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88 posts


Hello! I'm The_Best_Creator. I would like to talk about follow4follow. Follow4follow is a thing that many Scratchers do to gain followers. The point of Scratch is NOT to be famous, have a large amount of followers, et cetera. The reason the Scratch Team made Scratch was to teach people to program, not to follow4follow.

Why can't the Scratch Team ban follow4follow accounts? So many people are annoyed by them that Scratch would be a much better place without them. This is something that I hope you will read, and feel the same way that I do.

Thank You,

Last edited by The_Best_Creator (Dec. 30, 2014 13:34:28)

1000+ posts


Is this an ITopic? Or a suggestion?

If it is a suggestion, this is not the place. Go to forums and click suggestions.

REMEMBER! Clicky That Sticky AND Read it Carefully before making new topics.
Get the Worlds Fails on Math!!!
1000+ posts


Please do not create topics which go against harmless trends.

Scratch Team
1000+ posts


It appears that you are making a suggestion here - so I'll move it over to the Suggestion area.

However, I don't think we will be acting on your suggestion - because it's not enforceable (how would you stop people from asking for f4f?) and it's essentially harmless (if you don't want to participate in f4f, just politely decline). Tell them that you prefer to follow based on things you find interesting.

Scratch On

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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