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100+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...


Typedirno wrote:

My browser / operating system: Linux, Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800)
8D I'm the same as you!

Ubuntu 13.04: Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800) Windows 7: Same Both: Dell Inspiron 545: Dual-Core w/3GB RAM… let's stop boasting now…
For more info ask me on my profile page…
72 posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

My browser / operating system: Unknown OS, Unknown Browser, No Flash version detected

Umm, that's strange.

1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Very nice updates!!

I've reached the 1000+ post rank on wednesday, 11th Sept., 2013 18:29 (German time) / 12:29 (Eastern Standard Time)
Hi! I Iike helping others. So feel free to leave a question at my profile!

1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...


Testing new feature:

My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800)

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Firefox 40.0.2, Flash 20.0 (release 0)
Last eaten by Evil Kumquat (Today 19:30:11)
when I receive [flash_player_version] :: motion
say [Windows 7, Flash 15.0 (release 0)] :: sensing
stop script :: custom
Tropical Productions
100+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

My browser / operating system: Android Linux 4.3, Chrome 29.0.1547.59, No Flash version detected

^On my tablet

JDM or die!
My PC's Specs: 3.5 GHz- 3.9 GHz Intel i7 2700K, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, Sapphire AMD R9 280X Dual-X OC, 1 TB HDD + 260 GB SSD (OS), 24“ 1080p Display
My iMac G4's Specs: 1 GHz PowerPC G4, 1 GB DDR RAM, Nvidia Geforce 2 MX, 80 GB ATA, 15” 768p Display

1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

In 2018, I asked the Scratch Team to remove all my forum posts to protect my privacy. That's why this post is blank. Besides, I've outgrown this website, and I don't want the dumb things I said in my late tween/early teen years to follow me around for the rest of my life. This post probably wasn't anything interesting or important, anyway.
1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Where is the button?

Not here much, but sometimes I lurk.
God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

macadam wrote:

iTweak0r wrote:

So make it say only ipad
Or iPad 2,iOS 7,Safari 7,no Flash version detected.
Btw,what is a semicolon?
My browser / operating system: MacOS IPad X, Safari 6.0, No Flash version detected

1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

The tag feature was so awesome I found so many good projects with it, glad it's back

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.6, Firefox 23.0, Flash 11.8 (release 800)
100+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Good! The 0 updates was annoying.
Now we just need some more blocks!

You saw my username. I make things explode.
42 posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

HELP! i was trying to upload a project but it didn't appear at my projects!

Greetings. I'm 11builderboy11, a “sorta-good” programmer. I have made games like Five Nights At Lizzy's, Sally.EXE, and my most famous one so far, Roblox Laser Tag, a remix of another game. I also like to experiment around in the editor. I enjoy space, animals, swimming, being lazy, and being on my computer. I'm an atheist, and believe in the theory of evolution.
2 posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

bug fixes r a real help! it made it so much better! :-p
1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Lightnin wrote:


- Optimization of many pages. However, the site is still running rather slow at times due to more and more traffic. We're aware that we need to speed things up more, and are working on different ways to do that.
- No longer showing the follow button on closed discussions in the forums.
- Added a button on the forums for pasting your browser/os/flash version, for use in debugging. It's a little globe.
- Prevented spamming notifications when following/unfollowing a user, loving/unloving, and favoriting/unfavoriting.
- Removed semicolon from the bottom of all pages
- Prevented deleted projects from showing up on a user's profile page.
- Used the correct reference to a project's thumbnail on mystuff, the remixes section of the project page, the search page, and the explore page. Hopefully fewer complaints of old thumbnails.
- Serving more static images on the homepage from the cdn.
- Fixed the “blank project page” bug. Unfortunately we now show the project page briefly before the editor loads, but due to the number of people with flashblocker getting a white page as well as other intermittent blank pages it had to be changed.
- Fix for the “0 messages” indicator bug.
- Clicking on a project tag now takes you to the explore page, and searches on other recent projects with those tags.
- Explore page has field where you can type any tag you like to see recent projects with those tags
- Miscellaneous translation updates - thanks translators!

Scratch On!
This is pretty awesome I love all of the little changes that are being made pretty much constantly, it's a very big and very awesome project, I haven't noticed slowness??? Maybe it's when there is American Traffic (there are more American traffic as far as I am aware than British) so since I'm english I haven't noticed it :3

I love the globe though, saves allot of time
My browser / operating system: Windows 8, Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800)
3 posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Oh hooray! Is the effect lag fix finished? Or near finished/

15 posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Epicly Epic! Thanks ST!


That is me…
Oh, yeah, and awesomeness, but that doesn't start with a ‘S’…
Isn't my signature so legit?
100+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...


Last edited by JONATHAN1320 (Sept. 28, 2013 18:39:56)

JONATHAN1320's signature wrote:

Select me and then push Control + Shift + Down.

when @greenFlag clicked // Don't smash it, though.
possibly forever {
repeat until <(eureka :: sensing) = [true]>
think up [an idea v] :: sensing
make [a project v] with (thoughts :: sensing) :: events
} @loopArrow :: control cap

Hi there!
100+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Great! One bug I've found though… When you go on the remix tree and try to click on a project it doesn't do anything! Please fix this!

100+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

On Ubuntu 10.04 LTS:
My browser / operating system: Linux, Chrome 27.0.1453.110, Flash 11.7 (release 700)
My browser / operating system: Ubuntu Linux, Firefox 20.0, Flash 11.2 (release 202)
My browser / operating system: Linux, Opera 12.16, Flash 11.2 (release 202)
My browser / operating system: Ubuntu Linux, Chrome 25.0.1364.160, Flash 9.0 (release 124) (Flash 9 can't run Scratch.)

43 posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Forum Moderator
1000+ posts

Updates! 27 Sept. 2013: Lots of tiny fixes, tags on the explore page...

Great updates! Thank you!

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