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1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Iamanauthor wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Will see tomorrow
Unfinished, unclaimed orders
If everyone could take AND complete 2 orders by next week, that would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to sound patronizing, but a few of you haven't been pulling your weight around here.

-Divide- wrote:


Username: @-Divide-
Animation: ??
Music: Solo Dance- Martin Jensen
Effects: none
Misc/additional info: OC: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/167886251/

jump102 wrote:

jump102 wrote:

What you want it to look like: Luigi's mansion dark moon king boo (Purple jewel) With all of his LMDM powers IN 8-32 BIT BITMAP SPRITE
Animation: Sort of?
No. of costumes: > 10
Misc/additional info:The jewel is 8-32 bit but the powers can even be vector

Someone do this plz

vs85064 wrote:

Username: vs85064
Link to project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/161080895/#player
What you want it to do: The memory game doesn't work. I used a template from this link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/84763974/, and barely changed anything, yet it doesn't work.
Misc/additional info: Also, can you review the games I already have please.


Evan2963 wrote:

Username: Evan2963
What you want it to look like: A walk cycle with a transparent background for this guy: https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette1.wikia.nocookie.net%2Ffantendo%2Fimages%2F4%2F49%2FBowserSU.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F180%3Fcb%3D20130122150937&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffantendo.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FScribblenauts%3A_Grand_Quest&docid=mk1t6EoMXjbinM&tbnid=B_igX8KyWKk8vM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwifyaHV6bPUAhUG74MKHSprAEYQMwg-KAQwBA..i&w=180&h=166&hl=en-ca&safe=active&client=safari&bih=529&biw=320&q=scribblenauts%20bowser&ved=0ahUKEwifyaHV6bPUAhUG74MKHSprAEYQMwg-KAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8
Animation: Yes
No. of costumes: 2
Misc/additional info: His arms should go out along with his legs, then go back in. For examples, see the animated characters in my game here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/163397813/

gamemaker208 wrote:

Logo or thumbnail
Background: blue orange and white
Text: blastmande
Font: helvetica
Effects?: The g icon is supposed to swirl around and come back like @Will_Wam icon
Misc/additional info: the text is in black and the music is supposed to be cool and flashy!

when this sprite clicked
say [I trust you!]

ScriptedAwesome wrote:

Username: ScriptedAwesome
Animation: C++ Scripting (real please, also I don't care what the script it), with a run button. Mouse pointer shows up and clicks run, then a new window says “ScriptedAwesome” in light blue, and cool music plays while the window is open. Then it fades out.
Music: I don't know.. I want it sci-fi intense though. Maybe Xogenesis (by TheFatRat)?
Effects: At the end I want it to fade out
Misc/additional info: Nothing!

Sracuro wrote:


Username: Sracuro
What you want it to look like: I need the font, Josefin Sans. I need a costume for every letter, symbol, etc.
Animation: Nope.
No. of costumes: One for each letter and symbol. (Please include capital letters as well)
Misc/additional info: Thanks!

Sracuro wrote:


Username: Sracuro
What you want it to look like: I need a walk cycle. I am using the “player” from http://kenney.nl/assets/platformer-characters-1
Animation: Yep!
No. of costumes: Eight.
Misc/additional info: None. Thank you so much!

-Raurtis- wrote:

Hi guys, I know, I know I'm staff but I really want this animation to be done
Can take from 1 hour to 1 week: Ok no problem!
Username: -Raurtis-
What you want it to look like
Animation: I want the animation to be where two people are sword fighting and then this guy comes up with a gun. DO NOT make him shoot.
No. of costumes: Depends!
Misc/additional info: I am awesome

TRACK3R wrote:

Username: TRACK3R
What category (ideas only): Animating
What subject (tips only: Animating
Misc/additional info:

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jromagnoli wrote:

Sracuro wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Hmm, I wish I could help you, since I'm currently doing the same thing, but I have no way of opening the vector assets.
There is a .SVG file in a folder called “Vector”. I also need to order:
Logo or thumbnail
Usually completed in 1-4 days (Alright.)
Username: Sracuro
Background: I need this ( http://i.cubeupload.com/XJuJhJ.png ) image split into three backdrops:
Text: N/A
Font: N/A
Effects?: N/A
Misc/additional info: Thanks!
I know about it, but I have no way of opening the vector file. :\
But I'll take the second one.
Order up!

http://i.cubeupload.com/d6eodB.png http://i.cubeupload.com/GMWp9Q.png http://i.cubeupload.com/snrGFB.png

Thank you for ordering from our shop! Feel free to leave a review and don't forget to credit us!

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

85 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Is my animation nearly done?

1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

-Raurtis- wrote:

Is my animation nearly done?
IDK, no one ever took it.

Last edited by jromagnoli (Aug. 11, 2017 00:11:14)

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

500+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

This isn't lightning fast. I ordered a lip sync engine. Still no response
500+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jordan1060 wrote:

jordan1060 wrote:

Can someone make a lip sync engine?
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jordan1060 wrote:

This isn't lightning fast. I ordered a lip sync engine. Still no response
Sorry, I already have a lip-sync engine, I was just busy and never got around to responding to you. Plus we don't usually complete orders that don't use the forms.
Anyway, here it is: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/170971899/ use https://codepen.io/MegaApuTurkUltra/full/pvYWRK to download it.

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

New to Scratch
22 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jromagnoli wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Sracuro wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Hmm, I wish I could help you, since I'm currently doing the same thing, but I have no way of opening the vector assets.
There is a .SVG file in a folder called “Vector”. I also need to order:
Logo or thumbnail
Usually completed in 1-4 days (Alright.)
Username: Sracuro
Background: I need this ( http://i.cubeupload.com/XJuJhJ.png ) image split into three backdrops:
Text: N/A
Font: N/A
Effects?: N/A
Misc/additional info: Thanks!
I know about it, but I have no way of opening the vector file. :\
But I'll take the second one.
Order up!
-snop snop-
http://i.cubeupload.com/d6eodB.png http://i.cubeupload.com/GMWp9Q.png http://i.cubeupload.com/snrGFB.png

Thank you for ordering from our shop! Feel free to leave a review and don't forget to credit us!
Oh my, I'm SO SORRY! I meant to link this image. Sorry about that! (Also, I would like the image not to be resized. Sorry!)

I would put a banner here, but I can't post images.
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Sprite Request
Username: duckboycool
What you want it to look like: I would like a cartoon duck similar to the one in my logo which is wearing sunglasses.

It is not an animation.

Misc/additional info: I would like there to be no background/a transparent background.

Last edited by duckboycool (Aug. 11, 2017 01:05:24)

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Sracuro wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Sracuro wrote:

jromagnoli wrote:

Hmm, I wish I could help you, since I'm currently doing the same thing, but I have no way of opening the vector assets.
There is a .SVG file in a folder called “Vector”. I also need to order:
Logo or thumbnail
Usually completed in 1-4 days (Alright.)
Username: Sracuro
Background: I need this ( http://i.cubeupload.com/XJuJhJ.png ) image split into three backdrops:
Text: N/A
Font: N/A
Effects?: N/A
Misc/additional info: Thanks!
I know about it, but I have no way of opening the vector file. :\
But I'll take the second one.
Order up!
-snop snop-
http://i.cubeupload.com/d6eodB.png http://i.cubeupload.com/GMWp9Q.png http://i.cubeupload.com/snrGFB.png

Thank you for ordering from our shop! Feel free to leave a review and don't forget to credit us!
Oh my, I'm SO SORRY! I meant to link this image. Sorry about that! (Also, I would like the image not to be resized. Sorry!)
They aren't resized, It's just how scratch shows the images on the forums. Also, I don't see the link anywhere…

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Usually completed in 1 - 8 days
Username: MClovers
Link to project: Flat Craft
How harsh: Make me cry
Misc/additional info: Please give me extra ideas of what I could do/list bugs

President of Scratch ShopBux
85 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ


1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

MClovers wrote:

Usually completed in 1 - 8 days
Username: MClovers
Link to project: Flat Craft
How harsh: Make me cry
Misc/additional info: Please give me extra ideas of what I could do/list bugs

Scratch Profile

“If you fall down a rabbit hole, befriend the rabbits.” - MagicPigPerson

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☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Review of Flat Craft for MClovers
By: MagicPigPerson

Glitches/lag: (8/10) The game didn't lag. One glitch was found where if you dig into the ground enough, you can walk through it.
Coding: (8/10) There were a few empty/unneeded if-else blocks which make the code look messy, but apart from that it works without flaw.
Gameplay: (4/10) Once enabled, cheats in the game would not disable. In the Instructions tab, moving right was marked as the ‘S’ key when it is actually the ‘D’ key ('S' seemingly does nothing). ‘Blocks’ that are placed do not affect the player, as you are unable to jump on them or interact with them. The game has no obvious goal. The player can build/destroy ‘blocks’ that are on the complete opposite side of the screen to their character, which makes no physical sense. After a while, the player will get bored with the project as there is nothing to do inside it other than move around and destroy ‘blocks’.
Audio: (0/10) The game has no music or sound effects.
Grammar: (10/10) No grammar mistakes could be found in the few words that appear throughout the project.
Art/graphics: (6/10) The art works for the project, but it could be improved to make the overall product look more realistic.
Originality: (4/10) Many popular Scratch projects have been made before based off the hit game ‘Minecraft’, so this project may not get attention because of its unoriginality.

Final verdict: (40/70) Flat Craft was a good idea, however it had already been replicated by other Scratchers, rendering the project unpopular.
Suggestions: Fix stated glitches, add menu music/background music and/or sound effects, fix the Instructions tab. Make a goal for the player so they do not get easily bored. Improve art and do something that has not been done with other ‘Minecraft’ replicas inside Scratch so people will see it as a new gaming experience.
Review provided by MagicPigPerson from Jromagnoli's Everything Shop.

Scratch Profile

“If you fall down a rabbit hole, befriend the rabbits.” - MagicPigPerson

73 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jromagnoli wrote:

Welcome to Jromagnoli's Everything Shop!

Everything here is free of charge, but please credit whoever completed your order!

Partners ❀︎ Dustbin

Enjoyed your order? Review us!

This is a font and review shop founded by jromagnoli on 5/16/2017 at 9:42 .A.M. EST. We are a small shop looking for 2 more dedicated members.
All orders must be taken and completed in 24 hours.

Looking to join?
We'd love that!
To join, simply fill out this form and jromagnoli will decide whether to hire you or not.

Username (must be filled out appropriately or you will not be hired):@minecraftcoder1736
Average time on scratch each day:40 min
Examples of work:castle https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/170763102/
How long it took you to create each example:20 mins
Time on scratch:30 years
Have you had any experience with using external art programs? yes.
Be sure to follow the thread! ok!!!!

1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

^^ Lots of that platformer was plagiarized, also you haven't learned how to quote and snip, so for those reasons I will not hire you. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks!

████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 64%

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

73 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jromagnoli wrote:

^^ Lots of that platformer was plagiarized, also you haven't learned how to quote and snip, so for those reasons I will not hire you. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks!
ok its fine thanks anyway
73 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jromagnoli wrote:

Order something!

Font/Text designs:font
Usually completed in 2 days ok
What font you want:black ops
Misc/additional info:thanks!!

Usually completed in 1 - 8 days
Link to project:
How harsh:
Misc/additional info:

Usually completed in 1-4 days
Misc/additional info:

Logo or thumbnail
Usually completed in 1-4 days
Misc/additional info:

Can take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 weeks
Limited to 35 blocks of code
What you want it to do:
Misc/additional info:

Can take from 2 hours to 1 week
Limited to 1 sprite
Link to project:
What you want it to do:
Misc/additional info:

Can take from 1 hour to 1 week
What you want it to look like
No. of costumes:
Misc/additional info:

Sound effects/music
Can take several weeks
What sound:
Misc/additional info:

Intros and outros
Can take from 3 hours to 1 week
Misc/additional info:

Limited to only 25 ideas maximum, usually done in 2-6 hours
What category (ideas only):
What subject (tips only:
Misc/additional info:

Please keep it less than 10 lines, usually takes 1/2 to 6 hours
What you want it to do:
Misc/additional info:

Image hosting
Please keep it less than 5 images, usually will be completed as soon as your order is seen
link to image:
Misc/additional info:

Scrolling LED sign*
Please keep it to 1 sentence, usually takes 1/2 hour.
Size: (Small, Medium, or Large)

By ordering from here, you consent to the fact that jromagnoli's shop may not be able to complete your order.
*Credit to ZZ9PluralZAlpha for this idea!

Back to main menu!

Staff relevant (please read this if you are part of the staff):

Review template:
Review of <project name w/ link> for <user who ordered>
By: <your username>
Glitches/lag: (X/10) <a sentence or two about it>
Coding: (X/10) <a sentence or two about it>
Gameplay: (X/10) <a sentence or two about it>
Audio: (X/10) <a sentence or two about it>
Grammar: (X/10) <a sentence or two about it>
Art/graphics: (X/10) <a sentence or two about it>
Originality: (X/10) <a sentence or two about it>

Final verdict: (X/70) <a few sentences>
Suggestions: <a few sentences>
Review provided by <your username> from jromagnoli's everything shop.

How to make Scrolling LED sign gifs:
  1. Go to: http://wigflip.com/signbot/
  2. Select a size
  3. Input the text
  4. Press “generate”
  5. Click “save to computer”
  6. Go to cubeupload.com
  7. Click “add image”
  8. Locate the LED sign gif
  9. Press “open” in the file explorer
  10. Press “upload”
  11. Wait for it to finish uploading
  12. Copy the top link
  13. Go to the shop thread
  14. Create a message like this:
    [IMG]<insert image link here>[/IMG]
    Link: <insert image link here>
  15. Post the message and notify the customer on their profile!
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

^^^ I don't have Black ops, but I have BN Machine, it's very similar.

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If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

73 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jromagnoli wrote:

^^^ I don't have Black ops, but I have BN Machine, it's very similar.
  • Discussion Forums
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