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Username Block

I think this bug has been fixed. I tried to replicate it and I couldn't. Reporting to be closed

This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:

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