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49 posts

New Block Ideas

These Are My New Block Ideas
(∞:: operators)// This always reports Infinity
run without screen refresh {}:: control// This runs all the blocks inside it without screen refresh
<true:: operators>// always reports true
<false:: operators>// always reports false
...// example block
([colour v] effect:: looks)// reports a certain effect amount on a sprite or the stage
change [pinch v] effect by (25)// does the same thing as a negative fisheye effect but if the amount is negative on this block it doesn't do anything

change [darkness v] effect by (25)// if -100 it will be the same as brightness 100

change [blur v] effect by (25)// blurs a sprite. if below 0 it doesn't do anything

forever if<>:: control// i want to bring this block back
forever if<>:: control//a mix between the if <> then, else block and the forever if<> block
move steps{}:: motion// c blocks that only allow certain blocks to enter it

switch costume to {}// another example

broadcast {}// yet another example

wait secs {}:: control// another example

play sound {}//note: you can find any block above it's c

show variable {}//variable

show list {}//list

when [direction v] is [< v] ()::hat motion// this may be important

stop {}// last example of cblocks. Note: this block does not have a bump on the bottom

ask []:: sensing// this is similar to the ask [] and wait block but it does not wait

stop [this sprite v]// there is a simple workaround: a stop other scripts block and a stop this script block

shout []:: looks// self explanatory

shout [] for () secs:: looks// also self explanatory

Last edited by TheBlackHoleOfDoom (Oct. 22, 2017 08:06:54)

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
49 posts

New Block Ideas

TheBlackHoleOfDoom wrote:

These Are My New Block Ideas
(∞:: operators)// This always reports Infinity
run without screen refresh {}:: control// This runs all the blocks inside it without screen refresh
<true:: operators>// always reports true
<false:: operators>// always reports false
...// example block
([colour v] effect:: looks)// reports a certain effect amount on a sprite or the stage
change [pinch v] effect by (25)// does the same thing as a negative fisheye effect but if the amount is negative on this block it doesn't do anything

change [darkness v] effect by (25)// if -100 it will be the same as brightness 100

change [blur v] effect by (25)// blurs a sprite. if below 0 it doesn't do anything

forever if<>:: control// i want to bring this block back
forever if<>:: control//a mix between the if <> then, else block and the forever if<> block
move steps{}:: motion// c blocks that only allow certain blocks to enter it

switch costume to {}// another example

broadcast {}// yet another example

wait secs {}:: control// another example

play sound {}//note: you can find any block above it's c

show variable {}//variable

show list {}//list

when [direction v] is [< v] ()::hat motion// this may be important

stop {}// last example of cblocks. Note: this block does not have a bump on the bottom

ask []:: sensing// this is similar to the ask [] and wait block but it does not wait

stop [this sprite v]// there is a simple workaround: a stop other scripts block and a stop this script block

shout []:: looks// self explanatory

shout [] for () secs:: looks// also self explanatory

New ideas:
if pen color = [#4457e6] then {}:: pen

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
49 posts

New Block Ideas

TheBlackHoleOfDoom wrote:

TheBlackHoleOfDoom wrote:

These Are My New Block Ideas
(∞:: operators)// This always reports Infinity
run without screen refresh {}:: control// This runs all the blocks inside it without screen refresh
<true:: operators>// always reports true
<false:: operators>// always reports false
...// example block
([colour v] effect:: looks)// reports a certain effect amount on a sprite or the stage
change [pinch v] effect by (25)// does the same thing as a negative fisheye effect but if the amount is negative on this block it doesn't do anything

change [darkness v] effect by (25)// if -100 it will be the same as brightness 100

change [blur v] effect by (25)// blurs a sprite. if below 0 it doesn't do anything

forever if<>:: control// i want to bring this block back
forever if<>:: control//a mix between the if <> then, else block and the forever if<> block
move steps{}:: motion// c blocks that only allow certain blocks to enter it

switch costume to {}// another example

broadcast {}// yet another example

wait secs {}:: control// another example

play sound {}//note: you can find any block above it's c

show variable {}//variable

show list {}//list

when [direction v] is [< v] ()::hat motion// this may be important

stop {}// last example of cblocks. Note: this block does not have a bump on the bottom

ask []:: sensing// this is similar to the ask [] and wait block but it does not wait

stop [this sprite v]// there is a simple workaround: a stop other scripts block and a stop this script block

shout []:: looks// self explanatory

shout [] for () secs:: looks// also self explanatory

New ideas:
if pen color = [#4457e6] then {}:: pen [/quote]
when green flag clicked
run without screen refresh{say [I have infinite power] for (2) secs}:: control
switch costume to {switch costume to [pinksheep v]}
forever if<true:: operators>:: control
broadcast {broadcast [Pinksheep is the best v]}
wait until {wait until<false:: operators>}
when [x position v] [= v] (∞::operators):: hat motion
stop [this sprite v]

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
1000+ posts

New Block Ideas

Generally unless your ideas are related it's better to only put one idea per topic.
Why would you need to report infinity? Isn't getting a float stuck at +- Infinity generally something to avoid?
Also infinity isn't a number.

run without screen refresh{

define some script
... // run w/o screen refresh checked


<[1] = [1]>


<[1] = [0]>


change [var] by (0)
move (0) steps
wait (0) secs
replace item (1 v) of [list v] with (item (1 v) of [list v])
so and so
Also why do you need that?
([color v] effect::looks)
I believe that block's in the sticky, read those first.
change [pinch v] effect by (25)

change [fisheye v] effect by (-25)//You said this workaround yourself

change [darkness v] effect by (25)

change [brightness v] effect by (-25)//Again, said it yourself.

forever if <>{
}::control ::cap

forever//In the sticky!!
if <> then

forever if <>{
} else {
}::control ::cap

if <> then
The C-blocks are weird: if I'm understanding correctly it means you can only put one block type in it? Why is that necessary? Just only use that block type.

When block might as well be a general “when” block, but I'll actually support more options for when block.

The idea behind ask block is that it makes sure you get a response. Either way…
broadcast [continue v]
ask [this is a question, yes or no] and wait
You said the workaround for stop this sprite so I see no need to repeat it.

Is shout like say but with a jagged speech bubble? I guess for animations, yeah…

Maybe there should just be a pen colour reporter block? But then does it report up to 128 like the number input or 65535 like the colour picker? Bit of a problem.

Also, again, only have one suggestion per topic unless they're closely related.

And all the world over, each nation's the same,
They've simply no notion of playing the game.
They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won,
And they practice beforehand, which ruins the fun!
1000+ posts

New Block Ideas

Making a topic for 1 - 4 blocks to organize things. Making a topic with up to 20 blocks isn't allowed.

A few internet communication companies want to corrupt the internet by getting rid of net neutrality. Stop Them!
1000+ posts

New Block Ideas

I think a lot of those are duplicates.

<Insert uncreative signature here>

██       ██  ██            ██  ██       ██
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
███ ███ ██ ████ ██ ███ ███
█████████ █████ █████ █████████

“Though the seasons come and go, and sunshine turns to snow, we will always have tomorrow up ahead.”
49 posts

New Block Ideas

DaEpikDude wrote:

Generally unless your ideas are related it's better to only put one idea per topic.
Why would you need to report infinity? Isn't getting a float stuck at +- Infinity generally something to avoid?
Also infinity isn't a number.

run without screen refresh{

define some script
... // run w/o screen refresh checked


<[1] = [1]>


<[1] = [0]>


change [var] by (0)
move (0) steps
wait (0) secs
replace item (1 v) of [list v] with (item (1 v) of [list v])
so and so
Also why do you need that?
([color v] effect::looks)
I believe that block's in the sticky, read those first.
change [pinch v] effect by (25)

change [fisheye v] effect by (-25)//You said this workaround yourself

change [darkness v] effect by (25)

change [brightness v] effect by (-25)//Again, said it yourself.

forever if <>{
}::control ::cap

forever//In the sticky!!
if <> then

forever if <>{
} else {
}::control ::cap

if <> then
The C-blocks are weird: if I'm understanding correctly it means you can only put one block type in it? Why is that necessary? Just only use that block type.

When block might as well be a general “when” block, but I'll actually support more options for when block.

The idea behind ask block is that it makes sure you get a response. Either way…
broadcast [continue v]
ask [this is a question, yes or no] and wait
You said the workaround for stop this sprite so I see no need to repeat it.

Is shout like say but with a jagged speech bubble? I guess for animations, yeah…

Maybe there should just be a pen colour reporter block? But then does it report up to 128 like the number input or 65535 like the colour picker? Bit of a problem.

Also, again, only have one suggestion per topic unless they're closely related.
The CBlocks Only Allow The Blocks Inside Them That Match The Blocks. Any Other Block Type Inside Will Not Activate

The Infinity Reporter Helps To Make A Workaround For The Forever Block
repeat (∞:: operators)

repeat ([e^ v] of (309):: operators)


think [] for (2) secs

(join [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]:: operators)
think for secs {}:: looks
(☁ items[ v]:: list)// cloud lists with a dropdown so you can see the items without ticking the box. makes life easier
change [random v] effect by (pick random (1) to (∞:: operators))// picks a random effect for you
(items[ v]:: list)// also works with normal lists

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
100+ posts

New Block Ideas

Charles12310 wrote:

Making a topic for 1 - 4 blocks to organize things. Making a topic with up to 20 blocks isn't allowed.
Happened with me

49 posts

New Block Ideas

Whatsfordinner77 wrote:

Charles12310 wrote:

Making a topic for 1 - 4 blocks to organize things. Making a topic with up to 20 blocks isn't allowed.
Happened with me
The Question Is, Who Cares(Muppets Reference There!)

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
100+ posts

New Block Ideas

Maybe a drop down menu with

([pi v] :: operators)
([∞ v] :: operators)
([e v] :: operators)


(negative (1) :: operators)

49 posts

New Block Ideas

Whatsfordinner77 wrote:

Maybe a drop down menu with

([pi v] :: operators)
([∞ v] :: operators)
([e v] :: operators)


(negative (1) :: operators)
I Think That There Should Be Separate Blocks
(∞:: operators)
(π:: operators)
(e:: operators)
forever:: grey
forever:: sound
forever:: events
forever {forever:: motion}:: repeat cap

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
49 posts

New Block Ideas

Whatsfordinner77 wrote:

Maybe a drop down menu with

([pi v] :: operators)
([∞ v] :: operators)
([e v] :: operators)


(negative (1) :: operators)
((1) - (2))
((-1) * (1))

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
1000+ posts

New Block Ideas

TheBlackHoleOfDoom wrote:

The CBlocks Only Allow The Blocks Inside Them That Match The Blocks. Any Other Block Type Inside Will Not Activate
What's the point of that? Why do you need that? Why can't you just put in a block like normal?

TheBlackHoleOfDoom wrote:

The Infinity Reporter Helps To Make A Workaround For The Forever Block
Why do you need that? The forever block is already in Scratch.

(join [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]::operators)
Can't you just put some joins in join?

Cloud lists are coming, so yeah.

What's wrong with having to show the list? Why is that such a big problem?

Also, once again, obligatory only one suggestion per thread.

And all the world over, each nation's the same,
They've simply no notion of playing the game.
They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won,
And they practice beforehand, which ruins the fun!
49 posts

New Block Ideas

DaEpikDude wrote:

Cloud lists are coming, so yeah.
What's wrong with having to show the list? Why is that such a big problem?
If You Forget To Hide The List It Will Be A Problem
repeat until <<true:: operators> = <false:: operators>>// this is a future workaround for the forever block

define Hello:: control hat

Last edited by TheBlackHoleOfDoom (Oct. 23, 2017 09:02:59)

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
1000+ posts

New Block Ideas

TheBlackHoleOfDoom wrote:

DaEpikDude wrote:

Cloud lists are coming, so yeah.
What's wrong with having to show the list? Why is that such a big problem?
If You Forget To Hide The List It Will Be A Problem
But wouldn't the list be staring you right in the face?
Like there's kinda just a big list there.

Also, there's a tick in the box, so you always know whether it's shown or not…

And all the world over, each nation's the same,
They've simply no notion of playing the game.
They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won,
And they practice beforehand, which ruins the fun!
49 posts

New Block Ideas

DaEpikDude wrote:

TheBlackHoleOfDoom wrote:

DaEpikDude wrote:

Cloud lists are coming, so yeah.
What's wrong with having to show the list? Why is that such a big problem?
If You Forget To Hide The List It Will Be A Problem
But wouldn't the list be staring you right in the face?
Like there's kinda just a big list there.

Also, there's a tick in the box, so you always know whether it's shown or not…
But The Tick Is very small so you will not always notice it
when all [lists v] are shown::list hat
hide every list:: list
stop [Over 43 Haters Getting To My Base v]

i am :: #FFDD00
in :: #DFDFDF
unimaginable :: #AA44FF
pain :: #222222
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

New Block Ideas

Please use a separate topic for each new block idea so that the conversation doesn't get confused and each idea can be given the attention it deserves.

Before making new topics, please check the list of rejected topics and the list of previously suggested topics. Add to an existing topic, if there is one. Thanks!

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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