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  • » Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites. [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

I have realized that this shop is too hard for me.
I am very sorry, but this shop is stopping.
If anyone wants to create an image shop with this name, you can.
Thank you for your understanding.

Last edited by sti_scratch (Sept. 24, 2018 21:02:37)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Special: Fall/Autumn Greeting Card!!
Fill out this form to get that Fall (or autumn, depends on who you ask) greeting card, adjusted individually to suit its purpose!!

Size (measured in pixels, Width x Height, default: 1000x600):
Objects you want in the card (default: None, just title, text, and light simple decor):
Aim (what the card is for, e.g. Business, Family):
Recipient (who the card is for):
Primary and text color (default: White):
Background image (default: Uncopyrighted fall/autumn image):
How do you want us to tell you when your order has been completed (Comment on profile/A post on this topic)?
Extra notes:
Do you agree to the Terms of Use?

(I ask who the card is for and the aim of the card to be able to adjust each card individually to be able to suit its purpose.)

Fill out this form to order pure art.

Type of pure art (banner/project thumbnail/logo):
Size (measured in pixels, Width x Height, thumbnail size WILL be 480x360 pixels):
Objects to be put in the art (e.g. dancing chicken, running snail):
Primary Color:
Secondary Color(s):
Extra notes:
How do you want us to tell you when your order has been completed (Comment on profile/A post on this topic)?
Do you agree to the Terms of Use?

Fill out this form to order a sprite. Note: We do not offer sprites with more than one costume.

Size (measured in pixels, Width x Height):
What you want the sprite to be (e.g. rolling cow, pink worm):
Primary Color:
Secondary Color(s):
Extra notes:
How do you want us to tell you when your order has been completed (Comment on profile/A post on this topic)?
Do you agree to the Terms of Use?

Navigation Home

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 12, 2018 01:48:59)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

There are no news posted here yet, please check back later.

Navigation Home

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 10, 2018 02:04:45)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

This order database is for customers to know about finished orders and orders in the making.

Order ID | Orderer's Username | Type of Order | Date of Order | Status | Date Finished (if finished) |
AAAAAA ScratchCatHELLO Logo AUG082018 Finished AUG082018
AAAAAB smartzx Banner AUG102018 Finished AUG112018
AAAAAC smartzx Logo AUG112018 Finished AUG112018

Navigation Home

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 12, 2018 04:23:07)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

“Us”, “We”, and “Imagefactory” refers to this shop.
“Owner” refers to sti_scratch.

1: Orderer Agreement
1.1: The Owner reserves the right to decline or accept any requests, including but not limited to: partnership requests, art orders, poll requests, and requests for design changes, without any explanation as to why that decision is made.
1.2: All art comes with no warranty, and Imagefactory is not responsible for the art after it has been made, except when it violates the Community Guidelines.

2: User Agreement
2.1: Art may NOT be used outside of websites owned by Scratch, except for the sole reason of image hosting.
2.2: Art may ONLY be hosted in image hosting sites whitelisted by the Scratch Team, except with permission from the Owner.
2.3: Art may NOT be used for purposes that violate the Scratch Community Guidelines.

3: Disclaimers
3.1: The Owner reserves the right to change this Terms of Use without any notice in advance.
3.2: The Imagefactory Terms of Use applies to any product ordered from Imagefactory, except art ordered from a different Imagefactory topic (e.g. a new topic has been made by the Owner with the name “Imagefactory”). This Terms of Use is meant to be followed for a lifetime.
3.3: This Terms of Use is not an exhaustive list.

Navigation Home

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 17, 2018 03:18:43)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 10, 2018 01:40:30)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 10, 2018 01:40:06)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 10, 2018 01:40:48)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 8, 2018 22:35:00)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Reserved for future use

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 8, 2018 22:34:45)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

ype of pure art (banner/project thumbnail/logo): Logo
Size (measured in pixels, Width x Height, thumbnail size WILL be 480x360 pixels): whatever size a logo is
Text: ScratchCatHello
Objects to be put in the art (e.g. dancing chicken, smiley face): Abstract
Primary Color: Blue
Secondary Color(s): Green, cyan
Extra notes:
How do you want us to tell you when your order has been completed (Comment on profile/A post on this topic)? Comment on profile
Do you agree to the Terms of Use? Yes

I have 5600+ posts, I've been on scratch for 5 1/2 years, I'm a Forum Helper™ and I have a Scratch Wiki account!
I like: Python, CSS, Javascript, Rust

Python 3 Text Adventure
cool new browser game - cursed laughing-crying emoji - Illuminati - you know waterbenders, but do you know stock-imagebenders? - snek - vibin' - Bump song (vevo) - Speed bump - yee - fred - m i c k e y
1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

ScratchCatHELLO wrote:

ype of pure art (banner/project thumbnail/logo): Logo
Size (measured in pixels, Width x Height, thumbnail size WILL be 480x360 pixels): whatever size a logo is
Text: ScratchCatHello
Objects to be put in the art (e.g. dancing chicken, smiley face): Abstract
Primary Color: Blue
Secondary Color(s): Green, cyan
Extra notes:
How do you want us to tell you when your order has been completed (Comment on profile/A post on this topic)? Comment on profile
Do you agree to the Terms of Use? Yes

The order has been taken, please stay patient.

Order status: In the making, will be finished in less than 10 hours


- sti_scratch,
Owner of Imagefactory

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 9, 2018 02:22:58)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

ScratchCatHELLO wrote:

ype of pure art (banner/project thumbnail/logo): Logo
Size (measured in pixels, Width x Height, thumbnail size WILL be 480x360 pixels): whatever size a logo is
Text: ScratchCatHello
Objects to be put in the art (e.g. dancing chicken, smiley face): Abstract
Primary Color: Blue
Secondary Color(s): Green, cyan
Extra notes:
How do you want us to tell you when your order has been completed (Comment on profile/A post on this topic)? Comment on profile
Do you agree to the Terms of Use? Yes

The order has been finished. I sent you the link in your profile.


Owner of Imagefactory

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 9, 2018 06:53:52)

1000+ posts

Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites.

Imagefactory has finished its last order!
Which means that Imagefactory has a lot of room for more orders!

Order now at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/3209064


Owner of Imagefactory

Last edited by sti_scratch (Aug. 11, 2018 02:33:39)

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  • » Imagefactory | A shop for everything art and everything images, from logos, banners, thumbnails, to sprites. [RSS Feed]

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