Discuss Scratch

49 posts

New Blocks

Now, I have a few suggestions for blocks.

if touching <>, bounce :: motion

point away from [ v] :: motion

when ( :: obsolete) clicked :: events hat

set pen color to 0x[insert hexadecimal color code] :: pen

when green flag clicked
forever :: control {
scratch cool stuff :: events stack
if <groovy? :: extension Boolean> then :: control {
wow. [I like v] :: variables stack

100+ posts

New Blocks

Please read the list of rejected suggestions before posting. Here is a link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/4789/

List of rejected suggestions wrote:

23. When stop sign clicked block
The whole purpose of the stop sign block is to stop all blocks, so starting another script would both defeat the purpose of the button and make the project more confusing, as people will try to stop it and other stuff will start happening.

In this post, it says why a bounce block would not work. (at the very bottom)

As for point away, I'm sure you can use
point in direction (([direction v] of [Sprite1 v]) * (-1))

for the same effect.

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I hit 100 posts on March 8th 2016, 3:12 PM CST.

1000+ posts

New Blocks

Hi! Please read the above post. However, I'd also like to mention that making block lists isn't a good idea. Each block deserves special attention, and we can't give each block that attention.

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