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1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

it's too bad honestly…. i've seen so many amazing cloud projects that don't work anymore
1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

frodewin wrote:

littlebene wrote:

It is possible now to create variables that didn't exist when the project was started through referencing hacked blocks.

Do you mean it is possible to create variables of a sprite or cloud variables? I am aware that referencing an unknown variable creates a local sprite variable of the same name, but I'm not sure if this works for cloud variables.
You are correct. Referencing a variable with a cloud symbol creates a local variable and is very confusing during development.

Hey, everyone, at least leading zeros are allowed (yay?).
1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Hey, everyone, at least leading zeros are allowed (yay?).
I wonder.. has anybody figured out how to compress actual data into a string using.. zero only?

I assume that you can detect how many extra zeroes there are by using the “length of (cloud var)” block?
1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

_nix wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Hey, everyone, at least leading zeros are allowed (yay?).
I wonder.. has anybody figured out how to compress actual data into a string using.. zero only?

I assume that you can detect how many extra zeroes there are by using the “length of (cloud var)” block?
Well, if you allow for zeros, then the amount of data you can store is

   10^128 + 10^127 + 10^126 + .... + 10^1 + 10^0 

The first term represents the number of digits (edit: combinations) if you use 128 digits, the next one with 127 digits, and the final one with 0 digits.

And if you didn't use zeros, then every number would basically have 128 digits (and the leading zeros are implied).

So you get like an extra
10^127 + 10^126 + 10^125 + ... + 10^1 + 10^0

combinations. That's quite a bit! But it's less than adding a single digit of allowance

Of course, the actual storage you can achieve is a tad higher because we're forgetting about the single decimal point you might be allowed(?)

Last edited by jokebookservice1 (Feb. 16, 2018 02:08:31)

100+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

_nix wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Hey, everyone, at least leading zeros are allowed (yay?).
I wonder.. has anybody figured out how to compress actual data into a string using.. zero only?

To store 0xff, you need 256 zeros. To store {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} (eight full bytes) you would need 256^8 ~=18446744073709552000 zeros. That's 16 exabytes btw.

Last edited by MathWizz (Feb. 16, 2018 02:10:08)

1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Scratch Cloud Vars *can* store text right now (you just have to set it externally)
I don't remember that being true at any point… At least one person did do that, but didn't say how, and I'm pretty sure it definitely wasn't possible with scratch-api etc.

Last edited by Jonathan50 (Feb. 16, 2018 02:22:12)

500+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

Jonathan50 wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Scratch Cloud Vars *can* store text right now (you just have to set it externally)
I don't remember that being true at any point… At least one person did do that, but didn't say how, and I'm pretty sure it definitely wasn't possible with scratch-api etc.
It was possible before the limit, but definitely not supported by the Scratch Team
100+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

MCAnimator3D wrote:

Jonathan50 wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Scratch Cloud Vars *can* store text right now (you just have to set it externally)
I don't remember that being true at any point… At least one person did do that, but didn't say how, and I'm pretty sure it definitely wasn't possible with scratch-api etc.
It was possible before the limit, but definitely not supported by the Scratch Team

Yeah it was possible ages ago originally, then wasn't, but then the new cloud system allowed it again, but that's now blocked
30 posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

Just did some testing, splitting data onto multiple cloud variables is not very complected, and you can easily design it to repeat depending on the amount of data needed.
1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

TNTninja101 wrote:

Just did some testing, splitting data onto multiple cloud variables is not very complected, and you can easily design it to repeat depending on the amount of data needed.
You don't get that much more data by splitting though.., you'd be winning by an order of magnitude at the most; and that enough to store only a few extra bytes
62 posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

Why can't the scratch team just make that longer cloud variables have a cool-down time related to the amount of digits they have? So short cloud variables can be changed quickly and longer ones can be updated more slowly, depending on the amount of digits they have.
1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

I've just looked in my trash folder……there's about 250 projects in there dating back 4 years. If the Scratch team need more space on their servers can I suggest deleting all trash over 6 months old?
1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

gor-dee wrote:

I've just looked in my trash folder……there's about 250 projects in there dating back 4 years. If the Scratch team need more space on their servers can I suggest deleting all trash over 6 months old?
This is probably more of an issue of keeping the huge values in memory or whatever and transmitting it to all connected players.
100+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

So bad. I hope we be able to do copy/paste with the list in scratch 3 ( for share the text in the forum ), it is the last things I know to save text with scratch.
100+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

comp09 wrote:

gor-dee wrote:

I've just looked in my trash folder……there's about 250 projects in there dating back 4 years. If the Scratch team need more space on their servers can I suggest deleting all trash over 6 months old?
This is probably more of an issue of keeping the huge values in memory or whatever and transmitting it to all connected players.

Yes as the project size limit is 40mb (unless that's changed as well?), I imagine it's more a case of transmitting the data through the web socket interface and keeping it in memory that's causing the high costs.
1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

^ 50MB afaik; though there's a separate limit for assets than for JSON and it's all weird.
100+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

jokebookservice1 wrote:

^ 50MB afaik; though there's a separate limit for assets than for JSON and it's all weird.

It was 10mb for the JSON I think, but it's 2.5mb now?

Edit: 2.5mb is not a new change, I worded that badly

Last edited by TheGamer- (Feb. 16, 2018 20:46:12)

1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

Hi guys, due to my poor English i'm not able to post a suggestion that i have in mind related to this new cloud data issue, but perhaps may be someone else could.
What about to allow full cloud(as it was) for MIT entrusted organizations or users? I'm thinking in Scratchers like Griffpatch… or educational centers like MIT, Berkeley, etc. In two words, restricted to.
Sorry if i haven't explained it well(my bad . )
100+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

All of Scratch's online games, ruined.

Last edited by 1a3c5e7g9i (Feb. 16, 2018 23:23:02)

1000+ posts

Cloud Variables Limited to 128 Characters Now?

asivi wrote:

Hi guys, due to my poor English i'm not able to post a suggestion that i have in mind related to this new cloud data issue, but perhaps may be someone else could.
What about to allow full cloud(as it was) for MIT entrusted organizations or users? I'm thinking in Scratchers like Griffpatch… or educational centers like MIT, Berkeley, etc. In two words, restricted to.
Sorry if i haven't explained it well(my bad . )
Yes, you have New Scratcher and Scratcher status, why not Super Scratcher!

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