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>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

Hello new scratchers! This is a guide to the Community Guidelines. Visit the Community Guidelines page as well.

What Is Community Guidelines?

Scratch Community Guidelines are the basic rules observed throughout the whole Scratch community. If someone does not follow, then people have the right to report the user against it. The Scratch Team reviews every reported comment and project every day. If something breaks the Scratch Community Guidelines, they may remove it and send a warning to the account, depending on the situation (or if they've already warned the account), they may block the account or network that is used to share it.

What Do The Guidelines Include?

Here, I pasted what is written in the guidelines:

We need everyone’s help to keep Scratch a friendly and creative community where people with different backgrounds and interests feel welcome.

Be respectful.
When sharing projects or posting comments, remember that people of many different ages and backgrounds will see what you’ve shared.

Be constructive.
When commenting on others' projects, say something you like about it and offer suggestions.

You are free to remix projects, ideas, images, or anything else you find on Scratch – and anyone can use anything that you share. Be sure to give credit when you remix.

Keep personal info private.
For safety reasons, don't use real names or post contact info like phone numbers or addresses.

Be honest.
Don’t try to impersonate other Scratchers, spread rumors, or otherwise try to trick the community.

Help keep the site friendly.
If you think a project or comment is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise inappropriate, click “Report” to let us know about it.

Scratch welcomes people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

(and everyone has the right to remix your projects, so recoloring is allowed.)

What If I Break The Rules?

When you break the rules, make sure you don't do it again. If you get an alert, don't just skip it away. Please read it carefully and understand why you get the alert.
If you continue to do inappropriate acts, you may get a ban from the Scratch Team. Click here for more details.

There are two types of ban:

User Ban:
The user is banned and cannot log back into their account unless the user sends an appeal to the Scratch Team.

IP/Poison Ban:
The computer (and possibly the network) is banned from going on the scratch website at all. Since you can't get on the website, you cannot create new accounts, thus completely locking out the user.

What Will Happen When An Account Is Blocked?

When an account is blocked, the owner can no longer access it or use it to create projects or comments. When they log in, they will see a page that explains why the account was blocked with a web form they can use to request to be unblocked. If the owner can show that they understand why their account was blocked and promises to follow the community guidelines in the future, the scratch team will review their case. Accounts will only be unblocked in cases where the account owner’s word can be trusted. Otherwise, the account (and most likely other accounts owned or created by that person) may be blocked permanently.

You are responsible for keeping your password secure. If you think someone you don’t know got access to your account, change the password and / or use the contact us link to explain the situation (there's always a link below in every page on scratch). If you got blocked for doing something that broke the community guidelines, don't just say you got hacked. If Scratch Team can't trust you, they won't unblock you.

How Can I Get An Alert?

Condition 1:
Disrespectful comments or posts which contain bad words or rude languages are not allowed.
Condition 2:
Inappropriate for the Scratch community, including NFE contents, blood, swearing, and violence. Remember, people of all ages and backgrounds could see what you’ve done.

These are the possible ways to get an alert.

What Can I Do If I See Something That’s Inappropriate?

You can click the link button “Report” on any project, comment, discussion post, or user page where you think something isn't ok for Scratch. If the situation is complicated, you can use the “Contact Us” link to explain. Be sure to include as much detail as you can, with links to relevant pages.

Here's the Contact Us link.

What Can I Do If I See Someone Being Mean Or Disrespectful?

Don’t add to the flames! Responding to mean comments with more mean comments just makes things worse and may cause your account being blocked. Instead, simply report anything that is disrespectful or unconstructive. Scratch Team checks reports every day, multiple times per day, so rest assured, they'll sort things out.

Visit the FAQ page for more information.

How Can I Help The Community?

Be constructive, helpful on the forum, and make good projects! If you are interested in helping this site, become a scratch helper when you get the Scratcher's status. Here's a wiki page about Scratch Helper.


Thanks to Sonickyle for the information about the user ban!

Anyway, please read the guidelines carefully and follow the rules!

~Scratch On~

Anything I missed? Or something needs to improve? Suggest below!

Last edited by scratchinghead (Oct. 8, 2019 13:46:34)

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
100+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

Just reported it to be stickied. Very Nice!
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

Oh wow this is great!

1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<


Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

EnderScout_77 wrote:

Just reported it to be stickied. Very Nice!

Hamish752 wrote:

Oh wow this is great!

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

Very nice! I linked to it from the Guidelines sticky topic

I think you might have a typo on Condition 3 though…I think you meant to say “Not appropriate”.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

When you break the rules, make sure you don't do it again. You may get an alert from this. If you really get an alert, please don't just ignore or skip it away, read it carefully, and understand why you get the alert.
If you repeating doing inappropriate things, you may get ban from the scratch team, (I don't know the details please suggest to improve!).

*you continue to do.

Also, the ST actually doesn't want to ban individuals except under the worst-case scenarios. At least that's what I heard. I've been banned, banned, and then IP banned, and then banned, and so I know what it's like to be banned.

1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

Paddle2See wrote:

Very nice! I linked to it from the Guidelines sticky topic

I think you might have a typo on Condition 3 though…I think you meant to say “Not appropriate”.

Thanks!! I changed.

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

TheHockeyist wrote:

When you break the rules, make sure you don't do it again. You may get an alert from this. If you really get an alert, please don't just ignore or skip it away, read it carefully, and understand why you get the alert.
If you repeating doing inappropriate things, you may get ban from the scratch team, (I don't know the details please suggest to improve!).

*you continue to do.

Also, the ST actually doesn't want to ban individuals except under the worst-case scenarios. At least that's what I heard. I've been banned, banned, and then IP banned, and then banned, and so I know what it's like to be banned.
Thank you!! I changed.

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
New Scratcher
1 post

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

I have just started with Scratch and have added a few instructions like ‘walk 10 steps’ and I don't know how to view what I have done. Can anyone help?
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

ScarFaceClaw wrote:

I have just started with Scratch and have added a few instructions like ‘walk 10 steps’ and I don't know how to view what I have done. Can anyone help?
Can you describe it more? Also, ask your question in “Questions about scratch” forum.

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

This is a nice guide! However, there's something that I'd like to mention here:
User Ban:
The user is banned and cannot log back into their account unless the user sends an appeal to the Scratch Team. The user can go to create a new account, but if they continue breaking the guidelines, they'll get IP Banned.
When a user is banned from the website, the only way to get back on would be to send an appeal to the Scratch Team. Creating alternate accounts to get around an account block is actually not allowed - it will only result in it being blocked as well and the duration doubled. Maybe change that a bit?

Last edited by joshuaho (Oct. 2, 2015 21:20:06)

College student studying Communication and Fire Technology, communication lab tutor, guitar and piano player, perfectionist, and just some guy who regularly eats and trains physically to stay healthy.
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

joshuaho wrote:

This is a nice guide! However, there's something that I'd like to mention here:
User Ban:
The user is banned and cannot log back into their account unless the user sends an appeal to the Scratch Team. The user can go to create a new account, but if they continue breaking the guidelines, they'll get IP Banned.
When a user is banned from the website, the only way to get back on would be to send an appeal to the Scratch Team. Creating alternate accounts to get around an account block is actually not allowed - it will only result in it being blocked as well and the duration doubled. Maybe change that a bit?
For sure!

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<


Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

Bumping thread.

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<


Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

bump, no reply?

Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<


Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<

scratchinghead wrote:

joshuaho wrote:

This is a nice guide! However, there's something that I'd like to mention here:
User Ban:
The user is banned and cannot log back into their account unless the user sends an appeal to the Scratch Team. The user can go to create a new account, but if they continue breaking the guidelines, they'll get IP Banned.
When a user is banned from the website, the only way to get back on would be to send an appeal to the Scratch Team. Creating alternate accounts to get around an account block is actually not allowed - it will only result in it being blocked as well and the duration doubled. Maybe change that a bit?
For sure!

College student studying Communication and Fire Technology, communication lab tutor, guitar and piano player, perfectionist, and just some guy who regularly eats and trains physically to stay healthy.
1000+ posts

>> A Guide To The Scratch Community Guidelines <<


Last edited by kaj (Today 18:04:22)

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