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New Scratcher
11 posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

Sheep_tester wrote:

Oh, and not to mention, if F4F was discouraged (don't ban it, that just causes hate), it would still cause hate because many people who just want to annoy people (i.e. the ones who stereotype 8-year-olds) could now use the Scratch Team as evidence to say no to the ones who ask for f4f and these haters would just win.

I can't really think of a better word for “hate,” but in this case “hate” would mean depression and feeling like you are being bullied.

Just ignore them; it's essential for life.

I like this idea tons! This seems like this could be the solution to the F4F problem.

Posted by:
SirGregg :)

Post Progress Bar Maker Link : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/78017350/
All credit to: Mrcomputer1

I will be inserting one as soon as I get Scratcher status.
1000+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

Scratchers should be encouraged to not do F4F, not forced. You have very good points here, why not educate other users about this?

No support.

I'm TheAwesomeMaster: a middle school violist (someone who plays the viola), coder, artist, and writer! I also enjoy role-playing and helping out in the community.
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^._.^::control //This is Kallie. She is a certified siggy protector. She protects my siggy from kumquats.
New Scratcher
11 posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

I feel would like to edit my past response, I think they should be negatively impacted for F4F. Possibly have a system for reporting posts that violate rules. The staff that run the website should then evaluate the situation and deside on a punishment, from 5 min ofline to something like a karma system. Have people that post often and make good projects rewarded with + karma and people who F4F or do other rule breaking activities given - karma. Just a suggestion

Last edited by SirGregg (Jan. 15, 2016 20:46:51)

Posted by:
SirGregg :)

Post Progress Bar Maker Link : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/78017350/
All credit to: Mrcomputer1

I will be inserting one as soon as I get Scratcher status.
1000+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)


Last edited by Zekrom01 (Jan. 15, 2016 21:21:02)

20 something years old
Probably doing college work
500+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

Support. People shouldn't think the illusion that f4f = real followers is true.

The above post was likely clear sass. 10 outta 10.
Unless it wasn't. Which happens from time to time. Sadly.
1000+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

No support, if F4F causes the fame issue, then why not remove the favorite and love system?

27 posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

Well of course I dont support it. Do you know how rude it is!

100+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

No support, F4F isn't against the community guidelines although it is annoying.

1000+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

No support as per Paddle2See in another topic

Paddle2See wrote:

However, I don't think we will be acting on your suggestion - because it's not enforceable (how would you stop people from asking for f4f?) and it's essentially harmless (if you don't want to participate in f4f, just politely decline). Tell them that you prefer to follow based on things you find interesting.

500+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

Don't agree. Don't support!

Remember, kids: God made you special, and He loves you very much!
500+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

little_kitten wrote:

Support. People shouldn't think the illusion that f4f = real followers is true.
You can don't f4f if you don't want!

Remember, kids: God made you special, and He loves you very much!
1000+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

I think that Forced F4F should be removed. It is unfair and spam.
New Scratcher
14 posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

I honestly don't care if others do follow for follow; if people ask you, then just ignore them.
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Ban Follow For Follow (F4F)

Econinja wrote:

Paddle2See wrote:

However, I don't think we will be acting on your suggestion - because it's not enforceable (how would you stop people from asking for f4f?) and it's essentially harmless (if you don't want to participate in f4f, just politely decline). Tell them that you prefer to follow based on things you find interesting.
Even though I do hate F4F, people do have a right to do Follow 4 Follow. Yes, it's a fame counter, but it was based of friends in 1.x.
[sarcasticness]Let's remove loving even though that was there from the start![/sarcasticness]

No support - people have a right
Right you are! It does look like this is a duplicate topic of this one - and it's been rejected (see the link) so I'll close it.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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