Discuss Scratch

3 posts

Team Aerotint

-KindaCool- wrote:

Aurori wrote:

Guys what should I do? Art? or Coding?

Well, I'm coming out with a new version later tonight, so don't bother doing any coding until then.
What you could do is try to make some art for the buildings. They should be *fairly* simple, rustic, fantasy looking. We need a Workshop and a normal Shop, at the very least, but some more buildings could be cool too.

What should I be working on? I can keep on doing art, if you want.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
18 posts

Team Aerotint

I'll just release a project with some art (monsters, weapons maybe) and then you guys could incorperate that in the next verse
18 posts

Team Aerotint

47 posts

Team Aerotint

Incro wrote:

I'll just release a project with some art (monsters, weapons maybe) and then you guys could incorperate that in the next verse

Alright, that sounds good Incro. And Autumn, you can keep working on monster too.

The only thing more annoying than incorrect grammar is
11 posts

Team Aerotint


It's been really quiet lately. It'd be awesome if you kept helping, but even if you can't, AT LEAST drop by as often as possible to see how things are coming along and give feedback. Please. We've come so far, let's not drop out of this yet.

I know that if we all work together and really spend some time and effort on this we can make it.

47 posts

Team Aerotint

-KindaCool- wrote:


It's been really quiet lately. It'd be awesome if you kept helping, but even if you can't, AT LEAST drop by as often as possible to see how things are coming along and give feedback. Please. We've come so far, let's not drop out of this yet.

I know that if we all work together and really spend some time and effort on this we can make it.


I am @-TotallyEpic- and I approve of this message.

The only thing more annoying than incorrect grammar is
11 posts

Team Aerotint

So, Idk if anybody here is, like, still active, but I have a job someone can do. This is for an experienced technical coder. Right now, the readouts for health, exp, and money are all run by a text engine, but this slows down the project a bit because the clones are deleted and remade each time the value changes. If somebody could work on replacing those readouts with a system where each clone changes it's costume to what it needs to be, that'd be awesome.

Basically it will be a costume score counter. xP
49 posts

Team Aerotint

-KindaCool- wrote:

So, Idk if anybody here is, like, still active, but I have a job someone can do. This is for an experienced technical coder. Right now, the readouts for health, exp, and money are all run by a text engine, but this slows down the project a bit because the clones are deleted and remade each time the value changes. If somebody could work on replacing those readouts with a system where each clone changes it's costume to what it needs to be, that'd be awesome.

Basically it will be a costume score counter. xP
I could try

I've got a blog!

16 posts

Team Aerotint

hiya, im back from vacation so I just need to clean off my desk and then i can start contributing on some of the more laggier things
also, can I make a credits sprite?
11 posts

Team Aerotint

Skylifter wrote:

hiya, im back from vacation so I just need to clean off my desk and then i can start contributing on some of the more laggier things
also, can I make a credits sprite?

Cool, have you seen the latest version?
11 posts

Team Aerotint

Updated the latest engine. Now has *completed* grasslands and the start of the town.

Click here to check it out if you're on the team
11 posts

Team Aerotint

Alright, so I'm here to explain the game a bit more, they way I imagine it.

Highlight below to see the text, BUT ONLY DO SO IF YOU ARE ON THE TEAM PLEASE. >.<

I think the game should sort of be a hit and run style. You go into an area, fight monsters and collect materials, but when your health starts to get low, you can flee back to the village. This kinda works with the story too, because in the end our character is trying to save his sister and if he dies along the way, he isn't going to be able to do that. So “retreating” back to the village is free, but if you die, you lose all of your EXP points going toward the next level and 1/3 of your money. This will make the player think carefully and try to go for as long as possible, but trying not to risk dying.

Also, the only way for player's to naturally heal themselves and gain HP back is in the village, where it fills automatically over a bit of time. This will make it so that players will have to wait a bit if they die before they are ready to go back into battle. (They can go back anytime, it's just that their health will not be full). Also, I was thinking that Retreating would take down your health by like 50% or 25 points or something, so that people can't just use it as a way to spam an area for resources without worrying.

The idea behind EXP is that it controls the progression of the game. EXP unlocks new areas and sub-areas within those areas, and I was thinking that it would also affect your Attack and Defence stats. EXP is earned by defeating monsters and crafting and stuff.

I also had an idea that the inventory would be upgradable. Maybe you would start out only being able to carry 10 of each item. Then, using gold, you could upgrade that to 20 of each item, then 30, then 40, and so on. This would give the players a real reason to save up gold.

So, gameplay would work like this: I go to the grasslands, fight for awhile, collect materials and money, then my health gets low and I retreat to the village. While I wait for my health to fill back up, I craft a new weapon with some of the new materials I got, and I sell some of the other materials. I go back to the grasslands, fight some more, gain a bunch of EXP and unlock all of the grassland subareas. My health gets low, I go back to the village. I sell some more stuff, maybe make some potions. Eventually my EXP gets high enough and I unlock the forest. I go to the forest, fight new monsters, collect new materials, unlock new crafting recipes, and the gameplay loop repeats.

Things we need to add next:
The workshop and normal shop. These are going to be very similar to the inventory, just with their own functions. I think Nebulous should focus on these.

The rest of the biomes. Grasslands are pretty much down, besides some bug fixing and optimization. Next we need Forest, Desert…basically everything else. I, TE, can work on this.

Little stuff. Sound effects for collecting, crafting, button clicking, hitting, EVERYTHING. A less laggy HP, Gold, and EXP readout. Possibly a better attack mechanic. A red flash or something when the player is hurt. Tons of little details.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Let's here 'em. We need to get this thing finished so speak up while you still can. xD
18 posts

Team Aerotint

18 posts

Team Aerotint

Sounds good
49 posts

Team Aerotint

Sounds good I'm still working on some buildings

I've got a blog!

3 posts

Team Aerotint

Sounds Good. I guess I can… make more monsters? Weapons?
11 posts

Team Aerotint

-AutumnSky- wrote:

Sounds Good. I guess I can… make more monsters? Weapons?

Yeah, try making more weapons keeping in mind the materials and the monsters or resources they drop from.
11 posts

Team Aerotint

Things I'm going to work on today: Fixing up glitches, improving the grasslands, adding some more graphics to the town area, and starting the forest area.

Things that YOU can work on. I encourage everyone to try to do at least one thing I list: 1) Collect or make some sound effects. 2) Create some sort of enemy death animation, like a puff of smoke or something. 3) Create s smooth player death/faint animation, where the player basically falls over. 4) Mess around and maybe improve the attack mechanic. 5) create some characters that stand around the village. 6) If you have any other ideas or want a different job, just ask.
3 posts

Team Aerotint

One thing though, although the inventory design looks great, it seems too modern and greyscale for a person who goes into the wilderness fighting creatures and exploring. I think we should theme the inventory to go along with the story, such as some sort of worn-out notebook or backpack.
11 posts

Team Aerotint

TechnicalCoding wrote:

One thing though, although the inventory design looks great, it seems too modern and greyscale for a person who goes into the wilderness fighting creatures and exploring. I think we should theme the inventory to go along with the story, such as some sort of worn-out notebook or backpack.

Yeah, that's a good point. I think that the greyscale will work good for the crafting interface, but for the inventory you might be right. I'll look into changing it.

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