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- jvvg
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Somebody has to make this. 
Use this topic to test out the [scratchblocks] tag on the forums!
Please do not repeatedly spam this thread or try to make ongoing stories, though. Once you are familiar with the plugin, please stop posting here.
If you want to convert a script in a project, please use blob8108's converter.
Note from Paddle2See below
For more information on the Scratchblocks formatting syntax, see the topic in the Wiki

Use this topic to test out the [scratchblocks] tag on the forums!
Please do not repeatedly spam this thread or try to make ongoing stories, though. Once you are familiar with the plugin, please stop posting here.
If you want to convert a script in a project, please use blob8108's converter.
Note from Paddle2See below
For more information on the Scratchblocks formatting syntax, see the topic in the Wiki
Last edited by jvvg (May 5, 2015 15:59:54)
- Williamja
65 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
wait (1) secsWoah that worked!
Last edited by Williamja (Aug. 30, 2013 21:55:16)
- ProdigyZeta7
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
This should be stickied!
Edit: Daww, ninja'd :<
Edit2: Woot! Stickied!
define first post [post text]
say (join [w00t! First post!](post text))
set [my post time v] to (time)
if <((my post time) - (last post time)) < (30)>
say (join (join [Edit: D'aww, ninja'd by ]((my post time) - (last post time)))[ seconds. :(])
set [last post time v] to (time)
Edit: Daww, ninja'd :<
Edit2: Woot! Stickied!

Last edited by ProdigyZeta7 (Aug. 30, 2013 23:52:32)
- Williamja
65 posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
When flag clicked
say [Williamja rocks!] for (2.5) secs
stop [all v]
Wow this tag is fun I'm gonna put it in my signature!
Last edited by Williamja (Aug. 30, 2013 21:57:36)
- jvvg
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Here's a block testing topic made back in February. Which one should be used?Oh, I missed that.
Since nobody appears to have used the old one and it was made before we actually had the tag, I think this one. However, I've reported this topic and will let the Scratch Team decide.
- cobraguy
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Now that scratch blocks are back, people are starting to use it.Here's a block testing topic made back in February. Which one should be used?Oh, I missed that.
Since nobody appears to have used the old one and it was made before we actually had the tag, I think this one. However, I've reported this topic and will let the Scratch Team decide.
- 7734f
500+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Yes, scratchblocks!
Let's see if this works!
EDIT: Yes it did!
When gf clicked
if <this is true>?
say [I like pie!]
Let's see if this works!
EDIT: Yes it did!
Last edited by 7734f (Aug. 30, 2013 22:47:21)
- MathWizz
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
say [----->] for (repeat (10)) secs
- blob8108
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Your point? As I've said many times (from the wiki):say [----->] for (repeat (10)) secs
The block plugin tries to match the code you write as closely as possible, and doesn't check you've used the correct syntax. The block text is only used to find the correct colour.
- dracae
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
if <not <touching [Main v]>> then
point towards [Main v]
move (speed) steps
(EDIT: How do you make the boolean more prettiery?)
Last edited by dracae (Aug. 31, 2013 01:22:09)
- ProdigyZeta7
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
Can't. (EDIT: How do you make the boolean more prettiery?)
- turkey3
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
define eat [food] in (seconds)Bug! Quote this. The forever if touching pie should be separate from the definition block.
play sound [yum v]
wait (seconds) secs
say (join (join [That] (food)) [was delicious!])
define drive car
set [speed v] to (0)
turn motor on
play sound [vroom v]
move (speed) steps
change [speed v] by (1)
if <touching [pie v]> then
eat [pie] in (.00000000001)
Last edited by turkey3 (Aug. 31, 2013 01:28:14)
- turkey3
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
I think they're going to do that. It's on the list of bugs.Can't. (EDIT: How do you make the boolean more prettiery?)
- dsaztur
500+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
ask [Does scratchblocks work?]
(answer) = [yes]
say [Hooray!]
say [What is there to say? Scratchblocks are there in 2.0!!!! Woohoo!]
- BigBlueBlock
500+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
when gf clicked
ask [Does scratchblocks work?]
(answer) = [yes]
say [Hooray!]
say [What is there to say? Scratchblocks are there in 2.0!!!! Woohoo!]
when gf clicked
ask [Does scratchblocks work?] and wait
(answer) = [yes]
say [Hooray!]
say [What is there to say? Scratchblocks are there in 2.0!!!! Woohoo!]
- dr3w8
100+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
add [SETUP] to [a random list v]
say (a random list)
stop [this script v]
when [#FF0000] clicked
say [The red square was clicked!] for (3) secs
think [But I don't remember a red square existing...] for (3) secs
say [I think this script will never run.] for (2) secs
if <(red square) = [existing]> then
say [A new menu button!] for (2) secs
say [I knew that square never existed.] for (3) secs
Last edited by dr3w8 (Aug. 31, 2013 13:01:57)
- blob8108
1000+ posts
[scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic
It's actually really really difficult. If some CSS ninja can make angular booleans with borders and automatic vertical sizing using pure CSS (and JS, if you must), be my guest.I think they're going to do that. It's on the list of bugs.Can't. (EDIT: How do you make the boolean more prettiery?)

Last edited by blob8108 (Aug. 31, 2013 13:38:22)
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» [scratchblocks] OFFICIAL testing topic