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- christianxyz
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
WHAT IS OZOBOT???define Ozobot
help :: grey
define The Powerpuff Girls
turn Ozobot on ::extension
define The Powerpuff Girls End Credits
terminate program and turn Ozobot off ::extension cap
Well that's how do it.
go to ozoblockly.com/editor
terminate program and turn Ozobot off ::extension cap
- storytellergirl_test
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Let me test this out:
When read this post? ::#FF1493 hat
Hug user::#9400D3
End post and start siggy::#00FFFF cap
- christianxyz
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
WHAT IS OZOBOT???define Ozobot
help :: grey
Ozobot means:
A robot is made from ozoblockly.
terminate program and turn Ozobot off ::extension cap
- gusfen
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when green flag clicked
go to x: (-360) y: (0)
glide (1) secs to x: (0) y: (0)
say [Hello!] for (2) secs
say [I am gusfen!] for (2) secs
if <Gusfen Is Awesome> then
say [That's right!] for (2) secs
ask [Am I a cat?] and wait
if <Gusfen Is A Cat> then
play sound [Meow v] until done
What do Tempo blocks do?
I'm just clearing the maths board.
ask [What does the Day Since 2000 block do?] and wait
I don't know.
I don't, too.
ask [Who knows?] and wait
- gusfen
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Let's talk in scratch blocks!]
say [cool,eh?]
say []i know!(hmmm....
- gusfen
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
What did you say?
I'm talking in scratch blocks?!?
if <I'm awesome(of course I am!)> then
ask [My brother what he's doing] and wait
if <(answer)=($$$-it has to> then
Scratchers get money!!!!!
Last edited by gusfen (Sept. 27, 2016 21:31:37)
- Eve66
64 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when green flag clicked
say [this is (NOT) a block] for (2) secs :: operators stack
when green flag clicked
wait (2) secs
say [OH YES it is] for (2) secs
Last edited by Eve66 (Sept. 27, 2016 22:00:48)
- monstermash3
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
I wonder if you can make black blocks or white blocks?
Yay, it works!::#000000EDIT 2:
What about this color?::#ff00d9
How about this color?::#686e00
Or this color?::#6200ff
Or maybe this one?::#9effd2
Last edited by monstermash3 (Sept. 27, 2016 22:45:01)
- rtpig
32 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when this sprite clicked::#123456
stop all sounds::#4ccccc
wait (infinity v) secs::#000000
shut down computer::#000000 cap
- gusfen
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
if <im talking in scratch blocks> then
that's just awesome!!!!!!(pick random (hopless) to (yahooooo!!!))
- rtpig
32 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when [nothing v] key pressed::grey
say [nothing v] for [nothing v] secs::grey
if <nothing::grey> then::grey
play sound [nothing v]::grey
[nothing v]::grey stack
stop [nothing v]::grey
Do you laugh at it?
- rtpig
32 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when green flag clicked
if <(mouse position::sensing) = ([position v] of [green flag v])> then
shut down computer::control cap
- rtpig
32 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
the red square is here:add [SETUP] to [a random list v]
say (a random list)
stop [this script v]
when [#FF0000] clicked::events hat
say [The red square was clicked!] for (3) secs
think [But I don't remember a red square existing...] for (3) secs
say [I think this script will never run.] for (2) secs
if <(red square) = [existing]> then
say [A new menu button!] for (2) secs
say [I knew that square never existed.] for (3) secs
- gusfen
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when green flag clicked
I am inviting a scratcher called @AScratcher to a random studio.
if <He accepts my invitation> then
I will promote him to a manager.
What will he do?
if <He deletes projects> then
I will delete his management.
The end.
- gusfen
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when green flag clicked
Shut down computer FOREVER!
- gusfen
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when green flag clicked
. . .
I made a LOL block!
- Gamerboy1023
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
What did you say?
I'm talking in scratch blocks?!?
if <I'm awesome(of course I am!)> then
ask [My brother what he's doing] and wait
if <(answer)=($$$-it has to> then
Scratchers get money!!!!!
( ::#000000) ( ::#FFFFFF) ( ::#000000) ( ::#FFFFFF) ( ::#000000) ( ::#000000)
( ::#000000) ( ::#FFFFFF) ( ::#000000) ( ::#FFFFFF) ( ::#000000) ( ::#000000)
( ::#000000) ( ::#000000) ( ::#000000) ( ::#000000) ( ::#000000) ( ::#000000)
Last edited by Gamerboy1023 (Sept. 28, 2016 01:39:31)
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