8cf007968e5e567327ed0fd/tumblr_p328l0QdgN1rnsjdao1_500.png (the girl there's kay faraday, she's another aa character)
Personality: Sensitive, prone to crying out of nowhere. Cinnamon roll, if you ask me.
Items: His baton, of course!
Attributes: He's just a human prosecutor.
Backstory: Spoilers for AAI2, fused with a bit of headcanon. Highlight between the parenthesis. (Was abused for most of his life, canonically, verbally and emotionally, headcanonically, also physically. Recently got out of a really incompetent state because of this abuse. I'd give you more details but I don't wanna spoil more.)
Other: Messes up words rather often. Also, he's got an ahoge that sticks up when he's surprised.
What would you like his blurb to be in the character list? (I'll add it to the sign-up sheet so people don't have to worry about it in the future.)

“Cinnamon roll prosecutor from Japanifornia. Don't ask why his hair suddenly sticks up when he's surprised, it's a mystery.”

Last edited by CrimsonCrusade (Nov. 28, 2018 19:39:42)

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

What would you like his blurb to be in the character list? (I'll add it to the sign-up sheet so people don't have to worry about it in the future.)

“Cinnamon roll prosecutor from Japanifornia. Don't ask why his hair suddenly sticks up when he's surprised, it's a mystery.”
Thanks for the quick reply! Adding it now.

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

~oh yeah i forgot about snips~

“Cinnamon roll prosecutor from Japanifornia. Don't ask why his hair suddenly sticks up when he's surprised, it's a mystery.”
Thanks for the quick reply! Adding it now.

no prob!

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

hey, have you decided on a location yet? i'm hyped!

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

hey, have you decided on a location yet? i'm hyped!
Working on it right now, I don't have that many locations to choose from that I've fleshed out that much.

Last edited by epicRedHot (Nov. 15, 2018 19:33:30)

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

hey, have you decided on a location yet? i'm hyped!
Working on it right now, I don't have that many locations to choose from that I've fleshed out that much.
oh, okay. sorry to be so excited and impatient but is there a studio you can link me to?

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

hey, have you decided on a location yet? i'm hyped!
Working on it right now, I don't have that many locations to choose from that I've fleshed out that much.
oh, okay. sorry to be so excited and impatient but is there a studio you can link me to?
Just added it to the OP.

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

Name: Falka Cameon, Breaker of Walls
Home ‘verse: Original/None/Specifically for this RP
Appearance: Falka Cameon is a human female, unless shapeshifting. In her preferred, biological form, she is young, around 15, with deep blue hair that looks almost black in artificial lighting. Her skin is a deep chocolate, and her eyes are brown. She dons practical clothes, ones that are timeless. It’s simply a sweater and leggings, along with some boots.
Personality: A fourth wall breaker. Often takes the backseat in adventures and is more of a follower when she's not alone.
Items: Her blade, Wallbreaker, and her Portalmap, which lets her fast-travel to places she's been, sort of like shrines is LOZ:BOTW or Pokemon Centers, except you can teleport to one new place every 48 hours. Can only do it using the Portalmap.
Attributes: Can shapeshift for 12 minutes, and passes out if she overexerts herself. Tries to extend her time by transforming into simple objects or just… a molecule.
Backstory: Has been wandering the worlds for a while, and that's basically what she does with her life. Who needs house bills when you can wander? Probably not going to settle down soon. Got her title from a mysterious figure.
Other: No home universe, no location unless you really want me to make one for her.
Blurb: Just your average fourth-wall breaking, teleporting, shapeshifting wanderer.

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

Name: Falka Cameon, Breaker of Walls
Home ‘verse: Original/None/Specifically for this RP
Appearance: Falka Cameon is a human female, unless shapeshifting. In her preferred, biological form, she is young, around 15, with deep blue hair that looks almost black in artificial lighting. Her skin is a deep chocolate, and her eyes are brown. She dons practical clothes, ones that are timeless. It’s simply a sweater and leggings, along with some boots.
Personality: A fourth wall breaker. Often takes the backseat in adventures and is more of a follower when she's not alone.
Items: Her blade, Wallbreaker, and her Portalmap, which lets her fast-travel to places she's been, sort of like shrines is LOZ:BOTW or Pokemon Centers, except you can teleport to one new place every 48 hours. Can only do it using the Portalmap.
Attributes: Can shapeshift for 12 minutes, and passes out if she overexerts herself. Tries to extend her time by transforming into simple objects or just… a molecule.
Backstory: Has been wandering the worlds for a while, and that's basically what she does with her life. Who needs house bills when you can wander? Probably not going to settle down soon. Got her title from a mysterious figure.
Other: No home universe, no location unless you really want me to make one for her.
Blurb: Just your average fourth-wall breaking, teleporting, shapeshifting wanderer.
Another good character, I just have a few questions. Is the backstory implying that she roams the main “landmass” of the RP (still need to think of a good name for it, feel free to suggest ideas), or that she travels between universes? I was planning for the RP to start with its formation, but if you're going with the former of the two options, then we need to think of some other locations to have been “added” before the events of the story (either original or from a preexisting IP).

I occasionally do things.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

Name: Falka Cameon, Breaker of Walls
Home ‘verse: Original/None/Specifically for this RP
Appearance: Falka Cameon is a human female, unless shapeshifting. In her preferred, biological form, she is young, around 15, with deep blue hair that looks almost black in artificial lighting. Her skin is a deep chocolate, and her eyes are brown. She dons practical clothes, ones that are timeless. It’s simply a sweater and leggings, along with some boots.
Personality: A fourth wall breaker. Often takes the backseat in adventures and is more of a follower when she's not alone.
Items: Her blade, Wallbreaker, and her Portalmap, which lets her fast-travel to places she's been, sort of like shrines is LOZ:BOTW or Pokemon Centers, except you can teleport to one new place every 48 hours. Can only do it using the Portalmap.
Attributes: Can shapeshift for 12 minutes, and passes out if she overexerts herself. Tries to extend her time by transforming into simple objects or just… a molecule.
Backstory: Has been wandering the worlds for a while, and that's basically what she does with her life. Who needs house bills when you can wander? Probably not going to settle down soon. Got her title from a mysterious figure.
Other: No home universe, no location unless you really want me to make one for her.
Blurb: Just your average fourth-wall breaking, teleporting, shapeshifting wanderer.
Another good character, I just have a few questions. Is the backstory implying that she roams the main “landmass” of the RP (still need to think of a good name for it, feel free to suggest ideas), or that she travels between universes? I was planning for the RP to start with its formation, but if you're going with the former of the two options, then we need to think of some other locations to have been “added” before the events of the story (either original or from a preexisting IP).
Um… we can have her be formed with the universe! Sure let's… let's go with that. Maybe she'll end up evil because of it idk

Domo arigato.
500+ posts

(OPEN RP) Chaotic Crossover: The RP of multiversal proportions!

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

epicRedHot wrote:

CrimsonCrusade wrote:

Another good character, I just have a few questions. Is the backstory implying that she roams the main “landmass” of the RP (still need to think of a good name for it, feel free to suggest ideas), or that she travels between universes? I was planning for the RP to start with its formation, but if you're going with the former of the two options, then we need to think of some other locations to have been “added” before the events of the story (either original or from a preexisting IP).
Um… we can have her be formed with the universe! Sure let's… let's go with that. Maybe she'll end up evil because of it idk
I'm afraid I'm still not following. Could you please explain further?

I occasionally do things.

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